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Anyone know of a source of Fish Emulsion. posted this on the organic forum and hope someone will be able to give me a source. One gallon jugs would be fine and larger would be better. Ah fish emulsion .... I remeber one fFourth of July celebration when a bunch of teenagers picjked on us little kids on the block and just plastered us with eggs as they drove up too our party in a cherry 55 chevy two door. Well we organized the neiborhood and set up our scouts and plans and got all the little kids in place and sure enough about a couple hours later our outward scouts on the corner of the road spotted them coming down the main drag. The word went out and everybody got in their places. Gee did something go wrong? As they drove up there were all the young ones running around screaming in total fear as these punks just smiled jumped out of the car and again started to pummel them with eggs. oops I forgot we did have one guy across the street hiding in the bushes and he just managed to have an "Arbor Road" special 5 gallon bucket with a special blend of one half gallon fish emulsion to 2 gallons of water. When the driver jumped out and ran around to the other side of the car to start throwing eggs he couldn't have made it easier as he left his door open. we had a 100% direct hit on the inside of his car and we just never managed to see that car or any more eggs for all the years that I can remember after that. though we did prepare for it for a few years thereafter. Now you could grow some maize in that car that's for sure. thanks foir any help. Fabulous Fouth Fragrant Fifty Five Fools and Fords Forever


Great Story. Must add that to my list of uses for fish emulsion.

Why you boon swaggalin no giver taker kind of rapscallion , where you hiding da goods? If you use it where do you get it? Hmmh? I could use a half of a fifty-five Chevy full. In the land of intestine eating folks I thought it might be an issue to find this as every nano bit of fish is consumed here or also used for fish and frog food. Still searchin'. Forever Finding Fish Fertilizer on a Ford

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