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Food Temperatures,Are They Safe


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My unscientific, scientific opinion. I know what happens maybe someone with more medical knowledge can tell me why.

If you hold food hot for a longer time it is safe. Beef Medium Rare held at that temperature for a number of hours kills e coli. While beef well done kills e coli immediately. Large cuts of meat like roasts and such rarely get e coli only ground up stuff.

When you freeze pork you kill lots of worms and stuff in the pork. So you could theoretically eat medium rare pork roast if it was frozen?

You can re heat chicken, even boil it for 30 minutes and not kill the stuff in the chicken that gives you diarrhea.

Pressure cooking should kill anything bad. Does KFC still use pressure fryers? And does that kill anything in the chicken?

If you leave freshwater fish filleted and out in the sun you can watch the worms crawl out of the fish.

I buy local prepared food almost every day. I buy a soup to put in the bottom of the slow/rice cooker and put three or four different entrees in the steamer insert in the top. I bring the soup to a boil and then put in the insert with the entrees in the plastic bags and reduce the heat to hold and close the lid. This keeps the food hot but not hot enough to melt the plastic bags. I buy it at 4 PM because that is when they put it out and it is fresh and we eat around 7 so it has been held for about three hours. 150b buys rice, soup and at least three dishes one being vegetable, one fish and one pork and/or chicken that have been stir fried with different things. No problems with food poisoning and the lady takes the leftovers (which have been chilled after dinner) to work the next day for lunch.

There are few tourists where I live and I never see another Farang buy food where I do. I think the biggest cause of food poisoning is not washing hands after going to the toilet. True? E coli and Salmonella are less of problem than hand washing?

So actually Thailand could cure a large percent of its food problems by providing hand washing facilities for food vendors? Doesn't seem that complicated does it?

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When you freeze pork you kill lots of worms and stuff in the pork. So you could theoretically eat medium rare pork roast if it was frozen?

If you leave freshwater fish filleted and out in the sun you can watch the worms crawl out of the fish.

Wouldn't that break your teeth? :unsure:

That's why it costs so much! Takes lotsa labor to keep stuffing them back in.

(By the way, Kerry, heating anything in plastic ain't particualry healthy. Might want to look it up, if you're interested. I won't even get takeaway in plastic or styrofoam. Take my own containers and have them put it in there.)

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I have been here 2 1/2 years and only got sick about 3 weeks ago.

I had KFC and 3 hours later I was on the toilet and throwing up and felt like I was going to die. I will never eat KFC again. The last time I was sick was back in SYdney, yeap it was from KFC too.

Killer <deleted> Chicken

Most likely you got something on your fingers within the 3 hours after you had the meal, then it found the way into your body (mouth, eye, nose, etc), and your body reacted to it.

If you get sick from eating something, the body will normally react quickly.

The few times I have been sick here, is normally delivered pizza.

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When you freeze pork you kill lots of worms and stuff in the pork. So you could theoretically eat medium rare pork roast if it was frozen?

If you leave freshwater fish filleted and out in the sun you can watch the worms crawl out of the fish.

Wouldn't that break your teeth? :unsure:

That's why it costs so much! Takes lotsa labor to keep stuffing them back in.

(By the way, Kerry, heating anything in plastic ain't particualry healthy. Might want to look it up, if you're interested. I won't even get takeaway in plastic or styrofoam. Take my own containers and have them put it in there.)


Dangers of Heating Food in Plastic - Microwave Health Risks - Bisphenol A - Good Housekeeping

Clearly good news: None of the samples of sauce or gravy had detectable levels of either BPA or phthalates.Clearly good news: None of the samples of sauce or gravy had detectable levels of either BPA or phthalates.

Don't want to start but it seems OK.

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When you freeze pork you kill lots of worms and stuff in the pork. So you could theoretically eat medium rare pork roast if it was frozen?

If you leave freshwater fish filleted and out in the sun you can watch the worms crawl out of the fish.

Wouldn't that break your teeth? :unsure:

Reminds me of the story about the USAF testing B52 windscreens in a wind tunnel using chickens. There was an unusual number of screens being broken at one facility so the facility sent its procedure to command and asked them to verify they were following the correct protocol.

Command wrote back ... first un-thaw the chickens.

That's why it costs so much! Takes lotsa labor to keep stuffing them back in.

(By the way, Kerry, heating anything in plastic ain't particualry healthy. Might want to look it up, if you're interested. I won't even get takeaway in plastic or styrofoam. Take my own containers and have them put it in there.)

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ha ha this is hilarious. Does e Op really believe street vendors are trained in anything much less food safety?

I think OP asked the question, he didnt say they were.

Read again.


Yes, but it just beggars belief that anyone could be that naive and let out if the house without a nanny.

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When you freeze pork you kill lots of worms and stuff in the pork. So you could theoretically eat medium rare pork roast if it was frozen?

