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Israel passes ban on calls for boycott


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What i find most amazing is the fact that Israel ALWAYS gets bashed by the same people no matter what the news line is, while the same people go deaf on any news line about the neighbors.

Israel passes this silly law and here they are slamming it

Neighbors pass the law allowing to simply kill people and silence out of the same group

I think this law is rather a deterrent more than anything else. If people are aware that they could be sued, they are more likely to be little more careful. Because defense alone will cost a fortune.

Just like Thai laws for deformation are very serious, you do not find too many people making loud noise, unless they are prepared to go all the way and have the money to do so.

I am not bashing this law. I love it for what it reveals about the folks behind it. Us fringe dwellers do not get one handed to us like this all that often so we must enjoy it while we can.

Enjoy what scraps of succur you can get, it must be tough being an Israel hater when you don't even have any body bags to complain about when there are thousands in Syria and if you try to construct some argument that Israel is not democratic just look next door at Egypt where they now have a Nazi party competing with the Salafists. :lol:

Israel is clearly a democratic nation and most certainly has a right to exist as a Jewish state or any other kind of state for that matter. I am interested in the democratic positions that the people themselves drift toward. It appears to my untrained eye they are drifting to the right at an accelerated pace. I am okay with it as I also lean to the right. What often irks me is the hypocrisy of this position. It is not really in conflict with democracy, it is democracy at its best.

There are several new laws that will be voted on which serve to restrict the activities of human rights groups and there are insiders who believe that all or most will pass. There are also insiders that believe the struggle is between the right wingers and the high court and these relatively meaningless laws, are a challenge to the courts.

This inconsequential bill could be a tipping point in Israeli politics.

Please explain how this law restricts human rights activities?. The only thing it does is holds them monetary responsible for their action.

Do you now suggest that this law is NOT in the best interest of the Israeli people?

Also please enlighten us WHO the insiders are to whom you are referring, as you have not been short on conspiracy theory's

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never mind.... it just needs a more subtle approach .... :whistling:

" Going to the HCJ, which may take up to 12 years to consider the case, is putting a Band Aid on a gangrenous limb. What we need is an amputation. We should not go to the courts unless forced to – thus allowing Israel to be seen for what it is. In due time – likely, in less time than a HCJ decision – the EU will take notice of what happens in Israel and act accordingly. It already demands that Israel clearly mark settlements produce. There’s a strong chance the latest law will make them sit up and take notice. Should the EU, shall we say, demand every Israeli exporter and tourist to prove he is not enjoying the benefits of the new law, Israelis will find the party is over. And the settlers will finally pay the price of the occupation the rest of us have been bearing for them in the last 44 years. That’s what we need: The end of the legitimacy of the State of All its Jews.

And, in the meantime, we’ll politely ask Israelis to only buy products made in the State of Israel. Anything more than that, beginning this morning, is illegal." :o


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Do you now suggest that this law is NOT in the best interest of the Israeli people?

Also please enlighten us WHO the insiders are to whom you are referring, as you have not been short on conspiracy theory's

The reference is to laws due to be presented within the next month or two. This particular law may in fact be in the best interest of the Israeli people but it seems to me at least, as if it gets its main support from the settlement lobbies and not necessarly from the total of the Israeli people. I fully expect the courts to squash it. I don't know much about the internal struggle and when I refer to insiders, I am speaking in general to the various news agencies who pay close attention to such matters. These agencies represent both sides of the matter and are not Jihad dot com but they include agencies that would not be on the reading list of the typical Israeli supporter.

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Do you now suggest that this law is NOT in the best interest of the Israeli people?

Also please enlighten us WHO the insiders are to whom you are referring, as you have not been short on conspiracy theory's

The reference is to laws due to be presented within the next month or two. This particular law may in fact be in the best interest of the Israeli people but it seems to me at least, as if it gets its main support from the settlement lobbies and not necessarly from the total of the Israeli people. I fully expect the courts to squash it. I don't know much about the internal struggle and when I refer to insiders, I am speaking in general to the various news agencies who pay close attention to such matters. These agencies represent both sides of the matter and are not Jihad dot com but they include agencies that would not be on the reading list of the typical Israeli supporter.

