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Wife Has Just Told Me " I Die Soon Sure " Wtf !


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No good way now for you to have any protection on your assets, if she doesnt want to sign you on to anything she doesnt have to plain and simple. I know its hard to think about but maybe relationship problems are the cause of her headaches, your post kinda shows what part of this problem you are really worried about.

WOT B/S , i love my wife and my child, ive just been off phone to hospital and doctors, i just knew someone would come off with this ( he only thinks about the money ) crap !! your saying my wife and me are having money problems and that is the cause of her stress and headaches ? rolleyes.gif

and yes to be honest money does come into the eqaution especially 4.5 mill thb, although its not everything, of course i dont want it getting lost to her family or anyone else

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The guy asked for advice and he is being given advice and if you read the OP, he has already seen a doctor.

There's always one.

Yeah, but, usually it's you :P envy maybe?? :D ..

Though I agree coffee is a pretty benign potential remedy however if as some are saying chocolate is a trigger then it is possible that it's the caffeine in the chocolate causing it..

On his other issues putting the Thai land in his daughters name may be the only way to protect it as he can't own land but if his daughter is Thai she can.. The rest can be handled in a will or with co-ownership where applicable...

my daughter is half thai and has a thai passport. as long as i can get will into her name i dont really care about my name going onto it, we will sell the car in 6 months or so . cheers

Edited by scorpio
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The guy asked for advice and he is being given advice and if you read the OP, he has already seen a doctor.

There's always one.

Yeah, but, usually it's you :P envy maybe?? :D ..

Though I agree coffee is a pretty benign potential remedy however if as some are saying chocolate is a trigger then it is possible that it's the caffeine in the chocolate causing it..

On his other issues putting the Thai land in his daughters name may be the only way to protect it as he can't own land but if his daughter is Thai she can.. The rest can be handled in a will or with co-ownership where applicable...

my daughter is half thai and has a thai passport. as long as i can get will into her name i dont really care about my name going onto it, we will sell the car in 6 months or so . cheers

Be advised that Thais cannot own property as minors and that the age of majority is 20.

Minors can hold bank accounts, but I would clarify the ramifications of your non-Thai parent status and any further ramifications that this may or may not have on her adult Thai relatives vis-a-vis her bank account.

Edited by Trembly
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I had a girlfriend a long time ago that suffered from Migranes and what helped her was at the onset of the Migrane she would call me in to have sex with her and that would ease the pain. It blew the old line "Not tonight honey I have a headache" out of the water.

Can't hurt to give it a try.

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The guy asked for advice and he is being given advice and if you read the OP, he has already seen a doctor.

There's always one.

Yeah, but, usually it's you :P envy maybe?? :D ..

Though I agree coffee is a pretty benign potential remedy however if as some are saying chocolate is a trigger then it is possible that it's the caffeine in the chocolate causing it..

On his other issues putting the Thai land in his daughters name may be the only way to protect it as he can't own land but if his daughter is Thai she can.. The rest can be handled in a will or with co-ownership where applicable...

my daughter is half thai and has a thai passport. as long as i can get will into her name i dont really care about my name going onto it, we will sell the car in 6 months or so . cheers

Be advised that Thais cannot own property as minors and that the age of majority is 20.

Gee that's not what I've heard, have a link of some sort? 20 yes but the court can hold jurisdiction until the child comes of age..

Better yet here's a counter link, plenty of good info in here: Property in Childs name

Edited by WarpSpeed
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You can set up a joint account in a Thai bank, you can also set up an account for your daughter, so I guess you are correct in thinking your main priority is making sure your assets stay in your immediate family in case misfortune strikes.

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Gee that's not what I've heard, have a link of some sort? 20 yes but the court can hold jurisdiction until the child comes of age..

Better yet here's a counter link, plenty of good info in here: Property in Childs name

Well (expletive removed) my old boots and finger my brand new plimsolls!

My daughter owns a small lot of land in Suttisarn and I am "puu suu". Confirm: can be done.

If that has been true for more than a short while then I have well and truly been robbed of my inheritance!

Anyway, back on thread : apparently land held in a minor's name can still be sold if a court judges it to be in the minor's best interests. That sounds like a potential loophole for unscrupulous relatives to me. Trusteeship is probably the way to go.

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Mrs. Rakers suffers from migraines and at times it is agonizing for her.

Tip: Strong coffee. Not only is it very effective, but it also works very quickly.

Tip from me, Strong Coffee is guaranteed to bring on a migraine in me, careful what you advise.

With my wife it works and was advised by a doctor to try. :)

Coffee increases the excretion of magnesium. There is a huge number of studies in this field and several of them suggests that magnesium deficiency could play a major factor in migrane. So for this reason, coffee actually increases the chances of getting migrane.

Drinking coffee could potentially help with relieving the pain (the reason for this is that caffeine contracts blood vessels, migrane is caused by expanded blood vessels), but it will not take care of the reason for the migrane.

