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With The New PM, What's In Store For Thailand?


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I appreciate your heart felt and common sense position. The new prime minister should be given a chance to do her job. She was voted in by the overwhelming majority of the people.

Ummm no --- she wasn't. Perhaps you would like to go back and look at the election results. She did, however, gain a clear parliamentary majority. That is a different thing than being voted for by the majority, much less an overwhelming majority.

Well let her do the job as the man says....who knows........ next election time it may well be an overwhelming majority........it is becoming quite boring having polls on the government performance, and political comment.....PTP are not even in the chair yet, and Yingluck is not yet prime minister.......I guess it is easy criticise the failure to deliver of a government which has not yet convened.........crystal balls as usual from political commentators

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What's that I see on the horizon? What's that I hear coming closer? What's that I feel waiting to explode?

It's a CIVIL WAR folks. Get your seats while you can.

My seat will be from afar as the gutters fill with the blood of the innocent (and not so innocent).

Get out while you can people....there is still time. But not much.

Don't say you weren't warned when the bullets and missiles start to fly.


Have you left yet or are you still trying to pack your bags while constantly running to the toilet? Chiang Mai is very calm.

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Hi there,

So finally i have something to say to that political issues in the past 5 years. I see RED who admire Mr. T, and the YELLOW and admire Mr. A and fight against each other so badly, and i ask myself: whats going on ???

I saw Mr. T. in his job, and he got things done until the Yellow's found a way to kick him out. Corruption???

Please tell me just ONE in the politics who is not corrupt? But at least he worked for his Country and did something for Thailand, or not?

I saw as Mr. A took over as PM, and i never can remember that i heard that he do something for his Country, example Thai/Cambodia Conflict,

his statement: I leave that for the new Goverment. "What a good PM....".

I do not agree with what happend in Cent. World (whoever did it, Red or Yellow dosent matter) that was unprofessional and not for the People!!!

Point is now not to find the next conflict, NOW Yinluck is in charge and if you PEOPLE like to have something GOOD then leave to do her JOB,

and proove herself (no matter Mr. T behind the curtain or not). IMPORTANT IS THINGS HAVE TO GET DONE, and every attempt to change the

Goverment is counterproductive, you guys do not see that?

Why not be democratic and let her do her JOB without picking on her all time? If she fail then is enough time to change things but anyway it need time.

So or so, she will be PM and it dosent matter what color she have, what matters is what she do for YOU, for THAILAND.

People, so YOU have voted, and the numbers are clear, and support her as PM now its time for the otherside to give her a chance and have a look. If

the stupid fighting goes on so that YELLOWS now make terror then THAILAND will goes down and down and that for sure, and that is then not the fault of the

Goverment thats the fault of the people who work against it. So WAKE UP and every one work together to get Common Goals.

I am Farang, but i love THAILAND and i love the stories about the former KING (Long live the King), he is not mine (sadly) but he do/did the best for his Country,

not likes RED or YELLOW who destroy his legacy bit by bit with Fights, clashes, ....


I appreciate your heart felt and common sense position. The new prime minister should be given a chance to do her job. She was voted in by the overwhelming majority of the people.

Nice try.

She didn't even get a majority.

She got 48%

She is in let us give her a chance. No need to falsify information.

Out of curiosity what do you hope to gain with nonsense.

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totally greedy and hero worshipers Can i say Stalin Hitler Poll pot mugabwie all like Taksin ok get it

letitbe You have told us all many times that you see a dire future for Thailand and that your priority now is to escape with your assets intact. That is fine but will you stop making totally absurd allegations. Thaksin is not Stalin, he is not Pol Pot and he is not Mugabwe ( try to get the spelling correct next time) and most relevantly, he is not here.

Take your predictions and go

wont ok rolleyes.gif my view is as good as any and yes Taksin could be as bad as Stalin poll pot and rest. One day you and others will see that unless of course he is stopped and he will be here trust me on that within year just wait and see and tell me in 1 year hes not back and if theirs not a coup or something that within 2 years he will be back to his old ways trying to get total complete absolute power.

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wont ok rolleyes.gif my view is as good as any and yes Taksin could be as bad as Stalin poll pot and rest. One day you and others will see that unless of course he is stopped and he will be here trust me on that within year just wait and see and tell me in 1 year hes not back and if theirs not a coup or something that within 2 years he will be back to his old ways trying to get total complete absolute power.

OK Letitbe, lets put it in nice simple short words. If you think Thaksin is anywhere near the evil that was Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot, then you are quite simply barking!

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The new prime minister should be given a chance to do her job. She was voted in by the overwhelming majority of the people.

Yes, she should, and no she wasn't.

Strictly speaking Ms. Yingluck wasn't even voted for, she was merely #1 on the Pheu Thai party list of candidates :D

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Depends on how long they're in; more than a couple of years and it's back to MEGA corruption, political 'stability' due to aggressive suppression of opposition, high inflation, etc etc. Thaksin will be back, and it's no more Mr.Nice guy! Get used to the idea, nothing us farang can do but watch and weep as it unfolds. Doom and gloom I'm afraid, unless that is, did someone say "coup"?

