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Thaksin Rules Out Serving Jail Term


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This guy is the model for all young and old (he Thinks) and he says he will NOT serve his sentence as he did no wrong. Because he is like holy water in his mind, and like most Thais he would never admit to wrong doing.

The u turns and lies he tells is normal to him it is habit.

I would love to see a thread on this subject. Thaksin V Yingluck. who would win in a contest for P.M. ??????

Please put this forward as it would be a change from the Dems and Phue Thai. come on mods how about it ???

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"My point is that having already been committed (in abstentia) to serve a 2 year prison sentence then this cannot be revoked by an amnesty. A royal pardon would be the only way and Thaksin isn't exactly bosom pals with that one person who could grant it, is he"!!!!!

Just curious, can any of the Royals do this?

Not without serving part of his sentence, but that time could be extremely short and served in house arrest for example. So the answer is that they could if Thaksin was willing, but that is not the point.

Thaksin will not ask for a royal pardon. Thaksin will not acknowledge the court. There is a much larger game underfoot here. There is going to be a power vacuum opening up in the country in a short time. Everyone is just waiting for it...some eagerly and some with fear. Any appearance of submission to another authority would weaken his stance when this final battle comes up. People of influence might infer that Thaksin needs cooperation of other parties. That would not allow him to be an effective dictator.

Thaksin believes he is going to come out on top in the struggle. You can see that in his statements. Some people say that Lee of Singapore is his model, but I think Hun Sen in Cambodia is a much closer approximation of what he has in mind. In any case, it is important that no checks or balances remain in the official government structures, that the military is behind him and that all opposition parties have little influence. As for the reputable institution that has provided a moral base for the country for the last 61 years...look at Cambodia for where that will need to be repositioned in the power hierarchy if it stays around at all.

Thaksin won't be coming home soon, but he will be coming back when the time is right. For the moment all sides are trying to gain strategic advantage for what is coming at us like an unstoppable freight train. It is possible that one side or the other may manage to obtain complete control and make any future war futile, but that is looking more and more unlikely. The election results have really dimmed my hope that civil war can be avoided. The fact that the majority of the people don't want it is irrelevant.

Ruling out any jail term is just another of Thaksin's messages that he will not concede defeat. It has nothing to do with justice, perceived or otherwise.

It also connects to his repeated claims that "I have done nothing wrong". He has convinced himself a long time ago that he is a saint.

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This guy is the model for all young and old (he Thinks) and he says he will NOT serve his sentence as he did no wrong. Because he is like holy water in his mind, and like most Thais he would never admit to wrong doing.

The u turns and lies he tells is normal to him it is habit.

I would love to see a thread on this subject. Thaksin V Yingluck. who would win in a contest for P.M. ??????

Please put this forward as it would be a change from the Dems and Phue Thai. come on mods how about it ???

What!!! PT V PT????? hardly seems fair on the Democrats.

I don't think either would win - I think they would tie (Thai) for last!!!:D

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"My point is that having already been committed (in abstentia) to serve a 2 year prison sentence then this cannot be revoked by an amnesty. A royal pardon would be the only way and Thaksin isn't exactly bosom pals with that one person who could grant it, is he"!!!!!

Just curious, can any of the Royals do this?

Not without serving part of his sentence, but that time could be extremely short and served in house arrest for example. So the answer is that they could if Thaksin was willing, but that is not the point.

Thaksin will not ask for a royal pardon. Thaksin will not acknowledge the court. There is a much larger game underfoot here. There is going to be a power vacuum opening up in the country in a short time. Everyone is just waiting for it...some eagerly and some with fear. Any appearance of submission to another authority would weaken his stance when this final battle comes up. People of influence might infer that Thaksin needs cooperation of other parties. That would not allow him to be an effective dictator.

Thaksin believes he is going to come out on top in the struggle. You can see that in his statements. Some people say that Lee of Singapore is his model, but I think Hun Sen in Cambodia is a much closer approximation of what he has in mind. In any case, it is important that no checks or balances remain in the official government structures, that the military is behind him and that all opposition parties have little influence. As for the reputable institution that has provided a moral base for the country for the last 61 years...look at Cambodia for where that will need to be repositioned in the power hierarchy if it stays around at all.

Thaksin won't be coming home soon, but he will be coming back when the time is right. For the moment all sides are trying to gain strategic advantage for what is coming at us like an unstoppable freight train. It is possible that one side or the other may manage to obtain complete control and make any future war futile, but that is looking more and more unlikely. The election results have really dimmed my hope that civil war can be avoided. The fact that the majority of the people don't want it is irrelevant.

Ruling out any jail term is just another of Thaksin's messages that he will not concede defeat. It has nothing to do with justice, perceived or otherwise.

It also connects to his repeated claims that "I have done nothing wrong". He has convinced himself a long time ago that he is a saint.

Yeh!! the patron saint of wrongdoings is about the mark!!

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The title of the article regards Thaksin ruling out any jail sentence being carried out. It has nothing to do with what a lot of these ugly posts suggest.

