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Eight Killed In Chiang Mai Road Accident


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I don't think education is the answer - most know how to drive safely, they just don't do it. The reason is that 99 percent of the time, there are no consequences to dangerous driving. I believe the only solution to this terrible tragedy is to make people who are speeding, passing when they shouldn't etc., suffer some consequences for their behavior BEFORE they kill someone - that is a big fine by the police who are out there watching them. It just seems that there are no consequences until after they kill someone.

Yes they do know how to drive safely but they are too lazy and impatient to do this.

One time a policeman in Thailand stopped me for overtaking a line of cars and trucks on a straight road ( only place they do checks ) He gave me a lecture on how to overtake correctly and he was correct so why can't Thais do this simple task ?

I am sure the police would love a big fine !!!!! Even more tea money for them !!

Edited by johncat1
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Over 40,000 people die in road traffic accidents per year in USA, many are alcohol related accidents, terrible, or is it different because it involves Farangs ?

Firstly, if you are going to try and compare Thailand to the USA (as someone always tries to do) try to at least factor in the size of the population. If the USA had the same population as Thailand it would have 8,000 fatalities per year as opposed to the 12,000 that Thailand has, and bear in mind that the Thai fatalities only count if the person dies at the scene, if they die later in hospital or at home it isn't counted as a traffic fatality.

Compare to the UK where there are less than 3,000 fatalities a year and that includes pedestrians who are killed by vehicles, the UK has roughly the same population as Thailand.

Secondly, RIP to the victims and a swift recovery to the survivors.

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I passed by the scene of this accident as the body snatchers were taking away the corpses. I saw three corpses wrapped in white sheet body bags. Lots of blood on the asphalt road. The pick up was really trashed! the top half of the yellow songteaw was sheered off the rest of the body. The front part of the songteaw was mangled litterally to shreds. Made my skin crawl - did not want to look at the gore. Had to avoid some of the debris scattered on the road.

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This is why I drive a motorcycle, do all my own maintanace, drive on the far left especially around corners, and have a planned escape path in mind.

If they know this to be a notoriously dangerous road, then more effort needs happen to convince people to drive more cautiously.

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One would like to think that this terrible and unnecessary loss of life woud hasten the day when songthaew are consigned to history in favour of a decent regulated bus service and who knows a decent light rail system in the city. We all know the SP - there were at least 11 passengers in this small vehicle, the driver has recieved no training, is probably old enough to have eyesight problems. may have been drinking and is in a hurry to dump one lot of passengers and pick up another lot. Having said that I don't hold out much hope. If you died today it was your karma. Wasn't it?

You named the problems and so it goes in LOS.

Let's take an in-depth look - between Royal Road 7 and highway 331 runs road 3009. Along this connector road 3009 are ±1,000 people employed.

The other day I took at random 10 employees working along road 3009 who drive a motorcycle to work. Of the 10 people, ONLY one (1) had a motorcycle Driver License. Nine did not have a motorcycle Driver License, several did not have registration and for that matter insurance and not having registration means also no Uninsured Motorist Insurance because that is part-and-parcel of the vehicle registration.

All these people are driving motorcycles for anywhere from 10 to 15 year to work along road 3009.

The one having the motorcycle Driver License has been driving to work for the past 10 year not having a motorcycle Driver License. The motorcycle Driver License turned out to be spick-and-spank NEW, only one week old. Why, because a couple weeks ago at five o'clock in the morning three (3) overweight teenagers, drunk, were hauling ass up hill and down dale along road 3009 and during this hauling ass the driver of the overweight load for which the motorcycle is NOT designed lost control and smacked full bore into the back of a truck parked along the side of the road, killed two outright and the third one died in Hospital. This driver with the new license figured there may be one of these Thai Famous Crackdowns checking Driver Licenses. Turned out not to be the case because everything is as usual, trucks, busses, motorcycles hauling ass hundred, hundred twenty KPH and faster over the double YELLOW with hash marks in between the lines – indicating under no circumstance to cross over - full speed head-on with the oncoming traffic.

Since this road 3009 opened as a 4-lane divided road I have seen the Highway Police stopping motorcycles to check – registration and driver license – they became so overwhelmed by the lack of proper paperwork that I guess they decided to throw in the towel and let them kill themselves – like the three teenagers a couple weeks ago. And why shouldn't they, the other day I warned the father - manager of a section - with a teenage son to slowdown – Him and his son, now he has the heehaws and is pissed at me.

Having seen Thailand progressively go downhill over the past fifty years you still wonder why I have no hope for the place. LOL in LOS

What's your point in poeple who are not holding a drivers' license? Most of the Thais in the North and Northeast don't have one. Do you really think a drivers' license creates better drivers?

