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UN Court Orders Thai And Cambodian Troop Withdrawal


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It will be interesting to see if the parties pulling the strings behind this whole inane affair will deliberately or inadvertently reveal themselves now.

There's little REAL reason for the conflict - beyond whipping up nationalist sentiment. I have long thought that most of this is being driven from within Cambodia as a means to distract that country's citoyens from the wholesale theft of something that ought to belong to all Cambodians... Or something similarly sinister.

But who? And precisely why?

And who is the puppeteer on our side of the border?

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I can hear it now from the Thai: "We don't recognize the court, they have no authority to tell us to do anything, so we don't have to abide by the ruling!"

suuuuuure they know what is on the menu now after the election..........ha ha ha

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PAD are going to go beserk

Thai military said before the ruling that they would not withdraw according to the other news source

Kasit's head must be close to exploding

You are right.

Today Col Prawit commented ahead of the International Court of Justice's scheduled announcement::

"No matter what the ICJ's ruling is, troops of Army Region 2 will remain in the area [around Preah Vihearn to protect the land and sovereignty of our country. The army will wait for instructions from Gen Prayuth Chan-ocha [the national army chief]," the spokesman said.

Armies from both countries should withdraw according with ICJ decision. This statement is not a good omen of things to come.

We all know that in these latitudes saving face trumps reason, logic and good brinkmanship...even blood lines.

Too many things not going the Dem's and army's way almost simultaneously: WTO ruling against Thailand in the cigarette tax issue, losing the elections to the PTP, impounding in Germany and now this.

You are accurate in saying that Kasit's head should be close to exploding. Next stop: Germany! :(

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ThaiPBS: Kasit is Satisfied with Verdict

Thai PBS is reporting that Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya has expressed his satisfaction over the International Court of Justice's verdict, ordering both Thailand and Cambodia to withdraw troops from the disputed area. He said that the demilitarized zone will affect Cambodia more than it will affect Thailand.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-18


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so the New ruling will be Cambodia can take there Temple and go?

The only area this ruling applies to is the 4.6 sq/km area which is disputed (surrounding the temple).

Me thinks not.

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BANGKOK, July 17 -- Thailand’s Ambassador to the Netherlands Virachai Plasai said he believed the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the UN's highest court based in The Hague, would rule fairly on Tuesday, July 18, when it is scheduled to issue clarifications on Thai-Cambodian border measures.

The ICJ is set to rule on Cambodia's request to issue provisional measures forcing Thailand to withdraw troops from the disputed area near Preah Vihear temple and banning military activity in the vicinity, following sporadic deadly clashes between troops of both countries.

A public hearing would take place at the Peace Palace in The Hague and the President of the Court will read the court’s order.

Mr Virachai said the direction of the ruling was expected to be one of three scenarios: the court will issue provisional measures as requested by Cambodia, it will decide that it has no jurisdiction and drop the case, or the court may order both Thailand and Cambodia to jointly carry out actions.

The first order would of the most benefit for Thailand, he added.

(Another related topic)

I wonder if he thinks this is fair.

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Preah Vihear Verdict - Unofficial Press Release: INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE: http://bit.ly/oB1CJv

In the link it states:

The court said UN observers would be sent to the area to oversee the ceasefire.

Somehow I have my doubts that this is something Thailand wants to see. Perhaps I should rephrase that and say it's not something that some Thai in particular, such as those in Yellow, and those in Green with pretty ribbons and shiny insignia want to see.

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I am sure that the court DOES have ultimate jurisdiction, maybe they could KEEP the royal jet currently being held in Germany for legal reasons. Thailanders only have their jurisdiction in their little 3rd world patch, nowhere else

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I have seen the UN operate in Africa... they are too PC to have any effect. They have teeth, but don't bite. I doubt the Thais and Cambodians are too worried about this statement, they will not leave.

Sadly that's proven to be the case far too often; though it's down to civilian commanders in NYC rather than the troops in the field having sufficient valor and/or professionalism or not (on which score I think some are better than others).

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I think it was President Tyler upon being told to remove troops fighting Spanish funded and armed Indians in South Florida by the Supreme Court, Gentlemen - I agree with your interpitation of the law - Please tell me how you intend to enforce it.:whistling: something alone that line.