Furthermore, a lot of these opinionated posts about Mr. Thaksin border upon rules violation

6) Not to post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Just because he has been criminalized by a dubious court ruling, ran by dubious individuals, does not allow people to kick him while he's down.

I've been known to have a poke here and there at certain Thais and their ways, but this Thaksin mania that a lot of foreigners suffer from is ludicrous and overly biased.

The visceral hatred in these posts that is directed towards this one man has me wondering what it is that he ever did to any one of these posters personally; and, if he did not do anything to any of these posters personally, then why the visceral hatred? This is suspect.; very suspect.

That is what is going around in my head when I read these irrational posts about someone who is no better and certainly no worse than the other options, at a national and even international level of comparison and contrast.

I read a lot of hearsay from these posts that describe things he did, but yet there are no articles of proof. Where's the proof? The answer is that there are not any articles of proof. This character assassination is immature and turns any Thaksin-related thread into a who's who of "Why I hate Thaksin" posts. What an absolute waste of time.

I cannot believe that the posts are the words of raving, paranoid lunatics, as their words suggest.

That Thaksin was singled out is not saying too much. That the ones judging him are just as guilty of the same things on different levels is not stretching the imagination too far. On that basis, its time for forgiveness and to begin thinking about reconciliation. You won't know that a person has changed until you take the time to give them a level playing field and toss them the ball.

I'm trying to think of another word for idiot that the moderators might find acceptable. Sadly, I can't so I'll say nothing at all, save this. Ignored!

No skin off my nose. I say what I think. It's quite possible my feelings towards you are mutual. I won't ignore you, because you're not worth the time it takes to press the button. The anti-Thaksin rabble are entertaining reads. The hate mantras do get a tad bit nauseous, though. Murder one man and you are a criminal. Murder a million and you are conqueror. Become the focus of insane hatred on Thai Visa and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are. Go figure. If Thaksin is the murderer that you all say, then why hasn't he been accused in a higher, international court? Many leaders have had this happen over much less. No! It's funny how so much blame is laid at his feet, and the same principles are not applied to others. This is biased, visceral hatred over something else.

You say a lot of those people who were killed in that drug war were innocent or not connected. And just how were these statistics collected? By the Thai police and Thai investigators? Well; there you go then! People quote stats all day, but the manner in how those stats are collected are never brought into question. I'm glad you all are comfortable in your views. So am I in mine. No harm no foul until someone calls me an idiot, right? It cheapens your case, and lends doubt to your, what I consider, over-zealous bent.

Edited by cup-O-coffee
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The title of the article regards Thaksin ruling out any jail sentence being carried out. It has nothing to do with what a lot of these ugly posts suggest.

Furthermore, a lot of these opinionated posts about Mr. Thaksin border upon rules violation

6) Not to post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel.

Defamation is the issuance of a false statement about another person, which causes that person to suffer harm. Libel involves the making of defamatory statements in a printed or fixed medium, such as a magazine or newspaper.

7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

Just because he has been criminalized by a dubious court ruling, ran by dubious individuals, does not allow people to kick him while he's down.

I've been known to have a poke here and there at certain Thais and their ways, but this Thaksin mania that a lot of foreigners suffer from is ludicrous and overly biased.

The visceral hatred in these posts that is directed towards this one man has me wondering what it is that he ever did to any one of these posters personally; and, if he did not do anything to any of these posters personally, then why the visceral hatred? This is suspect.; very suspect.

That is what is going around in my head when I read these irrational posts about someone who is no better and certainly no worse than the other options, at a national and even international level of comparison and contrast.

I read a lot of hearsay from these posts that describe things he did, but yet there are no articles of proof. Where's the proof? The answer is that there are not any articles of proof. This character assassination is immature and turns any Thaksin-related thread into a who's who of "Why I hate Thaksin" posts. What an absolute waste of time.

I cannot believe that the posts are the words of raving, paranoid lunatics, as their words suggest.

That Thaksin was singled out is not saying too much. That the ones judging him are just as guilty of the same things on different levels is not stretching the imagination too far. On that basis, its time for forgiveness and to begin thinking about reconciliation. You won't know that a person has changed until you take the time to give them a level playing field and toss them the ball.

I'm trying to think of another word for idiot that the moderators might find acceptable. Sadly, I can't so I'll say nothing at all, save this. Ignored!

No skin off my nose. I say what I think. It's quite possible my feelings towards you are mutual. I won't ignore you, because you're not worth the time it takes to press the button. The anti-Thaksin rabble are entertaining reads. The hate mantras do get a tad bit nauseous, though. Murder one man and you are a criminal. Murder a million and you are conqueror. Become the focus of insane hatred on Thai Visa and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are. Go figure. If Thaksin is the murderer that you all say, then why hasn't he been accused in a higher, international court? Many leaders have had this happen over much less. No! It's funny how so much blame is laid at his feet, and the same principles are not applied to others. This is biased, visceral hatred over something else.

