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Please, are Thai Girls/Women that smart? how do they get such cash out of these sting farangs that can't buy their fellow Man a bottle of Chang?

40 years ago I flew for 30 hours to find out if Asian women were really as good as my old German neighbor told me they were. He lived in Shanghai in the 1920's and 30's. He was forced out by the Japanese occupation. He was allowed to stay longer than most because he was German.

I remember him sitting alone in his top floor workshop his shot glass lit by the dim flame of a Bunsen burner as he talked about the wonders of the French Concession in the 1920's. In Berlin 1 in 580 was a prostitute, Chicago 1 in 430, Tokyo 1 in 250, Shanghai 1 in 130 about the same as Pattaya today.

Today Shanghai has been replaced by Thailand. The training of hi so courtesans has been relegated to universities instead of shu-yu and geisha teachers.

The system remains the same. But the INTERNET has modernized and speeded it up. In the old days of the 1920's and 1930's men spent large amounts of money on gifts, jewelry and parties to be allowed to court the high class courtesans. Today the process has been slightly altered but the result is the same and leads to the same conclusion, money number one.

It is not hard to figure out that years of tradition and sophistication has little trouble overcoming the less than worldly mind set of the boys from the wheat fields and mines of Canada, corn fed cowboys of the American West or the factory lads from England.

It is fascinating to watch the progression of the entrapment the young lads are eager to share with others by posting on TV. I get nostalgic reading their experiences recalling how I got hooked the first time in China, Singapore, Saigon and Tokyo in the 1960's.

I must be getting old though because I think the saltwater sisters were better way back when and I really feel left out that I missed Shanghai in the day. But I'll always have the Inn of the Snow Leopard. Fade out Mary Hopkins singing, “Those were the days my friends.”

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Please, are Thai Girls/Women that smart? how do they get such cash out of these sting farangs that can't buy their fellow Man a bottle of Chang?

Some Thai girls/women are smart, some are not.

Some US girls/women are smart, some are not.

Some Norwegian girls/women are smart, some are not.

Some.............. (see the pattern?)....

At the risk of being locked up for pedagogy, I think his point was that Thai women seem able to weasel money from the tightest skinflint.

I suppose they weasel the ferret out with beaver

We probably need some expert opinion from Ian Forbes here...


Yes I got that point actually.

My point was that one should not put all Thai females in the same category.

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Please, are Thai Girls/Women that smart? how do they get such cash out of these sting farangs that can't buy their fellow Man a bottle of Chang?

Some Thai girls/women are smart, some are not.

Some US girls/women are smart, some are not.

Some Norwegian girls/women are smart, some are not.

Some.............. (see the pattern?)....

At the risk of being locked up for pedagogy, I think his point was that Thai women seem able to weasel money from the tightest skinflint.

I suppose they weasel the ferret out with beaver

We probably need some expert opinion from Ian Forbes here...


Yes I got that point actually.

My point was that one should not put all Thai females in the same category.

That is a good point. Nor should one put Thai women in the same category as Western women. They are not the same. It never works when one tries to force Thai women into a Western women stereotype.

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[That is a good point. Nor should one put Thai women in the same category as Western women. They are not the same. It never works when one tries to force Thai women into a Western women stereotype.


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[That is a good point. Nor should one put Thai women in the same category as Western women. They are not the same. It never works when one tries to force Thai women into a Western women stereotype.


And there in lies the problem. Thai men don't have a problem with Thai women nor do Japanese or Korean men. But take a guy who lives in the middle of Texas or Scotland and throw him to the ladies in Bangkok and its like raw meat to a Soi dog, gone in a second. None of the experiences he has had with Western woman have prepared him for Thai lady hood. Any advice to these Western trained experts will be met with disbelief and derision. As hard as Abner from Oklahoma tries to cope with these creatures of loveliness he will come up a loser and not know why. Western women even if exposed to Thailand have a hard time coping the base differences in the culture and write it off to personal eccentricity.

In 1941 there were few if any people in the US government who understood the Japanese and few if any Japanese who understood the US. That failure caused a war and millions of deaths.

But the keyboard warriors charge on like the Light Brigade into the jaws of Thai romance websites.

Theirs not to make reply,

Theirs not to reason why,

Theirs but to do and die:

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I think there are many decent Thai girls who don't want your money. As far as i know, my foreign friends met many good Thai girls from dating sites. You need to take time to know them and don't choose them because they have gorgeous pictures.

Good girls won't ask you for money because they don't want u to think they are prostitutes.

Good girls have decent jobs eventhough they are not a high paid ones.

Good girls don't wear provocative outfits in daytime.

Good girls won't approach strangers first, except in some circumstances.

Personally if u see a nice girl in BTS, MRT or a coffee shop, u can smile to her and see how her response is. If she smiles back at you, it means she's interested in you too. Then gather ur courage to talk to her. You come up with something like... you weren't sure about the station or where you wanted to go or some nice stories. So you can see if her english is good enough to communicate or not. After that, ask her phone number. If she has got a serious bf, she won't give u her number. If she has got a bf, but she is bored with him or she is single, she will give u her number (unless you are definitely not her type). The rest you have to work on it.

Good girls are expensive so allow yourself some time to learn her and let her learn about you. When she's certain about you, she decides you are a good man. Then you will have a girl who adores you and does everything you want.

Anyway, thai girls are quite immature even they are not young anymore. They like good cares and attentions, not different from foreign women, so please feed them well.

Edited by PammalittaWattanapaisal
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I just did one short study on Tagged.

I thought since other do it, I should also try it out.

Contacted ladies in Bangkok only, complimented them on their pics, profile, etc, in order to establish initial contact.

Age group was 30-45.

All single (according to their profiles).

Dont remember how many I contacted but got about 30 replies.

About 25-26 were willing to meet for a cup of coffee (after 3-4 messages back and forth).

Then I told them I was married, but I still wanted to be their friend.

I tried to write in such a way it could also be seen as I wanted a "special" friendship.

Of the prox 30 original positive replies, only 2 agreed to continue a friendship.

Half of them congratulated me with being married and wished me good luck for the future.

The rest did not want to be the woman that destroyed another marriage.

Interesting indeed.

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Who meets a woman these days without having first seen her a number of times on webcam? seen her facebook account?....seen more then 3 'studio shot' photos?

Fairly difficult to meet up with the woman and find she is different than her live webcam if you have spoken a few times. whistling.gif A few years back I can understand not everyone had access to webcam or decent internet, but now it seems there are internet cafes in every village in Thailand.

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