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The word terrorist is ridiculous and always has been, think about the meaning of the word. I fear the next Military coup could become a blood bath that would not be safe for anyone to live amid.

Terrorist act against nationals other than their own, for a cause that is not internal conflict. Irish terrorist were so called for acts in England on soil other than Irish and so on.

If you really want to see a blood bath, keep going down this line

The way to stop the bloodbath from coming is by not trying to whitewash the square faced demagogue in exile of his crimes against the people of Thailand. If you want to see a bloodbath, proceed with this idea of amnesty. That will guarantee a civil war, and you are correct, it won't be met with roses this time.

Rule of law means everyone should be held responsible for what they did. The PAD is willing to face that. They didn't go skipping bail and running off to continue terrorizing Thailand from overseas.

Thaksin has the ability to stop this whole thing any time he wants by simply admitting his guilt. That is the only thing that will stop the blood from flowing, because nobody is ready to accept injustice. If you believe as I do that this is highly unlikely, I suggest you simply prepare for the inevitable action that will come when the reds try and pardon him, and the army steps in to stop this miscarriage of justice and abandonment of the rule of law.

There is no need to review Thaksin's case. There is a need for Thaksin to admit he did wrong and accept his punishment. That may finally bring peace.

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Are you really so Naive that you believe a National Health Service can be run on 30 Baht per person?

Some of us patiently try to explain (a) that the 30 baht co-payment never was the main funding mechanism for the universal coverage scheme, and (b ) that the co-payment was ended in 2006.

I suppose the repeated misunderstandings about Thai health care just illustrate how out of touch the bubble dwellers are.


Perhaps Thaksin should join the Democrats ? Instantly he would be innocent of everything and never ever get convicted of anything in future..........

For a man though who doesn't accept court verdicts (when they go against him) or punishments, can't see how being convicted or not makes much difference, besides the having to flee bit.


Are you really so Naive that you believe a National Health Service can be run on 30 Baht per person?

OTOP stands for One Product One Tambon,thats why on the roadside there are rows on vendors selling Bananas,Barbecued Chicken, Coconuts etc, all competing against each other,so no one makes much money.

As for the Village Loans,which will never be paid off,all that happens is: they pay the Interest,and at the end of the year,take out a new loan to pay back last years loan,and continue paying interest,some favour!

Any help from Taxsin was using the peoples own money to keep them tied to him,so now the Tablet Computers are on the way? paid for by the people,and the promise of riches to come.

Wait until the People find out the reality,that most of his ideas have been expensive failures,that shackle them to poverty even further,and the Riches won't be arriving,anytime soon!

"Taxsin?" laugh.gif Good one!

Is that the reason that Thais open row upon row of exactly the same business almost everywhere you go? I always figured it was a combination of a lack of originality and some sort of fierce competitive thing rooted in the culture.

I've experienced the silliness of it firsthand. I own a restaurant here and when I opened there were just a couple other places to eat on my street, and we were fairly well spaced apart. Of course in Thailand you can't have that, so all of a sudden places start popping up all around me after they saw that my place and the others were all getting our fair share of customers. Fortunately now several of the ones who opened on the fly, so to speak, didn't make it and are out of business. So things are getting back to normal a bit for my place and another one of the originals on this road.


Why were we at hammer and tongs with each other as we are brothers in arms my friend!!! I thought you was a Thaksinyte (sounds like an obscure element in the lanthanide series) when you are patently not!!

You have all the right words there although its actually ONE TAMBON ONE PRODUCT but whats that between new found friends.

Choc dee with the restaurant by the way and I hope things pick up for you.


And we all wonder why Suthep was never charged, convicted and jailed for the Phuket Land Scandal.

One rule for them and another for others............

Perhaps Thaksin should join the Democrats ? Instantly he would be innocent of everything and never ever get convicted of anything in future..........

K. Suthep and Phuket Land scandal 1994-1995, almost like the 1990 k. Sanoh and the Alpine land scam, a plot later sold to SC Asset Co. with revocation suspended by Yongyuth Vichaidit. ( ). Wait long enough and all your worries will disappear as snow in the sun ;)

Mind you even while on the run k. Thaksin has won a defamation case against k. Sondhi. Looks like the judicial system in Thailand does work sometimes :)


"Another red-shirt leader, Kwanchai Prai-pana, said Nuttawut should stay away from the Cabinet and instead serve as government spokesman to "protect" Yingluck."

Government Spokes-liar, more like!

