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Any Recent Good Deal On Car Rental In Cm


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Depending on how you look at it, I have to fortunately/unfortunately go to Wawi for a week.

I am looking at getting a car to go up there, and maybe do a little sight seeing around by myself whilst wife earns money voting, eating papaya salad with family, and drinks copious amounts of Leo at Karaoke. She has fun, I get bored shitless in a day hence the desire to go sighseeing, and perhaps a jaunt to border for visa.

Anybody have any recent info on good rental deals on suitable vehicles for the trek, preferably auto. Preferably 4 seater with room for wife to bring stuff for family in the back (the stuff not the family), may have to take some othersfor the trip but don't want to have the space to take a tribe.

Just wondered with the lack of tourists whether Pops, North were competetive, and have not heard anything about Queen Bee's for a while, I have used them a long time ago, were dirt cheap but clapped out, and there are a lot of places I would not mind breaking down but Wawi is not one of them, anyone know if they have improved.

Any ideas/rates/vehicles?


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If you're going to the top of Wawi (Doi Laan) where the Lisu are, then as it's the rainy season I strongly suggest a 4 wheel drive, though nowadays it's mostly paved until you get to the top. If you're only going to the Akha part, then you don't need a 4 wheel drive.

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