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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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"The former billionaire telecoms tycoon remains a hugely divisive figure"

I'd say on the contrary...if they win 313 seats Thaksin's a hugely "uniting" figure.....that is overwhelming acclaim.

I'd say it's the out-going PM who was (and likely remains) the divisive figure.

He headed a disgracefully unpopular government of a military-backed minority that broke every rule of democracy, ethics and the Constitution to seize and rule the country.

Let this be the last word about it for a while.

Would you sell your vote for $10 US or Aus?

Make it $20 and you've got a deal !

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They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

A very sad day. This is not a democracy, it is all about money.

Last night my g/f's mother confirmed that all 7 members of her family and virtually everyone in the village (Korat) received 300thb each.

It is a bloody disgrace.

Yes it should have been at least 500 baht


Voted for this circus ? Who started it ? The Army and after that we had Constitutional Court ruling who outed Mr.Samak Sundaravej and Somchai Wongsawat from PPP ? And non elected Abhisit Vejjajiva was suppose to be in power to 2016 if he hadnt announced new elction now only because of the riots last year.

Thaksin started it in 2005 with his corruption and changing laws while PM to benefit his own company.


Isn't Democracy all about respecting the will of the people? If so, how come so many foreigners don't seem to be able to accept that Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai? You cry for Democracy, and then when the Thai people have chosen who they want, you're against it and are attempting to force someone who lost the election (Abhisit) upon them. Forcing people to choose an individual just because you like him and not accepting other people's opinions is NOT Democracy. It's dictatorship.

Clearly, Thais want Thaksin and Puea Thai.

You are confused.

There is a big difference between Respect and Accept.

And NOT talking out against a bad choice is NOT in the best interest of a Democracy.

I maybe a bad chose for you,then you feel more comfortable in Myanmar.jap.gif

You seem confused. Advocating that people shouldn't speak out against poor choices and always bow down to the government is exactly what they prefer in Myanmar. So you and your red friends would feel more comfortable in that socialist country.


Democracy is such a dumb idea. A couple of quotes from HL Mencken:

Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

They will.

When a candidate for public office faces the voters he does not face men of sense; he faces a mob of men whose chief distinguishing mark is the fact that they are quite incapable of weighing ideas, or even of comprehending any save the most elemental — men whose whole thinking is done in terms of emotion, and whose dominant emotion is dread of what they cannot understand. So confronted, the candidate must either bark with the pack or be lost... All the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum. The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

Both written more than 90 years ago and so prescient. The White House did indeed get a moron -- take your pick of GW Bush or Obama and what has Thailand got now?

She is cute but...

Or as Federic Bastiat wrote in 1854:

The State is the great fiction through which everyone endeavours to live at the expense of everyone else.

The reality is that the elite and politicians will live in great luxury on the backs of the dumb people who vote for them. They will throw a few crusts at the people while depositing billions in their Swiss bank accounts. Abhisit, Thaksin (brother and sister), they are all the same.

Perfect explanation of the facts. Hit the nail right on the head except we are the morons and not Obama, he and buddies knew how to fools us. (I did not vote for him, but I am still stuck with the consequences)


First step completed - winning the election.

Second step - Flowery speech.

Third step - Thaskin returns before Christmas.

Fourth step - Another flowery speech.

Fifth step - Thaskin becomes PM.


I smell a family dynasty. Permanent. Remember, what's coming that's even BIGGER than this takeover. Thaksin is well positioned. Thailand needs to reform and change, but this is going to prove to be a huge step backwards. How many decades before Thailand will be free of this family dynasty?

We can't talk about the monarchy her but this is ABSOLUTELY all about dynasty. When you've already got more money than you can choke on and you''ve got the heir apparent in your pocket, what could the aim possibly be? Meet King Oak!


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

How So? The Thaksin family was in control for several years before and Thailand has never been close the nightmare that is north korea


I've been living and doing business in Thailand since 2000.

All i know is that from 2001-2006 it was great and from 2006-2011 its been <deleted>.

So today is surely a good day for foreigners :) why is everyone moaning?

Of course, that had nothing to do with the global economy during those two periods, did it?


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

How So? The Thaksin family was in control for several years before and Thailand has never been close the nightmare that is north korea

Maybe because of the 2006 coup.