I think its absolutely hilarious that having done Thaksin's dirty work for him that the 'red shirt' leaders, with all the sacrifices they have made (including the regrettable and unneccesary lost lives of the naive 'red' foot soldiers) have been discarded so humiliatingly - apparently now, deemed as being liabilities to the cause, having secured Thaksin's (sorry Yingluck's victory).

That they (red shirt warriors) have spent time behind bars (not the type of bars they were used to in living it up in their 5 star hotel) and the coward Thaksin ran away in search of exile because he didn't fancy the idea of being put behind bars only serves to increase the beautiful irony of it all!!!!

Their naivity and gullibility has been exposed for what it was. "Where's our cabinet posts" they yell from the rooftops!!! "Can't have any is the reply" as your work is finished and I must concentrate on getting my brother back to Thailand without any distraction from the likes of you, go back to your farms and toil the fields where you belong, complaining peasants that you are - "a bloody nuisance if you want the truth be known" and you are starting to get on my nerves now.

Oh dear, what are the gladiators to think about how events have turned out where their rewards for distinctive service in aid of the many fellow duped kindred poor has turned into nowt with the only prizes preserved for the "cowboys" with nothing for the deserving "indians", still, thats life as they (didn't) know it!!! - maybe they should go to Bangkok and protest and create havoc again, this time against their masters. The only difference to before is that their generous sponsor's will be on the other side of the fence and they will have to pay their own way. Sorry lads and lasses, no matter your good intent - you blew it for Thailand - serves you right!!!!

Ultimate and classic own goal - team Shinawatra 1 "red" mugs zilch :annoyed:

Spot on! Wonder whether they will ever realize they have been used and abused!

no they wont at least 90% of them and by the time their children grow up it could (not will) be a 1 part state. Just depends if its a 1 party state allowing others to live or a 1 party state like North Korea. But then me and my family will be long gone sadly. Ive been married here 15 years and seen a lot including real killings before and I dont meanTaksins so their is some hope but ive already started liquidating our assets. This time round maybe even Army and higher authorities may not be able to save Thialand from itself. We have our erxit plan others who can would be best advised to at least consider what could be and if they can make arrangements just in case. I does not mean worst fears will happen they are just possible. Anyone who cant see that is as stupid as buffalo's who want their great leader back or is it yet good brother whistling.gif no its only 2 days good brother or Thailand's equivalent to North Korea will take even genius Taksin a number of years to achieve. Anyone who has any doubt that is his aim must be totally blind only question is will he succeed or not. Its only just beginning.


I suppose it's not uncommon for you to be the first to resort to mudslinging and personal insults when your arguments don't hold water. But, like you said my handle is DumFarang, and I better avoid trying to string too many words or thoughts together for fear of tripping over myself.

If you have any more valid points or thoughts that fuel the debate on why the letter of the law is more important than its spirit I'll be happy to reply. Otherwise I have no need of being made fun of or making fun of you since I graduated from grade school a long time ago.


As far as I know, though I have never studied law in Thailand, the letter of the law is strictly adhered to. The only circumstance where the spirit of the law is considered is if there is ambiguity in the wording of that law.

Of course that doesn't mean that everyone is actually charged with an offence if they break the law, that is at the discretion of the 'arresting officer' or the prosecuting office. But if they are in fact charged then the letter of the law is foremost.

Actually I don't think it's an across the board thing as you say. In cases that go before a judge he or she sometimes deems it wise to go with the laws spirit over only its letter. It just depends really on a case by case basis.

However, you touch on an interesting point. It is my belief that the most critical interpretation of law resides with law enforcement officials. This is where the rubber meets the road as they say. I've known and heard of officers who do it both ways. My feeling has always been, outside of some very specific circumstances, that their higher calling, keeping the peace, seems best honored by a thorough understanding of why laws exist (the spirit) as opposed to robotically following through as if the law is a set of stereo instructions. And let's face it, some laws are just stupid. There's a law in Oklahoma in the U.S. that states a person can't have a donkey in the bathtub after 6 p.m. I'm not joking. This is obviously an extreme example, but some laws clearly weren't meant to be taken totally seriously and some laws were. Still other laws can get very complex and might be oddly worded so that none of it makes sense and can turned into so many knots it just gets lost. Thanks to overly strict interpretation of laws defence lawyers get the chance to get a lot of criminals off the hook b/c somebody put a piece of evidence into the wrong type of bag or picked it up and examined it without special permission or some such crap.

Strict interpretations of the absolute letter of the law represent almost every failure of laws to do what they are supposed to do for as long as "fair" trials have taken place.



