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Girlfriends Lil Boy Sick .. They Just Dont Get It... Like Talking To A Brick Wall

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UPDATE;;; Little boy went to doctors and as expected has a tummy bug thats why keeps throwing up... I sat on sofa and waited for her to tell me what the doctor said... After 4 hours of waiting i asked her what was wrong with him.... I didnt even reply i went and made a coffee :rolleyes:

Don't know if it makes a difference, but most of the kids around here all came down with a bug, most of the schools in a 10 km radius were half empty. It's just that time of year when bugs go round. jim
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UPDATE;;; Little boy went to doctors and as expected has a tummy bug thats why keeps throwing up... I sat on sofa and waited for her to tell me what the doctor said... After 4 hours of waiting i asked her what was wrong with him.... I didnt even reply i went and made a coffee :rolleyes:

Don't know if it makes a difference, but most of the kids around here all came down with a bug, most of the schools in a 10 km radius were half empty. It's just that time of year when bugs go round. jim

yeah its pretty normal jim, even when i was a little boy i was in the muck but some of there eating habits r serious for your health... Anyways im not gonna bark on bout it anymore.. Its put to bed have a nice week


My wife says I do not understand thai culture and accuses me of thinking i am better than everyone else when i refuse to eat from a dish that everyone else has had their hands in.


Savages and barbarians.

If they could only mirror us.

Neither savages nor barbarians. That would be too glamarous.

Just dull illiterate back-water alcoholics - and that's just the farangs in Isaan.

Now where's my whopper?

Indeed. Dullards unite...

They do accept things from western and other cultures. Think of how many you see with motorbikes, tobacco, mobile/cell phones, tv, electric lights. Go to a wat and see the monks being cooled by an electric fan sitting under an electric clock. Listen to the over amplified music in the evening or the pick up with speakers in the morning.

With respect you are only seeing this at the same superficial level as an uneducated Thai.

They will accept a motorbike and a car, but neither use a helmet or use lights at night (electric costs too much) nor will they drive in a manner that is safe, why bother as car repairs are cheap. And if they have the monk installed blessing the car will not 'go out of control' and cause an accident. Tobacco is pushed on them as a drug and much is now grown locally. 3G technology is ten years old and in the age old Thai political system of monopolies and back-handers has yet to agree licensing for a national network. Television; with the world coming into line on HD and digital delivery Thailand has announced it will be the hub of digital TV by 2015, I doubt it will be started by then. Electric lights, yes they have them - but if you speak to any Thai electrician about earthing schemes used in other countries the response is that "Thai Electric different - not same - not need earthing!"

Just because a person can use keyboard it does not mean that they understand the first idea of what is happening inside to make the pretty pictures flash.

Have you seen the Issan way of dealing with a fever, place the person on a bamboo rack cover them with blankets and light a small fire underneath - I kid you not this is the Thai way.


Anybody else had this converstion with there wife/ gf or is it a rare thing

I did have a conversation with my wife about cross-contamination whilst preparing food.

Her daughter was about to use the same knife she'd just used to cut some raw chicken with to chop some vegetables.

I told her it was a very bad idea, you should use different knives for un-cooked meat.

Oh it's ok, we do that all the time, was the response.

I started with a 'just because you do it all the time doesn't mean it's ok' point of view, which was largely ignored.

I have to say however, that the eating habits are very good in our house. The rice is dished out with a spoon from the rice cooker. No-one eats with their hands, which are washed before meals. Large dishes which everyone takes from, each have their own serving spoon. The only thing that bugs me a little is talking with their mouths full, but they're kids, so they will do that kind of thing.

Things are the same in her sister's house, reasonably hygiene standards there too.

The village is clean too, no dog shit everywhere, a couple of the smaller kids do have a wee against a wall sometimes, but only when they get 'caught short'.

The village is way up north by the way, on the banks of the Mekong in Chiang Rai province.

As for immune systems being more robust, I've no doubt that this may be true, however, if there are diseases present in the raw meat, then you'll get sick via cross-contamination.


As for immune systems being more robust, I've no doubt that this may be true, however, if there are diseases present in the raw meat, then you'll get sick via cross-contamination.

Thais have one system

Western people have another system

Thai system based on blind faith in old beliefs

Western system based on blind faith in government propaganda

Neither is more correct or more healthy, both are based in blind faith of what someone told them.

Just because a person can use keyboard it does not mean that they understand the first idea of what is happening inside to make the pretty pictures flash. .

And western person does have some idea? I think no.


I get joke, haha, everyone else think serious.


As for immune systems being more robust, I've no doubt that this may be true, however, if there are diseases present in the raw meat, then you'll get sick via cross-contamination.