Take your wife to the doctor. If you already did, take her to another one.

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Since the only thing that is sure in live is that you will day soemday, it might be in order to think about making a will.

Here is some infor about making a will in Thailand: http://thailawonline...-and-wills.html

As to your wife, sorry to hear about her problems. Severe headache is no fun and can drive you nuts. A blood test and a scan can't hurt.

thanks mario, will get on the ball with her when we do go back to thailand in 6 months time hopefully. PS !! wifey is just after telling me that she had a dream last nite about her dead mama and that she seen and was with her dead mamma . so her fears are probably based on superstition and a mixture of headache, anxiety, stress etc . have docs appointment for her in 4 days time.

THANKS wink.gif BTW, can anyone tell me how much it would cost us to make a will ? based on 2 houses and car , total value of around 4.5 mill thb .

There is a very good thread in the Pattaya section with regards to making wills here and having them registered will advice


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It's probably best to seek out professional medical advice rather than online musings. That said, I've heard the very same phrase in my own house, "I die soon", because of very bad headaches. Sometimes, because I suffer from a slightly milder form of the same problem, I hear, "we die soon". For both of us, it's a matter of sinus related headaches, mine not so bad but hers very, very bad. She has been told it can be remedied through surgery but she refuses and would rather take tablets and go on about "die soon".

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i asked her who gets my money in my thai bank if i were to die as i have liver damage/ problems, she told me the bank would get it.

Only if you don't have a will. Mine cost 6000 bht including English translation.

Joint bank accounts are only for those that absolutely trust their partner.

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is there any family history eg[.brain tumor] why i ask my wifes mother died from a tumor and there was some history in the past so if my wife says she has a headache i always worry,she has had a scan 1990 when we lived in the uk all clear.but you hear it so many times when they spend money,when they drink too much and when they think too much i just say get the tiger balm out,but they cry wolf too many times.but to put your mind at rest get her to have a scan preferably in the uk.regarding the assets iam sure you can put your child as the benefactor,someone by me has a 8yr old child who owns half of the property,good luck.

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Perhaps the headaches are stress-related, especially with a new family & significant-assets to consider, after the carefree-days of youthful poverty & freedom ?

I would wish your wife well, and suggest a massage, or a few days' retreat at a wat, to her ? Perhaps she just needs a break ! B)

Or invite the MiL to help with a little baby-sitting, so that you can enjoy a few hours' romantic break, for both of you ? It also shows her that you do care, about her problem. :emot-kiss:

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i asked her who gets my money in my thai bank if i were to die as i have liver damage/ problems, she told me the bank would get it.

Only if you don't have a will. Mine cost 6000 bht including English translation.

Joint bank accounts are only for those that absolutely trust their partner.

The bank gets nothing, the money goes to the stautory heirs and if none can be found to the state.

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My wife and I had wills drawn up simultaneously by a trusted Thai lawyer - now there's a rarity! Either she or I get everything. If she drops off the log I have 3 months to find a Thai nominee or the property reverts to the state - or the nbext in line. If we go together then everything goes to her two children. Since the will was drawn up by a lawyer I assume that he knew what he was doing. In any event the kids are now adults so succession will not be a problem.

It appears that you are not currently in Thailand but whatever, the following still is relevant. There are good doctors and bad doctors. Some have great specialist knowledge, others have you wondering if they could win a Boy Scouts First Aid badge. Some are having good days, some not so good. Some are great diagnosticians, some are up to date, some have a great bedside manner or cultivate a relationship with their patients, some listen attentively to their patients recognising that they need as much information as possible to be be of assistance to the sufferer before them, others as we know, particularly in Thailand, can be arrogant and make snap and often illogical decisions. One large factor in making a recovery is the level of patient confidence and inner fighting ability; the will to live for example is a powerful force. I watched a series of TV programmes featuring a very smart and sexy lady named Professor Kathy Sykes. The series topic was alternative medicines and treatments including the use of placebos. One crucial factor that she discovered was the confidence level of the patient in those offering treatments and remedies demonstratively aids in recovery. Many patients receiving placebos recovered just because they thought that they would. I once underwent a course of acupuncture without any noticeable benefit but then I thought it was a load of twaddle - and still do. I recognise that it works for some though, and belief would play it's part in that.

If you have doubts about a doctor's ability or commitment, do get a second opinion and don't tell the second doctor you are checking the first one out. If both doctors are of the same opinion surely the mind can be laid to rest and needless worries dispensed with. I think it helps if you can understand what is going wrong with your body and use the Internet, an encyclopaedia produced by the BMA, as well as quizzing the doctor. If the doctor can't or won't answer, then move on and find someone more professional. Knowledge helps remove stress which must be a good thing. If your lady can be made to understand her problem it will be much easier for her to bear and fight against. Thoughts of impending doom won't help her, indeed she may lapse into depression.

