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Thai Students Intelligence Quotient (IQ) Below Global Average


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i think that the only thing that this research has proved is that in thailand the educatio system is awful, particulary in the rural areas of the country, i am really sorry for those poor thai kids :(

IQ is not a measure of academic achievement. One of the problems with releasing dubious, probably invalid/unreliable results like this is that the general public is clueless as to its meaning ... as this comment demonstrates.

Of course the choice of "news" items to include on TV is primarily aimed at provoking the armchair experts into supplying explanations and solutions for every breaking "news" item in Thailand based on their vast repository of knowledge acquired primarily in bar beers.

One shudders to think what the results would be if IQ tests were administered to the TV membership. The bell-shaped curve would be perverted into a ski slope descending from left to right.

This is not actually true - the brain need to be stretched and "exercized" too - this has been shown many times in studies - after just a few weeks of doing activities and tests that stretch the mind, can garner quite an uplift in IQ test results of an individual. To say that education does not affect IQ is simply wrong. It may not affect intellectual potential, but no IQ test can calculate that. If IQ tests are low and there is not biological or environmental reason, then it is likely to be nurturing or bio-chemical (poor diet, hormonal etc). Any way many of us, me for instance, didn't say IQs were low because of poor education - we said given standard average IQ's or thereabouts, and therefore equal ability to learn, that it must be the learning mechanism/methodology for the relatively low standard of educated adults at the other end. A leads to B - doesn't necessarily mean B also leads to A.

Be that as it may, it is still a measure of "clear-thinking ability" and not academic achievement.

Raven's SPM is a test of observation skills and clear-thinking ability. It offers insight about someone's capacity to observe, solve problems, and learn. The test has a total of 60 items presented in 5 sets (AE), with 12 items per set.

The SPM Plus contains more powerful items while retaining the five-set, sixty-item format of the SPM. There is no time limit for either the SPM or the SPM Plus.

The SPM or SPM Plus score can be used as an indication of a candidate's potential for success in professional, management and high-level technical positions that require clear thinking, problem identification, holistic situation assessment, and monitoring of tentative solutions for consistency with all available information. The SPM or SPM Plus score also can be used for developmental purposes in occupational and educational settings. The nonverbal aspect of each test minimizes the impact of cultural or language bias.

Edited by Suradit
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I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

The IQ of foreigners residing in Thailand is irrelevant. The op is about the youth of Thailand, the future workers and lifeblood of the nation who are sadly being failed by what appears to be an incompetant leadership.

yes,it maybe irrelevent but alot of these " foreigners " have created a lot of business/companies in thailand through the abilaty to think and work by themselves, they are far more creative by nature, and i think this stems from how they are nurtured in the west,..... from the moment a kid from the west is able to gurgle a few words and starting to walk they are given educational toys such as ''lego'' or ''mechano " ,''sticklebricks '',train sets they have to build themselves , jigsaw puzzles etc etc , i for one have never even seen lego on sale in thailand , ...how can a child get educated to the same degree when playing only with mud and water {the wife just told me there IS lego here , but its'' PAENG''} , Well, if thats the case why not copy it and sell it to thai schools ????? ,they copy everything else just to line there own selfish pockets,... i visited a thai school once with an x-gf and saw nothing for the young kids to ecourage them to use a'' bit of the ''grey matter/the top 2 inches'', only sand and colouring books. To say that the 'op' is about the youth of thailand is wrong,......its too late for them unfortunately, the time to start education comes way before your youth

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IQ tests are quite well known for being racially and culturally bias, so why would anyone waste five seconds relying on what they "proved" unless of course to reinforce the readers personal bias

Yes - in essence this thread is about something that doesn't exist.

It also looks like several posters can't differentiate between the concept of education or abilities and the flawed concept of a universal system to measure an indefinable human characteristic.

The above statements prove that the average IQ in PC infected countries is deteriorating with high speed....

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I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

he he , thats a good one yes, is many loosers that come here because they cant find a women in their own home country , probaly many avarage 9 to 5 workers that had simple easy jobs also.. And many of them invest in bar and sit there and drink and hope to make money , while the girl frend and the workers rip them off as mutch as they can.

