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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Spot on!!

Spot on? I'm sorry but that's just laughable. Do you know anything about Thailand or its history? Please tell me what basis you can support that?

Typical response of a Thai Visa bully. Yes I do. Do you????

Vanhuesden, get a clue. anyone in the government, no matter which party they are with (god knows they change like some people do underwear) are the elite. The military support the King, not the ruling dynasty. Thaksin is only in power to get more for himself. If others get some too, it only fodder for him. Thai society is so sycophantic (kiss a$$, so you don't have to look it up) it is phenomenal.

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Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.


Military pressure leading to the Democrat led coalition gaining power, over 500 Burmese refugees dead in the Rohingya boat incident, increasing abuse of lese majeste laws to prosecute political enemies, abuse of the computer crimes act to restrict freedom of speech, the killing of many unarmed protesters last April and May... I cannot understand the unquestioning support of the Democrats by some of the regulars on this forum. Good riddance.

The Thai people have voiced their will. As long as the election result is not yet again overturned by the powers that be democracy has been returned to Thailand.

I shan't speak for others...but for me, it is not my love/support for Democrats but my dislike of authoritarian and power/money worshipper Shinawatras.



Believe me...the PAD are about the only ones thinking of the country rather than themselves. You want to see someone who only cares about his wallet, look at the fugitive in exile whom you support.

Arguably they started all this nonsense, so how satisfying it is to see it come back and bite them on the buttocks.

Chamlong didn't even get to vote 'no' today, poisonous little man! :lol:

Actually, Thaksin started all this nonsense by changing laws so that he could sell his company to foreign interests, tax free, while he was PM.

If he didn't do that, the yellow shirts wouldn't have started protesting.


I think people should step back for a moment and look at the numbers. Sure with a fairly narrow split bought votes can win an election but on these numbers you cannot seriously argue that this is the only reason for them winning. In a democracy the single vote of a farmer in the country is worth the same a business man in Bangkok and if you want to win a country where the poor are the majority then you have have policies that offer the majority some hope of a better life. Abhisit could have spent the last few years taxing the richer people in Bangkok and starting huge improvement and education initiatives in the poorest parts of Thailand - no to have done so has been the single factor that has brought this about.

It seems to me that, in a country where corruption is rife at every level, the majority of people (and the majority do not live in Bangkok) really don't care that Thaksin lined his own pockets because they just see that at the Thai way. What concerns them are things like education, housing, welfare services and the like and they will vote for whoever delivers (or even promises) those.

The shadow of course is the military and I just pray they don't intervene again because each time they do they will set back the real road to democracy which can only ever come about as a result of the people themselves wanting it in large enough numbers.

Come to think of it how do we know that Thaksin was seriously corrupt (and by seriously I mean more than anyone else!) It is through the media and a legal system that nobody trusts.

I understand that many people are unhappy with the outcome but lets face it the outcome is more democratic than what we currently have in the UK - where millions of peoples votes against the Tories actually put them in power - I would argue that the coalition is much more undemocratic than what is happening in Thailand.


Democracy is such a dumb idea. A couple of quotes from HL Mencken:

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

They will.

When a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack or be lost... All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

Both written more than 90 years ago and so prescient. The White House did indeed get a moron -- take your pick of GW Bush or Obama and what has Thailand got now?

She is cute but...

Or as Federic Bastiat wrote in 1854:

The State is the great fiction through which everyone endeavours to live at the expense of everyone else.

The reality is that the elite and politicians will live in great luxury on the backs of the dumb people who vote for them. They will throw a few crusts at the people while depositing billions in their Swiss bank accounts. Abhisit, Thaksin (brother and sister), they are all the same.


Clearly, a lot of people voted for Thaksin. Them that deny it are just kidding themselves. Pheua Thai and the Democrats all use the same tactics. In my soi, we saw PT canvassers a couple of times over the last month or so. Never saw any Dems once. The dems ran a crap campaign, and I know folk in BKK who were considering voting for PT just because they think Abhisit is useless. These are the sort of people that don't want Thaksin back, and are fooling themselves with the hope that maybe his little 'sis - "aw, she's a gal after all" - will be more reasonable.