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The oreder does not allow Cambodia to keep troops in the temple. It says both sides must withdraw from the area shown in the map which inlcudes the temple itself.

It also says "Thailand should not obstruct Cambodia’s

free access to the Temple of Preah Vihear, or prevent it from providing fresh supplies to its

non-military personnel

I suspect this is a bit more the Hun Sen bargined for. He was hoping Thailand would be told to leave and he could leave his troops inside the temple.


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International Court of Justice orders withdrawal of both Thai and Cambodian troops

THE HAGUE, 18 July 2011 (NNT) - The International Court of Justice (ICJ) voted 11-5, ordering withdrawal of both Thai and Cambodian troops around Preah Vihear Temple.

After considering the request by Cambodia asking for the withdrawal of Thai troops around Preah Vihear Temple, the ICJ has decided to proceed with the interpretation of the 1962 ruling on the Preah Vihear temple.

Pending the ruling, both countries are required to pull out their troops from the 4.6 square meter area.

The Court also ordered both sides to indicate at least 4 demilitarized zones at the borders, asking both nations to seek ways to peacefully end the rift. Besides, the ICJ also forbid Thailand from obstructing Cambodian development plans in the area.

President of the Court, Judge Hisashi Owada, explained that the decision was set to avoid more damage and violence in the dispute area.


-- NNT 2011-07-18 footer_n.gif

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This will be interesting...

I was under the impression that Thailand has the right to put its troops where ever they please, within the boundaries of their own country.

Any country can put its troops where ever it pleases within the boundaries of its own country - so it wont make a blind bit of difference

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PAD's Panthep says Thailand should not accept ICJ verdict. Says Thailand has lost sovereignty.

/via@Saksith /via@tri26

Panthep should put up or shut up. It's about time Thailand got rid of the "its only justice if the decision goes my way" mentality.

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The Thai army should only take its orders from the Thai government, not the UN court. That said, the interim Thai government should give the order immediately for the military to pull out. Who wants to bet (oops, gambling is illegal) this interim government will drag its heels so the internal decision falls squarely in the lap of the new government? Should the new government heed the UN rule and pull out, it will tick off the uber-nationalistic yellow shirts to no end.

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I have seen the UN operate in Africa... they are too PC to have any effect. They have teeth, but don't bite. I doubt the Thais and Cambodians are too worried about this statement, they will not leave.

Sadly that's proven to be the case far too often; though it's down to civilian commanders in NYC rather than the troops in the field having sufficient valor and/or professionalism or not (on which score I think some are better than others).

So this is decided in Europe. Doesn't this reek of a bit of neo-colonialism to anyone else but me?

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I have seen the UN operate in Africa... they are too PC to have any effect. They have teeth, but don't bite. I doubt the Thais and Cambodians are too worried about this statement, they will not leave.

Sadly that's proven to be the case far too often; though it's down to civilian commanders in NYC rather than the troops in the field having sufficient valor and/or professionalism or not (on which score I think some are better than others).

So this is decided in Europe. Doesn't this reek of a bit of neo-colonialism to anyone else but me?

Heh! Are you trying to be like some sort of caricature of a 60s lefty or something?

1) The UN is in New York City -- not Europe.

2) The UN is comprised of 193 member states the majority of which are not European (ie the whole freakin world).

3) Thailand and Cambodia are members by their own choice.

4) The UN has, as one of its mandates, the task of arbitrating in international disputes - which both Cambodia and Thailand agreed to in this instance.

So, I can't speak for anyone else but I can't imagine how it reeks of anything remotely as you describe. Better luck next time. (maybe you can find a way to blame the US on your next go!)


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No troops allowed in the disputed area

Thailand isnt allowed to block Cambodian civilians or military from accessing the temple

Methinks Hun Sen will be more happy than the outgoing Thai government and their handlers

Why should the outgoing Thai government be unhappy as it's not their problem anymore, is it!!!! In fact I think the opposite applies as they must be smiling at the upcoming problems for the Pheu Thai led government in trying to fix the problem as to who actually owns the surrounding land :D..

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