If you leave freshwater fish filleted and out in the sun you can watch the worms crawl out of the fish.

Wouldn't that break your teeth? :unsure:

Reminds me of the story about the USAF testing B52 windscreens in a wind tunnel using chickens. There was an unusual number of screens being broken at one facility so the facility sent its procedure to command and asked them to verify they were following the correct protocol.

Command wrote back ... first un-thaw the chickens.

That's why it costs so much! Takes lotsa labor to keep stuffing them back in.

(By the way, Kerry, heating anything in plastic ain't particualry healthy. Might want to look it up, if you're interested. I won't even get takeaway in plastic or styrofoam. Take my own containers and have them put it in there.)

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My unscientific, scientific opinion. I know what happens maybe someone with more medical knowledge can tell me why.

If you hold food hot for a longer time it is safe. Beef Medium Rare held at that temperature for a number of hours kills e coli. While beef well done kills e coli immediately. Large cuts of meat like roasts and such rarely get e coli only ground up stuff.

When you freeze pork you kill lots of worms and stuff in the pork. So you could theoretically eat medium rare pork roast if it was frozen?

You can re heat chicken, even boil it for 30 minutes and not kill the stuff in the chicken that gives you diarrhea.

Pressure cooking should kill anything bad. Does KFC still use pressure fryers? And does that kill anything in the chicken?

If you leave freshwater fish filleted and out in the sun you can watch the worms crawl out of the fish.

I buy local prepared food almost every day. I buy a soup to put in the bottom of the slow/rice cooker and put three or four different entrees in the steamer insert in the top. I bring the soup to a boil and then put in the insert with the entrees in the plastic bags and reduce the heat to hold and close the lid. This keeps the food hot but not hot enough to melt the plastic bags. I buy it at 4 PM because that is when they put it out and it is fresh and we eat around 7 so it has been held for about three hours. 150b buys rice, soup and at least three dishes one being vegetable, one fish and one pork and/or chicken that have been stir fried with different things. No problems with food poisoning and the lady takes the leftovers (which have been chilled after dinner) to work the next day for lunch.

There are few tourists where I live and I never see another Farang buy food where I do. I think the biggest cause of food poisoning is not washing hands after going to the toilet. True? E coli and Salmonella are less of problem than hand washing?

So actually Thailand could cure a large percent of its food problems by providing hand washing facilities for food vendors? Doesn't seem that complicated does it?

1. If you hold food hot for a longer time it is safe. Beef Medium Rare held at that temperature for a number of hours kills e coli. While beef well done kills e coli immediately. Large cuts of meat like roasts and such rarely get e coli only ground up stuff.

Meat needs to reach a specific temperature throughout to kill all the bad stuff. High heat enters a particular piece of meat faster than low heat so low heat must be used longer to fully heat the interior of the piece.

Much of the contaminants of meat are from contact with other things. Ground meat has increased it's surface area by tremendous amounts allowing the inside stuff to contact contaminated surfaces. This is why ground meat is much more of a problem than solid pieces.

2. When you freeze pork you kill lots of worms and stuff in the pork. So you could theoretically eat medium rare pork roast if it was frozen?

If you freeze pork in a freezer for 3 days, not just a cold refrigerator but a freezer so it is rock hard, you kill all the trichinosis worms and their offspring. And you can cook it any way you wish. This procedure just takes care of the nematodes though so if it has some other bad stuff that needs heat to kill your on your own - but you are in most cases safe.

3. You can re heat chicken, even boil it for 30 minutes and not kill the stuff in the chicken that gives you diarrhea.

The only reason I can think of that chicken would do this is if your buddies put x-lax in the mix.

4. Pressure cooking should kill anything bad. Does KFC still use pressure fryers? And does that kill anything in the chicken?

A pressure cooker will take care of bacteria as long as you cook it at high enough temperatures and pressures.

5. If you leave freshwater fish filleted and out in the sun you can watch the worms crawl out of the fish.

Yes, this is true but no harm done. Salt it and let it dry out fully and you should be good to go.

6. There are few tourists where I live and I never see another Farang buy food where I do. I think the biggest cause of food poisoning is not washing hands after going to the toilet. True? E coli and Salmonella are less of problem than hand washing?

You are spot on, but it is not just the toilet that is the problem but touching other infected items. Wash your hands regularly and make sure the stuff you eat and the things you eat it with, and the stuff the food is contained in, is clean and has not been touched by "dirty things or dirty people".


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Your time is coming and when it does it won't be pretty.

Maybe I'm immune, I dunno, but in 20 years, the truth, no problems for me.

Anyway, you take care of yourself, food poisoning is no joke so I'm told. I take care too, but not much, maybe I've been lucky.

And continued good luck to you. As far as I know there is no immunity to every strain of eColi and the crap (pun intended) naturally occurs in soils.

