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One thing you can say about Abhisit: If he says he'll do something he does it. The guy has a lot of integrity, despite what the more rabid members of the peanut gallery would like to believe.

sadly enough he didnt say too much did he?

Puppet of the army nothing more nothing less.

Tell me 3 major projects in which he did any good for his country?

1 ....

2 ....

3 ....

I am not a Thaksin supporter as he is as corrupt as they come and his first purpose of this all is his own profit for sure but at least of all the money he stole he gave some back to the ones in need the most.

Yes I can call a few of Thaksin accomplishments.

1 Cheap housing programs for the poor

2 the 20Baht FULL medical care for the poor

3 Cut the military spending to never before see low .


Don't worry Dirk. Whereas the 30Baht health care scheme was made free of charge all together (by PM Surayut in 2007 I think) the PM-in-waiting Yingluck has just announced the economical team would like to push forward six items. One of those "to overhaul the healthcare system by reintroducing the 30-baht healthcare scheme initiated during the Thaksin administration.". Maybe this time round they will also take care of financing the scheme?

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Like a master sportsman, Abhisit should be applauded for giving his all in competition, but gracefully accepting defeat.

True. Football is all he's good at. Let's see if he moves to England and becomes an EPL coach.

Good idea but might be difficult as the Thai name has been somewhat tainted within English football by one ex-Thai PM already.


There are lot of things he doesnt deserve much respect for in the time previous to this, and those actions result in his party being even more unelectable than it was 4 years ago

What were those actions in your opinion hammered?


Not to sound too facetious, but what has he actually done in the last 2 years? I mean apart from giving good interviews in English.

Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?

I thought that was due to the regional economic climate, rather than the man. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei grew at almost the same rate as Thailand during the same period. IMHO.


Rather than me wasting time trying to convince the uneducated what Abhisit did, try reading his Wiki page at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abhisit_Vejjajiva

Thaksins Wiki page is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra

And whilst yet another Abhisit Vs Thaksin debate would no doubt be fun and extremely easy to win...here is the essential Thaksin quote from his page.

"However, his (Thaksin's) government was increasingly accused of dictatorship, demagogy, corruption, conflicts of interest, human rights offences, acting undiplomatically, using legal loopholes and displaying hostility towards a free press. A highly controversial leader, he has also been the target of numerous allegations of lèse majesté, treason, usurping religious and royal authority, selling assets to international investors, and religious desecration."

Carry on.


Not to sound too facetious, but what has he actually done in the last 2 years? I mean apart from giving good interviews in English.

Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?

I thought that was due to the regional economic climate, rather than the man. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei grew at almost the same rate as Thailand during the same period. IMHO.

Faulty reasoning I think, a government is to blame or gets the credit. Like those booming years of 2001 - 2005 all due to PM Thaksin and his government efforts <_<


Not to sound too facetious, but what has he actually done in the last 2 years? I mean apart from giving good interviews in English.

Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?

OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?


I hear there may well soon be a vacant luxury apartment available for rent or purchase in Dubai he may like to consider. ;)

I'm sure he would consider fleeing to such a place, if he was a yellow-bellied coward like the current yet-to-vacate owner/tenant.

If I think you are referring to a cerain Mt T shouldn't that be "red bellied"? And you can be sure, he WILL be back!


If I think you are referring to a cerain Mt T shouldn't that be "red bellied"?

Not unless red-bellied means cowardly. I appreciate your attempt however at a clever play on words.

And you can be sure, he WILL be back!

Is this news? In my opinion it has never been in doubt. Just a case of when. Few can stay on the run their entire life.


Not to sound too facetious, but what has he actually done in the last 2 years? I mean apart from giving good interviews in English.

Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?

I thought that was due to the regional economic climate, rather than the man. Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Brunei grew at almost the same rate as Thailand during the same period. IMHO.

Faulty reasoning I think, a government is to blame or gets the credit. Like those booming years of 2001 - 2005 all due to PM Thaksin and his government efforts <_<

Fair enough.


A Thai politician being honourable and living up to a significant promise, and not for personal gain.

It's a rare event, I can see why some may be in a state of shock.