I think u r right. Firstly the 300 baht minimum wage will cause huge inflation. Control of rising prices wont happen as its a global thing that cannot be controlled inside Thailand. Thais are already affected with high prices, and salaries dont go up so everyone screws everyone for money. Thus it becomes a not nice place to be. Dog eat dog.

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Depends on how long they're in; more than a couple of years and it's back to MEGA corruption, political 'stability' due to aggressive suppression of opposition, high inflation, etc etc. Thaksin will be back, and it's no more Mr.Nice guy! Get used to the idea, nothing us farang can do but watch and weep as it unfolds. Doom and gloom I'm afraid, unless that is, did someone say "coup"?

I think u r right. Firstly the 300 baht minimum wage will cause huge inflation. Control of rising prices wont happen as its a global thing that cannot be controlled inside Thailand. Thais are already affected with high prices, and salaries dont go up so everyone screws everyone for money. Thus it becomes a not nice place to be. Dog eat dog.

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Hey so my lasp post get the wrong way:

I meant you guys blame all the goverment because of fractions who support yellow or red. You guys (RED AND YELLOW) and that is what i mean, you have start the terror at the Airport and at Central world, no one of you can say something against the other, because you sit all in the same boat. So if you where thinking before Act and no one go to the airport or to Central world there would never be any Dead Thai there.

Politics every where the same just the people give them the power, and likes in Thailand its the power of force. OPEN YOUR EYES.

Not Mr. A or Mr. T is the bad at the end, its the people who are on the street, the people who fight in there names, and the ones who die in there names.

I have think history have teach us, but i guess it not come until here. (Think on the endles fights in the name of god, likes Templars, Cross Knights or the religion cleanups in africa. Learn from that, a bad guy in power can just be as bad as the PEOPLE allow him to be. Have a think about that.

And no i not have prove about Mr. A coruption, but i just say what everyone know about all politicians. but can you tell me what Mr. A did in his period as PM for Thailand?

And how much Mr. T did in his time beside his "corruption"? Please be fair.

And the STUPID compare to HITLER and STALIN, hey guy please grow up, both of them didnt make it in the end, even hitler was a good talker, but Mr. T as him .... LOL

Besides Yinluck maybe bring a fresh wind in, besides she is Female that can be an plus. Just let them do, or now the yellow go on the street and kill to get the new election? How Stupid is that game, i mean Thai kill Thai, in the name of Politics, come on. Why not just sit back and let them do, they not supposed to have power on the street, we just here to watch and coment on there actions, not TAKE ACTION IN THERE NAMES! Not point fingers in just one direction, when everywhere is Dirt.

As my Dad (God Bless) said: Put all Politics in a bag and hit it with a bat, and you hit everytime the right one. Am i right?

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Hi there,

So finally i have something to say to that political issues in the past 5 years. I see RED who admire Mr. T, and the YELLOW and admire Mr. A and fight against each other so badly, and i ask myself: whats going on ???

I saw Mr. T. in his job, and he got things done until the Yellow's found a way to kick him out. Corruption???

Please tell me just ONE in the politics who is not corrupt? But at least he worked for his Country and did something for Thailand, or not?

I saw as Mr. A took over as PM, and i never can remember that i heard that he do something for his Country, example Thai/Cambodia Conflict,

his statement: I leave that for the new Goverment. "What a good PM....".

I do not agree with what happend in Cent. World (whoever did it, Red or Yellow dosent matter) that was unprofessional and not for the People!!!

Point is now not to find the next conflict, NOW Yinluck is in charge and if you PEOPLE like to have something GOOD then leave to do her JOB,

and proove herself (no matter Mr. T behind the curtain or not). IMPORTANT IS THINGS HAVE TO GET DONE, and every attempt to change the

Goverment is counterproductive, you guys do not see that?

Why not be democratic and let her do her JOB without picking on her all time? If she fail then is enough time to change things but anyway it need time.

So or so, she will be PM and it dosent matter what color she have, what matters is what she do for YOU, for THAILAND.

People, so YOU have voted, and the numbers are clear, and support her as PM now its time for the otherside to give her a chance and have a look. If

the stupid fighting goes on so that YELLOWS now make terror then THAILAND will goes down and down and that for sure, and that is then not the fault of the

Goverment thats the fault of the people who work against it. So WAKE UP and every one work together to get Common Goals.

I am Farang, but i love THAILAND and i love the stories about the former KING (Long live the King), he is not mine (sadly) but he do/did the best for his Country,

not likes RED or YELLOW who destroy his legacy bit by bit with Fights, clashes, ....


I appreciate your heart felt and common sense position. The new prime minister should be given a chance to do her job. She was voted in by the overwhelming majority of the people.