Thais have one system

Western people have another system

Thai system based on blind faith in old beliefs

Western system based on blind faith in government propaganda

Neither is more correct or more healthy, both are based in blind faith of what someone told them.

Immune systems are, unlike the humans they exist in, devoid of national or race-based divides. They are a biological phenomenon. Both Thai and 'western' immune systems operate under the same rules. Maybe the word 'system' is confusing in this regard? An immune system cannot be 'correct' or otherwise, neither can it be 'based' in anything., unlike a prejudice or a belief system.

It is a human phenomenon, we all have one.


As for immune systems being more robust, I've no doubt that this may be true, however, if there are diseases present in the raw meat, then you'll get sick via cross-contamination.

Thais have one system

Western people have another system

Thai system based on blind faith in old beliefs

Western system based on blind faith in government propaganda

Neither is more correct or more healthy, both are based in blind faith of what someone told them.

Immune systems are, unlike the humans they exist in, devoid of national or race-based divides. They are a biological phenomenon. Both Thai and 'western' immune systems operate under the same rules. Maybe the word 'system' is confusing in this regard? An immune system cannot be 'correct' or otherwise, neither can it be 'based' in anything., unlike a prejudice or a belief system.

It is a human phenomenon, we all have one.

Thai leave immune system alone so develop naturally giving immunity to disease the child will encounter

Western system keep child from germ, vaccinate against everything at early age, possibly immune system never develop properly causing huge rise in Autism, (HIV), cancer, diabetes, asthma.

You believe what you want, have faith.

Don't knock other person believe, you not scientific researcher, you just believe.


As for immune systems being more robust, I've no doubt that this may be true, however, if there are diseases present in the raw meat, then you'll get sick via cross-contamination.

Thais have one system

Western people have another system

Thai system based on blind faith in old beliefs

Western system based on blind faith in government propaganda

Neither is more correct or more healthy, both are based in blind faith of what someone told them.

Immune systems are, unlike the humans they exist in, devoid of national or race-based divides. They are a biological phenomenon. Both Thai and 'western' immune systems operate under the same rules. Maybe the word 'system' is confusing in this regard? An immune system cannot be 'correct' or otherwise, neither can it be 'based' in anything., unlike a prejudice or a belief system.

It is a human phenomenon, we all have one.

Thai leave immune system alone so develop naturally giving immunity to disease the child will encounter

Western system keep child from germ, vaccinate against everything at early age, possibly immune system never develop properly causing huge rise in Autism, (HIV), cancer, diabetes, asthma.

You believe what you want, have faith.

Don't knock other person believe, you not scientific researcher, you just believe.

I wasn't knocking anyone's belief, I did mention that a Thai person's immune system would, probably, be stronger. However, not all people who grew up in the 'West' have weak immune systems. I myself have a very robust one that was not over-exposed to vaccines or over-protected from naturally occurring germs.

However, if this stronger immune system encounters a salmonella virus from cross-contamination via raw chicken meat, for example, the person that that immune system belongs to, be they Thai or otherwise, will become sick.

It's not a question of faith, which is an attribute of a belief system, or nationality, it's science. By the way, how do you know that I'm not a 'scientific researcher'?

As for the suggestion that HIV is caused by vaccination as a child, I would venture to suggest that, as this map will show you http://www.mapsofworld.com/thematic-maps/world-people-living-with-hiv-aids-map.html the spread of HIV is not limited to countries that, as you imply, over-medicate. In fact, a large proportion of HIV sufferers live in parts of the world where their immune systems are pretty much free of all the 'nasty western influences'.

The fact remains that, poor hygiene, especially with regard to the preparation of food, leads to disease. Irrespective of your belief system.

They do accept things from western and other cultures. Think of how many you see with motorbikes, tobacco, mobile/cell phones, tv, electric lights. Go to a wat and see the monks being cooled by an electric fan sitting under an electric clock. Listen to the over amplified music in the evening or the pick up with speakers in the morning.

With respect you are only seeing this at the same superficial level as an uneducated Thai.

They will accept a motorbike and a car, but neither use a helmet or use lights at night (electric costs too much) nor will they drive in a manner that is safe, why bother as car repairs are cheap. And if they have the monk installed blessing the car will not 'go out of control' and cause an accident. Tobacco is pushed on them as a drug and much is now grown locally. 3G technology is ten years old and in the age old Thai political system of monopolies and back-handers has yet to agree licensing for a national network. Television; with the world coming into line on HD and digital delivery Thailand has announced it will be the hub of digital TV by 2015, I doubt it will be started by then. Electric lights, yes they have them - but if you speak to any Thai electrician about earthing schemes used in other countries the response is that "Thai Electric different - not same - not need earthing!"

