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No Red-Shirt Leaders In New Cabinet: Pheu Thai Source

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'No reds in new Cabinet'





Pheu Thai source: Party doesn't want image to be tainted; Yingluck joins hands with Chart Thai Pattana, Chart Pattana Puea Pandin, Palang Chon and Mahachon

There will be no red-shirt leaders in a new Cabinet to be headed by Pheu Thai Party's would-be prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, according to a party source.

However, Yingluck herself has not ruled out the possibility. The Pheu Thai source implied that the party should not allow red-shirt leaders to taint its hard-earned positive image.

"The image of this new Cabinet must be very good because there are high public expectations. We have grown a tree and should not let anything destroy it," the source said after Yingluck announce a Pheu Thai-led coalition yesterday.

"This will be the last chance for the party. If Pheu Thai lets a new problem emerge, not only will the party be unable to survive, the Shinawatras will also be doomed." The source was referring a red-shirt leader being admitted to a Pheu Thai-led Cabinet.

At the SC Park Hotel yesterday, Yingluck and senior representatives from five political parties announced a new coalition - Pheu Thai, Chart Thai Pattana, Chart Pattana Puea Pandin, Palang Chon and Mahachon.

According to unofficial election results, the new coalition will have 299 elected MPs, with 265 of them coming from Pheu Thai.

Yingluck, who is the youngest sister of fugitive ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra, said that she would wait for the official results to be announced by the Election Commission.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the leaders of all the parties that have showed their intention to work with us in solving the country's problems. This is the joint intention of the five political parties and I am determined to serve the people," she said.

She added that thanks to the party's majority in the lower House, she was convinced her government would be stable.

Yingluck, who is set to become the country's first woman prime minister, said that she would appoint knowledgeable and capable people to her Cabinet. When asked if any red-shirt leaders would become ministers, she said she would look into the matter in detail and discuss it with other people.

She neither denied nor confirmed speculation that Defence Minister Prawit Wongsuwan, who is close to the current Army top brass, would be re-appointed to serve in her Cabinet. "It is too early to answer this question," she said.

When asked about possible political amnesty, Yingluck was still firm that her party had no policy of granting amnesty to any individual - referring to her brother Thaksin, who is escaping a two-year jail sentence handed down by the Supreme Court in October 2008 for abuse of power.

A Pheu Thai source said yesterday that the smaller parties in the new coalition were pushing for the Cabinet portfolios they wanted, which could lead to conflict and threaten the coalition's stability.

Chart Thai Pattana is pushing for the agriculture minister's seat and deputy House speaker's post, Chart Pattana Puea Pandin for the Energy portfolio, and Palang Chon for the tourism minister's seat, according to the source. Pheu Thai is eager to keep those Cabinet portfolios for itself, citing its commitment to voters to implement its policy platforms that involve those ministries, such as issuing credit cards for farmers.

It was agreed among the new coalition partners that they would get one Cabinet seat for every eight MPs they contribute to the coalition, the source said.

Thanks to Pheu Thai's elected majority, the party has no need to expedite the formation of a new government. It will wait for the Election Commission to announce the official election results because these may affect the final number of House seats and the quota each coalition partner will get, the source said.

Yingluck is likely to oversee the economy-related ministries, the source said. However, another party source said Olarn Chaipravat would assume the job of economic-team chief.

The Pheu Thai source also said that Thaksin would have the final say about Yingluck's Cabinet. "It all depends on Thaksin," the source said.

Leading candidates for the Interior portfolio are reportedly Pracha Promnok, Chat Kuladilok and Pheu Thai leader Yongyuth Wichaidit, who is said to be favoured by Thaksin.

Leading candidates for the House speaker's seat are Apiwan Wiriyachai, who served as deputy House speaker in the previous House of Representatives, and veteran politician Chalerm Yoobamrung, according to the source. It is unlikely Yongyuth will become the new House speaker due to his lack of political adroitness, although he is trusted by Thaksin, the source said.


