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Tired Of The English Language Police


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i have been a tv member for a few years i post sometimes and read a lot here. i have had many posters give me good advice which

i appreciate a lot.. my thing is I am from holland and obviously my first language is not english but i think my english is pretty good.

I have noticed over the years that many posters on TV critisize the english writing of many posters that are obviously not native

english speakers (writers) Everyone must realize that on websites like TV there are many nationalities among the posters.

i normally dont write posts like this but after just reading a post in a different TV forum i just wanted to give my opinion. I appreciate that the mods give warnings and even close threads if the insults to non native english speakers dont stop.

hope evryone has a great weekend


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Maybe English is the only language they know and they think it's the no 1 language on the planet. :rolleyes:

It is the most important language on the planet. No doubt. But the board policy about not kvethcing about other's English proficiency is very wise.

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Its just ignorant ppl i wudnt worry about it... Must have sad lifes if they are complaining about grammar

Most likely think they are still "teaching" class...:whistling: .....being able to use proper grammar is not a measure of being fluent in a languge, in the case of most 1st languge English speakers (me included) wouldnt know the difference between and adverb and adjective and really dont give a f*kc as it has absolutely no relevance on their ability to communicate in said language.

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There there now….. 'rickthailand' tell your uncle Tonto who's been picking on you?

They pick on me as well mate and my first language is England! I don't care and you shouldn't either. Now dry them eyes and get back on that spelling horse.

Every timeI see a comment from a 'kite flyer' on some ones spelling or grammar mistake, I pray for them……Yes I do……I pray they have a very painful and funny, (but not too debilitating) incident with a large "Oxford" dictionary.

I also hope your weekend is good.


Edited by Tonto21
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Maybe English is the only language they know and they think it's the no 1 language on the planet. :rolleyes:

It is the most important language on the planet.

For the moment, but one could suggest in in years to come Chinese could be the most important language on the planet....:rolleyes:

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Maybe English is the only language they know and they think it's the no 1 language on the planet. :rolleyes:

It is the most important language on the planet.

For the moment, but one could suggest in in years to come Chinese could be the most important language on the planet....:rolleyes:

Surprisingly , officially ,there is no Chinese language, Th e official National Language of China is Mandarin . Each and every province in China has at least one native language. Don't try India. !! Don't know how many languages are used in Thailand. There must be at least 20, spoken as a first language.What is a problem with the use of English here, is incorrect spelling ,that changes the meaning of a sentence.

Edited by afarang
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Maybe English is the only language they know and they think it's the no 1 language on the planet. :rolleyes:

It is the most important language on the planet.

For the moment, but one could suggest in in years to come Chinese could be the most important language on the planet....:rolleyes:

Hence the reason they are trying to introduce the English language to non English speaking countries. ;)

Edited by Semper
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Makes me chuckle when they correct someone's grammar, generally because they have made a mistake in the very same post, leaves them open to redicule.

When they are picked up themselves, they try and justify it by stating they are only helping the poster with language skills, really quite amusing, one particular 'article?? writing' poster springs to mind.

Take no notice, says I.

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Maybe English is the only language they know and they think it's the no 1 language on the planet. :rolleyes:

It is the most important language on the planet.

For the moment, but one could suggest in in years to come Chinese could be the most important language on the planet....:rolleyes:

Surprisingly , officially ,there is no Chinese language, Th e official National Language of China is Mandarin . Each and every province in China has at least one native language. Don't try India. !! Don't know how many languages are used in Thailand. There must be at least 20, spoken as a first language.What is a problem with the use of English here, is incorrect spelling ,that changes the meaning of a sentence.

When most Russian tourists communicate with Argentinian tourists in MANDARIN, then I will concede that Mandarin is more important than ENGLISH. In my view, there is no threat of that EVER, much less soon. Why? Well, yes China will be a very great power, but their people are learning ENGLISH (which will help them with that) and also the difficulty level of their language and it's lack of a Roman alphabet. Of course, non-Chinese people needing an edge doing business with China will indeed learn their language in great numbers. Edited by Jingthing
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Us English are notorious for expecting everyone else to speak our language whilst having NO knowledge of a second language ourselves. We, and maybe the Americans are very poor at learning a second language. We, traditionally are taught French, German and more recentyt Mandarin in schools, but this doesn't seem to impact.

