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Anyone else not able to get any websites from outside Thailand when using TOT? 2 hours now !! I'm posting this via phone using True as can't access on TOT .. Hope it's not just me


My connection (3bb) is not connecting to US-based sites (and perhaps other countries), but I am able to post here on Thaivisa which I think is outside Thailand? Singapore maybe? If so, I am getting out to a point, but unable to get to USA hosts for about the same time as you.


Tot is redirecting all traffic via Singtel connection which is 4Gbit. I think they have connection problems to other peers around the world. This is temporary until they solve US / EU connection problems.


My (TOT) connection speed to international servers is ridiculously slow today.

In Chumphon i am having problems today, but yesterday and backwards no issues. Connection to USA and UK servers are slow as 20KB/s. I thought they were being throttled :( . The tot speed test was showing 6Mb down (Max out at appx 750 KB/s) and 0.5 Mb up. but downloading has been slow to some sites. Http and ftp downloads.

I switched to CAT CDMA, which is 2.8 Mb down and 0.7 up and I am getting 2800KB/s downloads. I will make contact with ToT contact tomorrow, but I guess this just emphasizes the importance of backup internet from different sources.

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