Are you really so Naive that you believe a National Health Service can be run on 30 Baht per person?

Some of us patiently try to explain (a) that the 30 baht co-payment never was the main funding mechanism for the universal coverage scheme, and (b ) that the co-payment was ended in 2006.

I suppose the repeated misunderstandings about Thai health care just illustrate how out of touch the bubble dwellers are.

Leave my friend alone!!!

Are you aware that a sizeable number of government hospitals today, yes today, are still struggling to balance their books and deal with the monetary problems that were created by Thaksin's dud health policy (amongst his others). This man is a walking disaster when it comes to developing sensible policies as no matter how well intentioned they were in the first place they invariably didn't work and furthermore ripped the fabric out of Thai society.

It's a real shame that those self same (poor Thai's) that put so much faith in him are oblivious to all these things and maybe they would have voted differently had they not been deceived into trusting in him so blindly.

Oh!! I'm forgetting myself - it is his darling younger sister Yingluck who is the incumbent prime minister - Isn't it???? Have I got this right????


It would be good if this could happen. However there would be a lot of people sweating that this does not happen. They would be, number one in the Military and number two in the Police Force.

... and number three - in the media


"Another red-shirt leader, Kwanchai Prai-pana, said Nuttawut should stay away from the Cabinet and instead serve as government spokesman to "protect" Yingluck."

Government Spokes-liar, more like!

I think its absolutely hilarious that having done Thaksin's dirty work for him that the 'red shirt' leaders, with all the sacrifices they have made (including the regrettable and unneccesary lost lives of the naive 'red' foot soldiers) have been discarded so humiliatingly - apparently now, deemed as being liabilities to the cause, having secured Thaksin's (sorry Yingluck's victory).

That they (red shirt warriors) have spent time behind bars (not the type of bars they were used to in living it up in their 5 star hotel) and the coward Thaksin ran away in search of exile because he didn't fancy the idea of being put behind bars only serves to increase the beautiful irony of it all!!!!

Their naivity and gullibility has been exposed for what it was. "Where's our cabinet posts" they yell from the rooftops!!! "Can't have any is the reply" as your work is finished and I must concentrate on getting my brother back to Thailand without any distraction from the likes of you, go back to your farms and toil the fields where you belong, complaining peasants that you are - "a bloody nuisance if you want the truth be known" and you are starting to get on my nerves now.

Oh dear, what are the gladiators to think about how events have turned out where their rewards for distinctive service in aid of the many fellow duped kindred poor has turned into nowt with the only prizes preserved for the "cowboys" with nothing for the deserving "indians", still, thats life as they (didn't) know it!!! - maybe they should go to Bangkok and protest and create havoc again, this time against their masters. The only difference to before is that their generous sponsor's will be on the other side of the fence and they will have to pay their own way. Sorry lads and lasses, no matter your good intent - you blew it for Thailand - serves you right!!!!

Ultimate and classic own goal - team Shinawatra 1 "red" mugs zilch :annoyed:

Spot on! Wonder whether they will ever realize they have been used and abused!

no they wont at least 90% of them and by the time their children grow up it could (not will) be a 1 part state. Just depends if its a 1 party state allowing others to live or a 1 party state like North Korea. But then me and my family will be long gone sadly. Ive been married here 15 years and seen a lot including real killings before and I dont meanTaksins so their is some hope but ive already started liquidating our assets. This time round maybe even Army and higher authorities may not be able to save Thialand from itself. We have our erxit plan others who can would be best advised to at least consider what could be and if they can make arrangements just in case. I does not mean worst fears will happen they are just possible. Anyone who cant see that is as stupid as buffalo's who want their great leader back or is it yet good brother whistling.gif no its only 2 days good brother or Thailand's equivalent to North Korea will take even genius Taksin a number of years to achieve. Anyone who has any doubt that is his aim must be totally blind only question is will he succeed or not. Its only just beginning.

It will be a 1 party state like Cambodia. That has always been Thaksin's goal. He sees what Hun Sen has in Cambodia and wants that for himself in Thailand. That is his role model. That is why they are such good friends.

Unfortunately I agree with your assessment that there will be civil war and our families will probably be forced to flee. I just hope that the existing forces in the military succeed in vanquishing the reds. Military rule is not great, but a diffuse organization like the military is today leaves the opportunity to encounter decent people and play one faction off against the other. I would probably return under those circumstances. A totalitarian dictatorship like Thaksin envisions would yield true misery. Cambodia is on the upswing because Hun Sen is selling off all the national resources to foreigners in exchange for personal wealth. The economic activities of the foreigners then bring a small amount of wealth to the people to keep them in line. Thailand sold off most of its natural resources decades ago. I shudder to think what Thaksin will do to this country if he is allowed to consolidate his hold on power, and there isn't an obvious exploitable area such as this.


