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Pattaya To Kalasin - A Good Idea?


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At the moment I live in Pattaya and have done for almost 5 years but as my family is getting bigger I have been discussing with my wife the possobility of getting a bigger house. She then pointed out to me that if we were to leave Pattaya and head North the houses are very cheap - she said I could get a reasonable house for half a million and a large house for 1 million, as she already owns land up there. Can anyone offer me advice over wether a move would be as good idea and are the houses up in the North (Kalasin) really that cheap or is MRs just being overwhelmingly optimistic as usual?

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Land is cheaper, but building a house may not be. If you built the very same house it would probably cost more as supplies eventually come from Bangkok. However labor would be cheaper. I seriously doubt that you could build a suitable house for you for just 1 million baht at today's costs. For a Thai, maybe. You will be overcharged for everything.

Whether you make the move depends on you.Some foreigners get bored easily. I think you need to spend time (at least a month) up there first before you decide.I have a friend who built a house in the area and he spends very little time up there. Too boring. The house is used pretty much by the extended 'family'. He spent about 2 million baht to build a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house up there. I'm talking about building the house only. Not purchasing land. This was just last year.

Of course the misses would push for it, as she is at home and you would be supporting the family and community. I'm not sure how well you know the misses, but if the misses owns the land, you would have to take legal protection to avoid being kicked out of your house and losing your investment. It does happen. Talk to a lawyer before committing. The misses could also die prematurely with the property going to the family. They could kick you out as well. You need to protect yourself and your investment.

Edited by BB1950
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You won't get much for 1 Million Baht, and for 500,000 it will be very basic, of course I am talking Standards, I could easily live in a 500,000 house yet ended up spending 5 times as much, she owns the land already is a great bonus and the locals will do the work, so it can be very cheap compared to western prices, it depends on how much you wanna spend, yes, 500,000, yes 1,000,000 and way beyond. :)

There are some threads on this forum in a different section and Farangs show their houses, many beautiful houses some are enormous too, some are really expensive, some are cheaper, it all seems to be down to what you want.

I'll post a link if I can find it.

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Yes ,some do get bored. and spend very little time. living in their houses. However where I live ,in Changwat Buriram. none of us leave, except those still working , overseas. One suggestion that may save you heaps , is to rent a house first, I, myself ,am of the opinion that it is better to rent than build, as rents are so cheap. I rent a lovely 2 storey house for B2,500 per month . 3 bedrooms.Thai style, I find it very comfortable.In a nice, quiet location, on a large block. Photos on my profile. No problem , if the relationship doesn't work out. You lose nothing.

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The prices you list are definitely doable , especially if the misses is contributing the land. However, I would budget about B 1.5M for a standard farang home build out.

I've lived up north for 5 year's now left Pattaya after a stay of 7 year's. Do I miss it not on your life. But price's have gone up. 1.5mil: I would say is about right. When I moved here I got the house a five bedroon I'm now in for 1 Mil: In today's climate 2.5/3 Mil: If I sold it. But and it's a big BUT would you like it up north that is after 5 year's in Pattaya. I know load's that leave and want to go back after a few month's. I also know load's that would never go back. My advice as other's have said is to come up here Rent and give it a go before you buy. More than likely there wont be to many Farang's there, or shopping place's for Farang food. The way of life is much slower. But on the good side it is Thailand, Pattaya is just in Thailand. Price's are 30+% cheaper for most thing's. Best of luck with what ever you do. And think on do you want to bring your children up in a place like Pattaya????? I didnt that's why I left. Stand by for flack on the last bit.
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But Fred, you may not be able to sell it. If the relationship doesn't work out , you lose the lot. The house and/ or land is not yours. You paid for it. but it is not in your name.You have no rights.

Edited by afarang
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The prices you list are definitely doable , especially if the misses is contributing the land. However, I would budget about B 1.5M for a standard farang home build out.

I've lived up north for 5 year's now left Pattaya after a stay of 7 year's. Do I miss it not on your life. But price's have gone up. 1.5mil: I would say is about right. When I moved here I got the house a five bedroon I'm now in for 1 Mil: In today's climate 2.5/3 Mil: If I sold it. But and it's a big BUT would you like it up north that is after 5 year's in Pattaya. I know load's that leave and want to go back after a few month's. I also know load's that would never go back. My advice as other's have said is to come up here Rent and give it a go before you buy. More than likely there wont be to many Farang's there, or shopping place's for Farang food. The way of life is much slower. But on the good side it is Thailand, Pattaya is just in Thailand. Price's are 30+% cheaper for most thing's. Best of luck with what ever you do. And think on do you want to bring your children up in a place like Pattaya????? I didnt that's why I left. Stand by for flack on the last bit.

To be honest I was actually what education my kids would get up in the North. I am only in Thailand 4 months a year so they dont learn much English from me - do the schools up North teach Inglish goood? Im not too worried about them growing up in Pattaya - we are at the top of the hill in Soi Khao Talo so far enough away from the regular 'pleasures' of Pattaya to hopegully not get corrupted!!