Stupid is as stupid does. I'll wait and see what happens, but like someone else said above, best to have an exit strategy if this place goes to the dogs. I got kids here, that's what matters to me.


Champaign for Abhisit, he made it six losses in a row. A great achievement. And the win seems to be big enough for thr courts and army to think twice of messing again with the good people of Thailand.

You know "the rule of law" is above the people, right?


" including even to express that hope that the military commits another coup.

And these are allegedly educated foreigners"

I don't worry about the educated foreigners.....they can't vote. But I would worry about the educated Thai (not to mention the military).


some of the comments here are plain daft. this IS DEMOCRACY.. majority rule.. simple as.

is it the right choice? probably not in all honesty

but its the peoples' choice

in the UK it took years for folk to realise they had been conned by B Liar, why would it take less anywhere else

but yes, its a mess

Tommy Dee on Pattaya 103 FM ( yes 3.. I am famous for going backwards) ...is an international Radio Leg-End smile.png



definitely not. Ever hear of upper classes. Its not about money its who you are.

ps Class stinks in my view

Of course I knw what and whom you are referring to and acknowledge some truth in what you imply but, I'm sorry, if you don't think that in this country (as in most if not all) wealth and power can earn you a place among the ruling elite -- well, you need to think again.

Semantics. I wasnt thinking ruling as in 'government' elite but the amart. who certainly dont accept new faces. your comment starting' if you dont think...........you need to think again' is bullying. Im off this thread

Semantics? No, not at all. I mean precisely what I said -- if you've got massive wealth and power, the class you were born into doesn't preclude you from being at or near the top tier -- and having a massive amount of power. Even less so these days and in the not too distant future.

Bullying? That's ridiculous. Pretty lame excuse for bailing out but...oh, well. One can't always get a real response -- as opposed to dodging and fleeing -- to a reasonable post. Bye.


For those bashing the "rural poor buffalo", let's look at the "more educated" BKK, which has always been a Democrat party stronghold. According to the polls, PTP won over 20 of the 33 seats. Kind of blows the "rural poor" theory out the window.

Thai Buffalo make no distinction between Rural and Urban...

They all fear the same Ghosts, are influenced by the same informative Soap-operas, pay homage to the same Undeserving Masters, and line up to get a piece of the same Unearned Pie.



"The former billionaire telecoms tycoon remains a hugely divisive figure"

I'd say on the contrary...if they win 313 seats Thaksin's a hugely "uniting" figure.....that is overwhelming acclaim.

I'd say it's the out-going PM who was (and likely remains) the divisive figure.

He headed a disgracefully unpopular government of a military-backed minority that broke every rule of democracy, ethics and the Constitution to seize and rule the country.

Let this be the last word about it for a while.

Would you sell your vote for $10 US or Aus?


The Thai people have voiced their will. As long as the election result is not yet again overturned by the powers that be democracy has been returned to Thailand.

With ya bud. Excellent result today.


But as with the elections in the USA, where the Republicans will do anything and everything to discredit a democraticly elected oponent, we can expect the same here. .. with the additional problem of having the military, a party unto themselves, who act without mandate from the people.

Fingers crossed, ... and hoping for peace.

Yes the majority ( welfare recipients, Blacks and Mexicans and the stupid white folks, mostly women) voted for Obama and knew nothing about him. The first President who is Illegal and hides every thing. Shows a birth certificate that is forged etc. Yea there is a little dictator and socialist . If he gets re-elected, America is screwed, period


“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.”

Karl Marx, 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonapatre, Chapter 1.]


Well what's next boys and girls.:whistling: I think we should just sit back take a breath and see how much she won by.:D

Don't get too excited, have a drink and wait until tomorrow for the official results, not that I think it will make much difference to the current result. :thumbsup:


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

At first glance I noticed that your observations extend way past your own naval, thank you for the ballanced input.The Thai PEOPLE have spoken.Great day for Thailand.


