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Brutal Murder In The Rice Fields Of C.M.


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I'm just mentioning this as an informal local Chiang Mai

news item that was related to me by my Thai wife and was totally overshawdowed by the accidental [?] shooting of a falang in the city a few days ago.

As the wife told me.....

It was election day and in the moo baan near us, Mong Ton [where the German sausage factory is], lived an elderly couple and the husband voted early in the day, then the wife voted in the afternoon.

She returned to find the husband tied with a telephone wire and his throat slit and multiple stab wounds by a knife. Missing from the house was his new truck and a few baht of gold that he always wore [to show off?]and blood was all over with what police said was a small woman's foot prints in the bloody mess.

Apparently there was an accomplice because a truck was seen outside the house by a neighbor and his new truck was missing.

The old man [in his 70's] was known to have younger girlfriends and he 'showed off his gold', often wearing 4-5 baht around his neck.

This is just the story as I heard it from my Thai wife and other neighbors and I just wanted to put it out there for CM folks, as it got hardly a mention on the Thai news and no mention on this forum and those are all the facts that i have heard.

It is truely sad that this is a common occurance in Thailand and the murder may never get justice as they are only an old Thai couple.

What a violent culture we live in and they seem [act]

so peacefull.

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RIP the deceased and condolences to the old lady. Thai's do appear to be peaceful people but violence always seems to be just under the surface. Similar thing happened in my wife's old village last year and hardly any publicity followed but the BiB later arrested a young man from the village who apparently grew up there and knew the victim well. He always thought he was well off and he needed money for beer so he killed him when he refused to lend him the dosh. It seems life here can be as cheap as a couple of bottles of beer.

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How about violence towards foreigners? If standard Thai are killed for just a few crumbs, how safe are the richer falangs?

So far I haven't heard serious stories like in Phuket, Bali etc. where foreigners (especially Japanese single ladies) are robbed or killed.

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Very sad. In my area, Prachinburi, i have noticed this attitude myself, people without a job and refusing one, will just go and commit a crimes to feed theirselfs, working doesn't seem to be an acceptable option for them.....

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Horrible, horrible, horrible.

I suppose that such horrible stories are difficult to contemplate for those from the UK and perhaps other places.

However, in the United States, evening television 'news' programs make a feast of telling the like. Appears that perfection has not appeared everywhere in humanity.

But Britain is imperfect itself. I recall vividly that police there shot to pieces a South American not long ago. His crime was rushing to the underground, wearing a raincoat, and having a dark complexion. I'm sure his misbehaviour was corrected. Then too, there is Iraq with at least 100,000 innocent civilians dead, and the UK seconding the motion.

It ain't us vs. them, here, not really. We observe an evolution of an agrarian village society to an urban industrial/post-industrial society all compressed into a moment. London for most of its life was a sewer and a pit, except for the wealthy.

Edited by CMX
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Never flash the wealth.


Avoid letting on what you're really worth to anyone in this neck of the woods.

But Britain is imperfect itself. I recall vividly that police there shot to pieces a South American not long ago. His crime was rushing to the underground, wearing a raincoat, and having a dark complexion. I'm sure his misbehaviour was corrected. Then too, there is Iraq with at least 100,000 innocent civilians dead, and the UK seconding the motion.

It ain't us vs. them, here, not really. We observe an evolution of an agrarian village society to an urban industrial/post-industrial society all compressed into a moment. London for most of its life was a sewer and a pit, except for the wealthy.

What's this got to do with the UK and your hangups with said country! As you neglected to include the facts, FYI: the incident with the Brazilian who was shot by police happened right after the 7/7 explosions when London was on high alert. Person (wearing heavy coat & backpack with wires hanging out) is asked to stop by police, but does a runner for the trains! What would the NYPD have done in a similar scenario in Grand Central right after 9/11! :jerk:

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Lots of places in South America are at least as bad if not worse. Life is as valuable as a $10 bag of drugs or even a goal scored at a football match.

It is indeed unfortunate that we live in a world where people have such little regard for each other or life in general any more.

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My hangups are not with UK, though I don't suppose it's perfect. As one born in the US, I regard Britain to be more civilized in most ways, but its participation in the Iraq war demonstrates that nation's, um, lesser side. Land of my birth, the U.S., was author of Iraqi civilian dead. Canada, under great pressure from Washington, refused flat out.

Point was that brutality on a scale terrible to consider exists historically and presently and that we all are part of the horror. Pointing fingers at Thais is incorrect when compared to the world, assuming one has any sense of it or history. Many bad things happen here, but they are far from being on the scale of Hitler or Stalin.

Only issue is how we might individually (or as societies) wean ourselves away from violence as time continues (without evolving into highly evolved police states or suppressive theocracies).

Thailand's evolution may seem slow to us, but the pace is actually quite quick, as demonstrated by the very lexicon of politics - radically shifted within 20 years.

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You also forgot to mention the reason he was running like hell and wanted to get away was because he thought it was immigration chasing him. His visa had expired a year or so before his death, and taking a view similar to that which the Thai's take on foreigners, we could be callous and say 'If he hadn't of been in Britain it wouldn't have happened' !


