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Monk, Teenagers Killed In Thai Muslim South

Boon Mee

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Thai jihad update: 76-year-old Buddhist monk's throat slit. And the man who did it no doubt thinks he has done a great thing for God. From Reuters

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Suspected Muslim militants killed a Buddhist monk and two teenage boys and set fire to a temple in Thailand's restive south, police said on Sunday, in separatist violence that has claimed more than 900 lives.

The militants who attacked the Buddhist temple in the southern Pattani province late on Saturday had slit the 76-year-old monk's throat, said a police report obtained by Reuters.

The charred bodies of the two teenagers were found in the temple, said the report which did not give details.

A Buddhist farmer was beheaded on Friday, the second decapitation since the Islamic holy month of Ramadan began and 12th in 21 months of unrest in the region.

**edited to remove personal commentary (confuses what's the news item, and what's poster's)**

Edited by cdnvic
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Interior Minister KONGSAK WANTHANA (คงศักดิ์ วันทนา) reckoned that insurgents in the Deep South are turning back to kill the innocent people once again. Therefore, military and police officers will have to train and strengthen the village security teams as soon as possible.

Following the murders of a monk and villagers in the southern province of PATTANI yesterday, ACM KONGSAK believed that the southern insurgents are starting to inflict violence towards the innocent locals. He also conceded that the village securities have not had adequate trainings. The Ministry of Interior is urgently coordinating with police and military officers, in order for them to quickly train the village securities properly.

The Interior Minister said he is currently in talks with relevant officials regarding 3,700 volunteers who will help the government solve the southern unrest.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม 2548

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The southern flames are heating up, as a group of insurgents opened fire and killed a monk and two temple boys in PATTANI (ปัตตานี) Province yesterday. Following this appalling incident, Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Minister CHITCHAI WANNASATHIT (ชิดชัย วรรณสถิตย์) said people from all religions are deeply affected by the recent murders.

He indicated that the insurgents want to provoke the Thai Government to utilize violent means in response. However, he said the officials have to know the insurgents’ schemes in advance, and thus, they need to have high tolerance to solve this enduring violence.

In the meantime, the commanders of the Royal Thai Army and the Royal Thai Police, the Permanent-Secretary to the Ministry of Interior, and the Director-General of the Department of Provincial Administration are working assertively under the government’s strategy to end the regional unrest. Furthermore, 3,000 volunteers will be dispatched to the southern provinces, to provide more protection for the local villagers.

As for the murders of a monk and two temple boys yesterday, Pol. Gen. CHITCHAI said the police officers have already tracked down the responsible insurgents.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม 2548

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And I gues NONE of the muslims there know ANYTHING. :D:o Until the muslim leaders and the people themselves start doing anything about this, then I blame all of the muslims. It's up to them to do something for a change and stop just sitting back and saying: Oh it's so sad and it's not all of us but you deserved it or asked for it to happen.

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The Interior Minister said he is currently in talks with relevant officials regarding 3,700 volunteers who will help the government solve the southern unrest.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม 2548

mmm 3700 volunteers, are these mlitary or civillian, me thinks this will turn into retribition time.

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The Interior Minister said he is currently in talks with relevant officials regarding 3,700 volunteers who will help the government solve the southern unrest.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม 2548

mmm 3700 volunteers, are these mlitary or civillian, me thinks this will turn into retribition time.

These people are not muslims , some of their people are muslims and they just adopt the religion but they dont practice it thats for sure . From now on they should call them something else other than muslims .

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Its getting more and more difficult to hope for peace over revenge. It's only a matter of time until the Thai people strike back with such violence and horror that the whole world stops what its doing to watch. This is not only a Thai problem, it is a Muslim problem. Muslims worldwide better get more involved in stopping the violence before its too late.

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I honestly think all muslims are secretly for these kind of attacks. Sure the muslim leaders 'condem' the attacks throughout the world. The minute a muslim is killed or anything similer there seems to be an uproar by all the muslims.

I never see any muslims protest over these horrific attcks. The london bombings for eg, the kamakazi muslims killed many innocent people but the other muslims only protested about the police kiling that 1 brazilian suspect.

The fact is Islam wants to control the world, and the world is being too soft on islam.

The Irony is that they blow us up, and in return we send food aid and rescue teams to their countries when they need it (Pakistan earthquake)

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And I gues NONE of the muslims there know ANYTHING. :D  :D Until the muslim leaders and the people themselves start doing anything about this, then I blame all of the muslims. It's up to them to do something for a change and stop just sitting back and saying: Oh it's so sad and it's not all of us but you deserved it or asked for it to happen.

