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i think it's time for you to go where you came from...........

because if you start complaining about things like this...well....aren't there many better things that needs to be resolved and to think about??....

Time to get your bags and by a one way ticket home.

and buy it now because the euro and pound will go down more!!!

And for the falangs who knows how to live here in peace....whitout yekking like a Thai lady like Mr Thaitrav....feel welcome and enjoy your stay and our culture.

And for the falangs who always find something to discuss or jekking about some things about our country...well...there are many other countries to live at...and many other falangs happy tolive here the way it is.

I even give some advice,go to brazil and start jekking the police there......about wearing no helmet.......and if you can let us know how they reacted please let us know....if you still can....lol

I understand your thoughts,rules are rules and for everybody,and there are many samples of this,but in your case....you will only will get more depressed because you can not do nothing about it.

Live whit it and go worry about other things like Greece and their financial problems.



Dear Mr Kamluan

Firstly ....Thank-you for your kind comments and efforts to simply " Help Me " I will consider your thoughts but beforehand can I ask this : How would you feel if say you made a silly mistake and not wore your helmet and got fined for it ?

I would say Som Nom Na ....serves yourself right ....... but you work hard and are not in a very financial position , the 4-600 baht fine you get is pretty steep and so it should be to teach you a lesson right!!!! Then you see the man that imposed the fine and hardship on you do exactly what you did and had to pay for ? Would you feel good about that ? Would you respect the powers who supposedly set the example?Wouldn't you feel a little cheated ?

What difference does me going home or to onother country do for me,, for if I saw this in my Home town or anywhere else for that matter I would still post it on a public forum because it educates others on what goes on in the area they are living in ....Isn't that Helping Them...... by making them more aware!

I am happy living here as I am wherever I go , have some excellent Thai Friends ....Police for that matter too and you know I can talk openly with my friends thai or not about things that seem odd and strange as they can with me .

It was an observation Mr Kamluan ,it didn't affect me ,I was wearing my helmet , but bet your life will effect the opinions of some Thais and Farangs when they get caught .............., but its all good , I,ll still have a drink with you if we met.

There was no pun intended!

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I,m was stunned ....How can anyone be expected to repect their people of authority when they themselves don,t set an example ,further more what a joke ......

Welcome to Planet Thailand - we hope you enjoy you stay.

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I,m was stunned ....How can anyone be expected to repect their people of authority when they themselves don,t set an example ,further more what a joke ......

Welcome to Planet Thailand - we hope you enjoy you stay.

The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe is fact that they haven't visited us yet.

Of course if you subscribe to the belief that they are out there watching us then Thailand has to be honoured in its role of deterring Alien invasion.

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The OP makes a good point: The police in Thailand act with hypocrisy and impunity. The enforcers of the law and protectors of the populace do nothing to earn themselves any genuine respect when they believe and get away with acting as if they are above the law.....

I was in a pub with a group of friends the other night, 3 of them police, 3 of them smoking inside. I pointed out to them that they were doing themselves no favors, at first they took my point but as we became more imhebriated they didn't care and smoked while those on other tables breathed in their fumes........

"if I don't like it go home?" - I don't believe there is ever a less intelligent response than this in this forum which could be equalled with: 'If you don't like the thread, don't read it!'

If any country is to improve it's social standards the general public has a moral obligation to stand up for their rights and draw moral judgment on others who behave antisocially.....

Being chilled and letting things slide is fine but those who 'chill' offer little towards the general improvement of society.... Or they beleieve that spitting in the street, smoking in public, belching in strangers faces, hypocritical law enforcement and many other aspects of antisocial and dangerous behavior are acceptable....

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i think it's time for you to go where you came from...........

because if you start complaining about things like this...well....aren't there many better things that needs to be resolved and to think about??....

Time to get your bags and by a one way ticket home.

and buy it now because the euro and pound will go down more!!!

And for the falangs who knows how to live here in peace....whitout yekking like a Thai lady like Mr Thaitrav....feel welcome and enjoy your stay and our culture.

And for the falangs who always find something to discuss or jekking about some things about our country...well...there are many other countries to live at...and many other falangs happy tolive here the way it is.

I even give some advice,go to brazil and start jekking the police there......about wearing no helmet.......and if you can let us know how they reacted please let us know....if you still can....lol

I understand your thoughts,rules are rules and for everybody,and there are many samples of this,but in your case....you will only will get more depressed because you can not do nothing about it.

Live whit it and go worry about other things like Greece and their financial problems.




With Khun Kamluan's attitude (farangs "complaining") and don't get worked up over it is a typical "Thai" attitude. I guess this is why Thailand has more motorcycle / car deaths per capita than Western countries; why buildings fall apart within a decade (why complain- accept it); education system continues to be outdated (don't think about it or you may get depressed)... If any "farang" came to my country and complained about the "double standard" I would not accuse him of being "depressed", overly worried, or a complainer. I would appreciate his input. (and probably agree with the concern).