Rather than me wasting time trying to convince the uneducated what Abhisit did, try reading his Wiki page at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abhisit_Vejjajiva

Thaksins Wiki page is http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thaksin_Shinawatra

And whilst yet another Abhisit Vs Thaksin debate would no doubt be fun and extremely easy to win...here is the essential Thaksin quote from his page.

"However, his (Thaksin's) government was increasingly accused of dictatorship, demagogy, corruption, conflicts of interest, human rights offences, acting undiplomatically, using legal loopholes and displaying hostility towards a free press. A highly controversial leader, he has also been the target of numerous allegations of lèse majesté, treason, usurping religious and royal authority, selling assets to international investors, and religious desecration."

Carry on.

Wiki is next to useless (but convenient) when discussing Thai politics. It is better to actually go to the source material. (Look at the History page for Thaksin ---- it is being revised almost constantly and not with new things --- just re-writing history.


An extremely derogatory post has been removed. A short reminder of the forum rules you agreed to follow when you signed on as a member:


7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.


He only got himself to blame for getting in bed with the military.

He got off lightly considering the number of people that he indirectly killed.

There are those that don't suffer from insanity. they enjoy every monute of it enjoy every minute of it

So I Never argue with an idiot. They only drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience.


(In my opinion) Mr. Abhisit was educated, articulate, intelligent, fair, honest and seemingly incorruptible...

He had no place in Thai politics.

Good luck Sir. It was a valiant effort (golf clap).

Abhist is a true gentlemen if of only there were more like him around, I hope he sticks around to re group the opposition, this time to his way of thinking. He came out of defeat with honour and I hope Thais acknowledge that and give him another chance. He is a force for good and I wish him well.

What kind of gentleman who endorsed fully armed soldiers, tanks, and snipers to round up people and shoot them. All is fair in love love and war? For the last seven days before the election, his speeches ain't anything but jealousy, full of accusation and sarcasm, a gentleman? Incorruptible and honest? how about allowing consuming product shortage, and then price manipulation, rotten food for the flood victims in the south, dust free roads projects, tripple war machine budget increased for the armed forces? He was ready to sell his soul to the devil to stick to the power. I wish he never ever comes back.

You obviously weren't here when Thaksin was running the show. If you had been, you might have some clue about how comical your post is. Why don't you educate yourself - look up "Tak Bai" and see what a real massacre is like.

Tak Bai was accidental death caused by ignorant officials handling the case. Even with that said, that commander should be held responsible for manslaughter, unless they were proved to have intention to kill. That is far more different from sending in happy trigger snipers into Ratchaprasong. I saw few clips that a soldier took aim and shot a fallen victim twice, even his second officer told him not to. I saw soldiers strolled along Lumpini Park, leisurly pause to shoot into the park. Killing at Pathumwanaram Temple, and many more of the likes. After a whole year past, we still do not hear or see any report from the fact finding cum reconciliation committee who shot who, who must be held responsible for the hundred dead. Comiccal? right, I heard that Superman denounced American citizenship last month.


(In my opinion) Mr. Abhisit was educated, articulate, intelligent, fair, honest and seemingly incorruptible...

He had no place in Thai politics.

Good luck Sir. It was a valiant effort (golf clap).

Abhist is a true gentlemen if of only there were more like him around, I hope he sticks around to re group the opposition, this time to his way of thinking. He came out of defeat with honour and I hope Thais acknowledge that and give him another chance. He is a force for good and I wish him well.

What kind of gentleman who endorsed fully armed soldiers, tanks, and snipers to round up people and shoot them. All is fair in love love and war? For the last seven days before the election, his speeches ain't anything but jealousy, full of accusation and sarcasm, a gentleman? Incorruptible and honest? how about allowing consuming product shortage, and then price manipulation, rotten food for the flood victims in the south, dust free roads projects, tripple war machine budget increased for the armed forces? He was ready to sell his soul to the devil to stick to the power. I wish he never ever comes back.

Another history revisionist - before the 1 st major conflict Mr A offered early elections as asked, they were accepted, then rejected after the mystery SMS. The 1st conflict saw RTA with riot shields and batons attacked with M-79s and auto rifles, that is why from then they were fully armed.