You say a lot of those people who were killed in that drug war were innocent or not connected. And just how were these statistics collected? By the Thai police and Thai investigators? Well; there you go then! People quote stats all day, but the manner in how those stats are collected are never brought into question. I'm glad you all are comfortable in your views. So am I in mine. No harm no foul until someone calls me an idiot, right? It cheapens your case, and lends doubt to your, what I consider, over-zealous bent.

You're apparently in denial of what is accepted fact within Thailand. So why don't you Google it. Start your education with "Tak Bai", there's video if you find print unconvincing.

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The committee set up to investigate him were taken from his opposing political party. As much as you may not want to understand factual information, this committee then set the parameter for which the judges could hold court over Mr T. He was then convicted on 4 out of 5 charges, with the charges against his wife actually lapsing (that was the land deal).

You are not making any sense.

Even if you or any red friends filed charges against me for some dreamed up charge it wouldn't stick since I didn't do it.

The reason the charges stuck to Thaksin and he was convicted (and of more as soon as he comes back) is becomes nomatter who brough up the charges, he DID the crime.

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No skin off my nose. I say what I think. It's quite possible my feelings towards you are mutual. I won't ignore you, because you're not worth the time it takes to press the button. The anti-Thaksin rabble are entertaining reads. The hate mantras do get a tad bit nauseous, though. Murder one man and you are a criminal. Murder a million and you are conqueror. Become the focus of insane hatred on Thai Visa and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are. Go figure. If Thaksin is the murderer that you all say, then why hasn't he been accused in a higher, international court? Many leaders have had this happen over much less. No! It's funny how so much blame is laid at his feet, and the same principles are not applied to others. This is biased, visceral hatred over something else.

You say a lot of those people who were killed in that drug war were innocent or not connected. And just how were these statistics collected? By the Thai police and Thai investigators? Well; there you go then! People quote stats all day, but the manner in how those stats are collected are never brought into question. I'm glad you all are comfortable in your views. So am I in mine. No harm no foul until someone calls me an idiot, right? It cheapens your case, and lends doubt to your, what I consider, over-zealous bent.

If you find the anti-Thaksin rabble entertaining, you should give the i don't care for Thaksin but i'll devote my life to defending his good name and honour crowd. They are a hoot.

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The committee set up to investigate him were taken from his opposing political party. As much as you may not want to understand factual information, this committee then set the parameter for which the judges could hold court over Mr T. He was then convicted on 4 out of 5 charges, with the charges against his wife actually lapsing (that was the land deal).

You are not making any sense.

Even if you or any red friends filed charges against me for some dreamed up charge it wouldn't stick since I didn't do it.

The reason the charges stuck to Thaksin and he was convicted (and of more as soon as he comes back) is becomes nomatter who brough up the charges, he DID the crime.

That's correct - it wasn't the committee set up to investigate him that convicted him it was the judges of the court of the land that handed down the justice and they are neutral and unbiased - punishing only the guilty!!!! It matters not what charges are thrown at him as if he was really guiltless then he would have been found innocent of those charges he was tried on!!!

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No skin off my nose. I say what I think. It's quite possible my feelings towards you are mutual. I won't ignore you, because you're not worth the time it takes to press the button. The anti-Thaksin rabble are entertaining reads. The hate mantras do get a tad bit nauseous, though. Murder one man and you are a criminal. Murder a million and you are conqueror. Become the focus of insane hatred on Thai Visa and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are. Go figure. If Thaksin is the murderer that you all say, then why hasn't he been accused in a higher, international court? Many leaders have had this happen over much less. No! It's funny how so much blame is laid at his feet, and the same principles are not applied to others. This is biased, visceral hatred over something else.

You say a lot of those people who were killed in that drug war were innocent or not connected. And just how were these statistics collected? By the Thai police and Thai investigators? Well; there you go then! People quote stats all day, but the manner in how those stats are collected are never brought into question. I'm glad you all are comfortable in your views. So am I in mine. No harm no foul until someone calls me an idiot, right? It cheapens your case, and lends doubt to your, what I consider, over-zealous bent.

If you find the anti-Thaksin rabble entertaining, you should give the i don't care for Thaksin but i'll devote my life to defending his good name and honour crowd. They are a hoot.

Yes they are a hoot - I agree!!!

Just how can they (Thaksin devotee's) defend the indefencible??? He is a fugitive in every sense of the word and a coward to boot!!!!

How dare him manipulate and entice a number of his so called supporters to do his dirty work for him resulting in several of them forfeiting their lives, and for what??? and also shame on him for abandoning those left festering in the prisons that he himself should be locked up in (no signs of self martyrdom there clearly) that's the job of his underling sub-ordinates to sacrifice themselves for HIS cause.

Talk about a callous maipulator, and all you "I love Thaksin the multi-billionaire defender of the poor" should take an iced shower to wake you up to the REAL world and stop burying your heads in the sand!! somehow those two things (billionaire and poor) don't fit together so well in the same sentence. It's no different to saying "the obscenely obese helper and saviour of the starving" when he's got fat purely on account of him stealing THEIR food.