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But Fred, you may not be able to sell it. If the relationship doesn't work out , you lose the lot. The house and/ or land is not yours. You paid for it. but it is not in your name.You have no rights.

Yeah yeah we all know this...I don't understand why some people can't get it through their heads that some guys actually have healthy and loving relationships with their partners and so this is not an issue. Also, the prospect of loosing a couple million baht on a home, especially after a long-term relationship goes south for whatever reason, is not a big deal for many...especially considering the financial hit from a divorce in farangland.

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I don't understand why some people can't get it through their heads that some guys actually have healthy and loving relationships with their partners and so this is not an issue.

Some do, some don't. So it could be an issue. I dont think there are any reliable statistics available about what percentage of farang/Thai relationships fail amidst acrimonious financial wrangling.

Also, the prospect of loosing a couple million baht on a home, especially after a long-term relationship goes south for whatever reason, is not a big deal for many..........

Again, it depends. There was a plaintive thread on here just a few weeks ago from some young farang who had sunk all his savings (1 million Baht or so) into a house in the sticks for some girl who then ditched him.

I think the main points about moving from Pattaya to the sticks are:

1) you may get bored out of your skull, unless you really are able to keep yourself amused

2) you may miss the farang food/imports/distractions that are available here but often arent in the sticks

3) your property in the sticks may be impossible to sell, unlike one in Pattaya that might just be difficult to sell

4) you may find that you have become a walking ATM not just for your wife/GF but also for all sorts of family members that you never knew existed when you lived 1000K away from them

5) your wife/GF may just kick you out and keep the property for herself and her gik

You dont have to look very hard in here to find threads describing all those situations, first hand. And some people are really unhappy about it.

That said, for some it all goes very well and suits them fine. Quite a gamble though.

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But Fred, you may not be able to sell it. If the relationship doesn't work out , you lose the lot. The house and/ or land is not yours. You paid for it. but it is not in your name.You have no rights.

Yeah yeah we all know this...I don't understand why some people can't get it through their heads that some guys actually have healthy and loving relationships with their partners and so this is not an issue. Also, the prospect of loosing a couple million baht on a home, especially after a long-term relationship goes south for whatever reason, is not a big deal for many...especially considering the financial hit from a divorce in farangland.

Sorry for the delay in replying but have been away. Update on my situation. Have been with the G/L for 12 year's have a daughter. Got the house for 1 Mil: as said that was a few year's ago and then English = £14,000 a sum that I could afford to lose if all went pair shaped. Not near her family there some 500km away. And have never had a row/bad word in all that time I think I'm one of the lucky one's. For some peep's it work's load's it doesn't. That's why I said rent first that's what we did give it a go, you have nothing to lose. But two word's "be careful" If it's going to be near her family STAY in Pattaya, the begging bowl's will be out as soon as you settle in, not when you first arrive as they will play it cool. Trust me on that one. I have found that the teaching (English wise) is good where I am but in the outer hinter land crap. Another reason to rent/check out all before you leap. If you have any doubt's even a small one, stay and enjoy Pattaya with all it's quirk's. Best of luck.
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I don't understand why some people can't get it through their heads that some guys actually have healthy and loving relationships with their partners and so this is not an issue.

Some do, some don't. So it could be an issue. I dont think there are any reliable statistics available about what percentage of farang/Thai relationships fail amidst acrimonious financial wrangling.

Also, the prospect of loosing a couple million baht on a home, especially after a long-term relationship goes south for whatever reason, is not a big deal for many..........

Again, it depends. There was a plaintive thread on here just a few weeks ago from some young farang who had sunk all his savings (1 million Baht or so) into a house in the sticks for some girl who then ditched him.

I think the main points about moving from Pattaya to the sticks are:

1) you may get bored out of your skull, unless you really are able to keep yourself amused

2) you may miss the farang food/imports/distractions that are available here but often arent in the sticks

3) your property in the sticks may be impossible to sell, unlike one in Pattaya that might just be difficult to sell

4) you may find that you have become a walking ATM not just for your wife/GF but also for all sorts of family members that you never knew existed when you lived 1000K away from them

5) your wife/GF may just kick you out and keep the property for herself and her gik

You dont have to look very hard in here to find threads describing all those situations, first hand. And some people are really unhappy about it.

That said, for some it all goes very well and suits them fine. Quite a gamble though.

I agree with all you points...I was just pointing out the non-helpfulness of the attitude that is so prevalent that seems to argue that every Thai woman is out to rip-off a foreigner, which is untrue in my experience (over a decade of living in Thailand). Does it happen, sure, often, probably, whose fault is it...probably both parties...but who is it that generally has the advantage of superior education and economic standing and therefore should be the one to make a mature decision on the matter beforehand?

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