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Inflammatory posts removed, if we cant discuss sensibly without bad mouthing each other then what ever is the world coming to.

No more bad tempered posts please

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mr thaitrav,

i still do not agree,but it is as you said.........one heiniken for me!!!

Everybody his own opinions,and only verbal same same discussing or yekking our wifes .

Only sometimes we in this case me can not really express what i think about it....

I still think that things like that isn' a case to think about,unnessesary.

nO hard feelings.

Lets all eat a hamburger at khao talo''s hamburgerservice at the darkside.

And i got fines last time 1000 bath!!!!! For having only blue lights on my bike!!

And many times i needed to get my id or drivers license at soi 9 beachroad whit the famous no helmet fine..

As for me,have all a nice day and don't forget your helmet,motobike papers and your driver license........

And not only blue lights on your bike!!!

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Was that in evening or daytime ?

I had a long discussion on this particular issue with my bike dealer, as by default only dimmers are on,

and he ensured that was OK day time. I also have never been fined for having just dimmers on,

and take my word for it the police here would grasp any straw to fine me.

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at night time it isn't a guaranteed fine....but if they stop you and your dimmers are blue they can fine you.....if he is in a bad day..lol

at soi nine beachroad inside the police station is a board whit the road crimes and the fines....

And there it is....modify lights=1000 bath!!!!

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I simply help the man resolve his problem...move to an other country....

we dont need people like this looking for problems and defects in Thailand and complaining about things,

Wrong and wrong...

1. You did not "simply help the man resolve his problem". You were being insulting and sarcastic.

2. You do need people looking for problems and defects in Thailand. How else will the country improve? How do you think Thailand reached its current stage of development?

Don't presume to speak for the whole of Thailand.

Insulting......not really but he asked for it,his topic doesn't promote The Kingdom,

I am sick of old Falang man living here and keep on complaining,why he didn't went to the police station filling in a complaint??for sure he could see his motobike plate...???

No he did not that ,but wanted to create another problem......how many falangs would speak to the police that they should wear a helmet???

Looking for things to complain....

And i do speak in the name of Thai people,we respect a falang whit an old lady or a 18 year old lady,should respect us the way it is.

If your son comes to you...dad i am gay...well you should love him the same way then before knowing it,accepting they way he is,accept the way Thailand is.

And if you can't live whit it,MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND MOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But dont start a useless topic to get falangs more angry and disrespect against police officers,only because this topic.

Look at england and their nr one ex newspaper....better worry about things like that,that effect the whole country and not one or 2 police officers that doesn't wear helmets.

I am sure many other falangs think the same ,but they know...there are betters and more serious cases to resolve.

Complaining and didn't even got fined....

For sure nothing else to do.

Just looked at eva air's website....still cheap one way tickets to europe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or live whit it the way it is.


And you still do not understand. Is it because you have been here too long or is it something you were born with?

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And you still do not understand. Is it because you have been here too long or is it something you were born with?

According to his profile he's Dutch/Thai and been in Pattaya for 1 year and 8 months. He knows it all.

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The OP makes a good point: The police in Thailand act with hypocrisy and impunity. The enforcers of the law and protectors of the populace do nothing to earn themselves any genuine respect when they believe and get away with acting as if they are above the law.....

Load of crap . You may be describing police in the U.S. , the U.K. or Australia . The police in Thailand are exceptionally friendly , helpful and compassionate .

Sure , there may be the odd renegade , but for the most , they are decent down to earth guys .

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The OP makes a good point: The police in Thailand act with hypocrisy and impunity. The enforcers of the law and protectors of the populace do nothing to earn themselves any genuine respect when they believe and get away with acting as if they are above the law.....

Load of crap . You may be describing police in the U.S. , the U.K. or Australia . The police in Thailand are exceptionally friendly , helpful and compassionate .

Sure , there may be the odd renegade , but for the most , they are decent down to earth guys .

You were quick to use "load of crap", but now that you have, it's exactly what I think of your description of Pattaya's finest.

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The police in Thailand are exceptionally friendly , helpful and compassionate .

Sure , there may be the odd renegade , but for the most , they are decent down to earth guys .

LOL. Takes the prize as THE most ridiculous, not to say dangerous, assertion of the day--and that's saying a lot around here.

On what planet does your Thailand exist?

Edited by JSixpack
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The police in Thailand are exceptionally friendly , helpful and compassionate .

Sure , there may be the odd renegade , but for the most , they are decent down to earth guys .

LOL. Takes the prize as THE most ridiculous, not to say dangerous, assertion of the day--and that's saying a lot around here.

On what planet does your Thailand exist?

Perhaps the post deserves a place in the Jokes Forum.

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