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A quick Google says no unless children in special risk groups.

The WHO does not recommend use of PPV in routine childhood immunization programs.

Can you provide the link to the quote please ? The reason why I ask is that my daughter continually has Oral Thrush, and ear infections. Antibiotics don't seem to clear the problem. A doctor recommended this vaccine for her and now my missus wants all 3 children done. Prevention being the best way , as they say.

Edited by sinbin
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CDC recoimmednations and detailed discussion here http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5911a1.htm?s_cid=rr5911a1_e

BTW antibiotics do not cure thrush, they cause it. A common side effect. thrush is a fungus which is normally present in the mouth in small quantities held in check by various bacteria also normally present. When antibiotics are taken, in addition to killing off whatever bug they were given for, they also knock out normal mouth flora (the various bacteria normally present in the mouth) and this allows the fungus to overgrow, resulting in thrush.

If the child was getting frequent thrush without a history of antibiotic use prior, one would be concerned about possible immune deficiency, but if it is occurring after courses of antibiotics, this is understandable,

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CDC recoimmednations and detailed discussion here http://www.cdc.gov/m..._cid=rr5911a1_e

BTW antibiotics do not cure thrush, they cause it. A common side effect. thrush is a fungus which is normally present in the mouth in small quantities held in check by various bacteria also normally present. When antibiotics are taken, in addition to killing off whatever bug they were given for, they also knock out normal mouth flora (the various bacteria normally present in the mouth) and this allows the fungus to overgrow, resulting in thrush.

If the child was getting frequent thrush without a history of antibiotic use prior, one would be concerned about possible immune deficiency, but if it is occurring after courses of antibiotics, this is understandable,

Thank you for the info regarding thrush. So my daughters thrush is a bi product of taking antibiotics for her ear infection. One never stops learning !!

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