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I have shadowed the telecoms ( and other markets ) industries in Thailand for years, watched the promises and disappointment of a "free and fair playing field when Thailand joins the WTO in 2006", the 3G license fiasco, and subsequent moves by AIS and then True to find some way of getting 3G off the ground. Have read tons of analysts reports, annual financial reports, technology reports etc...... am not the expert, but have a good feeling for the issues, the industry and its inter=relationship with Thailand and its demographic.

I am absolutely amazed at the amount of arm chair experts who know nothing ( can see clearly by their posts " thailand banna republic, everyone going for 4G, how poor old DTAC was screwed by True / AIS bla bla bla........" )

Just amazed at the amount of ka-waffle out there.


well well "amazed".

..quite a contribution to our TV knowledge base....

.At least give us an update as to when what and where ....from your "shadowing" point of view....we wait with bated breath....just like 3G.. :whistling:


The CEO of DTAC would seem to have his pants around his ankles and a banana labelled "2G" jammed in his behind, source unknown but probably not foreign.


I can't see this discussion going anywhere constructive. The delay of 3G (and 4G for that matter) is clearly political and not due to any of the mobile providers lack of will to move forward.


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