-- The Nation 2011-07-05

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Yingluck's declaration yesterday

By The Nation

Her "urgent missions"

1. To push for national reconciliation by assigning the task to the Independent Truth Reconciliation Commission of Thailand with Dr Kanit Na Nakorn as its head and create another autonomous commission to look over legal matters;

2. To honour HM the King on the event of his 84th birthday;

3. To hasten economic recovery and boost living standards;

4. To strengthen relations with neighbouring countries and promote regional unity.

5. To boost the morale of civil servants since they play a significant role in the development of the country; they will be cooperating with the government in all regions.

6. To bring forward public commitments made by the party campaign on July 1 at Rajamangala National stadium and propose them to other parties.

7. Concerning the problem of corruption, there needs to be both vision and policies for its elimination, as well as a mechanism for accountability for public scrutiny.


-- The Nation 2011-07-05


1/1 To get big bro home before the wedding date of his daughter.

The reason it wasn't in the sum up means maybe that the process is started already,hence no need to include it in the missions to accomplish.


Independent Truth Reconciliation Commission? I think people would love to see that, but don't truth commissions sort of demand that everyone tell what they did, when they did it, how it all transpired, name names, etc? With the penalty being that if not mentioned criminal activity is discovered later, the person has to go to jail? I really cannot see any of the big boys confessing their sins for the public to see.



Who is this independent source? Or is this news report simply trying to stir up sh*t? If a Red shirt supporter has not engaged in illegal activity and is law abiding and honest, then the a redshirt affiliation should not be used to bar that person from a cabinet position should the candidate be qualified for the job.

The Pheu Thai source also said that Thaksin would have the final say about Yingluck's Cabinet. "It all depends on Thaksin," the source said.

Who is 'the source"? Is it yet another person who thinks for Ms Yingluck? If 'the source' proves to be wrong in his/her predictions, then it will be easy for Yingluck to dismiss it as unofficial or bogus. Since she is supposedly in charge, she should be the one making policy decisions.

As for Reds not being in the new Cabinet, that will be tough to implement, as Red members are among the people she surrounds herself with. Even if one or more Reds get put in top positions, everyone there can deny they were really 'Reds' (excuses are a dime a dozen). The #1 Red is Thaksin, and he's the person making the important decisions for PT ('Thaksin thinks, PT act' ....remember that?). Plus Reds can't help but become deputy operatives, primary advisors, behind-the-scenes manipulators - particularly for a person who doesn't want to (or can't) make leadership decisions.

As for a South African type 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission' - that would be fraught with problems - mainly because it would exacerbate divisions already present in Thailand.

BTW, PT's recent declarations make no mention of anything related to the environment. No mention of parks, waterways, seas or seashores. No mention of nuclear or other power sources. No mention of plants or animals (nearly no wild animals still roam Thailand's forests), no mention of air quality, water rights. No mention of rights for hill tribers - not even in a vague or general way. All the declarations by PT are about people, economics and pomp - as if people were the only species in existence, and getting rich were their only concern.

<br />Who is this independent source? Or is this news report simply trying to stir up sh*t? If a Red shirt supporter has not engaged in illegal activity and is law abiding and honest, then the a redshirt affiliation should not be used to bar that person from a cabinet position should the candidate be qualified for the job.<br />
<br /><br /><br />


Somchai Redshirt

Work Experience:

Ability to consume a large amount of bile and vitrol

Able to drive a motorcycle one handed while throwing a molotov cocktail and a designated building

Willing to work for "Ha Roi Baht" per day

Knows locations of great tire dumps within a 10 minute drive of Ratchaprasong intersection

Has many expendable older gullible relatives that can be used as human shields without complaint


One year of "Red Academy"

Special Skills

Memorized the "Pledge of Allegiance to Almighty Thaksin"

Can magically make an RPG appear from between a passle of little old ladies

Own a full "Black shirt" outfit, ready for whatever the master commands.


Call "The Master" in Dubai


I guess we will see how the red shirts like being left out,One of our red shirt supporters is already having a snit over it.


Who is this independent source? Or is this news report simply trying to stir up sh*t? If a Red shirt supporter has not engaged in illegal activity and is law abiding and honest, then the a redshirt affiliation should not be used to bar that person from a cabinet position should the candidate be qualified for the job.

