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Local Elections


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This weekend for our further enjoyment sees another weekend without alcohol. Three weekends on the trot they have got to be joking. This time for a local election.

Does anybody know where the boundary line lies where you can legally buy a drink. I know Sattahip doesn't come under the restrictions of Pattaya but where are the boundaries?

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Boundaries and timings don't mean a thing if the people applying the rules don't know what they are.

Last Saturday I was refused alcohol in a restaurant at lunchtime on the pretext of the ban due to elections.

They had no problem with me buying it from the local mom & pop store and drinking it though?

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rather unfortunate if you arrived last week for a 2/3 week holiday, we have a Thai public holiday next week also and bars will be closed again

Thank Buddha I moved out of Pattaya many year's ago 7 day's with no bar's open in just over two week's, EEEEEEEK Dont get any problem's where I live. All have been open 24/7 Yes including the big one last weekend. Yippee.
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Tonight Walking Street will be open and serving alcohol (according to a bar manager that I know). Seems that the local election doesn't cover South Pattaya at least. And with the current food festival on all the way down Beach Road, it would seem that it doesn't affect North and Central Pattaya either. How can you have a food festival without booze?

Edited by eyebee
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