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Maybe just don't drink for a few hours????

That's not the problem....

but this means no drunken gogo girls....

less fun....

and for sure they dance less happy then they already are...



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If the reason for not selling alcohol is for the election, why not just require proof of non Thainess for a change...if you cant proof you are farang the you dont get a drink? Do the powers that be really think that Tha national dont know where to get drinks during these phony prohibition periods. Also as Thai's are more likely to be cash constrained and bars may be closed which are more expensive(where they dont go anyway like Patong) they just get together and get wasted on Lao Khao or Mekhong Sang Som etc at the cheaper priced retail outlet......

....this is what frustrates people on TV about these moronic bans- there are simple solutions and the reasons for the ban are also equally moronic, getting around it is simple also, except for tourists who dont know about it and dont understand why either.

Eg 2-5 Pm and 12am-12PM bans...every resident knows where you can circumvent the ban (small shops, some 7-11's ...even bars serve during these hours) By the way advice for any alki who wants to circumvent the stupid thai ban on the above hours sales...just visit wine connection or any other dedicated (wine - but sell beer and sirites) alcohol shop and for some reason you will have no issue buying anytime they are open!

Why not just shoot any drunk Thais during this time instead? Seems like its solution used at other times.


You may want to recheck your facts. Last Thai General Election had 85% voter turnout. Compare this with the US at 57% and UK with 65%.

Agreed at the last election, but 2 years earlier it was only 60.7 percent and that is the norm. The high vote in 2007 was due to "Thaksin fever".

2011 ... expected 70% turnout

2007 85% voter turnout

2006 65% voter turntot

2005 61% voter turnout

2001 70% voter turnout

This is an average of 70% over the last 10 years including or not including 2011.

This is well above the percentage you generally see in the UK and US but if you think it is not high enough then Thailand might want to consider extending the business closure time to allow more people to get home to vote.

But what is actually interesting is your previous comment about Thai bar girls not caring about voting. The numbers would seem to indicate otherwise since it is Bangkok that usually has the lowest turnout rate and the Northeast having the highest.

God almighty-we are talking about 1% of phuket-voting---NOT stats on Big election day. TOPIC==' this weekend'.=== it always gives the Know-alls the reasons to defend this realm, Relating to the STATES. NISA what they do, amongst other things and to speak about people here who dont like the rules, why are you here -talk...So why bring the U.S.A. into the limelight all the time, you also are here by choice so you also do relate to the States so much, if thats the case why are you here ??

Why the tourist areas are hit by a minute fraction is unbelievable, it's nothing to do with westerners who cannot wait a day or so without booze, (although some do find that difficult).


I still fail to equate the imbibing of a few drinks with the ability to vote...

Another step in the removal of the Thai people's civil liberties.

Thailand will be like Saudi if this silliness continues.

YOU don't have to equate it.

As a Farang you just have to ACCEPT it.


They do exactly the same thing in most of our home countries. Get over it.


No drinking in bars saturday night all across the country?

Shock, horror!

How will all the farangs survive?

Their liver will thank them.

Down in Pattaya on a lock-down day, Several bars locked away the alcohol (Beer / Whiskey / etc) and took the opportunity to clean the shelves. It was accepted, backed by a walk-in check by the BiB, but next time Bib said No Opening at all.

I wonder how many absentee voters will bother, but that it true in most counties - Apathy by most voters - that is why radicals win power.


Will be a lot of annoyed tourists who have flown in last night for the bar scene. Get of the plane head to the bars for girls and booze. Just can't imagine them sipping tea and eating scones whilst chatting up a bar girl. I guess business will be slow for a lot of bargirl as well. The ones that only get looked at when the punter is full of booze.

Sipping tea and trying to converse with a bar girl? I agree, it's bordering on ludicrous. Farang need to be crocked to converse - that way they're funnier (to themselves) more foolish, and don't have to think before spouting words. Granted, the bar girls don't have a wide spectrum of conversational depth. It usually starts with 'you wan beeah?' and then segues to "wheh you fom?" If it really gets intellectual, it progresses to 'You wan lady?" Regardless, it needs the sauce to grease the gears.

You seem rather well informed !! :whistling:


This gotta be one of the dumbest law* Well, I guess that the local little shops will gain benefit from it. That's where I'll be buying drinks from tonight!