The source isn't "independent", it is a source from inside PTP.

The source states that redshirt leaders not red supporters shouldn't be given cabinet level seats. Which redshirt leader has not engaged in illegal activity?


Who is this independent source? Or is this news report simply trying to stir up sh*t? If a Red shirt supporter has not engaged in illegal activity and is law abiding and honest, then the a redshirt affiliation should not be used to bar that person from a cabinet position should the candidate be qualified for the job.

Which redshirt leader has not engaged in illegal activity?

All of them, after they pass an amnesty bill pardoning their crimes.


:annoyed: Not a word about fighting corupption.:annoyed:

7. Concerning the problem of corruption, there needs to be both vision and policies for its elimination, as well as a mechanism for accountability for public scrutiny.

Draw your own conclusion. rolleyes.gif


" We have grown a tree and should not let anything destroy it," so time to cut out the dead wood. UDD have served their purpose and can be quietly relegated to the back benches, while the party gets on with the business of recouping all the bribes (with interest, of course), and looking after Member #1.

"The Pheu Thai source also said that Thaksin would have the final say about Yingluck's Cabinet. "It all depends on Thaksin," the source said."

If only this could be proved to the EC!

When asked, Yingluk said ".....she would wait.....", " ..........that her party had no policy..........", "......... has not ruled out the possibility." She smiled beautifully, much like a Cheshire cat, all smile and no substance


" We have grown a tree and should not let anything destroy it," so time to cut out the dead wood. UDD have served their purpose and can be quietly relegated to the back benches, while the party gets on with the business of recouping all the bribes (with interest, of course), and looking after Member #1.

"The Pheu Thai source also said that Thaksin would have the final say about Yingluck's Cabinet. "It all depends on Thaksin," the source said."

If only this could be proved to the EC!

When asked, Yingluk said ".....she would wait.....", " ..........that her party had no policy..........", "......... has not ruled out the possibility." She smiled beautifully, much like a Cheshire cat, all smile and no substance



The red shirts are going to be so unhappy,surely they could make Nattawut Minister of Culture? It would improve his manners and language no end being surrounded by middle class and middle aged ladies all day.


It'a a pity !

Jatuporn could have been Ministers of prisons ... (in permanent inspection)

With such a nomination, the state of detention centers would have improved fast !



The red shirts are going to be so unhappy,surely they could make Nattawut Minister of Culture? It would improve his manners and language no end being surrounded by middle class and middle aged ladies all day.

Not too unhappy, was it Veera or Weng, a couple months ago, saying that they deserved the MP position to get off their backs the legal proceedings against them instigating violence? I don't remember the wording, but the implied meaning was that they just wanted immunity and slack off.

Actually working for the better of all Thailand probably wasn't on their job description when they accepted the Red Agitator post.


Who is this independent source? Or is this news report simply trying to stir up sh*t? If a Red shirt supporter has not engaged in illegal activity and is law abiding and honest, then the a redshirt affiliation should not be used to bar that person from a cabinet position should the candidate be qualified for the job.

The source isn't "independent", it is a source from inside PTP.

The source states that redshirt leaders not red supporters shouldn't be given cabinet level seats. Which redshirt leader has not engaged in illegal activity?

Who is this source? Talking to someone that is neither authorized to discuss the subject nor is privy to the decisions, is hardly a source is it? I question the Nation's sources.

who says a redshirt leader has to be in the cabinet? There are other redshirt supporters that were elected and that did not engage in criminal activities. Not every redshirt is a criminal, despite your assumption. I find it far more reprehensible that a massage parlor tycoon or a supporter of an illegal military coup should be in a cabinet than a person that supported the redshirts.


Who is this independent source? Or is this news report simply trying to stir up sh*t? If a Red shirt supporter has not engaged in illegal activity and is law abiding and honest, then the a redshirt affiliation should not be used to bar that person from a cabinet position should the candidate be qualified for the job.

Perhaps Khun Thida, as one of the more-peaceful Red-Shirt leaders, Oh ... except that they 'forgot' to put her on the party-list, because she lacks the essential-quality of blind-loyalty to Dear-Leader. :unsure:

The Pheu Thai source also said that Thaksin would have the final say about Yingluck's Cabinet. "It all depends on Thaksin," the source said.