We are quite within our rights in castigating this evil "excuse for a human being' - just as you are with your unconvincing attempts at trying to make him out as a caring man of the people!!!

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No skin off my nose. I say what I think. It's quite possible my feelings towards you are mutual. I won't ignore you, because you're not worth the time it takes to press the button. The anti-Thaksin rabble are entertaining reads. The hate mantras do get a tad bit nauseous, though. Murder one man and you are a criminal. Murder a million and you are conqueror. Become the focus of insane hatred on Thai Visa and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are. Go figure. If Thaksin is the murderer that you all say, then why hasn't he been accused in a higher, international court? Many leaders have had this happen over much less. No! It's funny how so much blame is laid at his feet, and the same principles are not applied to others. This is biased, visceral hatred over something else.

You say a lot of those people who were killed in that drug war were innocent or not connected. And just how were these statistics collected? By the Thai police and Thai investigators? Well; there you go then! People quote stats all day, but the manner in how those stats are collected are never brought into question. I'm glad you all are comfortable in your views. So am I in mine. No harm no foul until someone calls me an idiot, right? It cheapens your case, and lends doubt to your, what I consider, over-zealous bent.

If you find the anti-Thaksin rabble entertaining, you should give the i don't care for Thaksin but i'll devote my life to defending his good name and honour crowd. They are a hoot.

So are the idiot ranters against "The Elite", who - somehow - overlook the fact that billionaire Thaksin *is* the Elite.

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With k. Thaksin proclaiming his obvious innocence, this article shows how other countries are slowly dealing with similar problems.

"Berlusconi's deputy Papa arrested


July 21, 2011, 9:45 am

Italian MPs have voted to authorise the arrest of a deputy from Silvio Berlusconi's ruling party accused of corruption in a humiliating setback for the embattled prime minister.

A majority of 319 deputies voted to lift the parliamentary immunity of Alfonso Papa from the People of Freedom party, after Berlusconi's coalition partner, the Northern League, said it was breaking ranks with the government."


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So are the idiot ranters against "The Elite", who - somehow - overlook the fact that billionaire Thaksin *is* the Elite.

Yes he might be a billionaire crushdepth, but don't forget he did come from very humble beginnings.

Thaksin's great-grandfather Seng Sae Khu made his fortune through tax farming. The Khu/Shinawatra later founded Shinawatra Silks and then by moving into finance, construction and property development. Thaksin's father, Lert, was born in Chiang Mai in 1919 and married Yindi Ramingwong (a daughter of Princess Jantip Na Chiang Mai). In 1968, Lert Shinawatra entered politics and became an MP for Chiang Mai and deputy leader of the now-defunct Liberal party. Lert Shinawatra quit politics in 1976. Lert Shinawatra opened a coffee shop, grew oranges and flowers in Chiang Mai's San Kamphaeng district, and opened two movie theatres, a gas station, and a car and motorcycle dealership. By the time Thaksin was born, the Shinawatra family was one of the richest and most influential families in Chiang Mai.


Shocking isn't it? Only one of the richest and most influential families in Chiang Mai. It's a wonder he made it out of such extreme poverty.

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With k. Thaksin proclaiming his obvious innocence, this article shows how other countries are slowly dealing with similar problems.

"Berlusconi's deputy Papa arrested


July 21, 2011, 9:45 am

Italian MPs have voted to authorise the arrest of a deputy from Silvio Berlusconi's ruling party accused of corruption in a humiliating setback for the embattled prime minister.

A majority of 319 deputies voted to lift the parliamentary immunity of Alfonso Papa from the People of Freedom party, after Berlusconi's coalition partner, the Northern League, said it was breaking ranks with the government."


It is simply amazing how the paths of Berlusconi and Thaksin have mirrored each others - they are both crooks, billionaires and power crazy liars that seem to have been able to hoodwink the people over a prolonged period of time without even trying!!! Thailand hasn't got an excuse other than protracted ignorance but what's Italy's excuse as to them being so dumb - alright we had our Maggie Thatcher moment in history (but I was by no means involved in that one) as I was and will always be a working class labour man!!!!

Shows you the extent to which I hate Thaksin and all he stands for as his party (PT) would be the natural party of allegiance for me under normal circumstances!!

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So are the idiot ranters against "The Elite", who - somehow - overlook the fact that billionaire Thaksin *is* the Elite.

Yes he might be a billionaire crushdepth, but don't forget he did come from very humble beginnings.

Thaksin's great-grandfather Seng Sae Khu made his fortune through tax farming. The Khu/Shinawatra later founded Shinawatra Silks and then by moving into finance, construction and property development. Thaksin's father, Lert, was born in Chiang Mai in 1919 and married Yindi Ramingwong (a daughter of Princess Jantip Na Chiang Mai). In 1968, Lert Shinawatra entered politics and became an MP for Chiang Mai and deputy leader of the now-defunct Liberal party. Lert Shinawatra quit politics in 1976. Lert Shinawatra opened a coffee shop, grew oranges and flowers in Chiang Mai's San Kamphaeng district, and opened two movie theatres, a gas station, and a car and motorcycle dealership. By the time Thaksin was born, the Shinawatra family was one of the richest and most influential families in Chiang Mai.