Nobody was rounded up and shot, in fact very few were shot at all. The rest of your is post is similarly biased and inaccurate, and a slur on the name of a good man..


That is far more different from sending in happy trigger snipers into Ratchaprasong.

We don't know who sent them, but i know who i think had the motive to create even more chaos and fear, and it wasn't the government.

I saw few clips that a soldier took aim and shot a fallen victim twice, even his second officer told him not to.

Do you know what the "victim" was doing to make him the subject of the shooting? I don't, so i reserve judgement.

I saw soldiers strolled along Lumpini Park, leisurly pause to shoot into the park. Killing at Pathumwanaram Temple, and many more of the likes.

Killing at the temple remains unsolved.

After a whole year past, we still do not hear or see any report from the fact finding cum reconciliation committee who shot who, who must be held responsible for the hundred dead. Comiccal? right, I heard that Superman denounced American citizenship last month.

I wouldn't say comical, i would say they are working with very limited information and unless they can prove something with certainty, they can't make a judgement. Would you prefer they did? Just choose someone most likely to point the finger at and go with that, and to h*ll with evidence. Sound good?


(In my opinion) Mr. Abhisit was educated, articulate, intelligent, fair, honest and seemingly incorruptible...

He had no place in Thai politics.

Good luck Sir. It was a valiant effort (golf clap).

Neither Superman, nor Batman would have done a better job within two years. The biggest joke is that most Thais blamed him for higher costs of living, higher gasoline prices and so on.

The fact that the red shirts bought their votes doesn't make Yingluck look better at all................................:jap:

My steph daughter went actualy vote for the first time in her life.

She voted for Abhisit as she was approached by his party and handed 500Baht to vote for them so can we please stop the hypocrisy that only one party in Thailand did ay vote buying???????

The same rules apply for ay party here so get over it both parties buy votes. If you dont like the rules or think its just one corrupt party here in Thailand its time for you to move on I think???

Nice to see that you have managed to pass on your ethics and integrity. Did you ask her if the handout affected her decision?


Rather than me wasting time trying to convince the uneducated what Abhisit did, try reading his Wiki page at http://en.wikipedia....hisit_Vejjajiva

Thaksins Wiki page is http://en.wikipedia....ksin_Shinawatra

And whilst yet another Abhisit Vs Thaksin debate would no doubt be fun and extremely easy to win...here is the essential Thaksin quote from his page.

"However, his (Thaksin's) government was increasingly accused of dictatorship, demagogy, corruption, conflicts of interest, human rights offences, acting undiplomatically, using legal loopholes and displaying hostility towards a free press. A highly controversial leader, he has also been the target of numerous allegations of lèse majesté, treason, usurping religious and royal authority, selling assets to international investors, and religious desecration."

Carry on.

Yeah, but other than that, he's a great guy!


Good riddance Abhisit. You will NOT be missed. jap.gif

Any basis in your post Newbie?

Do you consider Thaksin a better alternative?

Is this your own opinion?

I'm always interested in why people think Abhisit was/is not good. Not saying he's perfect, but I do wonder if people think things through and understand history before they post such enlightening and valuable insights into their political opinions.

An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.


An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.

I'll bet that's not all you hear.


<Contents of post previously deleted> jap.gif

Any basis in your post Newbie?

Do you consider Thaksin a better alternative?

Is this your own opinion?

I'm always interested in why people think Abhisit was/is not good. Not saying he's perfect, but I do wonder if people think things through and understand history before they post such enlightening and valuable insights into their political opinions.

An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.

Ah yes, the sound of willow on leather, lovely. Apart from that, why do you refer to "the assault of the army on the Reds" when in fact it was the other way round? When the bullets started to fly, the RTA commander on scene was killed in the first few minutes by an M-79 grenade. How fortuitous that some "peaceful protester " happened to bring one along, and achieved the perfect shot.

Do you believe the big red lie, "We did nothing wrong!"


I think Abhisit's main mistake was in believing that people in this country are as rational as he is. Put another way, he is well ahead of his time.

He never descended to raw populism (partly because he can't pull it off credibly) and he carries with him a kind of calm magisterial manner which would be much better suited to the politics of a more developed nation.