Are you really so Naive that you believe a National Health Service can be run on 30 Baht per person?

OTOP stands for One Product One Tambon,thats why on the roadside there are rows on vendors selling Bananas,Barbecued Chicken, Coconuts etc, all competing against each other,so no one makes much money.

As for the Village Loans,which will never be paid off,all that happens is: they pay the Interest,and at the end of the year,take out a new loan to pay back last years loan,and continue paying interest,some favour!

Any help from Taxsin was using the peoples own money to keep them tied to him,so now the Tablet Computers are on the way? paid for by the people,and the promise of riches to come.

Wait until the People find out the reality,that most of his ideas have been expensive failures,that shackle them to poverty even further,and the Riches won't be arriving,anytime soon!

"Taxsin?" laugh.gif Good one!

Is that the reason that Thais open row upon row of exactly the same business almost everywhere you go? I always figured it was a combination of a lack of originality and some sort of fierce competitive thing rooted in the culture.

I've experienced the silliness of it firsthand. I own a restaurant here and when I opened there were just a couple other places to eat on my street, and we were fairly well spaced apart. Of course in Thailand you can't have that, so all of a sudden places start popping up all around me after they saw that my place and the others were all getting our fair share of customers. Fortunately now several of the ones who opened on the fly, so to speak, didn't make it and are out of business. So things are getting back to normal a bit for my place and another one of the originals on this road.


Why were we at hammer and tongs with each other as we are brothers in arms my friend!!! I thought you was a Thaksinyte (sounds like an obscure element in the lanthanide series) when you are patently not!!

You have all the right words there although its actually ONE TAMBON ONE PRODUCT but whats that between new found friends.

Choc dee with the restaurant by the way and I hope things pick up for you.

Thank you. jap.gif

I'm definitely no Thaksinyte.

And chok dee in your business endeavors as well.


Are you really so Naive that you believe a National Health Service can be run on 30 Baht per person?

Some of us patiently try to explain (a) that the 30 baht co-payment never was the main funding mechanism for the universal coverage scheme, and (b ) that the co-payment was ended in 2006.

I suppose the repeated misunderstandings about Thai health care just illustrate how out of touch the bubble dwellers are.

Leave my friend alone!!!

Are you aware that a sizeable number of government hospitals today, yes today, are still struggling to balance their books and deal with the monetary problems that were created by Thaksin's dud health policy (amongst his others). This man is a walking disaster when it comes to developing sensible policies as no matter how well intentioned they were in the first place they invariably didn't work and furthermore ripped the fabric out of Thai society.

It's a real shame that those self same (poor Thai's) that put so much faith in him are oblivious to all these things and maybe they would have voted differently had they not been deceived into trusting in him so blindly.

Oh!! I'm forgetting myself - it is his darling younger sister Yingluck who is the incumbent prime minister - Isn't it???? Have I got this right????

Wait wait wait! The healthcare and OTOP comments came from another member! That post reached the quotation quota and I had to cut parts out. I must have taken out one or two lines too much. I don't remember who made those comments, but it wasn't me.



and so it begins. Let him back and let buffalo have their hero. After 15 years here nothing much surprises. They deserve what they will get but wont even understand one bit why they seem to be as poor as ever. Im all right jack. Stocks up Baht up which is very good fro buffalo im sure. Now who owns what in thailand buffalo's or Taksin and rest of elite.whistling.gif still I have not yet got rid of all my assets here and still have a lot of Thai stock held here so that will be sold over next few months and money taken out. Anyone want some of my wife's 50 rai scattered around place. rolleyes.gif maybe that will go up as well now we have Thailand's economic genius back in power. Still nice to have a little bit more to take out and put safely into Singapore Switzerland and Hong Kong.

I wont go until and if it gets so bad I cant live here but my money has decided it wants to leave laugh.gif

Can you ask your money if it was just fine with having a military coup, but not with 'the other side' of a 50-50 divided country getting into government? At which point did your money become aware that the Democrat party is not a dominant force in Thai politics? Was that 3 days ago?

