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It's Time For Reds To Show Their Democratic Colours


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Basically the PTP including many well known red shirt leaders have been voted into office by the people. While this may mean many heads explodinbg and a bunch of truly vile facebook comments about rural people, it is democracy at work. There is also a half selected senate which is looks to be loaded with people not friendly to the incoming government and a whole load of checks and balances that have a track record of finding against the incoming party. This is not some revolution that has happened but Thai demcoracy at work even if it is in a manner different to what know.

The PTP policy patform, was clear and well known.

The PTP ideas on reconcilliation are pretty well known

That PTP is Thaksin's party is well knownpeople

That PTP is at odds with the army leadership and some powerful people is very well known

That PTP is linked to the reds is very well known

That PTP was linked to the April/May demos is very known

And still the people elected them knowing all of this as is their democratic right. That their enemies know that the people are aware of all these things and yet still give them a huge mandate is probably the most worrying thing for the PTP enemies, but short of dismantling democracy there is little they can do except accept the terms of PTP reoncilliation. That is reality. That is why things are and will be tense

Hear hear! Democracy at work. Flawed and quite irrational, the will of the people is made known. Exciting time for Thailand. A time for transition and perhaps positive change. Good luck Yingluck. May you succeed and achieve.

Buying votes has nothing to dowith democracy. the Red Shirted terrorists don't know the meaning of the word, nor are they interested. You may very possibly have bitten off more than you can chew. Thailand may face something more serious in coming years than ever before. And not for the better. You wish Yingluck success. In what? Do you have any idea what she and her brother intend to do? No, you do not. We may still be able to express our negative opinions and doubts about the new government here on TV. Do you think that will still be the case by this time next year?

More than I can chew: yes possibly. Here in the states they chip away at our rights and the police state grows. I believe this trend is worldwide and abhor this. Why expect more of Thailand, already a place where no one can even discuss some of the most important and powerful political players. So Chincorp takes power again. Why is this so much terribly worse then the Abhisat regime? Was life under Thaksin so much worse than the military junta or Democrats that followed? If it's Oligarchy that is unchewable... well welcome to the brave new international power structure. It's worldwide folks. Thaksin is small time compared to his CFR handlers. They cannot be trusted with power but they have it.

Thus my hopes lie with the elected sister. Hoping she will take the opportunity to be a great woman in Thai history and do some good. Will she follow the will of her brother.... of course. Will she find progressive causes to focus upon and do some good? Hope springs eternal. I follow the Buddahs' teaching and will take what's offered and hope for the best. Good luck Yingluck and welcome to power red shirts. Tam Boon.

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We all know that real democracy and reds won't mix. (its his way and no other way) Feel sorry for all the people who believed in them.

Ya think ?

Hey, anything can be bought anywhere in the world (need I add especially here ?) .

Maybe he :vampire: can buy the mix ?

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