One-Man One-Vote, which is fine, as long as the Man with the Vote is Dear-Leader ! 'True Democracy' robs the party & new MPs once again, of their right to participate, and make proposals or decisions of their own. :o

I guess we will see how the red shirts like being left out,One of our red shirt supporters is already having a snit over it.

The knife slides silently in, and the realisation slowly dawns, that they have been screwed by an elite once again ! :realangry:

But keeping-on the Defense-Minister would be a good idea, helping to reassure the military, provided that the PTP/Red-Shirts don't see him as tainted by last-year's events ?


Who is this independent source? Or is this news report simply trying to stir up sh*t? If a Red shirt supporter has not engaged in illegal activity and is law abiding and honest, then the a redshirt affiliation should not be used to bar that person from a cabinet position should the candidate be qualified for the job.

The source isn't "independent", it is a source from inside PTP.

The source states that redshirt leaders not red supporters shouldn't be given cabinet level seats. Which redshirt leader has not engaged in illegal activity?

Who is this source? Talking to someone that is neither authorized to discuss the subject nor is privy to the decisions, is hardly a source is it? I question the Nation's sources.

who says a redshirt leader has to be in the cabinet? There are other redshirt supporters that were elected and that did not engage in criminal activities. Not every redshirt is a criminal, despite your assumption. I find it far more reprehensible that a massage parlor tycoon or a supporter of an illegal military coup should be in a cabinet than a person that supported the redshirts.

You've asked twice who is the source. Good journalists (think of Woodward and Bernstein) can not always divulge their sources - especially if it's a source who is not authorized and is privy to decisions. It's called good journalism (not something that I would accuse The Nation of on a regular basis).

When you say, "There are other redshirt supporters that were elected and that did not engage in criminal activities" you are admitting that there were those who were engaged in criminal activities. It's good to see this from you, an ardent redshirt supporter.


Who is this independent source? Or is this news report simply trying to stir up sh*t? If a Red shirt supporter has not engaged in illegal activity and is law abiding and honest, then the a redshirt affiliation should not be used to bar that person from a cabinet position should the candidate be qualified for the job.


Well, that statement alone rules out any Red Shirt leader who took part in last years demonstration and subsequent arson attacks. And when the leader himself is a criminal on the run...kinda says it all ...!


You've asked twice who is the source. Good journalists (think of Woodward and Bernstein) can not always divulge their sources - especially if it's a source who is not authorized and is privy to decisions. It's called good journalism (not something that I would accuse The Nation of on a regular basis).

When you say, "There are other redshirt supporters that were elected and that did not engage in criminal activities" you are admitting that there were those who were engaged in criminal activities. It's good to see this from you, an ardent redshirt supporter.

I am not asking that a source be divulged. Rather that a reliable source be confirmed. It is not uncommon for some journalists to fabricate their stories and to invent their sources. in other cases, the source turns out to be someone that had a limited relationship to the story. Considering the motives of the Nation, I wouldn't be surprised if the source was a janitor in the PTP HQ. There are real sources and then there are the sources in name only.

I stated that there were redshirts that had not engaged in criminal activity. My point being that if they had not done anything illegal and were qualified, then being a redshirt should not block him or her from a cabinet position. I am not an ardent redshirt supporter. I know it is a convenient tool for those that hate PTP to affix labels to anyone they disagree with, but let's not play that game ok? How about waiting until the PM and her cabinet are sworrn in before condemning the newly elected government.

Considering all the threats from the malcontents on this forum of threatening to leave Thailand if PTP won the election or that the economy would collapse within hours of such a result, I don't think any of those foreigners have departed, nor has the economy collapsed.

Oh, and you know what? The PTP won a decisive majority government in the election. That was something former PM Abhisit could not accomplish despite the help from his allies in the military.

The group you supported lost the election. Be a man and accept the result. Move on. Thailand will and so should you.


:annoyed: Not a word about fighting corupption.:annoyed:

You are out of touch just like Abhisit is...

Correct1 This is PTP, the hub of corruption.