(But Britain is imperfect itself. I recall vividly that police there shot to pieces a South American not long ago. His crime was rushing to the underground, wearing a raincoat, and having a dark complexion. I'm sure his misbehaviour was corrected. Then too, there is Iraq with at least 100,000 innocent civilians dead, and the UK seconding the motion.)

Edited by trainman34014
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^People in Britain are getting stabbed and shot everyday; thousands go "missing" every year; but it's mostly only deemed news worthy if it's sum public school boy or relative of a celebrity.

"good fight, good night" is a common moto and brawling in the streets is a given every weekend in every city of the nation.

Saying all this though, it is certainly still alot more civilised than America ;)

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If the story is true condolences to the widow not a good way to end ones stay here on earth.

Having said that, upon my return from Thailand to the states in April the local newspapers headlines where step daughters murder mom for being to strick. People the world over murder and kill each and everyday for many reasons and for no reason. thailand is no different or exceptional than any other country. The majority of murders is usually commited by someone you know, so be wary of your relatives or friends they are more likely to be the culprit. The next group of murders will be drug related encluding alcohol.

I am sure there are many other relationships for murder but unless you piss of a family member, friend or do drugs you will probably not be murdered.

Edited by moe666
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As one born in the US, I regard Britain to be more civilized in most ways, but its participation in the Iraq war demonstrates that nation's, um, lesser side. Land of my birth, the U.S., was author of Iraqi civilian dead. Canada, under great pressure from Washington, refused flat out.

Point was that brutality on a scale terrible to consider exists historically and presently and that we all are part of the horror. Pointing fingers at Thais is incorrect when compared to the world, assuming one has any sense of it or history. Many bad things happen here, but they are far from being on the scale of Hitler or Stalin.

Britain going to war in Iraq was down to a few people (as was it's decision to conquer the world and the stepping over of many nations), Canada not going to war was also down to a few people. Surely one cannot judge nations in their entity from these decisions, yet that's what we do isn't it.

Anyhow, this has zero to do with the op; we're commenting on what's happened here, everything else is irrelevant. Bad things happen everywhere, yet there seems to be a complete lack of morals among many here and this type of op is so frequent that it's no surprise any more.

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If you could read Thai you could check out a daily Thai newspaper like the Thai Rath. Chock full of grisly and bizarre stories every day. I've even come across a number of articles about farangs getting mugged and robbed in the streets of CM which are not reported in the English language press. A lot of Thais get killed or mutilated daily. Life's cheapo here.

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in most of the world, life is cheap and violent crime/murder is unfortunately, common place. Japan stands out as an example of a place where it is relatively safe at night, but by comparison, Mexico, Guatemala, Brasil, USA... all have a lot of murders... my daughter lives in oakland, California and has about one dead body a year outside of her home.. and she lives in a decent part of town!

Personally, i feel safer here than when i have lived in many countries.

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Sounds like he was murdered in his house, rather than in a rice field as the thread title suggests.

Perhaps if he had kept his dick in his pants and his gold in the safe, he'd have lived to see the election results.

Sure Thailand can be a cruel and dangerous place, but a little common sense can go a long way.

As for the war in Iraq, I sincerely hope I live to see the day when Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Blair, Straw, Hoon and all the other heartless, spineless sh*ts are brought to justice for the war crimes and crimes against humanity that they have all committed. Not that I'm going to hold my breath though.

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If you could read Thai you could check out a daily Thai newspaper like the Thai Rath. Chock full of grisly and bizarre stories every day. I've even come across a number of articles about farangs getting mugged and robbed in the streets of CM which are not reported in the English language press. A lot of Thais get killed or mutilated daily. Life's cheapo here.

I was sitting in a restaurant about 4 days ago right near Pratu Thapae. There was a Thai woman there with bruises all over her face. She said that the night before she had been mugged at the 7-11 right next to Black Canyon Coffee and that a khatoey had smashed her in the face and took her purse. She said that they told her at 7-11 that a farang had been mugged earlier that night by another mugger also right out in front of the ATM next to 7-11.

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If you can read many thai newspapers, you will find that many crimes here are so violent in nature and involving mostly around money and jealousy.

Not too long ago on Samutprakan News, …..a 40 yrs old husband was having an affair with a 17 yrs old girl, the wife + 2 accomplishers kidnaps the girl, the girl face got smashed to pieces with a large rock while being held down by those 2 accomplishers.

And on the other news …one lady got kidnap and they cut her finger off, just to get her large diamond ring…….and so on…

Just to show ….how gruesome and crazy it can be, and those are not that rare occurrences, but infact quite common here than you think. It scares me sometimes and causes me to be very vigilant of people around me, whether I'm a thome or walking around and about…. at all times.

Advice….never never flash or show your wealth, and never mess with someone's else spouse here!!!

Edited by doji
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Sounds like he was murdered in his house, rather than in a rice field as the thread title suggests.