Your money has a lot to learn, as it wanders the globe. I wish it a good trip, and Godspeed.

my money has a mind of its own and thank you for wishing it well rolleyes.gif its served me and my family very well so far and thank you for allowing it to go out free. That freedom is if you knew anything only usually given to elite and Taksin of course. Try opening a foreign currency account here if your a thai and not elite or Taksin. My money sorry my families money has grown and prospered here over 15 years even under the dear brother Taksin before. But now it seems to think very dark times may come. It can still invest here but from abroad and might well do. My mistake was not doing that before. Luckily even with restrictions their are ways to get your money out mostly controlled by chinese and quite possibly I will in getting it out be contributing even more to the Taksin and Shinawatees fortunes since as usual top take a cit. Going rate was around 2% but I believe its gone up a lot. My money only needs to learn how to protect itself which it does very well. Like Taksin it does not give a shit about anything else except itself. Now I do but I dont want to influence my money in that.


Interesting that all the news is about Thaksins return and not about what ermmm... the Reds are going to do for their electorate. I wish that I had 100 million US or more in pocket change to buy a country, obstruct its laws to get my way and make a fortune.

Seriously, I'm a bit jealous!


I suppose it's not uncommon for you to be the first to resort to mudslinging and personal insults when your arguments don't hold water. But, like you said my handle is DumFarang, and I better avoid trying to string too many words or thoughts together for fear of tripping over myself.

If you have any more valid points or thoughts that fuel the debate on why the letter of the law is more important than its spirit I'll be happy to reply. Otherwise I have no need of being made fun of or making fun of you since I graduated from grade school a long time ago.


As far as I know, though I have never studied law in Thailand, the letter of the law is strictly adhered to. The only circumstance where the spirit of the law is considered is if there is ambiguity in the wording of that law.

Of course that doesn't mean that everyone is actually charged with an offence if they break the law, that is at the discretion of the 'arresting officer' or the prosecuting office. But if they are in fact charged then the letter of the law is foremost.

Actually I don't think it's an across the board thing as you say. In cases that go before a judge he or she sometimes deems it wise to go with the laws spirit over only its letter. It just depends really on a case by case basis.

However, you touch on an interesting point. It is my belief that the most critical interpretation of law resides with law enforcement officials. This is where the rubber meets the road as they say. I've known and heard of officers who do it both ways. My feeling has always been, outside of some very specific circumstances, that their higher calling, keeping the peace, seems best honored by a thorough understanding of why laws exist (the spirit) as opposed to robotically following through as if the law is a set of stereo instructions. And let's face it, some laws are just stupid. There's a law in Oklahoma in the U.S. that states a person can't have a donkey in the bathtub after 6 p.m. I'm not joking. This is obviously an extreme example, but some laws clearly weren't meant to be taken totally seriously and some laws were. Still other laws can get very complex and might be oddly worded so that none of it makes sense and can turned into so many knots it just gets lost. Thanks to overly strict interpretation of laws defence lawyers get the chance to get a lot of criminals off the hook b/c somebody put a piece of evidence into the wrong type of bag or picked it up and examined it without special permission or some such crap.

Strict interpretations of the absolute letter of the law represent almost every failure of laws to do what they are supposed to do for as long as "fair" trials have taken place.


"There's a law in Oklahoma in the U.S. that states a person can't have a donkey in the bathtub after 6 p.m".

Yes that is a dumb-ass law - I mean lets face it there should be some leeway here (spirit-of-the-law effectively) and it should be allowed up until 10 PM as those animals take a heck of a lot of cleaning and that's only if they co-operate at bathtime with all that kicking that they like to do!! At least you can clean up the mess after (as long as the donkey is removed at the appropriate time so as not to upset the establishment and have them come knocking at the door).

Alternatively, if this becomes a severe problem that cannot be remedied then just move out of the state of Oklahoma - easy done!!


Interesting that all the news is about Thaksins return and not about what ermmm... the Reds are going to do for their electorate. I wish that I had 100 million US or more in pocket change to buy a country, obstruct its laws to get my way and make a fortune.

Seriously, I'm a bit jealous!

It seems the redsUDD leaders, some of whom will be PTP MP's are having a bit of a bickering and 'testing the waters' session. Kwanchai Praipana, UDD leader in Udon Thani said that k. Natthawut should be appointed to the cabinet in the new government and today k. Natthawut said that he has not demanded a ministerial post in the coming PTP led government.

The plebs have to be a bit more patient, their turn will come. Rumour has it they already got a bit of an advance payment just before the elections ;)


Are you really so Naive that you believe a National Health Service can be run on 30 Baht per person?

Some of us patiently try to explain (a) that the 30 baht co-payment never was the main funding mechanism for the universal coverage scheme, and (b ) that the co-payment was ended in 2006.

