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Chuvit Cursing Corrupt Thai Politicians


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didn't that guy spit out his dummy when his 1,000,000 thb per month bribery 'wasn't enough'

also, wasn't he bribing 1,000,000 thb per month to be 'allowed' to continue pimping pre-teen girls??

how anyone can rate this guy as anything other than an abuser of women is shameful really.

oh, whats that?? he doesn't do that anymore??

oh well, might as well stick him in parliament then eh...

and while im on the subject of sick-minded people, what happened with the road rage murderer??


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Chuwit is good entertainment and will liven up parliament. He may also expose some scandals after all he used to run an empire that relied on such things and hence clearly knows the ropes. Then again so does any MP, so Chuwit if he does the job deserves credit there especially if he shows he is blind to party, and that would be a very good service as no political party is averse to a little oil

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I find Mr. Chuvit despicable. Whatever, former PM Thaksin's sins are, he never pimped out young women from a massage parlour. Idi Amin played the buffoon as well, awarding himself the Victoria Cross, and yet he allegedly would eat the internal organs of his victims.

Actually, if we believe the rumours, the ownership of the major massage parlours in Bangkok suggests that perhaps a number of heavyweights in parliament are pimping out young women from massage parlours, in the name of 'entertainment'. I can personally attest (because I was using a, ahem, restuarant on premises) as to the presence of the children of a prominent outspoken PT spokesperson and PT hopeful during the period when he was banned and supposed to be at home due to being found guilty IIRC of aiding and abetting. The good old ahp op nuet is, let's face it, a sad but true element of Thai society, and singling out Chuwit as a politician involved with such a business when a BUNCH of them are basically all soaped up is a bit inconsistent.

Certainly, there are many, many upcountry politicians on both sides of the house that not only run roading, transportation and underground lottery businesses, but also have a role to play in pimping.

Only difference is we publically know Chuwit's role....the others remain secret, exchanged in whispers and pointing standing around the sideliners.


Wasn't it Yingluck who said "I will soap the country's problems' at the begining of her dream month with the world's press? Truer words have never been spoken.

* depending who is reading, I never went to one, I don't remember, I don't understand, I don't know, I forgot. etc etc

Edited by steveromagnino
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didn't that guy spit out his dummy when his 1,000,000 thb per month bribery 'wasn't enough'

also, wasn't he bribing 1,000,000 thb per month to be 'allowed' to continue pimping pre-teen girls??

how anyone can rate this guy as anything other than an abuser of women is shameful really.

oh, whats that?? he doesn't do that anymore??

oh well, might as well stick him in parliament then eh...

and while im on the subject of sick-minded people, what happened with the road rage murderer??


Are you suggesting that Mr Chuwit had 11 and 12 year old girls working as bathtub babes?

Preteen? \

Frankly EF there are many factories in this country employing women at slave wages. Abuse?.

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Well seeing the parties & people before election ... I'd vote for him if I could ... :)

......yes vote for the man who has built his illegal empire on the corruption of the Thai police!

He has earned billions of Baht on the back of the under privileged - controlling just a few years ago - with the help of corrupt officials - a large junk of the "massage" business in the Thai capital!

Now that he has gone "legitimate" as so many crooks before him - he is rich enough to condemn corruption!

Yes it would be nice to have more public figures in Thailand speak out against - and crusade against corruption - but not just opportunists like Mr. Chuvit who enjoys publicity stunts more than anything else!

Edited by Cnxforever
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You may be right, I can't say. I'll say this though; who could admire a person who admires pimps?

Get real....he did it in style with employees willing to enter the trade and earn a quid....he provided a safe and clean and even 5 star stylish premises to do it in.

Pimps.....they are the guys that dress in purple clothes with orange bowler hats and 'force' their staff to do the job or get beat up......huge difference.

I shall not lose any sleep at the loss of your admiration....nor would several hundred thousand other guys...and a few girls no doubt.

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didn't that guy spit out his dummy when his 1,000,000 thb per month bribery 'wasn't enough'

also, wasn't he bribing 1,000,000 thb per month to be 'allowed' to continue pimping pre-teen girls??

how anyone can rate this guy as anything other than an abuser of women is shameful really.

oh, whats that?? he doesn't do that anymore??

oh well, might as well stick him in parliament then eh...

and while im on the subject of sick-minded people, what happened with the road rage murderer??


Pre teen ??

would love you to provide some proof and links to that allegation.

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Thaksin states he has done nothing wrong and is in his mind as pure as the driven snow, bah.gif

Thus by that very yardstick proffered by Brother no.1 Thaksin our Khun, Chuvit is indeed as pure as the driven snow. whistling.gif

At least Khun Chuvit acknowledged what he was unlike ( Walter Mitty) Thaksin, ph34r.gif

Both born again Vestal Virgins, not a prick in sight. .rolleyes.gif

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This clown is only suitable for one post in the Parliament.... that of PM.....Pimp Minister!

I hope the new governent will turn the table on him and start digging out skeletons in his closet!

Pot calling the kettle black!

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Nice to see someone who admits to being a newbie passing comment on Chuvit.

All Thai politicians are shall we say, '' creative in their non parliamentary life'', There is a big money pit out there. called the national budget and the projects in it.

Remember Banharan saying ,"opposition party is no good as there is no money coming?".

Twenty years here and nothing has changed the corrupt politicians still screw the working man and woman who sadly actually believe and accept corruption as a fine idea..

Chuvit admitted what he was and that by any standard, let alone the local norm is indeed bloody remarkable, He named the bribe takers and the amounts too. Still he walks the streets inded he is probably privy to many secrets which may well be his life assurance policy

At least his children didn't go around murdering innocent policeman while daddy covered his boys ass for him when he did a runner and subsequently brought his boy back to Thailand where ''upon my soul the errant son was found not guilty of murder'' as witnesses had had memory lapses.and many a grey colored piece of paper had changed hands.

The position of . " Mr Toilet'' was indeed a fitting accolade.for the spawn of a leading political horse switching opportunist son whose father it seems is attached to Thaksin in a very personal place where the sun does not shine..

Edited by siampolee
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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

I agree, but how many countries have a criminal fugitive defacto Prime Minister?

How many countries have had a military coup in the last 5 years?

Says it all really.

right - and bans parties at the drop of a hat!!!

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How many countries have had a military coup in the last 5 years?

Says it all really.

right - and bans parties at the drop of a hat!!!

Says more about your understanding of current than anything else.

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How many countries have had a military coup in the last 5 years?

Says it all really.

right - and bans parties at the drop of a hat!!!

You seem to suggest that political-parties were dissolved by the E.C. without due-consideration being given to the evidence of their having done wrong, and also that this may have been done over-speedily or even capriciously ("at the drop of a hat"), can you perhaps show where the E.C. has broken the laws which it is supposed to follow & enforce ? B)

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Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician. In any other country he would have been ripped apart due to his business history.

However, his voice over the last month has been one of piety. I like it.

"Personally, I think Chuwit is a pimp and, as such, he cannot be held up as a suitable public figure, much less a politician."

Excuse me!? Half of Isan consists of pimps disguised as family members. They would not have a problem with a former colleague in politics.

Ever imagined who would be left in politics if someone would take out all bad apples related to all kinds of crimes in the country?

I guess the only reason why Chuvit is still alive, is because he has a long list of "influencial persons" on his former payroll. I hope he keeps it safe!

Edited by TackyToo
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