THis is the result of Abhisit and the army's complete incompetence over the last few years - they have avoided reconciliation and gone for suppression - they reap what they sew


I think people should step back for a moment and look at the numbers. Sure with a fairly narrow split bought votes can win an election but on these numbers you cannot seriously argue that this is the only reason for them winning. In a democracy the single vote of a farmer in the country is worth the same a business man in Bangkok and if you want to win a country where the poor are the majority then you have have policies that offer the majority some hope of a better life. Abhisit could have spent the last few years taxing the richer people in Bangkok and starting huge improvement and education initiatives in the poorest parts of Thailand - no to have done so has been the single factor that has brought this about.

It seems to me that, in a country where corruption is rife at every level, the majority of people (and the majority do not live in Bangkok) really don't care that Thaksin lined his own pockets because they just see that at the Thai way. What concerns them are things like education, housing, welfare services and the like and they will vote for whoever delivers (or even promises) those.

The shadow of course is the military and I just pray they don't intervene again because each time they do they will set back the real road to democracy which can only ever come about as a result of the people themselves wanting it in large enough numbers.

Come to think of it how do we know that Thaksin was seriously corrupt (and by seriously I mean more than anyone else!) It is through the media and a legal system that nobody trusts.

I understand that many people are unhappy with the outcome but lets face it the outcome is more democratic than what we currently have in the UK - where millions of peoples votes against the Tories actually put them in power - I would argue that the coalition is much more undemocratic than what is happening in Thailand.

The Democrats were bringing forward a policy of land tax to tax larger pieces of land. Let's see if PTP follow through with that to help the poor.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

It also shows how fundamentally different Asian and Western cultures and values are. This is something that a lot of farang posters overlook. You may be married to a Thai. You may have been living here for 20 years. But still, you grew up in a completely different society, with different morals, values and ethics. What's right for the goose may not be right for the gander. You may treat this country as your home. The Thais may treat you as one of them. But, you are and will always be a foreigner and trying to force your values and ethics down the Thai people's throat will merely make them resent you more.

I think what you're saying is, "Yeah we admire integrity where we come from, but you have to remember these are savages. only for cheap sex, that's why I keep the extra apartment.. Let's all enjoy it while it lasts and we have to move to we'll all move to Bangladesh"


With PTP 313, Dem's 152, all other parties seem to have been more than decimated. BJT, CPPP, CTP had 89 seats, but go down to less than 35? Ah well, maybe the quality of polls hasn't improved yet ;)

When will the Thai people, whether they be elite, poor or the military, realize that true democracy relies on election results, not coups. Thaksin has now won twice in two different elections. Whether you like him or not, his party has won. Let them take power and see if they can keep it. Coups are not the answer because they take away from the word Democracy and make this country a military dictatorship.


If the exit polls prove correct then it goes to show that the Thais are sick of the 'fairy tale' existance they have been suckered into living in and they want change. The 'hi so elites' have had it too good for too long and a strong man is what they feel is needed to break away from the status quo. Taksin won't be around forever, and hopefully his sucessor will be less autocratic, but maybe he can start to lead Thailand in a new direction with a fairer more equal society, less 'top' heavy and more opportunities for all in this, to date, highly structured and totally unfair culture. I think we all agree that Thailand needs some fundamental changes, this was never going to happen under the old guard, they were only ever going to pay, at best, lip service to change, I hope that Thailand can now move forward as a more just society for all, free of old 'encumbarances'. :D


Very strange to see how Farangs, outside their home country are narrow-minded and against democracy.

The results are what they are. No need to cry, lament or cheer. Just accept.

Like everything else we have to accept in Thailand? sad day for everyone.

Concurring with geovalin - Yes, especially to US-Republican-types: Democracy for them has nothing to do with what the majority actually want and vote for.

There is one unassailable right to which all farangs are entitled in Thailand. The right to leave.

This also applies to you normac44, and me as well. I will campaign for road safety and other environmental issues, but focusing on those issues. The national elections are for the people of Thailand to decide, and for me to accept.


Many Farangs who know the history in the last decade will consider exiting all investments and having our 2nd homes elsewhere IMO. I know I will.... The corruption in this country is amazing- made up promises that the Thai people actually believe shows the stupidity and forgetfulness of the nation. Lost a lot of respect in this once great land..... many other emerging nations to select from. Greed rules this world far too much and Taksin plays the game like a genius. Very glad I looked into Vietnam amongst others to move office. As thai is done and dusted in coming years thanks to Taksin and his corrupt approach that all copy.