You've asked twice who is the source. Good journalists (think of Woodward and Bernstein) can not always divulge their sources - especially if it's a source who is not authorized and is privy to decisions. It's called good journalism (not something that I would accuse The Nation of on a regular basis).

When you say, "There are other redshirt supporters that were elected and that did not engage in criminal activities" you are admitting that there were those who were engaged in criminal activities. It's good to see this from you, an ardent redshirt supporter.

I am not asking that a source be divulged. Rather that a reliable source be confirmed. It is not uncommon for some journalists to fabricate their stories and to invent their sources. in other cases, the source turns out to be someone that had a limited relationship to the story. Considering the motives of the Nation, I wouldn't be surprised if the source was a janitor in the PTP HQ. There are real sources and then there are the sources in name only.

I stated that there were redshirts that had not engaged in criminal activity. My point being that if they had not done anything illegal and were qualified, then being a redshirt should not block him or her from a cabinet position. I am not an ardent redshirt supporter. I know it is a convenient tool for those that hate PTP to affix labels to anyone they disagree with, but let's not play that game ok? How about waiting until the PM and her cabinet are sworrn in before condemning the newly elected government.

Considering all the threats from the malcontents on this forum of threatening to leave Thailand if PTP won the election or that the economy would collapse within hours of such a result, I don't think any of those foreigners have departed, nor has the economy collapsed.

Oh, and you know what? The PTP won a decisive majority government in the election. That was something former PM Abhisit could not accomplish despite the help from his allies in the military.

The group you supported lost the election. Be a man and accept the result. Move on. Thailand will and so should you.

SInce a source often cannot be divulged even to an editor, it would be impossible to confirm. I'm surprised you didn't know that. How about we leave it at that, rather than questioning the source. For all we know, it could be the janitor or it could be a soon-to-be-announced cabinet member. Time may tell.

I note that you have said several times that your are not a redshirt supporter, but your posts sometimes bring that into question.

PTP has won a majority, and brought together a large coalition. I wish them well in governing Thailand, and hope they can bring the country forward in a positive manner. Again, time will tell, and I look forward to staying in Thailand. I'm quite committed to staying here no matter what the government. I think that those who stated they would leave if PTP won the election were in a stranglehold of irrational fear. I prefer to watch events unfold with a open mind.



Oh, and you know what? The PTP won a decisive majority government in the election. That was something former PM Abhisit could not accomplish despite the help from his allies in the military.

The group you supported lost the election. Be a man and accept the result. Move on. Thailand will and so should you.

"a decisive majority"

I'm not sure that I would describe 44% (estimated proportional-vote) as "decisive", or as being the 'landslide' which some posters were chortling about shortly after the exit-polls, prematurely as it later turned out.

But personally I'm happy to admit that PTP did better than I expected, particularly against the minor-parties, and have a solid-majority of MPs with which to form a government. It remains to be seen who will be in the Cabinet, how well Ms-Yingluck can handle her new job with its many challenges (there was an interesting thread on the 'minefield' of those, by the way), and how quickly Thaksin will want to return home.

With you I hope that the peaceful Red-Shirt leaders, their duty loyally having been done, should not be immediately & totally dumped. That would be cruel and cynical. :jap:


I aint no fan of the red shirt leadership but basically the new government should be able to pick who they want as a minister as long as they aint banged up on a final decision. If they want a government of red shirts so be it, they won the election and clearly. If they dont include red shirts then they seem to be being very nice to the extra-parliamentary lot. And lets be honest we could soon have a few on the opposition benches with serious charges against them.

In a few years time it is likely virtually everyone will be well amnestied anyway

Edited to add: and the extra-parliamentary boys could be facing charges too and they dont have parliamentary immunity


1/1 To get big bro home before the wedding date of his daughter.

The reason it wasn't in the sum up means maybe that the process is started already,hence no need to include it in the missions to accomplish.

A week ago I would have agreed with you

But now I think maybe not

Maybe they are smart enough to let things lie, Thais have short memories and if the PT party has a sucessfull 6-12 months of ruling then Thais will remeber what satisfies them and less of what is to be

Thaskin can rule from afar

Building PT success before his return

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