Shocking isn't it? Only one of the richest and most influential families in Chiang Mai. It's a wonder he made it out of such extreme poverty.

That harsh childhood explains everything. Poor fellow.

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So are the idiot ranters against "The Elite", who - somehow - overlook the fact that billionaire Thaksin *is* the Elite.

Yes he might be a billionaire crushdepth, but don't forget he did come from very humble beginnings.

Thaksin's great-grandfather Seng Sae Khu made his fortune through tax farming. The Khu/Shinawatra later founded Shinawatra Silks and then by moving into finance, construction and property development. Thaksin's father, Lert, was born in Chiang Mai in 1919 and married Yindi Ramingwong (a daughter of Princess Jantip Na Chiang Mai). In 1968, Lert Shinawatra entered politics and became an MP for Chiang Mai and deputy leader of the now-defunct Liberal party. Lert Shinawatra quit politics in 1976. Lert Shinawatra opened a coffee shop, grew oranges and flowers in Chiang Mai's San Kamphaeng district, and opened two movie theatres, a gas station, and a car and motorcycle dealership. By the time Thaksin was born, the Shinawatra family was one of the richest and most influential families in Chiang Mai.


Shocking isn't it? Only one of the richest and most influential families in Chiang Mai. It's a wonder he made it out of such extreme poverty.

I'm shocked that they forgot to mention when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for supreme economic cleverness, or how he's spent the past few years helping improve the economies, of other Third-World countries like Cambodia. Also his contribution to cloning ! :lol:

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alright we had our Maggie Thatcher moment in history (but I was by no means involved in that one) as I was and will always be a working class labour man!!!!

Shows you the extent to which I hate Thaksin and all he stands for as his party (PT) would be the natural party of allegiance for me under normal circumstances!!

With regards Thatcher, i find it quite revealing that a number of Thaksin's main defenders on here have expressed their high opinion of that particular baroness. I think it shows that contrary to the motivations behind their red support that they declare - wanting a better life for the downtrodden poorer classes - this is actually not what it is about at all. Were it, they would have all been expressing outrage and disgust at PT's manipulation of the poor with their sudden backpeddling earlier this week on the 300 baht minimum wage pledge. All i saw from them however was excuses and justifications. Speaks volumes.

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I'm shocked that they forgot to mention when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for supreme economic cleverness, or how he's spent the past few years helping improve the economies, of other Third-World countries like Cambodia. Also his contribution to cloning ! :lol:

I should say i only offered the reader a snippet. I'm sure all those noble achievements and many more are covered further down the page. wink.gif

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alright we had our Maggie Thatcher moment in history (but I was by no means involved in that one) as I was and will always be a working class labour man!!!!

Shows you the extent to which I hate Thaksin and all he stands for as his party (PT) would be the natural party of allegiance for me under normal circumstances!!

With regards Thatcher, i find it quite revealing that a number of Thaksin's main defenders on here have expressed their high opinion of that particular baroness. I think it shows that contrary to the motivations behind their red support that they declare - wanting a better life for the downtrodden poorer classes - this is actually not what it is about at all. Were it, they would have all been expressing outrage and disgust at PT's manipulation of the poor with their sudden backpeddling earlier this week on the 300 baht minimum wage pledge. All i saw from them however was excuses and justifications. Speaks volumes.

If what you say is true about the red shirt supporting farangs admiring that "old witch" then I don't feel quite so alienated in my support for the "Thai" Tory equivalent Democrats.

I just abhor what Thaksin has done in the past with his blatant exploitation of the poor for self-purpose motives. I don't know whether (in fact I very much doubt) that Yingluck would operate quite in the same abominable way as her older brother but time will tell. She has undoubtedly made things difficult for herself with those unwise pledges, but done them she has, and she must find a way of implementing them without bankrupting the country - interesting, considering her total lack of experience, to see how she goes about it as I think she must inevitably dissapoint and upset her devotee's at some point of time when they realise that she was telling porkies and just spouting out all her policies with one thing in mind only and that was to get elected.

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alright we had our Maggie Thatcher moment in history (but I was by no means involved in that one) as I was and will always be a working class labour man!!!!

Shows you the extent to which I hate Thaksin and all he stands for as his party (PT) would be the natural party of allegiance for me under normal circumstances!!

With regards Thatcher, i find it quite revealing that a number of Thaksin's main defenders on here have expressed their high opinion of that particular baroness. I think it shows that contrary to the motivations behind their red support that they declare - wanting a better life for the downtrodden poorer classes - this is actually not what it is about at all. Were it, they would have all been expressing outrage and disgust at PT's manipulation of the poor with their sudden backpeddling earlier this week on the 300 baht minimum wage pledge. All i saw from them however was excuses and justifications. Speaks volumes.