These are of course my personal opinions but I would need considerable persuasion and demonstration of verifiable facts to alter them. I hope that they are of assistance.

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I would never suggest you ignore what your wife is saying, but I will simply say that my wife has been dreaming of dead relatives for the entire 13 years that I've known her. Each time she will tell me she is going to die soon. I simply tell her that I am a farang and that ghosts are afraid of farang, so don't worry I will protect her. Somehow she never seems to die.

She also has migraines and takes Cafergot. It always seems to help. (And yes, the "cafe" in Cafergot does mean "caffeine".)

Go ahead and take your wife in for a screening for a tumor or any other kind of malady she may be afraid of. For us, it always comes back negative, and then I tell my wife it is because I am farang and the ghosts ran away in fear when they heard I would fight them. She laughs of course, but it's happened often enough now that she is starting to wonder if there isn't something to it (something other than her hypochondria I mean). Thais really are superstitious, even when they suspect its bunk. They just can't help themselves.

And then, once everyone is satisfied she isn't going to die, you still go ahead and make a Thai will for the disposition of the Thai assets. That is just common sense. Even if you are perfectly healthy you can get hit by a bus crossing the street.

I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with your wife, and this is just a superstition as you think. It would be irresponsible of me to encourage you to do anything other than get her checked out immediately, but the traits you are describing are not unusual in Thais, and many times there is nothing seriously wrong other than a bad dream.

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Gee that's not what I've heard, have a link of some sort? 20 yes but the court can hold jurisdiction until the child comes of age..

Better yet here's a counter link, plenty of good info in here: Property in Childs name

Well (expletive removed) my old boots and finger my brand new plimsolls!

My daughter owns a small lot of land in Suttisarn and I am "puu suu". Confirm: can be done.

If that has been true for more than a short while then I have well and truly been robbed of my inheritance!

Anyway, back on thread : apparently land held in a minor's name can still be sold if a court judges it to be in the minor's best interests. That sounds like a potential loophole for unscrupulous relatives to me. Trusteeship is probably the way to go.

Yeah, this is what it is, Trusteeship with the courts being the Trustees until legal age.. Who else would you leave it in trust with? A lawyer?? That may be as much, if not more susceptible to unscrupulous relatives and lawyers alike who have no real oversight but ulterior motives..

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That's me told then.

I was hoping you had an alternative suggestion for trustee but I guess not :( .. I don't either so it seems to be a risk either way, everything here is like playing the lottery only far more at stake when it's your loved one's future unfortunately and you have no control over it after the fact <_< ..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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i asked her who gets my money in my thai bank if i were to die as i have liver damage/ problems, she told me the bank would get it.

Only if you don't have a will. Mine cost 6000 bht including English translation.

Joint bank accounts are only for those that absolutely trust their partner.

thanks, thats what i wanted to know ( the cost of a will ) will make a will for sure when we go back, we trust each other , ive given her loads in cash to mind and its been there for me, every penny of it.

obviously i do not want her family getting their hands on my lifes savings or assets we have in thailand

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One of the symptoms can be digestion problems, nausea and diarrhea. Once the pain starts to appear for me medication won't work as it comes straight back up when I swallow. A dark room and complete silence, is what I have to have.

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Mrs. Rakers suffers from migraines and at times it is agonizing for her.

Tip: Strong coffee. Not only is it very effective, but it also works very quickly.

Normally if you have full scale migraine, you can't eat anything.

If your wifes migraines fade with stronge coffee, either:

a) it isn't migraines

B) it is a very mild one

c) she can catch it on the beginning

if I have migraine and you hold a cup of coffee under my noise I vomit at it, and only don't shoot you because loud noise would hurt that bad that shooting myself is preferable....

I have tablets which work. Don't know if that is English or German, if it is German Google may help:

20 mg Mecloxamindihydrogencitrat

25 mg Camylofindihydrochlorid

80 mg Coffein

125 Propyphenazon

Just after you eat it, you feel drunk and tired...

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she seen and was with her dead mamma .

better than if she saw her I guess...

your saying my wife and me are having money problems and that is the cause of her stress and headaches ? rolleyes.gif

you are/you're

money does come into the eqaution especially 4.5 mill thb, although its not everything, of course i dont want it getting lost to her family or anyone else

the equation should also include her family. If you love a TG, you must love her entire family.

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get her to have a scan preferably in the uk.

why does every expat on these types of forums think that every other expat is UK-based ?

What is wrong with having the scan done in LOS ?, cheaper to be sure, even at a higher level joint like Bumrungrat.

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get her to have a scan preferably in the uk.

why does every expat on these types of forums think that every other expat is UK-based ?

What is wrong with having the scan done in LOS ?, cheaper to be sure, even at a higher level joint like Bumrungrat.

He's not in Thailand.

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