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Thaksin Allies In Thai Election Landslide: Exit Polls

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Time to re-assess what Thailand is all about. Maybe this time the rural poor will finally get representation . So what if her name is Shinawatra? Who cares? A new era is about to open with hi so people forced to share. About time.

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Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

what the military will do remains to be seen.


Time to re-assess what Thailand is all about. Maybe this time the rural poor will finally get representation . So what if her name is Shinawatra? Who cares? A new era is about to open with hi so people forced to share. About time.

You are very naive. The "peasants" have been played but they don't know it YET.

ABAC exit poll: Pheu Thai 299, Democrat 132, Bhum Jai Thai 28, Chart Pattana 14, Chart Thai 12, Palangchol 6, Chuvit 4 /TAN_Network

I'm Glad Chuvit got in...

At least One person not afraid to speak the truth!


everyone in the village (Korat) received 300thb each. It is a bloody disgrace.

you want to tell us "it should have been more"?

<br />They may not realize it now, but they will eventually. <br />It is a sad day for Thailand.<br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />^ ABSO-F'n-LUTELY....Back to the stone ages they go. <br /><br />Sadly Thai's drank the Thaksin Kool-Aid. Look at her credentials. She is not worldly, knows very little about public relations, has zero economic experience.  They voted out of emotion not the best interest of their country. Most probably figured Big Man Thaksin will run it from behind the scenes and she is merely a puppet. So now the farmers THINK their problems are all fixed and it will go back to pre 2006. Thaksin fed on those poor uneducated people as he did before............... <br /><br />On the bright side however, not my country, not my problem.

Celebration at Pheu Thai HQ after results of exit poll unveiled; Yingluck still refuses to comment saying she will do so later /TAN_Network

Someone has to tell her what to say...



Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Spot on!!


Champaign for Abhisit, he made it six losses in a row. A great achievement. And the win seems to be big enough for thr courts and army to think twice of messing again with the good people of Thailand.

They may be good, but SMART, they ain't.

Abhisit was a do nothing Prime Minister, lacking any vision! He should carry a lot of the blame for this result.

I'm not surprised it's turned out to be a landslide.


But how sad to see that the majority of posters to thaivisa really have no handle on what the people of this country actually want.

I just don't get why people keep saying this sort of thing - and apparently feel somehow superior for agreeing with the majority of Thais: as far as I now the discussion here (I didn't follow it all that assiduously on the forum as I found it tedious) and certainly among my friends was whether Thaksin and Co are good for Thailand, not whether they were what Thais wanted. Anyone who thinks that the 2 things are necessarily synonymous may feel virtuously democratic and down with the masses but is clearly just not thinking very critically or analytically.


Of course they will see the landslide as a mandate to bring back Thaksin quicker, pardon him completely, return all his all gained moolah, and make him PM. PM PLUS PLUS, that is. Forget anything and everything they said differently in the election. Now is the time for TOTAL POWER grab.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

what the military will do remains to be seen.

This is the danger and could tip Thailand over the edge.

If they're smart, they will realise that such a landslide victory must be allowed to stand. No coup or judiciary will get away with foisting a junta or the deeply unpopular Democrats on the country again IMO.


They may not realize it now, but they will eventually.

It is a sad day for Thailand.

No mate ,wonderful day. The celebrations will be long

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

Those who can not or will not see through a man's facade

to determine if he is real or just charade will rue the day

they were so blinded by his fine words and pieces of silver.


I really do not understand the mentality of the thai population sometimes. Do they actually understand anything at all, I swear in some situations they are like children, or at least have the mentality of children. I can see conflicts on the horizon, yet again. Why would they vote in a corupt figure after he has been ousted... Sometimes I wonder about this society (thumbs down)

Although we discuss Thailand here, this particular issue is not special for Thailand.

Have a look at the Philippines, and you will really see some amazing results.

First thing which will happen again here is stricter censor of the media.

Nobody can stop the new government if they etablish a one party state.