Just because a person can use keyboard it does not mean that they understand the first idea of what is happening inside to make the pretty pictures flash.

Have you seen the Issan way of dealing with a fever, place the person on a bamboo rack cover them with blankets and light a small fire underneath - I kid you not this is the Thai way.

Would this be to prepare the victim for the "real" BBQ. :rolleyes:


My wife is from Ubon and yes she grew up in a large farm family.

She will cut and clean the finger and toe nails as short as possible. Belives germs

will hide there. Insists that everyone showers morning and night. If you go out to town

then that requries another shower. She hates hospitals...in her words "very dirty and many sick people".

The funny thing is the rest of her family could easily be described from some the earlier responses found

in this thread. I think the big problem is the result of lack of education and poverty.


A regular regiment of daily rain water will keep you fit as a fiddle.....

Nature's cleanser.

A regiment of rain water. ?Commanded by Colonel Rain or Colonel Water?Or is it Colonel Rain- Water?As a regime ,drinking rain water , every day, may help in keeping you as fit as a fiddle. I guess, much like eating an apple a day , keeps the doctor away.Trouble is ,I don't like apples in Thailand. Not so nice. Sad to say.


A regular regiment of daily rain water will keep you fit as a fiddle.....

Nature's cleanser.

A regiment of rain water. ?Commanded by Colonel Rain or Colonel Water?Or is it Colonel Rain- Water?As a regime ,drinking rain water , every day, may help in keeping you as fit as a fiddle. I guess, much like eating an apple a day , keeps the doctor away.Trouble is ,I don't like apples in Thailand. Not so nice. Sad to say.


I managed it,did'nt won the nobel price fo peace with it. my wife always shouted 'she not, listen he not listen and she not list'then she said'you know better, you do then!' So i grabbed two of them, the boy ( sisters son)and girl(daughter wifes) in to th bathroom and stuffed them into the big bucket with stone cold water, the third kid (daughter sister) ran off to sisters house and washed her hands. Mother angry, sister angry , mea jai angry, all for two day's. final result, no nobelprice but the kids wash theire hands (if i'm there) since, and thats about 8 years back.

Mother and daughter are here in The Netherlands now, daughter is 15 and now mother start to complain why she has to shower 3 times a day.


My wife is from Ubon and yes she grew up in a large farm family.

She will cut and clean the finger and toe nails as short as possible. Belives germs

will hide there. Insists that everyone showers morning and night. If you go out to town

then that requries another shower. She hates hospitals...in her words "very dirty and many sick people".

The funny thing is the rest of her family could easily be described from some the earlier responses found

in this thread. I think the big problem is the result of lack of education and poverty.

Im not saying the adults in her family are dirty.. They shower 2 times aday its the little children that keep getting sick..


My wife is from Ubon and yes she grew up in a large farm family.

She will cut and clean the finger and toe nails as short as possible. Belives germs

will hide there. Insists that everyone showers morning and night. If you go out to town

then that requries another shower. She hates hospitals...in her words "very dirty and many sick people".

The funny thing is the rest of her family could easily be described from some the earlier responses found

in this thread. I think the big problem is the result of lack of education and poverty.

Im not saying the adults in her family are dirty.. They shower 2 times aday its the little children that keep getting sick..

My mistake,

I should have written it better, I wanted to say my wife insists on everyone in the family to taking showers all day.

I was thinking about my wife's in-laws. Many of them have young children ( 3 to 7 years) and they are allowed

to roam around and get dirty. They laugh when they see my wife berating our kids for getting dirty.

If our kids do that, she will wash and then scold them. They been taught, if food

drops to the ground, it stays on the ground.

In a tropical climate, I suspect that there are many nasty diseases that exist.

The op is correct when he insist on trying to prevent a problem rather than

going to the doctor for a cure. It doesn't have anything to do with Thai culture.


I gave up on the village hygenie years ago.. Just go with the flow of village life.. If you want to attempt to change things just do it with one kid at a time.

No use getting your head into a spin about this... Comes down to education and poverty..


A regular regiment of daily rain water will keep you fit as a fiddle.....

Nature's cleanser.

My wife thinks if you go out in the rain you will get sick. I let my kids play in the rain and they have not gotten sick one time yet but she still complains about it.


A regular regiment of daily rain water will keep you fit as a fiddle.....

Nature's cleanser.

My wife thinks if you go out in the rain you will get sick. I let my kids play in the rain and they have not gotten sick one time yet but she still complains about it.

A universal perceived myth everywhere. Exposure to rain causes illness.