Maybey stupid question...but...

does this count for pattaya to?unsure.gif

It entirely depends on what you consider stupid. The title of this thread is "nationwide ban". Over to you! :rolleyes:


No problem, just stock up at home. Or visit friend's home. Mai pen rai ... B)

To late to stock up thanks to Thai Visa releasing this vital news on Saturday morningannoyed.gif!!!

Not too late, still a few hours to go! Keep in mind though that there is no alcohol sales from 2pm to 5pm on any day, so you still have one hour from now to 2pm, and another hour from 5-6pm. :lol:


When querying the No Drinking laws on Thai election days I was told it was stop the politicians and their associates from Buying drinks for the locals as a way of getting their vote or a way of getting them so pissed that they could not vote.

This is the first reasonable explanation I've heard.


Maybey stupid question...but...

does this count for pattaya to?unsure.gif

Absolutely. when National elections ,public holidays and certain Buddhist days - it is Nationwide. However ,in some places the BIB have been known to turn a blind eye


Every country has their own laws, and if Thailand decides that alcohol sales is banned at certain times, then so be it. As guests in this country, we are not invited to discuss this law, and we should of course follow it.


You may want to recheck your facts. Last Thai General Election had 85% voter turnout. Compare this with the US at 57% and UK with 65%.

Agreed at the last election, but 2 years earlier it was only 60.7 percent and that is the norm. The high vote in 2007 was due to "Thaksin fever".

2011 ... expected 70% turnout

2007 85% voter turnout

2006 65% voter turntot

2005 61% voter turnout

2001 70% voter turnout

This is an average of 70% over the last 10 years including or not including 2011.

This is well above the percentage you generally see in the UK and US but if you think it is not high enough then Thailand might want to consider extending the business closure time to allow more people to get home to vote.

But what is actually interesting is your previous comment about Thai bar girls not caring about voting. The numbers would seem to indicate otherwise since it is Bangkok that usually has the lowest turnout rate and the Northeast having the highest.

God almighty-we are talking about 1% of phuket-voting---NOT stats on Big election day. TOPIC==' this weekend'.=== it always gives the Know-alls the reasons to defend this realm, Relating to the STATES. NISA what they do, amongst other things and to speak about people here who dont like the rules, why are you here -talk...So why bring the U.S.A. into the limelight all the time, you also are here by choice so you also do relate to the States so much, if thats the case why are you here ??

Why the tourist areas are hit by a minute fraction is unbelievable, it's nothing to do with westerners who cannot wait a day or so without booze, (although some do find that difficult).



Will be a lot of annoyed tourists who have flown in last night for the bar scene. Get of the plane head to the bars for girls and booze. Just can't imagine them sipping tea and eating scones whilst chatting up a bar girl. I guess business will be slow for a lot of bargirl as well. The ones that only get looked at when the punter is full of booze.

They might decide to do something more cultural instead then, such as visiting the Royal Palace, Floating Market etc. Otherwise, they are just sex tourists and well, no one really cares is they are annoyed, right?

I don't think this will adversely affect the bargirl trade to much. There are large numbers of desparate men who travel across the world for the bargirls. They will still be attending the bars for the chance to bed a woman once a year. They don't need alcohol for this. I guess without alcohol they won't be mistakenly taking home ladyboys who will be the biggest losers.


If the reason for not selling alcohol is for the election, why not just require proof of non Thainess for a change...if you cant proof you are farang the you dont get a drink?

The law likely has a number of reasons including the one mentioned earlier about giving Thais the time and encouragement to get home to vote. There are a lot of Thais who work in the tourist and entertainment areas who have to travel a long way to get home to vote. My guess is the reason this weekend was sprung up at the last minute is because the law was probably not intended to be applied to days for absentee voting. It sounds like the law may be being interpreted to literally or was not written clear enough.

Although Thailand benefits from tourism, they don't run their country and elections with making sure farangs are happy as their priority. And I'm fairly confident they could care less if they lose a few angry alcohol focused tourists over their laws. There are just way too many people coming to Thailand for them to be concerned about classless elements that get worked up over a short period where bars are closed.


I still fail to equate the imbibing of a few drinks with the ability to vote...