I suppose the repeated misunderstandings about Thai health care just illustrate how out of touch the bubble dwellers are.

Leave my friend alone!!!

Are you aware that a sizeable number of government hospitals today, yes today, are still struggling to balance their books and deal with the monetary problems that were created by Thaksin's dud health policy (amongst his others). This man is a walking disaster when it comes to developing sensible policies as no matter how well intentioned they were in the first place they invariably didn't work and furthermore ripped the fabric out of Thai society.

It's a real shame that those self same (poor Thai's) that put so much faith in him are oblivious to all these things and maybe they would have voted differently had they not been deceived into trusting in him so blindly.

Oh!! I'm forgetting myself - it is his darling younger sister Yingluck who is the incumbent prime minister - Isn't it???? Have I got this right????

Wait wait wait! The healthcare and OTOP comments came from another member! That post reached the quotation quota and I had to cut parts out. I must have taken out one or two lines too much. I don't remember who made those comments, but it wasn't me.


Don't worry I won't hold it against you!!:rolleyes:


I suppose it's not uncommon for you to be the first to resort to mudslinging and personal insults when your arguments don't hold water. But, like you said my handle is DumFarang, and I better avoid trying to string too many words or thoughts together for fear of tripping over myself.

If you have any more valid points or thoughts that fuel the debate on why the letter of the law is more important than its spirit I'll be happy to reply. Otherwise I have no need of being made fun of or making fun of you since I graduated from grade school a long time ago.


As far as I know, though I have never studied law in Thailand, the letter of the law is strictly adhered to. The only circumstance where the spirit of the law is considered is if there is ambiguity in the wording of that law.

Of course that doesn't mean that everyone is actually charged with an offence if they break the law, that is at the discretion of the 'arresting officer' or the prosecuting office. But if they are in fact charged then the letter of the law is foremost.

Actually I don't think it's an across the board thing as you say. In cases that go before a judge he or she sometimes deems it wise to go with the laws spirit over only its letter. It just depends really on a case by case basis.

However, you touch on an interesting point. It is my belief that the most critical interpretation of law resides with law enforcement officials. This is where the rubber meets the road as they say. I've known and heard of officers who do it both ways. My feeling has always been, outside of some very specific circumstances, that their higher calling, keeping the peace, seems best honored by a thorough understanding of why laws exist (the spirit) as opposed to robotically following through as if the law is a set of stereo instructions. And let's face it, some laws are just stupid. There's a law in Oklahoma in the U.S. that states a person can't have a donkey in the bathtub after 6 p.m. I'm not joking. This is obviously an extreme example, but some laws clearly weren't meant to be taken totally seriously and some laws were. Still other laws can get very complex and might be oddly worded so that none of it makes sense and can turned into so many knots it just gets lost. Thanks to overly strict interpretation of laws defence lawyers get the chance to get a lot of criminals off the hook b/c somebody put a piece of evidence into the wrong type of bag or picked it up and examined it without special permission or some such crap.

Strict interpretations of the absolute letter of the law represent almost every failure of laws to do what they are supposed to do for as long as "fair" trials have taken place.


"There's a law in Oklahoma in the U.S. that states a person can't have a donkey in the bathtub after 6 p.m".

Yes that is a dumb-ass law - I mean lets face it there should be some leeway here (spirit-of-the-law effectively) and it should be allowed up until 10 PM as those animals take a heck of a lot of cleaning and that's only if they co-operate at bathtime with all that kicking that they like to do!! At least you can clean up the mess after (as long as the donkey is removed at the appropriate time so as not to upset the establishment and have them come knocking at the door).

Alternatively, if this becomes a severe problem that cannot be remedied then just move out of the state of Oklahoma - easy done!!

Agreed. Far better to move out of a silly place like Oklahoma and into a sensible one like Tennessee where a law states, "you can't shoot any game other than whales from a moving automobile."



A review of his case sounds fair to me.

Let's remember that all the charges against Thaksin were brought forward by the "Assets Examination Committee" (AEC). The AEC was established after the coup by the military junta. It didn't exist before. There were 12 members on the panel. They include:

- Kaewsan Atibodhi: A vocal critic of Thaksin for many years and speaker at the PAD rallies. He has publicly called Thaksin a hijacker and rapist before being appointed to the AEC.

- Jaruvan Maintaka: She was well know for her criticism of Thaksin before being appointed to the AEC. She refused to resign her position as Auditor-General after the Constitution Court ruled that her nomination was illegal. She was also criticized for nepotism, hiring her own son as her personal secretary using the state budget and bringing her children on a state-funded trip. She is also a member of the Democrat party and a PAD speaker at rallies.