Thailand culture ans values will not change in our lifetime (no matter how young some of you are!!).

Behaviour is already changing. I see old people ignoring the modern world.........young ones spending money their parents are borrowing... families living in separate houses( not always because of work location )...people are attending the temple less.

But granny still looks after the baby.

Old people bob down as a sign of respect, young are less inclined to........but granny still looks after the baby

I cannot see the next generation looking after the baby


The ones to feel sorry on here are the Falangs who "burnt their bridges" with no investments or property back home, Something I was never stupid or naive to do.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

So you wouldnt be calling one of the richest men in the world one of the elite then?

definitely not. Ever hear of upper classes. Its not about money its who you are.

ps Class stinks in my view

I just wondered because wasn't it him, the man himself, that introduced the Thai Elite card? I presume he had one so he must have thought he was a member of the ''Elite''. just an observation!


I've been living and doing business in Thailand since 2000.

All i know is that from 2001-2006 it was great and from 2006-2011 its been <deleted>.

So today is surely a good day for foreigners :) why is everyone moaning?

I've been here since '84. The Democrat administrations of the 90's were just as bad as the current outgoing one.


Well it looks like well done Yingluck. I'm off for a spot of Mrs Changers finest Isan cooking and will look under the table to see if I can spot any of the usual suspects from here that seem to be missing. whistling.gif


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

what the military will do remains to be seen.

The "military" is a monster Thaksin created himself. They will do nothing until such times as PTP actions can lead to a failed state. If the exit polls are true, I would expect them to take the high road for awhile (per the suggestions of their foreign advisors, nit their own proclivities). At what ever time they choose to make cleran that former PM miscreant, expect widespread bloodshed.


Thaksin and his allies won the most votes in the last 4 elections.

Will the Army and the invisible hand will let the majority of Thais have their votes count this time?


For all his faults, Thaksin was an able leader. His arrogance might have been part of his undoing, so perhaps his years in the wilderness will have taught him some humility.

Someone with ability needs to move Thailand off the square zero its been sitting on for several years now. Perhaps even the "educated" of Bangkok realized they need someone with a clue, because its clear the Dems and PAD didn't have one.


The Thai people have voiced their will. As long as the election result is not yet again overturned by the powers that be democracy has been returned to Thailand.

With ya bud. Excellent result today.


But as with the elections in the USA, where the Republicans will do anything and everything to discredit a democraticly elected oponent, we can expect the same here. .. with the additional problem of having the military, a party unto themselves, who act without mandate from the people.

Fingers crossed, ... and hoping for peace.

Yes the majority ( welfare recipients, Blacks and Mexicans and the stupid white folks, mostly women) voted for Obama and knew nothing about him. The first President who is Illegal and hides every thing. Shows a birth certificate that is forged etc. Yea there is a little dictator and socialist . If he gets re-elected, America is screwed, period

Excellent username - a real live cowboy here.


Latest polls are now saying 347 seats, wow

Slap bang tickle.

The fat lady is singing at the top of her voice.

Come on you reds :partytime2::burp::drunk:


I've been living and doing business in Thailand since 2000.

All i know is that from 2001-2006 it was great and from 2006-2011 its been <deleted>.

So today is surely a good day for foreigners :) why is everyone moaning?

Mainly because you bloodsuckers/carpetbaggers have absolutely zero regard for this society beyond how you may extract a profit from it.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

Whilst I don't think it is necessarily a good thing overall, for Thailand, perhaps far from it.. truth is none of us really know what is.. what I would say, however, is.. Shut up scaremongering!!! What we do know is Thaksin is about deals (with everyone, including the west) and money, and even occasionally the odd castoffs (populist policies) to keep the masses happy.. sound like Kim Yung Il, any of that?... No!! And you know it, just posting sillyness for the sake of it!!! ('Be afraid'.. idiot!!!)blink.gif



They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

A very sad day. This is not a democracy, it is all about money.

Last night my g/f's mother confirmed that all 7 members of her family and virtually everyone in the village (Korat) received 300thb each.

It is a bloody disgrace.

Yes it should have been at least 500 baht

It's a disgrace that your g/f's mother and her family took the money, indeed. You must not be supporting them properly.