I will advise my own clients to stay away from investments in Thai.... plus the onset of them wanting to looking into Farang biz's with housing or land with a lien on it proves they are Anti Farang. Simply put their are better places in the world for investments. That are far more Farang friendly. Fun wise do as you please but the 12am curfew will come back.... Taksin was hell for many in his reign and now he is back. What a corrupt and unjust nation this is. Burma\Cambodia probably have more ethics. No word for ethics in this nation.

Bye bye Thai



Yes. I've seen some quite shocking comments, including even to express the hope that the military commits another coup.

And these are allegedly educated foreigners. Good to keep this in mind in future discussions here, the number of loose wing-nuts out there!

And.. they have keyboards!

The trouble with democracy is it is so freakin' democratic.


With PTP 313, Dem's 152, all other parties seem to have been more than decimated. BJT, CPPP, CTP had 89 seats, but go down to less than 35? Ah well, maybe the quality of polls hasn't improved yet ;)

What's interesting about those numbers is, that BJT seems to have gotten decimated, because its charasmatic leader is under suspension and played no part in these elections. What's interesting about PTP is their leader is also under suspension but we see his influence in every media, both domestic and international. Now we're going to see what the Thai judiciary is made of.

You know very well what the Thai judiciary is made of. We've seen it before.

Not sure they can get away with it again though, with such a clear election result. But if they try (same applies to the military) then that'd be an excellent path to civil war.

How about RESPECTING THE ELECTION RESULTS, that everyone has been so full of. Anything else is worse, even if you don't like the result.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

I did not fell this sick for a very long time. Simply do not understand how apparently also a lot of people that you would consider "educated" voted for this circus. How can they forget that easily???

Only good thing coming out of all this is going to be that their dreams will soon turn in nightmares for a lot of people and that is when hopefully they will realized what kind of mistake they made voting for them....

As far as Yingluck, I give her at a maximum of 6 month and then she will disappear from the political arena...but PLEASE, let us all enjoy at least one interview of her on BBC Hard Talk or similar before she is gone, will you! ;-)

Her (political) pimp, ehhm sorry I meant her brother, will not allow her to appear on Hard Talk.

Voted for this circus ? Who started it ? The Army and after that we had Constitutional Court ruling who outed Mr.Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat from PPP ? And non elected Abhisit Vejjajiva was suppose to be in power to 2016 if he hadnt announced new elction now only because of the riots last year.


This is not the military's choice, this is not the elites' choice, this is not the falang's choice. It is the Thai people's choice and that makes it the right choice. Up the Kingdom!

I will not doubt it is the peoples choice. BUT, thaksin will not do anything for the poor that he pretends to promote. There simply is no money in it. If you keep the masses happy (with paltry handouts) and keep them uneducated it is not real democracy.

Before you think I am disagreeing, I have to say the alternative was not better.

As we say in the States, the choice is of the lesser evil. In this case, the lesser evil is not so obvious.

The lower case in the name is intentional.


If the exit polls prove correct then it goes to show that the Thais are sick of the 'fairy tale' existance they have been suckered into living in and they want change. The 'hi so elites' have had it too good for too long and a strong man is what they feel is needed to break away from the status quo. Taksin won't be around forever, and hopefully his sucessor will be less autocratic, but maybe he can start to lead Thailand in a new direction with a fairer more equal society, less 'top' heavy and more opportunities for all in this, to date, highly structured and totally unfair culture. I think we all agree that Thailand needs some fundamental changes, this was never going to happen under the old guard, they were only ever going to pay, at best, lip service to change, I hope that Thailand can now move forward as a more just society for all, free of old 'encumbarances'. :D

"but maybe he can start to lead Thailand in a new direction with a fairer more equal society"

Do you mean like the US? Or even a European country or Australia? Somewhere where everyone is equal.


I've been living and doing business in Thailand since 2000.

All i know is that from 2001-2006 it was great and from 2006-2011 its been <deleted>.

So today is surely a good day for foreigners :) why is everyone moaning?

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