We are spoiled as every where we go, everywhere, we expect and get English spoken. I suppose there are many reasons for this. It is not a difficult language to learn, it is ingrained in the educational systems of virtually everywhere, It is the language of the United States and therefore the language to learn and even our music, from the Beatles onwards spreads the language Worldwide. Add to this movies and TV shows and there is the package.. It is also the language of business.

It makes very good sense for one language to dominate in this way. The World gets smaller and smaller.

Neither do I think it will ever be replaced by "Chinese". As somebody stated above there is more than one language in China for a start. Mandarin and Canton are the most spoken, but there are many regional languages too. In fact, the second most spoken language in the World is Spanish.

It would be interesting to know just how many people are fluent in English, either first or second language speakers. I'M sure the figure would confirm it's dominance for evermore.

Edited by Beechboy
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Native speakers' use of grammar is often far worse than non-natives. Natives are not often taught English grammar in any detail at school. They pick up bad language from family and television. I have German, Polish, French friends whose English grammar is far better than mine. But that's not saying much... My grammar sucks.:ph34r:

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I would not mind if people corrected my spelling or grammar but they are usually nasty and sarcastic when they do.

Some people even correct others Thai words for being misspelled in phonetic English and reprimand the poster for not being able to speak better Thai since he lives in Thailand.

I don't mind correction but I do wonder why some people just have a mean, sarcastic streak that only encourages argument.

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Proper language is a bit like personal hygiene. Some think it's important, some don't.

You obviously don't, but let me simply tell you that your post would greatly benefit from proper punctuation. And even in Dutch you start a sentence with an upper case letter. It makes it so much easier to read.

Some people don't know the difference between there, their and they're, which makes is hard to understand their text (or is it "there text"?)

Language allows us to express your thought and feelings. Some thoughts and feelings are very simple, so a simple language will do. Others are more complicated, have more nuances, hence a more sophisticated language which then needs proper spelling and punctuation.

There is this funny story about the German emperor, who was asked to pardon a prisoner with a death sentence. He wrote a short notice to his secretary: " Pardon no execution". The lady thought that he was in a good mood and put the coma: "Pardon, no execution", but she could just as well have put it here: "Pardon no, execution". This shows how important punctuation can be.

English is not my mother tongue either, but out of respect for the language and those who read my profound shallowness, I try to follow the rules of spelling and punctuation.

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Proper language is a bit like personal hygiene. Some think it's important, some don't. (Excellent sentence. Flawless)

You obviously don't, but let me simply tell you that your post would greatly benefit (consider benefit greatly) from proper punctuation. And even in Dutch you start a sentence with an upper case letter. It makes it so much easier to read.

Some people don't know the difference between there, their and they're, which makes is hard to understand their text (or is it "there text"?) (yes but we all understand what they mean- don't we?)

Language allows us to express your (should be our) thought (should be thoughts - pural) and feelings. Some thoughts and feelings are very simple, so a simple language will do. Others are more complicated, have more nuances, hence a more sophisticated language which then needs proper spelling and punctuation.(consider revising - simplify - a more sophisticated language with proper language and spelling)

There is this funny story about the German emperor, who was asked to pardon a prisoner with a death sentence. He wrote a short notice to his secretary: " Pardon no execution". The lady thought that he was in a good mood and put the coma: "Pardon, no execution", but she could just as well have put it here: "Pardon no, execution". This shows how important punctuation can be.

English is not my mother tongue either, (gramatically should be neither) but out of respect for the language and those who read my profound shallowness, I try to follow the rules of spelling and punctuation.

Just goes to show how the grammar police are such a pain.

Your post was perfect, but still had a few errors.

All writing does.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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When people who are obviously not native speakers are ridiculed because of their poor spelling, it could make them shy away from posting again - too bad, they could be able to make valuable contributions.

More then a few times I had to restrain myself from kicking in an irritated reply in the sense of "it is thaivisa.com, and not writecorrectenglish.com".

Probably most of the "grammar police" types are monolingual themselves.

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Proper language is a bit like personal hygiene. Some think it's important, some don't.