One of my employees said that the Puea Thai candidate handed out 200 Baht as well in her village, but the Democrats handed out 500 Baht the same evening. You see, every party in Thailand pays for votes. In the end however, Thais will vote whoever they want.


The Thai people have voiced their will. As long as the election result is not yet again overturned by the powers that be democracy has been returned to Thailand.

With ya bud. Excellent result today.


But as with the elections in the USA, where the Republicans will do anything and everything to discredit a democraticly elected oponent, we can expect the same here. .. with the additional problem of having the military, a party unto themselves, who act without mandate from the people.

Fingers crossed, ... and hoping for peace.

Yes the majority ( welfare recipients, Blacks and Mexicans and the stupid white folks, mostly women) voted for Obama and knew nothing about him. The first President who is Illegal and hides every thing. Shows a birth certificate that is forged etc. Yea there is a little dictator and socialist . If he gets re-elected, America is screwed, period

Case in point: Everything BlueSkyCowboy cites is straight from the rectum of the Republican Bullshit Fox "News".


Only 500bht per person? Should be at least 1000, and has gone up to 1700 in places in Buriram.

I think it's great for Thailand to get a government with a majority... which can actually do something. And remember, last time Thaksin was elected on popular promises, he fulfilled those promises; that's why he's so popular. Coalition governments are a waste of everyone's time and money.


I've been living and doing business in Thailand since 2000.

All i know is that from 2001-2006 it was great and from 2006-2011 its been <deleted>.

So today is surely a good day for foreigners :) why is everyone moaning?

Retired (s)expats that get their money in Dollar, Pound and Euro from abroad might be happy that the marked-analysts are predicting a decline and higher exchange-rates for the currencies mentioned.


If the exit polls prove correct then it goes to show that the Thais are sick of the 'fairy tale' existance they have been suckered into living in and they want change. The 'hi so elites' have had it too good for too long and a strong man is what they feel is needed to break away from the status quo. Taksin won't be around forever, and hopefully his sucessor will be less autocratic, but maybe he can start to lead Thailand in a new direction with a fairer more equal society, less 'top' heavy and more opportunities for all in this, to date, highly structured and totally unfair culture. I think we all agree that Thailand needs some fundamental changes, this was never going to happen under the old guard, they were only ever going to pay, at best, lip service to change, I hope that Thailand can now move forward as a more just society for all, free of old 'encumbarances'. :D

Thaksin is in his early 60s. Could easily go on for 10-15 years. How old were Mahathir and Lee Kwan Yew when they stepped down? After that there's always his son.

What are talking about, according to Ajarn Thitinan from Chula is feudalistic capitalism replacing feudalistic "traditionalism". Let's see how much fairer it will be for all Thais, including Southerners who got a raw deal under the previous Thaksin governments.


Unofficial poll results show Democrats leading Pheu Thai in BKK, leading to questions about exit polls

Nice try, but your misleading comment won't affect the official results. I'm watching Thai TV and they're showing the contrary.


If the exit polls prove correct then it goes to show that the Thais are sick of the 'fairy tale' existance they have been suckered into living in and they want change. The 'hi so elites' have had it too good for too long and a strong man is what they feel is needed to break away from the status quo. Taksin won't be around forever, and hopefully his sucessor will be less autocratic, but maybe he can start to lead Thailand in a new direction with a fairer more equal society, less 'top' heavy and more opportunities for all in this, to date, highly structured and totally unfair culture. I think we all agree that Thailand needs some fundamental changes, this was never going to happen under the old guard, they were only ever going to pay, at best, lip service to change, I hope that Thailand can now move forward as a more just society for all, free of old 'encumbarances'. :D

"but maybe he can start to lead Thailand in a new direction with a fairer more equal society"

Do you mean like the US? Or even a European country or Australia? Somewhere where everyone is equal.

Eventually, yes! I know it may seem a like a dream scenario but from small acorns trees do grow and it will take a long time but surely that is where all countries are headed for that is where progress is best made (whether or not you agree with 'progress'!), equal opportunities for all where even the brightest can reach for the stars.


Well it looks like well done Yingluck. I'm off for a spot of Mrs Changers finest Isan cooking and will look under the table to see if I can spot any of the usual suspects from here that seem to be missing. whistling.gif

You keep your maid under the table to service you while you eat dinner? What does your Issan-wife think about that?!

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