Ok, so again, please share your sources. There is no point bringing it up if you not going to disclose your sources of information :rolleyes:

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Do you now suggest that this law is NOT in the best interest of the Israeli people?

Also please enlighten us WHO the insiders are to whom you are referring, as you have not been short on conspiracy theory's

The reference is to laws due to be presented within the next month or two. This particular law may in fact be in the best interest of the Israeli people but it seems to me at least, as if it gets its main support from the settlement lobbies and not necessarly from the total of the Israeli people. I fully expect the courts to squash it. I don't know much about the internal struggle and when I refer to insiders, I am speaking in general to the various news agencies who pay close attention to such matters. These agencies represent both sides of the matter and are not Jihad dot com but they include agencies that would not be on the reading list of the typical Israeli supporter.

Ok, so again, please share your sources. There is no point bringing it up if you not going to disclose your sources of information :rolleyes:

Although it is only my opinion, I will add one such source for your amusement only:


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Although it is only my opinion, I will add one such source for your amusement only:


That is very interesting,. because in your previous post you stated and i quote

I don't know much about the internal struggle and when I refer to insiders, I am speaking in general to the various news agencies who pay close attention to such matters. These agencies represent both sides of the matter and are not Jihad dot com but they include agencies that would not be on the reading list of the typical Israeli supporter.

Now you claim its only your opinion, so which one is it? you do not know much about the internal struggle as you stated or it is ONLY your opinion?

This is what you said about your sources and insiders

when I refer to insiders, I am speaking in general to the various news agencies who pay close attention to such matters. These agencies represent both sides of the matter and are not Jihad dot com but they include agencies that would not be on the reading list of the typical Israeli supporter.

And this is what the actual site says to which you referred

Our contributors are volunteer-writers who come from all walks of life – journalists, editors, academics, businesspeople, musicians and other political activists.http://www.redress.cc/about

Just to summarize, it would appear you again have expressed your OPINION only but have twisted it to make it sound more factual, when in fact the source you chose to reveal is just PEOPLE including political activists who submit their written thoughts

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Although it is only my opinion, I will add one such source for your amusement only:


That is very interesting,. because in your previous post you stated and i quote

I don't know much about the internal struggle and when I refer to insiders, I am speaking in general to the various news agencies who pay close attention to such matters. These agencies represent both sides of the matter and are not Jihad dot com but they include agencies that would not be on the reading list of the typical Israeli supporter.

Now you claim its only your opinion, so which one is it? you do not know much about the internal struggle as you stated or it is ONLY your opinion?

This is what you said about your sources and insiders

when I refer to insiders, I am speaking in general to the various news agencies who pay close attention to such matters. These agencies represent both sides of the matter and are not Jihad dot com but they include agencies that would not be on the reading list of the typical Israeli supporter.

And this is what the actual site says to which you referred

Our contributors are volunteer-writers who come from all walks of life – journalists, editors, academics, businesspeople, musicians and other political activists.http://www.redress.cc/about

Just to summarize, it would appear you again have expressed your OPINION only but have twisted it to make it sound more factual, when in fact the source you chose to reveal is just PEOPLE including political activists who submit their written thoughts

My opinion is based on many different sources and I could not begin to list them, much less find them and provide them for your entertainment.

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Here is some perspective on what Israel are up against. Since 1974 when the Arabs realised they were not going to be able to win militarily they have begun a many pronged assault on Israel. You have the terrorists and their enablers, those trying to boycott Israeli products and institutions and the third fetid branch being the UNHRC an odious conglomoration of Muslim and communist states banding together to try to delegitimise Israel on one hand and the U.S as their main supporter on the other. Aided by arab oil money their tentacles have spread everywhere. Here is a good schematic on BDS.


Naturally when Israel reacts in anyway the usual suspects spring into action, even though they know full well what's really going on. The bad news for the BDS lobby is the enormous oil reserves discovered on Israeli land, this will in time have an effect on E.U and many Countries

policies and the flow to the BDS sewage system will be cut off at the mains. In the meantime I'm not surprised if Israel tries to combat it, even if personally I think their recent legislation will have little effect.

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