- Banjerd Singkaneti: Also a long-time critic of Thaksin, and a leader of the PAD since 2006. Most famously, he has said that Thaksin was worse than Hitler.

These are just some of the 12 people who have brought charges against Thaksin. Now, after reading the above, I'm sure everyone will agree with me that a review of Thaksin's case sounds more than fair.

Will a review of the case find different facts because different people are investigating?

The AEC brought the case forward. But the DSI prosecuted, and the judges judged.

You're incorrect. The AEC charged Thaksin, the AEC froze Thaksin's assets and it was also the AEC who found Thaksin guilty. The decisions are available online for anyone to read.

The AEC members were the only judges. And as you can see above the AEC members were all PAD or Democrat party members.

It is refreshing and a pleasure to read posts by someone who has a comprehensive understanding of what has transpired since the coup. Too many here at TV would like to forget, gloss over the facts or rewrite history to fit their own political agenda.

Sure - except that what he wrote is a lie.

The AEC didn't sentence Thaksin to 2 years - the court did.


It is her prerogative to review cases. Perhaps, it is her obligation if irregularities are suspected. She staged a brilliant campaign in which the Dems failed political science 101. There are a vastly greater number of lower income folk than high income folk. It is a one-person-one-vote world and putting the interests of the high income folk abusively prominent while thumbing their nose at the don't-know-enough-and-don't-deserve-to-vote low income masses is political suicide, despite the misguided posts on TV. If they cannot do the math to understand this most rudimentary political reality, then it is best that the Dems are not in office any more because condescension and a holier-than-thou entitlement mentality are traits of the bygone feudal era.

System glitch re-posted the same comment.

Please explain why it is her perogative to review cases. What balderdash!!! I'm not even sure that she can apply to the courts to do this. She is the incumbent prime minister (if Thaksin lets her be) and not a member of the high court of the land for Thaksin's (I mean gods) sake!!!:jap: .

Considering its her brother, I'd say it's a conflict of interests.


Agreed. Far better to move out of a silly place like Oklahoma and into a sensible one like Tennessee where a law states, "you can't shoot any game other than whales from a moving automobile."


Hmmmm!! I would bet my house on the fact that nobody has ever gone to the gallows for infringing that one. Maybe you could harpoon a whale from a crane parked outside a giant open topped aquarium in Tennessee!!!!! If so then this is indeed a sensible law and I can see why it was brought into being as whales are generally protected species and EVERYTHING must be done to protect them. Especially the Tennneessseee

varieties (have I put too many t's in ten..........).


It is her prerogative to review cases. Perhaps, it is her obligation if irregularities are suspected. She staged a brilliant campaign in which the Dems failed political science 101. There are a vastly greater number of lower income folk than high income folk. It is a one-person-one-vote world and putting the interests of the high income folk abusively prominent while thumbing their nose at the don't-know-enough-and-don't-deserve-to-vote low income masses is political suicide, despite the misguided posts on TV. If they cannot do the math to understand this most rudimentary political reality, then it is best that the Dems are not in office any more because condescension and a holier-than-thou entitlement mentality are traits of the bygone feudal era.

System glitch re-posted the same comment.

Please explain why it is her perogative to review cases. What balderdash!!! I'm not even sure that she can apply to the courts to do this. She is the incumbent prime minister (if Thaksin lets her be) and not a member of the high court of the land for Thaksin's (I mean gods) sake!!!:jap: .

Considering its her brother, I'd say it's a conflict of interests.



Are you really so Naive that you believe a National Health Service can be run on 30 Baht per person?

Some of us patiently try to explain (a) that the 30 baht co-payment never was the main funding mechanism for the universal coverage scheme, and (b ) that the co-payment was ended in 2006.

I suppose the repeated misunderstandings about Thai health care just illustrate how out of touch the bubble dwellers are.

Leave my friend alone!!!

Are you aware that a sizeable number of government hospitals today, yes today, are still struggling to balance their books and deal with the monetary problems that were created by Thaksin's dud health policy (amongst his others). This man is a walking disaster when it comes to developing sensible policies as no matter how well intentioned they were in the first place they invariably didn't work and furthermore ripped the fabric out of Thai society.

It's a real shame that those self same (poor Thai's) that put so much faith in him are oblivious to all these things and maybe they would have voted differently had they not been deceived into trusting in him so blindly.

Oh!! I'm forgetting myself - it is his darling younger sister Yingluck who is the incumbent prime minister - Isn't it???? Have I got this right????