Champaign for Abhisit, he made it six losses in a row. A great achievement. And the win seems to be big enough for thr courts and army to think twice of messing again with the good people of Thailand.

They may be good, but SMART, they ain't.

Abhisit was a do nothing Prime Minister, lacking any vision! He should carry a lot of the blame for this result.

I'm not surprised it's turned out to be a landslide.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Hear, hear!


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.

Thaksin is the elite. And now expect Thailand to be under his one family rule for decades. North Korea, Thai style. Be afraid.

I live here before during Taksins last reign while the airport, skytrain and underground were finally getting built, never noticed anything sinister, only problem for me was the bars closing earlier, but get used to that again now, I don't think a women PM and naughty nightlife going to mix to well

Never stopped them in the Philippines


Scary to see all the ignorants here that are not aware of the danger a 0ne-party state represents.

We're just seeing all the usual turkeys welcoming the return of Santa Claus. Gobble gobble, chop chop.


Shows how out of touch the Thai Visa news section regulars are with the opinions of the majority of Thai people IMO.

Great day for Thailand - putting the military and elite firmly in their places once and for all.


Military pressure leading to the Democrat led coalition gaining power, over 500 Burmese refugees dead in the Rohingya boat incident, increasing abuse of lese majeste laws to prosecute political enemies, abuse of the computer crimes act to restrict freedom of speech, the killing of many unarmed protesters last April and May... I cannot understand the unquestioning support of the Democrats by some of the regulars on this forum.

Good riddance.

The Thai people have voiced their will. As long as the election result is not yet again overturned by the powers that be democracy has been returned to Thailand.


i don't give a sh*t who's in power, just don't start protesting again and kill tourism.

That dear soul is as inevitable as rainy season.


Very strange to see how Farangs, outside their home country are narrow-minded and against democracy.

The results are what they are. No need to cry, lament or cheer. Just accept.

For far too long, they have blinded themself with stupid attitude that Thaksin's supporters are rural poor, uneducated, ignorant, money-worshipped from ISsan.

Now they are having troubles facing the truth. It's a great day for Thailand. Thais speak out - loud and clear.


Time to re-assess what Thailand is all about. Maybe this time the rural poor will finally get representation . So what if her name is Shinawatra? Who cares? A new era is about to open with hi so people forced to share. About time.

I agree :)


Time to re-assess what Thailand is all about. Maybe this time the rural poor will finally get representation . So what if her name is Shinawatra? Who cares? A new era is about to open with hi so people forced to share. About time.

The rural poor of the North East will have the same representation as they had before. Hopefully, they will do more this time that they did under the PPP, and in opposition as the PTP.


Very strange to see how Farangs, outside their home country are narrow-minded and against democracy.

The results are what they are. No need to cry, lament or cheer. Just accept.

Accepting the vote is easy,

accepting the coming violence it portends is not as easy a swallow.

Agreed. It also might be hard to accept that Thaksin had his UK visa revoked and I believe this also happened in other European Countries. Lets hope he forgets about this or otherwise we Farang might be in for a hard time with regards to our Visa's.


Many Farangs who know the history in the last decade will consider exiting all investments and having our 2nd homes elsewhere IMO. I know I will.... The corruption in this country is amazing- made up promises that the Thai people actually believe shows the stupidity and forgetfulness of the nation. Lost a lot of respect in this once great land..... many other emerging nations to select from. Greed rules this world far too much and Taksin plays the game like a genius. Very glad I looked into Vietnam amongst others to move office. As thai is done and dusted in coming years thanks to Taksin and his corrupt approach that all copy.

I will advise my own clients to stay away from investments in Thai.... plus the onset of them wanting to looking into Farang biz's with housing or land with a lien on it proves they are Anti Farang. Simply put their are better places in the world for investments. That are far more Farang friendly. Fun wise do as you please but the 12am curfew will come back.... Taksin was hell for many in his reign and now he is back. What a corrupt and unjust nation this is. Burma\Cambodia probably have more ethics. No word for ethics in this nation.

Bye bye Thai

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