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The positive side's aspect of Life

Go on and carry on it's energizing...

What do you complain about exactly???

If we compare the entire Humanity to a village of

100 inhabitants and if we keep in count all of the existing

people, this village would be composed of:

57 Asians

21 Europeans

14 Americans (north and south)

8 Africans

52 would be women

48 would be men

70 would not be white-people

30 would be white-people

70 non-Christians

30 Christians

89 heterosexuals

11 homosexuals

6 people would possess 59% of the whole world richness

6 people would come from USA

80 would not have a house

70 would be ignorant

50 would depend on someone

1 would die

2 would born

1 would have a computer

1 would have a diploma

If we see the world this way, it becomes clear that,

the understanding, the acceptations, and studies are


If you woke up this morning and you are not ill,

you are happier than 1 million people that will die in

the following days.

If you never have lived any war-time, loneliness, suffering

of wounded people or hunger, then you are happier than

500 millions of people in this world.

If you can go to Church or Temple, without fear of that,

you may be threatened, arrested or being killed, then you are happier then 3 billions of people in this world.

If that, you may find food in your fridge, you are dressed,

you have a place to live and a bed, then you are richer

than 75% of people living in this world. And you have electricity!

If you have a bank account, a few money in your wallet, or

some little money in a box - you are part of the 8% of the richest people in this world.

If you read this information, you are blessed twice!


1. Someone thought about you

2. You are not part of the 2 billions of people

who can't read.

And... you have a computer as you read this here ...

Someone said one day:

work - as if you did not need money,

love - as if no one had ever hurt you,

dance - as if no one were looking at you,

sing - as if no one were listening

live - as if the world were a paradise

did you smile? did you like it?

from somewhere by mail ...

posted byfrancois

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