Wait wait wait! The healthcare and OTOP comments came from another member! That post reached the quotation quota and I had to cut parts out. I must have taken out one or two lines too much. I don't remember who made those comments, but it wasn't me.


Yes you are correct,it was me Majic

I have no idea what went wrong.

I apologise if it was my error?


Ultimately I think it will help the poor. The last Thaksin government gave the people a health care sytem that is the envy of many in the developing world, he build thousands of social housing units, introduced OTOP, gave loans to villages and more. Let's hope this time that education is the priority - in order to really empower the Thai people so that they can make informed decisions about issues that affect them. Sure there'll still be inequality at the end of this parliament, but maybe the poor wont have to wai quite so low as they do now.

That is the bottom line & that is why the Thai's voted the way they did.

Thais voted that way because the elite and the army forgot that Bangkok is not Thailand.

Do tell, does Bangkok, on your map, stretch all the way down to Malaysia?

15% of the MPs for the democrats comes from BKK constituencies -- the rest from non-BKK areas.

But keep harping the lies...


The coup in 2005 was an act of treason.

No, it wasn't, if they protected the nation against internal enemies.

As the deposed little man, that wasn't even a PM at the time, had made enemies that the army has sworn to protect and was raping the nation that the army has sworn to protect, it wasn't treason. It was upholding their oath.


The coup in 2005 was an act of treason.

No, it wasn't, if they protected the nation against internal enemies.

As the deposed little man, that wasn't even a PM at the time, had made enemies that the army has sworn to protect and was raping the nation that the army has sworn to protect, it wasn't treason. It was upholding their oath.

This may come as a surprise to some, but the coup of 2005 is a rumour only. The 19th of September 2006 was a real one though <_<


The coup in 2005 was an act of treason.

No, it wasn't, if they protected the nation against internal enemies.

As the deposed little man, that wasn't even a PM at the time, had made enemies that the army has sworn to protect and was raping the nation that the army has sworn to protect, it wasn't treason. It was upholding their oath.

I think you mean 2006 - anyway, "TAWP" has hit the nail on the head as they were taking out a corrupt prime minister who had seriously abused his power of office for his own means. Did the people vote him in only for him to turn his back on them and seek ways to swell his personal burgeoning coffers. Lets face it - the man's a menace and has no right (IMPO) to step foot in Thailand ever again as he is indeed an enemy of the state and they are best rid of him.

I think that Yingluck should be given the benefit of the doubt for the moment but if she even attempts to find a way to bring her brother back then I hope the military take her out as well in a 2011 or 2012 coup. Be warned Yingluck you maybe don't realise the extent to which the army despise this ugly little man as he is your big brother and you look up to him (well down to this little goblin) - but I can assure you that they won't accept him returning and neither should they as they are obliged to protect the people from all dangerous forces and none,are more dangerous to the wellbeing of Thailand than HIM!!!


The coup in 2005 was an act of treason.

No, it wasn't, if they protected the nation against internal enemies.

As the deposed little man, that wasn't even a PM at the time, had made enemies that the army has sworn to protect and was raping the nation that the army has sworn to protect, it wasn't treason. It was upholding their oath.

I think you mean 2006 - anyway, "TAWP" has hit the nail on the head as they were taking out a corrupt prime minister who had seriously abused his power of office for his own means. Did the people vote him in only for him to turn his back on them and seek ways to swell his personal burgeoning coffers. Lets face it - the man's a menace and has no right (IMPO) to step foot in Thailand ever again as he is indeed an enemy of the state and they are best rid of him.

I think that Yingluck should be given the benefit of the doubt for the moment but if she even attempts to find a way to bring her brother back then I hope the military take her out as well in a 2011 or 2012 coup. Be warned Yingluck you maybe don't realise the extent to which the army despise this ugly little man as he is your big brother and you look up to him (well down to this little goblin) - but I can assure you that they won't accept him returning and neither should they as they are obliged to protect the people from all dangerous forces and none,are more dangerous to the wellbeing of Thailand than HIM!!!

come of it your talking about his clone as she herself said and party slogan is Taksin says we do. Cant get much clearer than that can you. At least your and others naivety is good for a laugh cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif hell be back whatever his nice sister might want. Only question is will army step in or not. My guess is they wont but I dont discount possibility of a totally bloody coup since that is only way now Taksin can be stopped by massive killing. EIther way its not looking good. Mass suppression and killings from Army or Taksin back slowly taking total control. Whichever im getting our money out over next 12 months or so.

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