Low IQ of the thais dont surprise me at all , seen many so called skilled workers that dont know shit about what they do.

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I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

he he , thats a good one yes, is many loosers that come here because they cant find a women in their own home country , probaly many avarage 9 to 5 workers that had simple easy jobs also.. And many of them invest in bar and sit there and drink and hope to make money , while the girl frend and the workers rip them off as mutch as they can.

Low IQ of the thais dont surprise me at all , seen many so called skilled workers that dont know shit about what they do.

Your aberrant use of the English language and an apparent lack of understanding of the facilities offered by, and the benefits of using a spell checker, might lead some to wonder about your IQ.

The BBC website recently reported that the deficiency of workers ability to spell was costing Industry millions of GBP.

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There are a number of different IQ tests and most are designed to take into account cultural bias. Basic intelligence is established when children are quite a young and are probably determined by both nature and nurture. There is a correlation between IQ test scores and school performance.

Let's stick to the topic of the thread, which isn't about the relationship between spelling among posters and their level of intelligence. It's an interesting idea, but not the topic of the thread.


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I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

he he , thats a good one yes, is many loosers that come here because they cant find a women in their own home country , probaly many avarage 9 to 5 workers that had simple easy jobs also.. And many of them invest in bar and sit there and drink and hope to make money , while the girl frend and the workers rip them off as mutch as they can.

Low IQ of the thais dont surprise me at all , seen many so called skilled workers that dont know shit about what they do.

What an erudite comment!

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Buddha was giving his teaching to different people in accordance with their intellectual abilities. His teachings designed for people with generaly low abilities are called Hinayana of Theravada (now in countries like Burma, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Thailand) His teachings for people with higher abilities are now known as Mahayana ( territories of ancient China, India, Indonesia, Afghanista, Pakistan, Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Russia). For further information check out The History of Religions, "Buddhism".

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I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

he he , thats a good one yes, is many loosers that come here because they cant find a women in their own home country , probaly many avarage 9 to 5 workers that had simple easy jobs also.. And many of them invest in bar and sit there and drink and hope to make money , while the girl frend and the workers rip them off as mutch as they can.

Low IQ of the thais dont surprise me at all , seen many so called skilled workers that dont know shit about what they do.

Your aberrant use of the English language and an apparent lack of understanding of the facilities offered by, and the benefits of using a spell checker, might lead some to wonder about your IQ.

The BBC website recently reported that the deficiency of workers ability to spell was costing Industry millions of GBP.

You had better stay there and help improve the stats, so as the bad figures improve, we have so many CLEVER posters here telling others how to spell forgetting they have no manners. I would much rather be a nice mannered person than a brilliant speller.B)

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There are a number of different IQ tests and most are designed to take into account cultural bias. Basic intelligence is established when children are quite a young and are probably determined by both nature and nurture. There is a correlation between IQ test scores and school performance.

Let's stick to the topic of the thread, which isn't about the relationship between spelling among posters and their level of intelligence. It's an interesting idea, but not the topic of the thread.


Except that the tests DON"T WORK - so any comments about Thai IQ or anyone else's for that matter are a best extremely dubious.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

he he , thats a good one yes, is many loosers that come here because they cant find a women in their own home country , probaly many avarage 9 to 5 workers that had simple easy jobs also.. And many of them invest in bar and sit there and drink and hope to make money , while the girl frend and the workers rip them off as mutch as they can.

Low IQ of the thais dont surprise me at all , seen many so called skilled workers that dont know shit about what they do.

Water seeks its own level

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IQ tests are anything but extremely dubious. And when they when are combined with knowledge tests and all the other objective measures, the prospects of the majority of young Thais is about where they are right now, or worse.

Remember this one? Priceless. What other country has a leader who is so distressed that he needs to say "I can't believe that our children can be so stupid"


Abhisit aghast at lack of knowledge


Academics call on universities to help with reform, take charge of youngsters

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is quite worried about the country's educational system because students have lamentably poor knowledge in science, mathematics and English.