Small steps to consider. I share some of the frustrations voiced in this post. Widely available and NOT expensive (I bought a four pack at Makro three years ago for a modest Wal Mart type price) was a locally made set of color coed cutting boards made by "Sang - Ah". I taped the label of the cutting boards on our kitchen wall since it was in THAI with pictures so family could see which cutting board to use for what types of items they cut.

It was easy to find inexpensive, but decent NSF knives. Getting some family members to use soap before preparing food is a challenge.

Thai children have "vaccination books" very similar to those issued in the US in the 1950's. Fair priced HPV vaccinations are readily available Up Country not to mention clinics with current season flue shots for 440 baht.

Dai Kyowa colored type plastic cutting boards might be worth buying for the family if you want to help them understand the importance of food safety.





My wife is from Ubon and yes she grew up in a large farm family.

She will cut and clean the finger and toe nails as short as possible. Belives germs

will hide there. Insists that everyone showers morning and night. If you go out to town

then that requries another shower. She hates hospitals...in her words "very dirty and many sick people".

The funny thing is the rest of her family could easily be described from some the earlier responses found

in this thread. I think the big problem is the result of lack of education and poverty.

Im not saying the adults in her family are dirty.. They shower 2 times aday its the little children that keep getting sick..

There is one other factor for Thai kids getting sick.

A goodly part of a child's immune system is passed on from the mother by breast feeding, some of the younger mothers need to be made aware that those shelves full of powdered milk are an add on and not a substitute.

(and while we are at it, let's do some good for the whole environment by banning disposable nappies)


A goodly part of a child's immune system is passed on from the mother by breast feeding, some of the younger mothers need to be made aware that those shelves full of powdered milk are an add on and not a substitute.

(and while we are at it, let's do some good for the whole environment by banning disposable nappies)

I completely concur with the gentlemen that refers to himself as Thaddeus.

One might cast the rath upon the unnecessary foreign introduction of these products that truly have the least beneficial and ill-affect on Thai society.

Though, a great percentage of lactating Mothers still nurse naturally and haven't been taken in by this conditioned marketing scheme that sheds nothing on infant health.

And it wasn't too long ago that the little ones were swaddled in cloth nappies or nothing at all.....these practices are still quite evident throughout the populations.

There is hope.


A goodly part of a child's immune system is passed on from the mother by breast feeding, some of the younger mothers need to be made aware that those shelves full of powdered milk are an add on and not a substitute.

(and while we are at it, let's do some good for the whole environment by banning disposable nappies)

I completely concur with the gentlemen that refers to himself as Thaddeus.

The law of probability would have said that it had to happen at least once...... irksome isn't it.


A goodly part of a child's immune system is passed on from the mother by breast feeding, some of the younger mothers need to be made aware that those shelves full of powdered milk are an add on and not a substitute.

(and while we are at it, let's do some good for the whole environment by banning disposable nappies)

I completely concur with the gentlemen that refers to himself as Thaddeus.

The law of probability would have said that it had to happen at least once...... irksome isn't it.

Improbable possibilities.:jap:


Anybody else had this converstion with there wife/ gf or is it a rare thing

you can talk till you are blue in the face m8.....you right about eating with your hands while sitting on the floor and using the hand you just wiped your ass with.....the cutting board they use sometimes has black mould in it also....the food they're eating has been sitting outside the fridge with flies an other critters having a go at it... Pounding down chillies and lighting off fire crackers dont always help....The little guy may have to make that journey to the next provence cause this where he gets health care for 30bt....Try to change any of this will cost you your relationship....buy her a new phone an watch the blank stare on her face as she looks at the phones menu for weeks to come.....Good luck living in Thailand if you cant except these things.........


A goodly part of a child's immune system is passed on from the mother by breast feeding, some of the younger mothers need to be made aware that those shelves full of powdered milk are an add on and not a substitute.

(and while we are at it, let's do some good for the whole environment by banning disposable nappies)

+1 (and +2 on all disposables)

Early on, cow and goat milk helped was an alternative .. often raw milk. I drank my first glass of processed milk at age 18 .. and hated it.

I think some of the immunity also depends on the sometimes unsanitary conditions a youngster encounters. I'm old .. and was raised on a farm .. later a dairy farm. We swam in ponds where livestock waded and drank (and p*issed and s*hit). We roamed the woods playing "Indian", got cut, scratched, stung by wasps and nettles .. drank from creeks where all sorts of organisms roamed.

I was sick a time or two, but seldom went to a doctor, seldom had pharma meds. I don't get sick .. maybe a cold every 3-4 years. Yes, could be luck, could be genetic ..

.. maybe you will read my obit tomorrow! ;)

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