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What Weird Quirks/habits Do You Have?

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and also when  i dream and  in my dream  i fight with somebody .. i will slap/kick  the  person who sleep beside me ... yah my mom  got it many times  :o  :D

Hey, you have just reminded me of something I have had in the past. Hasn't happened for a while now but during my sleep I kick and kick really HARD.

I've even kicked my wife (definately unintentional of course!). She tells me about it and shows me the bruise in the morning. Once while I was sleeping on a bed about 1/2 metre from a desk with a door on the front I slammed the door with my foot and we both woke up.

I looked it up once and found it's a real medical condition called "Restless Legs Syndrome".

Cheers YBB

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What about if you twitch just before you fall asleep? This has started happening alot recently..just about to nod off and my leg twitches in a spasm, waking me back up! Grr.

Bambi I have had a close encounter with your belly button already and it seems to have grown a little since then!

Edited by OxfordWill
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if i think about my belly button in bed i cant lie on my stomach or have the covers touching it

Now that's unusual.

Cheers YBB

Wow!! What a cool web-link. See Lovejoy, there's hope for you yet.... just need to activate your dreamcord under the influence of Rescue Remedy and your belly-buttons away! :D

ps. I love my belly button.. :D and the thought of mutilating it with some bejewelled steel rod for the sake of mere vanity gives me the heebies ........ :o

no way would like to get a skin graph done over it and be done with it,wonder if anyone would notice?

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Once while I was sleeping on a bed about 1/2 metre from a desk with a door on the front I slammed the door with my foot and we both woke up.

What, you and the door? :o

:D The wife and I both woke up.

Me - jumping around the room holding my sore foot while the door looked rather sad! :D

Cheers YBB

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my bad  habit ...

i just love to make  up my face ..sometime  look like  panda ..sometime  frankenstein or  pirate ,,,, and freak guys in webcam

they always cry and ask for  mama :D

Are you sure it was the makeup that did it? :o

i guess so babe .. kri kri

always prepare myself for halloween

and everyday is my halloween

my face is a weapon .... always freak guys out! :D

always get compliment from guys

bambi , u suay mak mak .. look like corpse!!

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Before giving a girl one of my famous 'Scampy massages' - I rub my palms together until they are almost burning, then place my hands on the girls back and knead gently.

Thay always say, "Oooh Scampy, where did you learn to massage the way you do?"

I point out that I did not have lessons but merely take all the elements I enjoy myself from the different massages I have experienced in Thailand, Sweden and China and give what I enjoy most myself.

The fingers walking up the back of the neck are a surefire winner.

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Before giving a girl one of my famous 'Scampy massages' - I rub my palms together until they are almost burning, then place my hands on the girls back and knead gently.

Thay always say, "Oooh Scampy, where did you learn to massage the way you do?"

I point out that I did not have lessons but merely take all the elements I enjoy myself from the different massages I have experienced in Thailand, Sweden and China and give what I enjoy most myself.

The fingers walking up the back of the neck are a surefire winner.

If you want to transfer extra tingles from your fingertips to your ladylove, crush a handful of red hot chillis first. Guaranteed to really get her temperature rising. :o

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