Speaking at a recent meeting of executives from medical schools, Abhisit said students had got alarmingly low scores during the recent Ordinary National Educational Test (O-Net).

"So many children got zero in maths, even though it was a multiple-choice test," he said. "I can't believe that our children can be this stupid."

He also said he found some science students from Chulalongkorn University were unable to do even the most basic of fractions.

"Thai children, in general, don't have a good command of the English language either. That's a weakness too," he said.

In a separate event yesterday, academics called on universities to take the country's ongoing educational reform seriously.

The reform is into its second decade.

"It will not be successful if everybody thinks that the reform is the sole duty of the Education Ministry. Everyone should lend a hand. Universities, in particular, should get involved for the sake of Thai children," Office of the Education Council secretary-general Tongthong Chandransu said.

Yongyut Yuttawong, who sits on the committee overseeing educational reform, said higher-education institutes should ensure that their courses suit employers' needs better. "The institutes should engage employers in designing their courses," he suggested.

He also emphasised that universities should instil morality and wisdom in their students.

"The spoon-feeding should be cut down and more focus should be placed on quality," he added.

Chainarong Intarameesap, another member of the panel, said teachers and university lecturers should be resourceful, responsible and morally sound because only such people could inspire students and set good examples.

He added that if the country wanted graduates who were fluent in English, then lecturers who are also proficient in the language should teach them.

Chulalongkorn University lecturer Sompong Jitradab, also a committee member, said the focus should also be on teachers at the pre-university level.

He said relevant authorities should introduce measures that stop teachers being preoccupied with pursuing higher academic ranks. Since higher academic ranks mean higher salaries, many teachers spend far too much time and effort on their studies rather than on their students.

"Schools should offer more |activity-based lessons as well," he said.


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A hundred years ago there was a saying in the western world," The mayor keeps them stupid while the pastor keeps them poor".This is at current times still a fact in Thailand.

Haha and in Thailand we all know who ensures there are plenty of mayors and pastors to go around! :jap: Shhhhh, I didn't say that!

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I once took one of those online tests (50 questions, 45 mins or something like that) I scored 129 - apparently that's a good score - funny I didn't know that.

A wise old redneck once said, "if you so smart, why aint you rich".

I ain't rich.

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I once took one of those online tests (50 questions, 45 mins or something like that) I scored 129 - apparently that's a good score - funny I didn't know that.

A wise old redneck once said, "if you so smart, why aint you rich".

I ain't rich.

Its a good score because 100 is standard. I did a few test way back and had 130-137 i'm not rich either.

But i doubt being smart is a guarantee to become rich, i think knowing the right people will help a lot more.

I knew a stupid American from the time that i worked at a stock traders office. He made loads of money because he had good contacts.

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IQ tables like this are a total waste of time. Intelligence is only of any use if it's possessor knows or is encouraged how to use it. That is where Thailand, especially in it's education system, falls down.

I think you mean to say thai education largely fails to train the mind to think in which case the concept of IQ becomes a moot point.

The other element that stymies and further compounds the damage to thinking is the fear to err.

In our thai language class we have been reading bachelor degree level thai and the number of social rules of politeness is mind boggling. One can understand how a thai person could be scared to death of breaking a rule.

For me the interesting thing is in a society that so highly stresses politeness how can there be so much cheating and corruption?? Cheating and corruption would seem to fly in the face of politeness.

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I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

Devastating results taken at polls around the 7/11s...

If you spend 5 minutes at a school in rural Thailand the only surprise is how many get smart despite that. The system is designed to destroy thinking.

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For me the interesting thing is in a society that so highly stresses politeness how can there be so much cheating and corruption?? Cheating and corruption would seem to fly in the face of politeness.

Only if you get caught.

And if you do get caught, thanks to the overarching politeness, everyone just smiles and moves on. So I can see some correlation ;)

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I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

he he , thats a good one yes, is many loosers that come here because they cant find a women in their own home country , probaly many avarage 9 to 5 workers that had simple easy jobs also.. And many of them invest in bar and sit there and drink and hope to make money , while the girl frend and the workers rip them off as mutch as they can.