Perhaps if he had kept his dick in his pants and his gold in the safe, he'd have lived to see the election results.

Sure Thailand can be a cruel and dangerous place, but a little common sense can go a long way.

As for the war in Iraq, I sincerely hope I live to see the day when Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney, Blair, Straw, Hoon and all the other heartless, spineless sh*ts are brought to justice for the war crimes and crimes against humanity that they have all committed. Not that I'm going to hold my breath though.

Yes, it was in his house, in the ricefields.

and yes about his dick and his gold.

and yes, common sense was lacking.

and Yes about Iraq.

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Person (wearing heavy coat & backpack with wires hanging out) is asked to stop by police, but does a runner for the trains! What would the NYPD have done in a similar scenario in Grand Central right after 9/11! <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/jerk.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':jerk:' /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

FYI: That was the story that went out shortly after the event - that the man had been wearing a large bulky jacket on a hot summer day. Effective too - you obviously heard the police line and it stuck, but not the correct story. You might be more surprised by the findings of the inquest.

Here's some more info


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This is not the kind of thread one wants to read a week before moving out to CM !

I think we need to be more mindful of the fact that as relatively rich westerners, we choose to live in a country where wealth, and as a consequence of wealth, opportunities that we are used to doesn't exist for many.

I'm not condoning murder, mugging, physical assault etc, but if us westerners took the time to look at things from a Thai's perspective, and look at ourselves as Thai's see us, we might be a bit more careful about things like advertising our wealth and relative comfort.

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This is not the kind of thread one wants to read a week before moving out to CM !

I think we need to be more mindful of the fact that as relatively rich westerners, we choose to live in a country where wealth, and as a consequence of wealth, opportunities that we are used to doesn't exist for many.

Don't worry about that. Most Thais in C.M. are wealthier than the majority of farangs turning up in C.M. these days!

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This is not the kind of thread one wants to read a week before moving out to CM !

I think we need to be more mindful of the fact that as relatively rich westerners, we choose to live in a country where wealth, and as a consequence of wealth, opportunities that we are used to doesn't exist for many.

I'm not condoning murder, mugging, physical assault etc, but if us westerners took the time to look at things from a Thai's perspective, and look at ourselves as Thai's see us, we might be a bit more careful about things like advertising our wealth and relative comfort.

Rubbish; Exactly like Elektrified sais above. Most foreigners are saddos on very limited means, and it shows. Loads of rich Thais around in comparison. You can probably count the number for foreigners driving a Merc or Beemer on the fingers of two hands. But whole herds of them on small mopeds. :rolleyes:

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I could afford to buy and run a Merc' but there is no way I would do it here because there is just no point in wasting that kind of dosh just to use it once a week or sometimes less. No thanks; stick to the small Jap' economy model as a matter of common sense and ride a bike for the most part. Flashing wealth of any kind will get you attention for all the wrong reasons, and that applies just about anywhere.

This is not the kind of thread one wants to read a week before moving out to CM !

I think we need to be more mindful of the fact that as relatively rich westerners, we choose to live in a country where wealth, and as a consequence of wealth, opportunities that we are used to doesn't exist for many.

I'm not condoning murder, mugging, physical assault etc, but if us westerners took the time to look at things from a Thai's perspective, and look at ourselves as Thai's see us, we might be a bit more careful about things like advertising our wealth and relative comfort.

Rubbish; Exactly like Elektrified sais above. Most foreigners are saddos on very limited means, and it shows. Loads of rich Thais around in comparison. You can probably count the number for foreigners driving a Merc or Beemer on the fingers of two hands. But whole herds of them on small mopeds. :rolleyes:

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Never flash the wealth.


Avoid letting on what you're really worth to anyone in this neck of the woods.

But Britain is imperfect itself. I recall vividly that police there shot to pieces a South American not long ago. His crime was rushing to the underground, wearing a raincoat, and having a dark complexion. I'm sure his misbehaviour was corrected. Then too, there is Iraq with at least 100,000 innocent civilians dead, and the UK seconding the motion.

It ain't us vs. them, here, not really. We observe an evolution of an agrarian village society to an urban industrial/post-industrial society all compressed into a moment. London for most of its life was a sewer and a pit, except for the wealthy.

What's this got to do with the UK and your hangups with said country! As you neglected to include the facts, FYI: the incident with the Brazilian who was shot by police happened right after the 7/7 explosions when London was on high alert. Person (wearing heavy coat & backpack with wires hanging out) is asked to stop by police, but does a runner for the trains! What would the NYPD have done in a similar scenario in Grand Central right after 9/11! :jerk:

Get YOUR facts right, whoever you are. The young Brazilian guy did NOT have "wires hanging out " of his backpack. It was a case of a botched job by racist police, who had followed him from his home thinking he was of Arabic background due to his dark complexion. He also didnt run away from Police. He merely ran towards the train as it was about to leave.

wires hanging out.....honestly, where did you get that crap from!!! Why dont you watch one of the many documentaries surrounding that sad day and you will note that never at any stage were wires hanging out an excuse by the police.

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