If what you say is true about the red shirt supporting farangs admiring that "old witch" then I don't feel quite so alienated in my support for the "Thai" Tory equivalent Democrats.

I just abhor what Thaksin has done in the past with his blatant exploitation of the poor for self-purpose motives. I don't know whether (in fact I very much doubt) that Yingluck would operate quite in the same abominable way as her older brother but time will tell. She has undoubtedly made things difficult for herself with those unwise pledges, but done them she has, and she must find a way of implementing them without bankrupting the country - interesting, considering her total lack of experience, to see how she goes about it as I think she must inevitably dissapoint and upset her devotee's at some point of time when they realise that she was telling porkies and just spouting out all her policies with one thing in mind only and that was to get elected.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif do you really believe Yingluck has any say at all in what will be done cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif are you knew or just naive cheesy.gif

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I'm shocked that they forgot to mention when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for supreme economic cleverness, or how he's spent the past few years helping improve the economies, of other Third-World countries like Cambodia. Also his contribution to cloning ! :lol:

I should say i only offered the reader a snippet. I'm sure all those noble achievements and many more are covered further down the page. wink.gif

More like Nob Achievement... everyone else just gets f....d

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alright we had our Maggie Thatcher moment in history (but I was by no means involved in that one) as I was and will always be a working class labour man!!!!

Shows you the extent to which I hate Thaksin and all he stands for as his party (PT) would be the natural party of allegiance for me under normal circumstances!!

With regards Thatcher, i find it quite revealing that a number of Thaksin's main defenders on here have expressed their high opinion of that particular baroness. I think it shows that contrary to the motivations behind their red support that they declare - wanting a better life for the downtrodden poorer classes - this is actually not what it is about at all. Were it, they would have all been expressing outrage and disgust at PT's manipulation of the poor with their sudden backpeddling earlier this week on the 300 baht minimum wage pledge. All i saw from them however was excuses and justifications. Speaks volumes.

If what you say is true about the red shirt supporting farangs admiring that "old witch" then I don't feel quite so alienated in my support for the "Thai" Tory equivalent Democrats.

I just abhor what Thaksin has done in the past with his blatant exploitation of the poor for self-purpose motives. I don't know whether (in fact I very much doubt) that Yingluck would operate quite in the same abominable way as her older brother but time will tell. She has undoubtedly made things difficult for herself with those unwise pledges, but done them she has, and she must find a way of implementing them without bankrupting the country - interesting, considering her total lack of experience, to see how she goes about it as I think she must inevitably dissapoint and upset her devotee's at some point of time when they realise that she was telling porkies and just spouting out all her policies with one thing in mind only and that was to get elected.

cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif do you really believe Yingluck has any say at all in what will be done cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif are you knew or just naive cheesy.gif

I've been saying for quite a while now that Thaksin's role will be limited partly on account of his exile (which will continue) and partly because he is banned from politics. I'm afraid that you are the naive one my friend and relying on all of those emoticons implies to me that you struggle to get your message over with words alone!!!!

Do you seriously believe that the workings of government can be controlled by someone living abroad - unless Yingluck sets up a permanent video conference facility with him (which she is not allowed to do, nor would it be wise to) or keeps in touch by phone during parliament time then she has got to do the job herself.

Clearly you have jumped on the bandwaggon "of the majority" in believing that Thaksin is in control, when he is not, and more pertinently, despite your belief that he is, he never will be.

What is going to happen when she is asked questions in parliament??? is she going to say "hang on a minute I don't know the answer to that question can I just ring my brother" - well think about it!!! Yingluck will have to think for herself I'm afraid and she will have to learn fast as those experienced in politics will "eat her alive" in debates and exploit her short-comings at the merest opportunity offered up to them. Is she going to mail all of those important documents she must sign on the future of Thailand for him to sign???

Don't you think, also, that he might just be a little bit busy maintaining his own empire and will only be able to spare a little bit of his valuable time talking to little sis??

The Pheu Thai party (Thaksin) have pulled a master stroke in putting Yingluck as their number 1 on the party list but now she is there they must back this up with results and her inept performance in initially back tracking on literally all of her policies (inevitable she would have to do this really) and now saying OK I'll implement them all at once to appease the people is a bigger and more serious mistake as it will be disastrous for SME and the tourist industry as well as being damaging for employment.

I was going to finish with an emoticon but I don't want to drop to your level of intelligence so I resisted!!

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I'm shocked that they forgot to mention when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for supreme economic cleverness, or how he's spent the past few years helping improve the economies, of other Third-World countries like Cambodia. Also his contribution to cloning ! :lol:

I should say i only offered the reader a snippet. I'm sure all those noble achievements and many more are covered further down the page. wink.gif

And if they're not already covered, I'm sure some of the hamster's assistants are beavering away, trying to make it so. :whistling:

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Do you seriously believe that the workings of government can be controlled by someone living abroad - unless Yingluck sets up a permanent video conference facility with him (which she is not allowed to do, nor would it be wise to) or keeps in touch by phone during parliament time then she has got to do the job herself.