It's sad that again some innocent people got killed because of human stupidity. Let them REST IN PEACE. My deepest condolences, what a tragic death......

The point is already lost

As you say sirchai … Most of the Thais in the North and Northeast don't have one. Do you really think a drivers' license creates better drivers?

The point is, to get a Driver License first step the person has to attend instruction pertaining to operating a motor vehicle on the public roads and Hiways.

Of course in LOS for money anything can be had, in this case, Driver License.

Sixty years ago Thai people riding around in their bullock carts or on the back of their buffalo were such nice and polite people. But all that slowly started to change to arrogance and ME FIRST when they upgraded to the 10-wheelers, most predominantly Isuzu with a wooden bench at the front of the truck body for the driver, and his family to reside. Who instructed the new driver(s)? Nobody, there were no Truck Driver schools in Thailand, to be realistic in 2554 (2011) there still are no truck and bus drivers schools in Thailand worthy of that name, they learned, or didn’t learn, as they rode along at a speed appropriate for the potholed, often dirt roads of Thailand. Of course progress moves on, now 2554 (2011) the 10-wheelers have become the minority, now there are the 22-wheelers flying along at 100 – 120 KPH - going downhill even faster - along the Thailand Motorways and Expressways. Even there on the back of these 22-wheelers they sport a sticker indicating Max 60 KPH meaning for this vehicle.

The last company I worked with in the Middle East had its own driver license, in addition to the driver license of the country. The company employed ±1,200 Thais, all had Thai driver license as initial requirement for employment regardless of type of job in the company, after arriving in the Middle East and completing the company vehicle driving school, surprise surprise some ±50% failed the; DEPTH PERCEPTION TEST. How come, according to the company medical department, Thais riding in their bullock carts and/or on the back of their Buffalo had no need for Dept Perception, the Bullock and Buffalo did take care of that, the Thai just was along for the ride consequently their Depth Perception was/is never called upon so it remains dormant, same with the brain, when you do not exercise it then it will take care of the most menial task(s) to stay alive and/or body function(s).

Talking with Thais about getting a driver license the first thing out their mouth is; “I will fail that farang test” meaning DEPTH PERCEPTION TEST. How do they know they will fail it? Part of their imagination because according to them it is FARANG.

This test now has become part of the driver license test at the Thai Motor Vehicle Offices I have checked. But going into the country or better said upcountry there are still offices that do not make the applicant take the DEPTH PERCEPTION TEST. How I know, several of the upcountry Thais I’m acquainted with take a few days off work to go back home (mostly Northeast) to have their driver license renewed, while the Chonburi Province Banglamung Motor Vehicle Office is just a hop and a skip down the road without loss of income for days off.

It is the lackadaisical attitude with violating Laws, Rules and Regulations in Thailand by Thais, and farangs, which is the reason Thais not being citizens of their country by adhering to Thai Laws, Rules and Regulations, as things stand now 2554 (2011) citizen will remain a long way into the future. If ever. All they are now is just plain Thai residents in the country. Thais think they are citizens because they are allowed to cast a vote, which is after having their palms greased. So we will refer to it as: Thai Democracy, why not, the US has American Democracy, and the charade rolls on.

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More than 89,000 killed on China's roads in 2006. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of death for people age 45 and younger in China. In 2007, for instance, police logged 81,649 deaths, compared to 221,135 listed on death certificates, said the study, whose findings were released this week. The number of traffic fatalities may be more than double the number police have been reporting, a new study suggests.

According to figures on Wikipedia (fatalities/per 100,000 population):

China 16.5 = total 96,611

US 13.9 = total 42,642

Thailand 19.6 = total 12,492

China has about 20 times the population of Thailand, but "only" about 8 times the number of traffic fatalities. While this could be due to fewer cars on the road per capita in China, it shows how bad the rate in Thailand is.

I live in Beijing and agree that drivers here exhibit many of the same deficiencies: Poor skills and judgement, little consideration for others on the road, big car means big face, etc. The difference is strict enforcement in the city. In this case police state means traffic police actually doing their jobs; fines and other penalties can really bite. It is nowhere near as dangerous to drive or walk along on the street as it is in Chiang Mai, where I lived for 14 years.

I suspect, however, the provinces in China are like Chiang Mai -- a wild East, full of crazed cowboy drivers -- but I have no direct knowledge of it.

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Sorry about the multiple post, but I thought I should note that the highways I've been on in China are top-notch, divided turnpikes that are as good, or better than, those in the US.