You obviously don't, but let me simply tell you that your post would greatly benefit from proper punctuation. And even in Dutch you start a sentence with an upper case letter. It makes it so much easier to read.

Some people don't know the difference between there, their and they're, which makes is hard to understand their text (or is it "there text"?)

Language allows us to express your thought and feelings. Some thoughts and feelings are very simple, so a simple language will do. Others are more complicated, have more nuances, hence a more sophisticated language which then needs proper spelling and punctuation.

There is this funny story about the German emperor, who was asked to pardon a prisoner with a death sentence. He wrote a short notice to his secretary: " Pardon no execution". The lady thought that he was in a good mood and put the coma: "Pardon, no execution", but she could just as well have put it here: "Pardon no, execution". This shows how important punctuation can be.

English is not my mother tongue either, but out of respect for the language and those who read my profound shallowness, I try to follow the rules of spelling and punctuation.

Ever heard of 'read between the lines'? :rolleyes:

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Proper language is a bit like personal hygiene. Some think it's important, some don't.

You obviously don't, but let me simply tell you that your post would greatly benefit from proper punctuation. And even in Dutch you start a sentence with an upper case letter. It makes it so much easier to read.

Some people don't know the difference between there, their and they're, which makes is hard to understand their text (or is it "there text"?)

Language allows us to express your thought and feelings. Some thoughts and feelings are very simple, so a simple language will do. Others are more complicated, have more nuances, hence a more sophisticated language which then needs proper spelling and punctuation.

There is this funny story about the German emperor, who was asked to pardon a prisoner with a death sentence. He wrote a short notice to his secretary: " Pardon no execution". The lady thought that he was in a good mood and put the coma: "Pardon, no execution", but she could just as well have put it here: "Pardon no, execution". This shows how important punctuation can be.

English is not my mother tongue either, but out of respect for the language and those who read my profound shallowness, I try to follow the rules of spelling and punctuation.

this is the kind of reply that i was refering to if i dont use the proper punctuations or commas or whatever who really cares as long as people understand what i am trying to tell them it is ok right???........

the minute you can fluently speak dutch, german, or french as a second language please get back to me.


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Proper language is a bit like personal hygiene. Some think it's important, some don't. (Excellent sentence. Flawless)

You obviously don't, but let me simply tell you that your post would greatly benefit (consider benefit greatly) from proper punctuation. And even in Dutch you start a sentence with an upper case letter. It makes it so much easier to read.

Some people don't know the difference between there, their and they're, which makes is hard to understand their text (or is it "there text"?) (yes but we all understand what they mean- don't we?)

Language allows us to express your (should be our) thought (should be thoughts - pural) and feelings. Some thoughts and feelings are very simple, so a simple language will do. Others are more complicated, have more nuances, hence a more sophisticated language which then needs proper spelling and punctuation.(consider revising - simplify - a more sophisticated language with proper language and spelling)

There is this funny story about the German emperor, who was asked to pardon a prisoner with a death sentence. He wrote a short notice to his secretary: " Pardon no execution". The lady thought that he was in a good mood and put the coma: "Pardon, no execution", but she could just as well have put it here: "Pardon no, execution". This shows how important punctuation can be.

English is not my mother tongue either, (gramatically should be neither) but out of respect for the language and those who read my profound shallowness, I try to follow the rules of spelling and punctuation.

Just goes to show how the grammar police are such a pain.

Your post was perfect, but still had a few errors.

All writing does.

i didnt know it had some errors but the main thing is that you understood what i was writing(meaning)right.

and i think thats what it is about. i appreciate you saying that my post was perfect ;)


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You must understand that for many posters here, this Forum is the most important thing in their lives.

I know, it sounds incredibly stupid, but it's true. smile.gif

i hope that you are joking!!! they shoukd get a life!!!


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You must understand that for many posters here, this Forum is the most important thing in their lives.

I know, it sounds incredibly stupid, but it's true. smile.gif

i hope that you are joking!!! they shoukd get a life!!!


Rick....... I'm serious !!! biggrin.gif

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You must understand that for many posters here, this Forum is the most important thing in their lives.

I know, it sounds incredibly stupid, but it's true. smile.gif

i hope that you are joking!!! they shoukd get a life!!!


Rick....... I'm serious !!! biggrin.gif

ok i believe you :D

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