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What Shipping Co. Will Ship Dog Cremains?


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Terrible month.  My dog passed away and I had him cremated in Pattaya.  His cremains are in a brass urn now. 

I want to ship them back to Canada now with express. 

Fedex and UPS will not ship animal remains.

Any other shipping company can send to Canada express?

I'm surprised they wouldn't take them...after all they are non toxic and are not biohazardous. Did you clearly tell them that it was the cremated remains?

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Terrible month.  My dog passed away and I had him cremated in Pattaya.  His cremains are in a brass urn now. 

I want to ship them back to Canada now with express. 

Fedex and UPS will not ship animal remains.

Any other shipping company can send to Canada express?

I'm surprised they wouldn't take them...after all they are non toxic and are not biohazardous. Did you clearly tell them that it was the cremated remains?

They clearly stated to me that it is against their policy. I'm at a loss as to what to do.

I just flew back to Canada yesterday for my sick mother who just passed away before I could get here in time. :o

Now, I'm trying to send my dog's remains back here to Canada to be buried with my mother for this Sunday.

This has got to be the hardest month in my life. :D

Can anybody help?

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My condolences on the loss of your mother and your pet. 

For all the shipper is concerned, if the cremation is thorough, the package is just a box of ashes.  I wonder if you could call it plant food or something like that.



I'm not sure if I want to take that chance at Canadian Customs. I would hate to have my dog's remains seized while in transit. That would be to much to take.

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I am sure Fedex would be happy to send your hermatious earth samples or prototype carbon silicate products anywhere you so desire as long as they are non toxic, non explosive and legal.

I might try a bill of lading along the lines of "processed bone meal" or some such, just enough to get it past the the clerk.

I am amazed that every package I ever sent through the Thai postal system eventually found its way to the US address. Just mail Fido if time is not an issue. I am sure the Canadian postal service is top of the class reliable.

Sorry to hear about your dog, I used to train dogs and its pretty easy to get attached to a good dog, and darn tough to replace.

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I am sure Fedex would be happy to send your hermatious earth samples or prototype carbon silicate products anywhere you so desire as long as they are non toxic, non explosive and legal.

I might try a bill of lading along the lines of "processed bone meal" or some such, just enough to get it past the the clerk.

I am amazed that every package I ever sent through the Thai postal system eventually found its way to the US address. Just mail Fido if time is not an issue. I am sure the Canadian postal service is top of the class reliable.

Sorry to hear about your dog, I used to train dogs and its pretty easy to get attached to a good dog, and darn tough to replace.


good tips...i'll take it in stride and use it as a last resort.

My worry is "what would happen to his remains if not accepted at Canada Customs?"

Losing my mother yesterday was hard enough, to lose my dog's remains would be unbearable.

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The chance of it not making it through Canadian customs is really really minute. What happens is that it gets held and you get notified. You can go discuss with them and as a last resort have them returned to Thailand. I have never tried but I dont think there are any Customs regulations regarding creamated remains, this is strictly a shipping policy. Fill the paperwork out using the beautiful creativity of the English language and you should have no problem.

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Terrible month.  My dog passed away and I had him cremated in Pattaya.  His cremains are in a brass urn now. 

I want to ship them back to Canada now with express. 

Fedex and UPS will not ship animal remains.

Any other shipping company can send to Canada express?

I brought my dog's remains with me to Thailand (she died shortly before I came here). I just packed them in my luggage and didn't have any problems.

I recommend you just pack and ship them via regular express mail. If they ask you what's inside just say: "Personal Items" or "Gift" or "Books" or whatever. Don't think it'll be a problem.

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The chance of it not making it through Canadian customs is really really minute. What happens is that it gets held and you get notified. You can go discuss with them and as a last resort have them returned to Thailand. I have never tried but I dont think there are any Customs regulations regarding creamated remains, this is strictly a shipping policy. Fill the paperwork out using the beautiful creativity of the English language and you should have no problem.

Using the word "sample, NCV" in the decrription, also helps.Creativity is a wonderfull thing.

NCV = No Commercial Value, but put a nominal amount of say 100THB

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I'm with the mail route.

Make sure you fill out a customs declaration at the sending end. Don't be too creative, describe it as a 'brass urn' or something similar, 'gift, of no commercial value'. I wouldn't mention the urn has anything inside though.

I doubt there will be any problems.

Do you plan on replacing your best friend? Bambi was looking for a home for two (large) canines. Just a thought that some happiness could come from your loss :o

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I agree, I would also recommend that.

Alternative, you can put the ash in the junk here and catch the next dog in Canada and burn it. Ash is ash, no matter where it comes from....

Sorry to hear about your dog.  You might describe the contents as "sterile orchid soil conditioner" used to regulate pH.  Ingedients: common ash.  There is no such thing as far as I know but it sounds passable.

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Alternative, you can put the ash in the junk here and catch the next dog in Canada and burn it. Ash is ash, no matter where it comes from....

A bit insensitive man.

OP, my condolences on the deaths of your mother and dog.

Thai people will just not understand why you want to do this, I must say I am thinking a little the same. However, this site http://petlossguide.com/ might help you get through/over your loss.

I'd post them and not tell anyone what it is - how about hiding them in a packet of chili powder or something?

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Alternative, you can put the ash in the junk here and catch the next dog in Canada and burn it. Ash is ash, no matter where it comes from....

A bit insensitive man.

OP, my condolences on the deaths of your mother and dog.

Thai people will just not understand why you want to do this, I must say I am thinking a little the same. However, this site http://petlossguide.com/ might help you get through/over your loss.

I'd post them and not tell anyone what it is - how about hiding them in a packet of chili powder or something?

Thank you guys for all your suggestions.

I've already worked it out. I contacted the local Thai Airways Cargo Agent in Bangkok and they are able to ship out his remains on their next passenger plane as cargo.

Again, many thanks.

Thaiboxer1 :o

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