Yes Kringle, you are 100% on the mark. By not condemning these acts of terrorism, the Muslim community must believe that what has happened is acceptable. Maybe they don't have the courage to declare their disapproval of these horrific acts of violence for fear of reprisal by the muderers.

Regardless, the Muslim community needs to come out with a strong condemnation of these actions.

Join the rest of the country and live in peace or leave. :o

Also, it's painfully obvious that the Thai military and police farce don't have the slightest idea how to deal with this. Thailand will likely lose the war for the same reason that the US will lose its battle in Iraq.

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And I gues NONE of the muslims there know ANYTHING. :D  :o Until the muslim leaders and the people themselves start doing anything about this, then I blame all of the muslims. It's up to them to do something for a change and stop just sitting back and saying: Oh it's so sad and it's not all of us but you deserved it or asked for it to happen.

Yes Kringle, you are 100% on the mark. By not condemning these acts of terrorism, the Muslim community must believe that what has happened is acceptable. Maybe they don't have the courage to declare their disapproval of these horrific acts of violence for fear of reprisal by the muderers.

Although I agree that the Muslim comunity could be more vocal, when was the last time you heard a Thai official apologize or condem mistreatment of the Muslims by the police and military?

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As for the murders of a monk and two temple boys yesterday, Pol. Gen. CHITCHAI said the police officers have already tracked down the responsible insurgents.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันจันทร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม 2548

and as usual nothing will be done :o. The more Thai gov't allow this to continue the worse it will be.

I'll never understand why the 2 temple boys were executed. Shame on the islamic society for allowing this type of behavior to continued without condeming it. Killing kids? my gosh.......

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Its getting more and more difficult to hope for peace over revenge. It's only a matter of time until the Thai people strike back with such violence and horror that the whole world stops what its doing to watch. This is not only a Thai problem, it is a Muslim problem. Muslims worldwide better get more involved in stopping the violence before its too late.

I have also been wondering when there will be a major offensive by the Thais - I think it will happen. Then in will come the Taliban, JIs or other bands of thugs, this time in greater numbers, with weapons and financing from the oil countries. This is probably the goal of the terrorists - civil war, and ultimately world war.

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And I gues NONE of the muslims there know ANYTHING. :D  :D Until the muslim leaders and the people themselves start doing anything about this, then I blame all of the muslims. It's up to them to do something for a change and stop just sitting back and saying: Oh it's so sad and it's not all of us but you deserved it or asked for it to happen.

Yes Kringle, you are 100% on the mark. By not condemning these acts of terrorism, the Muslim community must believe that what has happened is acceptable. Maybe they don't have the courage to declare their disapproval of these horrific acts of violence for fear of reprisal by the muderers.

Regardless, the Muslim community needs to come out with a strong condemnation of these actions.

Join the rest of the country and live in peace or leave. :o

Also, it's painfully obvious that the Thai military and police farce don't have the slightest idea how to deal with this. Thailand will likely lose the war for the same reason that the US will lose its battle in Iraq.

Wrong - those in the deep south are a step away from annihilation and their won't be any mercy coming from anywhere in Thailand. :D

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Its getting more and more difficult to hope for peace over revenge. It's only a matter of time until the Thai people strike back with such violence and horror that the whole world stops what its doing to watch. This is not only a Thai problem, it is a Muslim problem. Muslims worldwide better get more involved in stopping the violence before its too late.

I have also been wondering when there will be a major offensive by the Thais - I think it will happen. Then in will come the Taliban, JIs or other bands of thugs, this time in greater numbers, with weapons and financing from the oil countries. This is probably the goal of the terrorists - civil war, and ultimately world war.

This is scary stuff, a Temple has now been burnt, if Budhists start to retaliate and burn down a mosque this would definatley attract a lot of attention from the international terror groups. They would see it as their duty to support fellow muslims fight what they see as infedels.

If things escalte, the south could be heading for all out cival war, Budhists vs Muslim.

If this is handled in the right way though, and no one resorts to violence or oppression, it could be the perfect opportunity to turn the local muslims against the insurgents.

The very large majority of Thai Muslims a very decent people, they will be outraged at the burning of a religious building and the killing of 2 young boys, there's not many normal people who wouldn't be.

I think this could be a pivitol point that decided whether the general muslim population turn against the seperatists, if the goverment play this right, they could get the lcoals on their side. Any use of force will play right into the hands of the seperatists, and further alienate the government from the Southern thai Muslims.