You've got me thinking, I'm a Farang who has never had any food poisoning at all in over 20 years in Thailand, I have never been sick, never been to a hospital etc etc, maybe I have some kind of super gene in my body, I doubt it, but maybe. :)

Then again, if you read this forum, most Farangs are grossly unhappy in Thailand and all Thais are wrong and all Farangs are good and right and why can't the Thais be more like us................Us, yes Us, people like us, people like us that have created a fiscal nightmare in our home countries, people like us, people like us that drove us away from our home countries, people like us, we stay in Thailand to get away from people like us. :)

I'll take my chances here.

I'm off to Nang Kee on Pattaya klang................ :D


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ha ha this is hilarious. Does e Op really believe street vendors are trained in anything much less food safety?

I think OP asked the question, he didnt say they were.

Read again.


Yes, but it just beggars belief that anyone could be that naive and let out if the house without a nanny.

eeehhm, ok.

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I usually eat wife's cooking but she does not really follow the rules of food hygiene as I have always been taught. Food is frequently left out overnight in heat and she often reheats rice which I read is very unhealthy. I used to refuse to eat this but that lead to so much complaining and nagging I figured food poisoning was better than suffering with this. However despite this I have so far not experienced any major problem with food poisoning in 5 years. I think sometimes I eat too many chilis and pay the price, but this is natural and was the same when I used to eat too many jalopenos and habaneros back in US.

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I wonder how many people in LOS who are suffering from a worm infection without knowing it.


I have wondered, can you see worms in your poop with the naked eye?

That depends entirely on what type of worms that you are infected with. If, for instance, the worms in question are tape worms, it is common for segments (proglittids) of the worm to dislodge and be passed along with the fecis.It is also common amongst infected hosts that proglottids crawl out of anus ending up in the underwear.

If I am allowed to speculate, I would say that something in the region of 25% of expats in LOS suffers from a worm infection. There are other countries in SEA where the risk of being infected is even greater.

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I wonder how many people in LOS who are suffering from a worm infection without knowing it.


I have wondered, can you see worms in your poop with the naked eye?

That depends entirely on what type of worms that you are infected with. If, for instance, the worms in question are tape worms, it is common for segments (proglittids) of the worm to dislodge and be passed along with the fecis.It is also common amongst infected hosts that proglottids crawl out of anus ending up in the underwear.

If I am allowed to speculate, I would say that something in the region of 25% of expats in LOS suffers from a worm infection. There are other countries in SEA where the risk of being infected is even greater.

What are the symptoms besides the worms in your underwear?

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I wonder how many people in LOS who are suffering from a worm infection without knowing it.


I have wondered, can you see worms in your poop with the naked eye?

That depends entirely on what type of worms that you are infected with. If, for instance, the worms in question are tape worms, it is common for segments (proglittids) of the worm to dislodge and be passed along with the fecis.It is also common amongst infected hosts that proglottids crawl out of anus ending up in the underwear.

If I am allowed to speculate, I would say that something in the region of 25% of expats in LOS suffers from a worm infection. There are other countries in SEA where the risk of being infected is even greater.

What are the symptoms besides the worms in your underwear?

Many patients experience an increased appetite, abdominal pains and digestive problems. Weight loss is common, but by far the most common symptom is that the patiente lack symptoms completely.

Edited by Forethat
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One thing I notice is missing amongst all of the sage advise on the who ,what, and whys of food contamination that cause diners to become sick with various maladies , THE MENU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This thought provoking method furnished to help appease the appetite of discerning diners is more than likely the scourse of more germs than is given consideration , how many previous diners have leafed through the menu with their germ laden fingers that have been in contact with god knows what array of sickness causing bacteria ? Do restaurants clean the pages on regular occassions , i doubt they give it nary a thought, many do not even maintain toilets in a healthy state , beware the menu , wash your hands with soap and water after perusal if only for peace of mind .

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Looks like a couple of members need to either go back to posting school, or stop drinking when posting. :unsure:

???????? Please explain oh knowledgeable one!

Posters should beging their post after the final [/qu------ote] (had to put the dashes in to get it to work otherwise, well...

thereby properly separating their post from the one(s) they are quoting, rather than embedding -- seemlessly and therefore unidentifably -- theirs into the other posters, which makes it look like the other poster wrote it all. Whew.

There are a couple of examples earlier on this page (unless this goes to the next page).


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Looks like a couple of members need to either go back to posting school, or stop drinking when posting. :unsure:

???????? Please explain oh knowledgeable one!

Posters should beging their post after the final [/qu------ote] (had to put the dashes in to get it to work otherwise, well...

thereby properly separating their post from the one(s) they are quoting, rather than embedding -- seemlessly and therefore unidentifably -- theirs into the other posters, which makes it look like the other poster wrote it all. Whew.

There are a couple of examples earlier on this page (unless this goes to the next page).


I see what you mean now! The whole post ends up looking like a quote. Cheers!

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