We recently went into the mountains on a company outing by bus. The highway was beautifully built and in perfect condition. The bus driver was excellent, never speeding, and exceedingly careful when we got into heavy traffic.

The bus itself, made in China, was new and comfortable.

As all know, like Thailand, China is also a corrupt country, but it does manage to build safe infrastructure, require driver's licenses and enforce traffic laws.

Jeez, how much are the corrupt guys in Thailand actually creaming off the top? Could it be as much as 50 percent of spending? No money for well-built roads, no money for traffic police, no money for, well, etc., etc.

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Was there two accident`s with fatalities in the North yesterday! I was reading a news story yesterday about five people killed included four tourists and 25 passengers injured when one bus hit a tourist bus in the rear on the way North to Chiang Mai.

In the story here I read about a truck……can’t be the same news story or am I missing something!

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Tragic event and RIP to the victims.

Fact is though, every time there is an accident that results in carnage, the same posters come online bleating about the same standards of driving etc.

No one is interested in what farangs think, least of all the Thai authorities. So why bother? Your opinion is worthless here. Save your postings for ones of respect.

Only the Thais' themselves will figure it out eventually.

Totally agree with you here.It is not a case of "When in Thailand do as Thais do" a sure way to get killed.We will never change anything in this Country.

The Thai people will just go on decade after decade and nothing will ever change. RIP to the deceased.

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Darn the accident, my dad got accident 2 months ago he was riding motorbike he was on the main street to temple with some amulets in his pocket suddently the girl was riding motorbike came up from the Soi, my dad saw her and tried to warn her but she didnt seem to bother! right she smashed his bike! gwad she only got minor injured she asked him "hey are u ok?" and dad told her that he is ok and had let her go....he couldnt get up people around there sent him to the district hospital but his case was horrible they decided to send him to main hospital he stayed there for a week nobody take responsibility! so drive carefully many ppl here drive freakin stupid luckily my dad recovered quickly but of course its not gonna be the same he still feel the pain all over especially at his chest my lord id like to find that f_ucktard girl and slap her face so much!

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Almost 4,000 people are killed on the world's roads every day. Most of them not in Thailand. So please don't be too hard on the Thais. Other countries are just as bad or worse.


I see 3 of the dead are 19yr old Brit tourists, with 2 more critical in hospital, poor souls, R.I.P. and deepest condolences to the families!

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Almost 4,000 people are killed on the world's roads every day. Most of them not in Thailand. So please don't be too hard on the Thais. Other countries are just as bad or worse.


I see 3 of the dead are 19yr old Brit tourists, with 2 more critical in hospital, poor souls, R.I.P. and deepest condolences to the families!

I believe that is a separate accident: Thailand News Clippings

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Almost 4,000 people are killed on the world's roads every day. Most of them not in Thailand. So please don't be too hard on the Thais. Other countries are just as bad or worse.


I see 3 of the dead are 19yr old Brit tourists, with 2 more critical in hospital, poor souls, R.I.P. and deepest condolences to the families!

Front page of this evening's Standard.


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"and have a planned escape path in mind."

Agreed, ALWAYS in the back of my mind, being a motorcyclist (and car driver)....ANYTHING is better than a head-on!

Drive that road a lot and some people just take outrageous risks, it just seems they are oblivious to almost everything!

You can drive fast AND safely on that road as long as you think ahead.

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Another classic last night at the Chiang Mai Airport Plaza intersection underneath the flyover. Lights go green and the right lane filters south as I wait to head back into Chiang Mai. A pick up takes out a motorcycle going the same way as he goes past. No helmet on the rider and no stopping from the pick up. One I presume "not with it" by the way his pick up wobbled and one very dead.

Mrs Changers witnessed a similar incident 10 days ago with a young lady smearing the tarmac with the same result. 4 wheels keep on rolling.

Moral of the story: Wear your helmet and keep your wits about you.

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I passed the accident when they were salvaging the bodies. Although the truck was on the wrong side of the road, I was under the impression that two of its tires were blown out and it might have become uncontrollable. The truck was in pretty good shape though. The yellow passenger pick up was new too. It came off the road and landed 5 meters or so below near a water stream. It was completely flattened. only the motor was still visible. The people must have been trapped like sardines in a can. The roof had completely collapsed. Fact is that the authorities do not give a dam_n thing. Converted Pick-up trucks are simply not suitable for transporting 15-20 people at a time. The transport Mafia will always oppose decent buses. But micro buses are the way to go.

Getting a driving listence in Thailand is a joke. The writen exam is so simple and the driving exam is almost non existent.

So Thailand is prone to raod accidents. People simply don t know how to drive. Very danergous country to be on the raod in

even in a bicycle.

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