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Wrong - those in the deep south are a step away from annihilation and their won't be any mercy coming from anywhere in Thailand.  :o

Alas, history in Asia makes this a realistic probability at some point if the violence does not abate. But the ramifications get complex quickly. Would the Malays sit idly by as the irredentist Malay minority in the South suffers significant violence from the Thai state? Would the regional heavyweight to the north, which sees Thailand as a southern province get involved? There is good reason for all sides to find a non-violent solution, especially Malaysia which I think would have the most to lose if the ethnic violence gets out of hand.

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Wrong - those in the deep south are a step away from annihilation and their won't be any mercy coming from anywhere in Thailand.  :o

Alas, history in Asia makes this a realistic probability at some point if the violence does not abate. But the ramifications get complex quickly. Would the Malays sit idly by as the irredentist Malay minority in the South suffers significant violence from the Thai state? Would the regional heavyweight to the north, which sees Thailand as a southern province get involved? There is good reason for all sides to find a non-violent solution, especially Malaysia which I think would have the most to lose if the ethnic violence gets out of hand.

good point

the only problem i can see is who are the sides tht need to sit down?

the insurgents are led by whom, and if found will they sit down and talk

the insurgents as i read the situation are getting to where they want to be and that is allienation from all sides leading to chaos

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Wrong - those in the deep south are a step away from annihilation and their won't be any mercy coming from anywhere in Thailand.  :o

Alas, history in Asia makes this a realistic probability at some point if the violence does not abate. But the ramifications get complex quickly. Would the Malays sit idly by as the irredentist Malay minority in the South suffers significant violence from the Thai state? Would the regional heavyweight to the north, which sees Thailand as a southern province get involved? There is good reason for all sides to find a non-violent solution, especially Malaysia which I think would have the most to lose if the ethnic violence gets out of hand.

good point

the only problem i can see is who are the sides tht need to sit down?

the insurgents are led by whom, and if found will they sit down and talk

the insurgents as i read the situation are getting to where they want to be and that is allienation from all sides leading to chaos

Thats just it, the insurgents are led by who. There is no one person who claims to be the leaders of the insurgents. So there is no one on the Muslim side to discuss these issues.

Don't they have local elected officials? Shouldn't they step up and lead like they were elected to do? If they don't want the responsibility, they should be replaced.

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Well, Islam has been expansionist -- by force, not persuasion -- for its entire history. It invaded and attempted to subdue North Africa and southern and central Europe consistently for 1000 years, 7th-17th C's. The few times Western Europe roused to reinvade constituted about 5% of that period. Those Crusades are now referred to with sneers by those who would equate them with Islamic aggression. Balderdash. The Crusades were largely defensive, their cruelties dwarfed by the everyday oppression of their enemies.

Whether Islam could theoretically be a religion of peace or has elements in it which would make it so is immaterial at present.

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The cabinet has endorsed the 3-month extension for the enforcement of the emergency executive decree for the 3 southern border provinces.

Prime Minister's Office Spokesperson SURAPHONG SUEBWONGLEE (สุรพงษ์ สืบวงศ์ลี) announced the result of yesterday's (October 18) cabinet meeting, revealing that the emergency executive decree will continue to be put in use from October 20th this year to January 20th, 2006. No additional power from the original declaration has been bestowed during the extended period.

Mr. SURAPHONG cited an official report made to the Cabinet as saying that officials have utilized the powers of the emergency decree with care, and only to the extent of neccessity. There is also a checking system to prevent too much usage of the powers. As for the operating result, it was found that target groups of people have been arrested and have entered the peace-building process involving the change of their attitude. Arrests and searches have been made on illegal items.

However, a situation analysis found that in fact the violence still persists in the area, as a result of efforts by the insurgents to create unrest in order to tarnish the credibility of the state in providing protection to citizens and their assets. The insurgents have continually made operations planning, which showed their intention of creating severe damages to officials and innocent civilians and to create fear. Thus it has been deemed utmostly neccessary for the the emergency executive decree to be continued, in order to foster peace and order in the area.

Source: thaisnews.com ประจำวันพุธที่ 19 ตุลาคม 2548

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Great idea - it has been such a success in stopping the violence in the south, it would be a real shame to try something different........ :o

WhiteShiva, what suggestions do you have to fix the south.

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If you want to discuss violence in the south, fine. But if these are just going to turn into anti-muslim rants then they're just going to be shut down. Blaming problems any any religion, race, etc, as a whole solves nothing, regardless of who it is.


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