Another step in the removal of the Thai people's civil liberties.

Thailand will be like Saudi if this silliness continues.

YOU don't have to equate it.

As a Farang you just have to ACCEPT it.


They do exactly the same thing in most of our home countries. Get over it.

You can still buy a beer in australia when elections are being held. I haven't heard of any adverse effects of mixing your vote with a quite beer in Australia but maybe I live a sheltered life.


So we can pay 400 Baht to enter a temple, but we can't get a beer? (Foreigners who don't look Thai). I believe this is called profiling. If profiling works so well when entering temples, why can't it work the other way when ordering a drink in a bar?

Oh well, I'll just stay home, drink whiskey alone and cry. :jap:

I have been in many temples.

Are you just talking about one temple and trying to make it look like a nation wide event. I have been in Temples from Nonkong si Tamarret to Masai and never never had to pay one single Baht to do so.

Try to be a little bit more definite Name some of these 400 Baht temples. They might be worth a visit.

Maybe you drank a little to much whiskey. Why don't you invite over some fellow sufferer's?


Sure accept but being anywhere but tourist areas, hardly a problem, as one can and is, normally at home free to drink his head off if he chooses to.

I agree.

The irony is that (I imagine) the law is designed to stop the Thais getting drunk and kicking the sh1t out of each other at election time.

Because it is all embracing it works against anyone operating in tourist sector - or even supplying drink to 'responsible customer'.

Tomorrow night I can sell food but I have to refuse a request for a glass of wine or a beer to accompany that meal !

We will close at 6pm - it is not worth the potential hassle of declining drink orders.

Earlier this year I was strolling around with a Russian Friend (yes some of them are nice and the fact that she was slim, blonde and blue-eyed had nothing to do with it) and after an hour or so decided to pop into a bar in one of the nicer tourist areas on Koh Samui. We ordered two beers and were advised it was a non-alcohol day in Thailand, however, if we would like to play a game of pool further inside the bar we could have a drink. The bar tender very carefully decanted two beers into two sprite bottles, under the bar counter and inserted straws and delivered them to the pool table! I was so impressed by not only her exceptionally steady hand, but her outrageous ingenuity at wanting to serve her customers. She did mention that if we wanted to order a coke, sprite or tonic water, she was more than happy to slip in our favourite alcoholic tipple and it would make it a bit easier for her and quicker for us. We were so impressed by how obliging she was, we just had to stay for a few hours longer, which I am sure everyone would agree was the right thing to do?


So we can pay 400 Baht to enter a temple, but we can't get a beer? (Foreigners who don't look Thai). I believe this is called profiling. If profiling works so well when entering temples, why can't it work the other way when ordering a drink in a bar?

Oh well, I'll just stay home, drink whiskey alone and cry. :jap:

I have been in many temples.

Are you just talking about one temple and trying to make it look like a nation wide event. I have been in Temples from Nonkong si Tamarret to Masai and never never had to pay one single Baht to do so.

Try to be a little bit more definite Name some of these 400 Baht temples. They might be worth a visit.

Maybe you drank a little to much whiskey. Why don't you invite over some fellow sufferer's?

The big tourist temples along the river in Bangkok charge and I think the main one is probably close to 400 baht --- especially if you include the fee to rent outfits to cover your shorts.


All very logical providing you are a Thai lawmaker. Why not make Thailand's struggling tourist hub shut it's bars down for the weekend and hack off the very people who make Phuket viable in the first place.

Don't forget a few hundred voters will travel hundreds of miles at great expense and inconvenience and the authorities don't want to do all that and then suddenly get distracted by the sight of a bar, get drunk and forget to vote... or even worse vote for the wrong candidate?


It seems the vast majority of TV members on here can't even go ONE DAY without a drink..!!


It's not one day, it's Saturday! Which night of the week is the most popular for people to go out, relax, have a beer and socialise? Answer; Saturday.

I work all week and never drink. Saturday is my day to get stuff done. Sat night I enjoy going out and having a few beers and unwinding. Sunday just do nothing and relax. I'm sure many people Thai and foreign are the same.

So it's not going without alcohol for one day of the week, it's going without alcohol on the only day I do drink alcohol.