Clearly you have jumped on the bandwaggon "of the majority" in believing that Thaksin is in control, when he is not, and more pertinently, despite your belief that he is, he never will be.

What is going to happen when she is asked questions in parliament???


This the point where Thailand's future rests in the balance.

She may be very well briefed with what to say to the public right now, but, once parliament sits, she is on her own, only then will anyone be able to say that she is competent to run the country, and only then will it become obvious to all who is running the show.

And fwiw, I come from a working class background and I liked Maggie, don't like Khun T.

//edit/Thatcher comment.

Edited by Thaddeus
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Do you seriously believe that the workings of government can be controlled by someone living abroad - unless Yingluck sets up a permanent video conference facility with him (which she is not allowed to do, nor would it be wise to) or keeps in touch by phone during parliament time then she has got to do the job herself.

Clearly you have jumped on the bandwaggon "of the majority" in believing that Thaksin is in control, when he is not, and more pertinently, despite your belief that he is, he never will be.

What is going to happen when she is asked questions in parliament???


This the point where Thailand's future rests in the balance.

She may be very well briefed with what to say to the public right now, but, once parliament sits, she is on her own, only then will anyone be able to say that she is competent to run the country, and only then will it become obvious to all who is running the show.

And fwiw, I come from a working class background and I liked Maggie, don't like Khun T.

//edit/Thatcher comment.

If it will benefit his interests he will have the final say.

He need not control every single decision she would make,

even if he LIKES TO micro manage all things,

but if it is a big thing he will be the final arbiter and set the parameters,

same as he was doing during Samak and Somchai.

Once a younger megalomaniac remaining an older megalomaniac.

One main reason Samak was not reinstalled is because

he made 'un-approved by Thaksin decisions' on his own,

not the lie that the court removed him permanently.

He could have been reinstalled as PM next day,

but Thaksin picked the even more pliable lil Bro In Law Somchai.

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I don't think Thaksin wants to "run the show", or if he does, only to the extent that it allows him to do deals. Thaksin is the globalist's lapdog. When he was in the employ of ths Carlyle Group he said he saw his role as being "a matchmaker" for global business interests that wanted to exploit Thailand's resources and labor. Nothing's changed really with the new "Trade ambassador" role he sees for himself, except now he can work outside the box of the premeirship, while his hand chosen puppet works within. If anything he's expanded his sights to regional deals. He can frontrun every policy coming down the pike or craft legislation to favor corporate or other foreign interests that he can take a piece of. Top Of The World, Ma!

Edited by lannarebirth
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No skin off my nose. I say what I think. It's quite possible my feelings towards you are mutual. I won't ignore you, because you're not worth the time it takes to press the button. The anti-Thaksin rabble are entertaining reads. The hate mantras do get a tad bit nauseous, though. Murder one man and you are a criminal. Murder a million and you are conqueror. Become the focus of insane hatred on Thai Visa and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are. Go figure. If Thaksin is the murderer that you all say, then why hasn't he been accused in a higher, international court? Many leaders have had this happen over much less. No! It's funny how so much blame is laid at his feet, and the same principles are not applied to others. This is biased, visceral hatred over something else.

You say a lot of those people who were killed in that drug war were innocent or not connected. And just how were these statistics collected? By the Thai police and Thai investigators? Well; there you go then! People quote stats all day, but the manner in how those stats are collected are never brought into question. I'm glad you all are comfortable in your views. So am I in mine. No harm no foul until someone calls me an idiot, right? It cheapens your case, and lends doubt to your, what I consider, over-zealous bent.

If you find the anti-Thaksin rabble entertaining, you should give the i don't care for Thaksin but i'll devote my life to defending his good name and honour crowd. They are a hoot.

Yes they are a hoot - I agree!!!

Just how can they (Thaksin devotee's) defend the indefencible??? He is a fugitive in every sense of the word and a coward to boot!!!!

How dare him manipulate and entice a number of his so called supporters to do his dirty work for him resulting in several of them forfeiting their lives, and for what??? and also shame on him for abandoning those left festering in the prisons that he himself should be locked up in (no signs of self martyrdom there clearly) that's the job of his underling sub-ordinates to sacrifice themselves for HIS cause.

Talk about a callous maipulator, and all you "I love Thaksin the multi-billionaire defender of the poor" should take an iced shower to wake you up to the REAL world and stop burying your heads in the sand!! somehow those two things (billionaire and poor) don't fit together so well in the same sentence. It's no different to saying "the obscenely obese helper and saviour of the starving" when he's got fat purely on account of him stealing THEIR food.

We are quite within our rights in castigating this evil "excuse for a human being' - just as you are with your unconvincing attempts at trying to make him out as a caring man of the people!!!

The paymaster is in fact, at least in Thai terms, a very very wealthy man (how he became wealthy is of course another discussion).

If he was so genuinly concerned for the poor and disadvantaged he would have set up a focused activity to help, using his own funds. 'Help' meaning something really concrete to get more poor people into a situation where they could lift their quality of life (and have some impact on reducing the gap) through their own productivity.