Low IQ of the thais dont surprise me at all , seen many so called skilled workers that dont know shit about what they do.

Your aberrant use of the English language and an apparent lack of understanding of the facilities offered by, and the benefits of using a spell checker, might lead some to wonder about your IQ.

The BBC website recently reported that the deficiency of workers ability to spell was costing Industry millions of GBP.

Rude is not the word to describe your answer, even if you are correct in what you say. We all are not perfect, I included but other people that are not as gifted as you, would maybe lose you on a host of subjects. The I.Q in the topic is an average assessment of Thai students, I would go along with the report, but NOT blame the students or even the schools, to me the teaching starts from day 1, at home and not always but how kids are motivated and encouraged by their families.

Thailand has this kids -free style-for it's offspring, an attitude that brings us to the I.Q. results.

Government reform on it's teaching methods, and it's chosen subjects, LIKE there is a world out there===geography for one is rarely taught. T.V. is another way to educate, but adverts and Thai soaps are the way not to educate.

Poster take a look at what your not so good at. ??? eh gimme 5 gimme ten do you know what i'm on about,

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I would like to see the IQ of foreigners residing and visiting in Thailand measured.

I suspect it would make for an interesting comparison.

he he , thats a good one yes, is many loosers that come here because they cant find a women in their own home country , probaly many avarage 9 to 5 workers that had simple easy jobs also.. And many of them invest in bar and sit there and drink and hope to make money , while the girl frend and the workers rip them off as mutch as they can.

Low IQ of the thais dont surprise me at all , seen many so called skilled workers that dont know shit about what they do.

Your aberrant use of the English language and an apparent lack of understanding of the facilities offered by, and the benefits of using a spell checker, might lead some to wonder about your IQ.

The BBC website recently reported that the deficiency of workers ability to spell was costing Industry millions of GBP.

Rude is not the word to describe your answer, even if you are correct in what you say. We all are not perfect, I included but other people that are not as gifted as you, would maybe lose you on a host of subjects. The I.Q in the topic is an average assessment of Thai students, I would go along with the report, but NOT blame the students or even the schools, to me the teaching starts from day 1, at home and not always but how kids are motivated and encouraged by their families.

Thailand has this kids -free style-for it's offspring, an attitude that brings us to the I.Q. results.

Government reform on it's teaching methods, and it's chosen subjects, LIKE there is a world out there===geography for one is rarely taught. T.V. is another way to educate, but adverts and Thai soaps are the way not to educate.

Poster take a look at what your not so good at. ??? eh gimme 5 gimme ten do you know what i'm on about,

Could you advise me what is the right word to describe my answer? Accurate?

Please convert your last sentence into English so that I my understand it, and do take care with the punctuation.

P.S. I'm not, nor have ever been, very good at woodworking but then I was so successful in my occupation that required talent of a cerebral nature, that I could always afford to hire somebody that was.

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#127 #146


My second reply to you re the 2 replies on this thread and you attitude to others==Ha Ha ...Suppose you can walk on water ??? because of your remark about brains, your head must be larger than most. I was merely pointing out to you that trying to belittle people in public doesn't sound that intelligent. If you understand what people mean when they post accept it. Trying to sound like a big shot doesn't do you any favours.

We all can converse some with better abilities than others. Your post will aggravate people and for what point????? We are all here just one time, enjoy it and the thread is a decent one to respond to as it is about THAI students I.Qs not our spelling etc.,

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Buddha was giving his teaching to different people in accordance with their intellectual abilities. His teachings designed for people with generaly low abilities are called Hinayana of Theravada (now in countries like Burma, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Laos, Thailand) His teachings for people with higher abilities are now known as Mahayana ( territories of ancient China, India, Indonesia, Afghanista, Pakistan, Mongolia, Tibet, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Russia). For further information check out The History of Religions, "Buddhism".


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