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Step Daughter?

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Hi all, sorry I havent posted much of late but I am trying to get all my gear over to the Uk and am with out the trusted computer. As some of you may remember I put a thread on here about getting my step daugter back to the Uk to come and live with us. I have all the relevant information, I think? But what I was wondering was, as she is in Thailand living with here Dad on a tempory basic while we got sorted in the Uk, what would be the best way to go about getting her visa sorted. I mean I was quite lucky that getting my wifes visa was a quick process of under 2 weeks. The problem that I have is that I plan to return to LOS in Febuary and take her back with us. But when should we apply for her visa? Before, and if so how long? I will only be in the country for 2 weeks. As you can understand going back and forth can get very expensive for 2 of you. Any help wil be very helpful.


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Hi Ben,

The sooner you apply, the better. As your step-daughter's application is reliant upon your wife's status in the UK, initially the visa should be valid until the same date as your wife's. You can either post in the application or get a relative in Thailand to physically make the application at the embassy.



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Hi Ben,

The sooner you apply, the better. As your step-daughter's application is reliant upon your wife's status in the UK, initially the visa should be valid until the same date as your wife's. You can either post in the application or get a relative in Thailand to physically make the application at the embassy.



I also beleive that your wife has to have sole custody of her daughter.

Edited by eddie11
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