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Police Prepare For Election Day Expat Sobriety Riots


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how do high ranking police officers and government spokes people get away with remarks like this. its not the first time and constantly insult foreign visitors. can you imagine a western government blaming everything on there visitors. the truth is that thailand would not be far ahead of laos if it wasnt for those skanky farang alcholic's

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So what exactly doesn't hold water?

Your entire premise/rant was based upon an article that wasn't true. A falsehood. A complete untruth. You didn't write what you did because of the no-alcohol-sale-during-elections issue. That would be pointless because we know this is standard procedure for Thailand. You wrote it because of the fake article, didn't you? The expat angle. Therefore, like the "fruit of the poisonous tree" doctrine, your whole argument is inadmissible in a court of law! I'm being facetious now, but surely you get my point.

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how do high ranking police officers and government spokes people get away with remarks like this. its not the first time and constantly insult foreign visitors. can you imagine a western government blaming everything on there visitors. the truth is that thailand would not be far ahead of laos if it wasnt for those skanky farang alcholic's

And other one...go to the bottom of the class, go and re-read the article a 100 times and report back us on your findings...:whistling:

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Christ, some people here are really dense.

haha true.

sit back and laugh.

Or cry.....these are the same personages who comment that Thai's are not the sharpest knives in the draw....:whistling:

I still think the Thai goverment should require an IQ test before handing out long term visa's to anyone, certainly were there is the possiblity that they may be adding to the Thai gene pool...


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Whats the point in a satirical post like this?

Ah... Thai visa does enjoy winding up the expats with antagonistic posts like the above

ive just wasted 10 minutes of my life again... thanks TV for another great informative post... sorry - satirical....

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What a low and arrogant opinion some Thais have of us. I wonder how they would feel if we all just left and took our money with us.

Probably happy, because the farang species is becoming to intelligent.

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how do high ranking police officers and government spokes people get away with remarks like this. its not the first time and constantly insult foreign visitors. can you imagine a western government blaming everything on there visitors. the truth is that thailand would not be far ahead of laos if it wasnt for those skanky farang alcholic's

And other one...go to the bottom of the class, go and re-read the article a 100 times and report back us on your findings...:whistling:

Quite amazing, eh Soutpeel? We've got several pages of posts now, clearly stating that this is all fake...and some STILL don't get it. God help us.

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A satirical article?

I would say, a highly dangerous article.

This peace of satire might give ideas to police chiefs nationwide.

If something goes wrong in the alcohol free period, or maybe far beyond, just blame alcoholic expats.

If reds & yellows start fighting, blame the alcoholic expats, for example.

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Ittts takkkingg mee aa looongg timmme to typee thiss messagee becccausse I amm shakking sooo mucch.Had to stop for a drink and now I am much better. I have been to the usual election booth but have been told on good authority that there is no election. This has been confirmed as my local watering hole is selling alcohol. I mentioned this to my Thai wife who just reminded me we left Thailand for a months holiday in the UK. I am so relieved that I will not see my greying body and now I am afraid to undress unless my wife sees it and starts seriously drinking alcohol like all the farangs who live in Thailand. When we return which General will be PM, sorry which person will be PM? I hope Thai Visa will keep us informed!

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I am so angry, how dare they treat us like this, we are not animals that can be herded around. I know I wont survive this callous behavior.

Has anyone actually tried the intravenous drip treatment? does it really work? I am scared its un-tested and what happens if the alcohol is tainted with coke-cola or other deadly contaminants? Are the nurses and hospital staff available for followup treatment such as unprotected sex? all these questions need to be answered otherwise I may be forced into doing something very desperate, god knows what I will do! I might knock off a policemans hat so I get locked up and gain access to a huge unlimited menu of ilegal substances for the weekend and plenty of sex to boot.


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how do high ranking police officers and government spokes people get away with remarks like this. its not the first time and constantly insult foreign visitors. can you imagine a western government blaming everything on there visitors. the truth is that thailand would not be far ahead of laos if it wasnt for those skanky farang alcholic's

And other one...go to the bottom of the class, go and re-read the article a 100 times and report back us on your findings...:whistling:

Quite amazing, eh Soutpeel? We've got several pages of posts now, clearly stating that this is all fake...and some STILL don't get it. God help us.

But goes along way to explian why so many get ripped off by their GF's, wives....:rolleyes:

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I really had to do a double take on this one.

I saw the "satire" comment, and of course the "notthenation.com" at the bottom, but something just didn't make any sense.

I mean 6 PM on Saturday until midnight on Sunday....hmmm...24 + 6 = 30. But the article quite clearly says this period is 36 hours. This was without a doubt written by a Thai government official. No way can this be satire. Only the boys in brown or someone calculating a reasonable cost for the Bangkok skywalk can be this bad at math.

So I think George made a mistake here. This article must be real and was mistakenly labelled as humor.

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i actually didn't read the several pages of posts and didn't see satire on the top of the page either. i just read the article posted my reply which after only finishing a 16 hour day yesterday in work and am back in now again will go down to me been tired. in fairness i have read many quote's from thai officials before and would not be suprised in the slightest if this were true . don't presume by my small amount of post that i am new to thailand, i have been going for many years and spent a lot of my life there. i am only a newbie of thai visa so be gentle jap.gif

how do high ranking police officers and government spokes people get away with remarks like this. its not the first time and constantly insult foreign visitors. can you imagine a western government blaming everything on there visitors. the truth is that thailand would not be far ahead of laos if it wasnt for those skanky farang alcholic's

And other one...go to the bottom of the class, go and re-read the article a 100 times and report back us on your findings...:whistling:

Quite amazing, eh Soutpeel? We've got several pages of posts now, clearly stating that this is all fake...and some STILL don't get it. God help us.

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I was eating in a Thai restaurant last weekend not far from the beach, full with upper class Thai and all were drinking bottles wine, showed next to the table, what happens when we do that?

The only sad thing is that people come for 3 weeks, they loose 3 Saturdays of their holiday.

I realize this post is satire, but the true irony of these bans during elections is that foreigners are the ones most affected. 7-Elevens, supermarkets, expat pubs and etc. all abide by the ban. The Thais, on the other hand, will be largely unaffected. They can buy booze or party it up at these small maw-and-paw shops and bars littered throughout the back soi's of Bangkok. They make a fortune during these bans and these establishment are where you are most likely to find the police pounding down whiskey and beer. :blink:

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So I think George made a mistake here. This article must be real and was mistakenly labelled as humor.

It could never have been a real article...the standard of English was too good for any of English language dailys....:whistling:

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I got taken in by the article and the fact I got taken in amused me, I put my hands up to the fact and took it with good grace, but why oh why do some posters have to post such obnoxious replies?

i know. how could the fact of not spotting a dodgy article that in truth could be perfectly true contribute to the fact that ones gf or wifr be cheating on them ........ i will be for the sake of world piece withdraw my tosser remark

khaaw thoht khrapjap.gif

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