I mean, the man even set out conditions under which he would resign, and honoured them. How on earth does he expect to succeed in Thai politics with that kind of attitude?


<Contents of post previously deleted> jap.gif

Any basis in your post Newbie?

Do you consider Thaksin a better alternative?

Is this your own opinion?

I'm always interested in why people think Abhisit was/is not good. Not saying he's perfect, but I do wonder if people think things through and understand history before they post such enlightening and valuable insights into their political opinions.

An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.

Is this an exam question?

It sure is structured that way.

But then again, from the quality and relevance of argument, I doubt you are a teacher.


An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.

I'll bet that's not all you hear.

Yes, I hear lame excuses of sore losers.

Abhisit, the elite of Democrats and the army lost because they thought that Bangkok was Thailand.

I want to hear the praises for Suthep's edifying deeds under his boss Abhisit.

Today he said that if the Reds take over most of Thailand there is going to be chaos... Or something to that effect. What a sore loser!

Hello! in the elections you were sent a loud message Khun Suthep: we do not like what your boss and you stand for. Bye!

Reality check:

Nothing said in this forum will change the outcome of the elections. If people feel like venting, it's OK, may they do so lest they turn blue to punish me.

The sore losers should wait until the new administration gets going to capitalize on the mistakes that inevitably will be made. Then they will be fair game.


<Contents of post previously deleted> jap.gif

Any basis in your post Newbie?

Do you consider Thaksin a better alternative?

Is this your own opinion?

I'm always interested in why people think Abhisit was/is not good. Not saying he's perfect, but I do wonder if people think things through and understand history before they post such enlightening and valuable insights into their political opinions.

An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.

Is this an exam question?

It sure is structured that way.

But then again, from the quality and relevance of argument, I doubt you are a teacher.

Can you abound on the items I enumerated instead of turning into an ad hominem rebuttal?


An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"

OK. How did he do so: single-handed?

What were the measures, laws, regulations, promotion of Thais products, etc. that he himself generated or accomplished?

How did he keep the economy going at a steady pace? Specifically HOW?

How can it, in that context, be factored in the occupation of the airports by the Yellows, the assault of the army on the Reds, the increased budget for the army, the hostilities in the Cambodian temple-territory, the pulling out of Thailand from the UNESCO WHC?

True that he is credited by everyone to entice "quality tourists" to visit Thailand. Other than that I hear the crickets.

Was Abhisit PM, at the time of the airport-occupation, or was it somebody less competent ? B)



An adoring fan has credited Abhisit with "Against tremendous odds kept the economy going at a steady pace?"


This is a first for me being called an 'adoring' fan. Till now only 'yellow-shirt', 'anti-Thaksin', 'anti-red', 'have a lollipop, and hush off' :D

Just to be sure, who are we talking about, the adorable Ms. Yingluck, or the admirable k. Abhisit ?


(In my opinion) Mr. Abhisit was educated, articulate, intelligent, fair, honest and seemingly incorruptible...

He had no place in Thai politics.

Good luck Sir. It was a valiant effort (golf clap).

Abhist is a true gentlemen if of only there were more like him around, I hope he sticks around to re group the opposition, this time to his way of thinking. He came out of defeat with honour and I hope Thais acknowledge that and give him another chance. He is a force for good and I wish him well.

What kind of gentleman who endorsed fully armed soldiers, tanks, and snipers to round up people and shoot them. All is fair in love love and war? For the last seven days before the election, his speeches ain't anything but jealousy, full of accusation and sarcasm, a gentleman? Incorruptible and honest? how about allowing consuming product shortage, and then price manipulation, rotten food for the flood victims in the south, dust free roads projects, tripple war machine budget increased for the armed forces? He was ready to sell his soul to the devil to stick to the power. I wish he never ever comes back.

The riots that accelerated last year eh, well I think Abhist was very restrained and how did the reds react? Went to places they were told were off limits, storming hospitals, in short, getting bolder all the time pushing their luck until it ran out, they could have averted violence at any time, they chose not to, they wre not innocents. Dont forget they did a lot of damage to property and destroyed a lot of peoples livelihood, I would clamped down a lot harder then him, but its easy to say when you dont have to do it..

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