So what about the duty free shops in the international airports, these are accessible to both outbound and inbound passengers?


So we can pay 400 Baht to enter a temple, but we can't get a beer? (Foreigners who don't look Thai). I believe this is called profiling. If profiling works so well when entering temples, why can't it work the other way when ordering a drink in a bar?

Oh well, I'll just stay home, drink whiskey alone and cry. :jap:

I have been in many temples.

Are you just talking about one temple and trying to make it look like a nation wide event. I have been in Temples from Nonkong si Tamarret to Masai and never never had to pay one single Baht to do so.

Try to be a little bit more definite Name some of these 400 Baht temples. They might be worth a visit.

Maybe you drank a little to much whiskey. Why don't you invite over some fellow sufferer's?

The big tourist temples along the river in Bangkok charge and I think the main one is probably close to 400 baht --- especially if you include the fee to rent outfits to cover your shorts.

Thanks Nisa. so it is just a local phenomena to a certain area of Bangkok. Are the Thai's really let in for free?

Also are any of them worth paying to go into?


No problem, just stock up at home. Or visit friend's home. Mai pen rai ... B)

To late to stock up thanks to Thai Visa releasing this vital news on Saturday morningannoyed.gif!!!

Thank you, Thai Visa, for "releasing this vital news" ahead of time and thereby giving me plenty of time to stock-up. :)


So we can pay 400 Baht to enter a temple, but we can't get a beer? (Foreigners who don't look Thai). I believe this is called profiling. If profiling works so well when entering temples, why can't it work the other way when ordering a drink in a bar?

Oh well, I'll just stay home, drink whiskey alone and cry. :jap:

I have been in many temples.

Are you just talking about one temple and trying to make it look like a nation wide event. I have been in Temples from Nonkong si Tamarret to Masai and never never had to pay one single Baht to do so.

Try to be a little bit more definite Name some of these 400 Baht temples. They might be worth a visit.

Maybe you drank a little to much whiskey. Why don't you invite over some fellow sufferer's?

The big tourist temples along the river in Bangkok charge and I think the main one is probably close to 400 baht --- especially if you include the fee to rent outfits to cover your shorts.

Thanks Nisa. so it is just a local phenomena to a certain area of Bangkok. Are the Thai's really let in for free?

Also are any of them worth paying to go into?

Right, let's just clarify for people who aren't the sharpest. I said, and I quote 'so we can pay 400 Baht to enter a temple'. I didn't say every temple is 400 baht to enter. I've been here a while so I know there's at least one temple that will charge non Thais 400 Baht for entry. This is based purely on the fact that you're not Thai or you don't look Thai. Anyway, this is not the point. The point is - if the authorities can look us up and down and declare 'you're not Thai'. Why can't they do the same in tourist areas for people who want a beer?


I better get to Lotus! drunk.gif Or it'll be a boring weekend lol

Do you get bored when not drinking fermented sugars? Too bad for you.

I go outside to appreciate nature. You might try it - to alleviate boredom. No mind altering drugs needed.

Plus, if you quit drugs, then perhaps your body will be better able to create its own natural drug.

Also what a wonderful time to educate others, be it Thai or Farang, why not just for these two days do a little "Waster-Sizing" rather then drinking.

Pick an area like the Beach, Park, Lake, Neighborhood and if you happen to see Dangers for our Children, Wildlife and Waterways

"Remove It"

All one needs to do is bend at the waist to remove the waste and get rid of both.

Did you know that Babies up to two years old put what ever will fit into their mouths like TOXIC Cigarette Butts and Bottle-Caps also Wildlife, Land, Air and Water, Ingest same along with Plastic, Stryofoam, Disposable-Lighters, Camera-Batteries...These things can Kill, make Ill and Contaminate.

Remember it is not where we came from, it is not where we are at, It is where we are coming from on the "Inside" that matters.

Set some Examples by Walking the Walk, leaving only Smiles and Footprints behind. At our age we should give back a little by

setting examples, the rewards are priceless and NOW is the only time there is.


Nisa wrote:

The funny thing is that I doubt you will hear too many Thais complaining like this

Have you actually asked any?

I somehow doubt it, or you would find that they are far more p**sed off at having not just one weekend but two screwed up....but thank you for speaking up for the nation.....

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