Nice try.

She didn't even get a majority.

She got 48%

She is in let us give her a chance. No need to falsify information.

Out of curiosity what do you hope to gain with nonsense.

I spoke in error. I stand corrected. I have been overseas and in my joy and jubilation at her victory I didn't bother to look too close at the details. I relied on the international press and their headlines of a "Landslide Victory" and I then put that together with winning over 260 seats as an overwhelming majority in my own mind. But it was sloppy of me to make the statement that she won by an "overwhelming majority". I still think it's a stunning win to have won so many seats for a party that's been in existence for such as short period of time and who had to win in an environment where the opposition party controls the Army and the media. (One in the same really.) But you are right to have pointed out my error and you are factually correct. I'm not sure what you mean to imply by your last question but I have nothing to gain and had no subversive intentions by my comments. I was only intending to offer my support and endorsement to the previous post.

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The new prime minister should be given a chance to do her job. She was voted in by the overwhelming majority of the people.

Agree that she should get on with her job, after all she only has 5 months & 1 week of her clone-brothers' "six months to make every Thai rich", and the clock is ticking ...

But is 48.4% of the vote, on a 75% turnout, really "the overwhelming majority of the people", that must be 'new maths' or something ! :rolleyes:

the terror at the Airport

I remember the airport being closed. for several days, but what "terror" was there involved ? As I recall it was a mostly-peaceful protest, unlike last year's violence in Bangkok, with Molotov-cocktails & bullets & grenades flying everywhere. B)

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Besides Yinluck maybe bring a fresh wind in, besides she is Female that can be an plus.

Lady farts can smell bad too you know.

She'll be hard pressed to bring in any wind, fresh or foul, with her brother's hand shoved up there.

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Besides Yinluck maybe bring a fresh wind in, besides she is Female that can be an plus.

Lady farts can smell bad too you know.

She'll be hard pressed to bring in any wind, fresh or foul, with her brother's hand shoved up there.

Or his friends brown nosing taking up all the fresh air around the place.

If an when she actually has the job in hand let's see what she does and doesn't do. But know that a ring of her brothers sycophants and advisers will be leaning towards her ear day and night.

At least the probable Finance Minister Olarn has some passable credentials, the question is how will he be allowed to act.

Edited by animatic
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PTP has a big advantage in forming a government over the last lot. They have an overall majority and hence the coalition allies have a lot less power. Many of the coalition partners are also licking their wounds after being electorally pummelled. All that means when the cabinet is formed the main party will likely be in control of nearly all the main cabinet positions meaning coordinating policy will be a lot smoother than it has been in recent years.

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Besides Yinluck maybe bring a fresh wind in, besides she is Female that can be an plus.

Lady farts can smell bad too you know.

She'll be hard pressed to bring in any wind, fresh or foul, with her brother's hand shoved up there.

Or his friends brown nosing taking up all the fresh air around the place.

If an when she actually has the job in hand let's see what she does and doesn't do. But know that a ring of her brothers sycophants and advisers will be leaning towards her ear day and night.

At least the probable Finance Minister Olarn has some passable credentials, the question is how will he be allowed to act.

sounds a bit like sour grapes to me! Thais have spoken - respect that choice? you may 'think' you know best for Thailand but you don't - leave it to the Thai's - we are visitors

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PTP has a big advantage in forming a government over the last lot. They have an overall majority and hence the coalition allies have a lot less power. Many of the coalition partners are also licking their wounds after being electorally pummelled. All that means when the cabinet is formed the main party will likely be in control of nearly all the main cabinet positions meaning coordinating policy will be a lot smoother than it has been in recent years.


They have a golden opportunity. Let's see what they do with it. (It is a golden opportunity to move forward or to really have the crap hit the fan!)

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PTP has a big advantage in forming a government over the last lot. They have an overall majority and hence the coalition allies have a lot less power. Many of the coalition partners are also licking their wounds after being electorally pummelled. All that means when the cabinet is formed the main party will likely be in control of nearly all the main cabinet positions meaning coordinating policy will be a lot smoother than it has been in recent years.


They have a golden opportunity. Let's see what they do with it. (It is a golden opportunity to move forward or to really have the crap hit the fan!)

They may suprise us all especially if they have learned from Samak days. Still we should know soon

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PTP has a big advantage in forming a government over the last lot. They have an overall majority and hence the coalition allies have a lot less power. Many of the coalition partners are also licking their wounds after being electorally pummelled. All that means when the cabinet is formed the main party will likely be in control of nearly all the main cabinet positions meaning coordinating policy will be a lot smoother than it has been in recent years.


They have a golden opportunity. Let's see what they do with it. (It is a golden opportunity to move forward or to really have the crap hit the fan!)

Yes it is indeed a golden opportunity.

Let us hope it is not going to be used to make just one man rich happy.

On the down side of it they are not going to get that much input other than what they put in themselves.

Remember often the other side has some valid points.

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