He did make major announcements with fanfare about how he was in the process of setting up an Asian Leadership fund. It in fact never happened. A web site was half built and then abandoned, last news was that the website name was for sale.

Bottom line - he's done nothing!

About as genuine as a crocodile.

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No skin off my nose. I say what I think. It's quite possible my feelings towards you are mutual. I won't ignore you, because you're not worth the time it takes to press the button. The anti-Thaksin rabble are entertaining reads. The hate mantras do get a tad bit nauseous, though. Murder one man and you are a criminal. Murder a million and you are conqueror. Become the focus of insane hatred on Thai Visa and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are. Go figure. If Thaksin is the murderer that you all say, then why hasn't he been accused in a higher, international court? Many leaders have had this happen over much less. No! It's funny how so much blame is laid at his feet, and the same principles are not applied to others. This is biased, visceral hatred over something else.

You say a lot of those people who were killed in that drug war were innocent or not connected. And just how were these statistics collected? By the Thai police and Thai investigators? Well; there you go then! People quote stats all day, but the manner in how those stats are collected are never brought into question. I'm glad you all are comfortable in your views. So am I in mine. No harm no foul until someone calls me an idiot, right? It cheapens your case, and lends doubt to your, what I consider, over-zealous bent.

If you find the anti-Thaksin rabble entertaining, you should give the i don't care for Thaksin but i'll devote my life to defending his good name and honour crowd. They are a hoot.

Yes they are a hoot - I agree!!!

Just how can they (Thaksin devotee's) defend the indefencible??? He is a fugitive in every sense of the word and a coward to boot!!!!

How dare him manipulate and entice a number of his so called supporters to do his dirty work for him resulting in several of them forfeiting their lives, and for what??? and also shame on him for abandoning those left festering in the prisons that he himself should be locked up in (no signs of self martyrdom there clearly) that's the job of his underling sub-ordinates to sacrifice themselves for HIS cause.

Talk about a callous maipulator, and all you "I love Thaksin the multi-billionaire defender of the poor" should take an iced shower to wake you up to the REAL world and stop burying your heads in the sand!! somehow those two things (billionaire and poor) don't fit together so well in the same sentence. It's no different to saying "the obscenely obese helper and saviour of the starving" when he's got fat purely on account of him stealing THEIR food.

We are quite within our rights in castigating this evil "excuse for a human being' - just as you are with your unconvincing attempts at trying to make him out as a caring man of the people!!!

The paymaster is in fact, at least in Thai terms, a very very wealthy man (how he became wealthy is of course another discussion).

If he was so genuinly concerned for the poor and disadvantaged he would have set up a focused activity to help, using his own funds. 'Help' meaning something really concrete to get more poor people into a situation where they could lift their quality of life (and have some impact on reducing the gap) through their own productivity.

He did make major announcements with fanfare about how he was in the process of setting up an Asian Leadership fund. It in fact never happened. A web site was half built and then abandoned, last news was that the website name was for sale.

Bottom line - he's done nothing!

About as genuine as a crocodile.

Bill Gates has given away more than Thaksin has....

George Soros the wipping boy for the Asian Tiger collapse

in Matahir Mohamads view has given away to charity more than Thaksin's stole.

And no doubt much more than Matahir ever salted away.

Most of the truly rich do give back targeted largese to worthy causes.

The most Thaksin is noted for is a few paltry student scholarships to his namesake school, and 1,000 baht here or there on the campaign trail years ago.

If he had spent 1/2 of his "political investments" and served his 2 years,

there is not chance he wouldn't be PM now.

But he mentally can not actual GIVE his money,

because that equates with losing status, not gaining it.

He has no problem using the publics taxes for his own ends though.

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I don't think Thaksin wants to "run the show", or if he does, only to the extent that it allows him to do deals. Thaksin is the globalist's lapdog. When he was in the employ of ths Carlyle Group he said he saw his role as being "a matchmaker" for global business interests that wanted to exploit Thailand's resources and labor. Nothing's changed really with the new "Trade ambassador" role he sees for himself, except now he can work outside the box of the premeirship, while his hand chosen puppet works within. If anything he's expanded his sights to regional deals. He can frontrun every policy coming down the pike or craft legislation to favor corporate or other foreign interests that he can take a piece of. Top Of The World, Ma!

Expect to see more and more of this kind of thing:

A group of potential Saudi investors were taken to survey rice farming areas in Thailand's central Suphanburi province in May, led by deposed Thai premier Thaksin Shinawatra. The proposal involved renting, not selling, the land, which foreigners are barred from owning in Thailand, and the creation of a joint rice-exporting venture.

The surveyed land was apparently owned by a ruling coalition politician with the Chat Thai party. Nonetheless Agriculture Minister Somsak Prissnanantakul and the Thai Farmers Association came out strongly against the idea, accusing the plan's proponents of selling off the country to foreigners and jeopardizing Thai farmers' unique way of life.


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