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Repro Industry

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Hi people,

I was wandering if any of you guys are in, or know anybody in the Repro game in and around Bangkok, or the whole of Thailand for that matter. I know of one place but am interested to see if there's any others out there.


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you ask to  wide a question....

do you want paintings , castings, glasswork or ???????

I dont want any of the above. I'll explain a little more, I work on Apple Mac's doing pre press otherwise known as Reprographics. I prepare digital artworks on screen, colour separate/retouch, ready for the printers to print.

I worked in Bangkok for six months doing this for my company who sent me over.

I was wondering if anyone else is in the same line of work or knows of any companys that do this.


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Mostly printing office (I hope that word is the right one) are using X-press 6.0 (or above) on MAc. If you are a reprographice it must make sense to you. That include bangkokpost also.

I know Bangkokpost recruit foreigners, maybe you should try ... A competent person with Mac experience, fluent with X-press and native speaker could have some interest for them.

Now I still not sure of what really you mean by reprographic, because it can also describe someone working in "micro - printing" , as for exemple doing work on a computer then send it directly to a "Riso graph" and then survey how the printing (mostly less than 5 000 A2) is going. IF you job is that one, there are several offices in Pantip , Fortune, Rangsit .... I am not spoken about name card printed on your favorite HP, but for small publication ( between 1 000 and 15 000 A2 ... more than 15 000 imply offset and not Riso or other brand due the cost of the masters, ink and also the calibrating of the engine ... well I do suppose you know that well and certainly better than I , I only used to do that during 5 years).

Hope that can help a little or give some ideas.

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Thanks for the reply sting01. The micro - printing isn't my trade, I have no experience at all with it.

Seems not alot of people know of my Industry, I am not suprised really, not alot of people in the UK do either. I suppose you could describe it as graphic design, though that is strictly a job within itself, just makes it alot easier when somebody asks you what you work as.

I'm sure alot will know of the applications we work in, Artpro, Illustrator, Photoshop.

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Well, in france a Reprograph is a person who in fact do micro imprimerie ...Mean work to important to be made with a copier, but not big enought to justify an offset.

Mostly the person work with Mac and X-press to prepare the master(s) and then do , or let someone else do the printing. I was confuse because that word have a different meaning in french and in english.

Well Photoshop is a skill that thai kid have past 15 y old ... for proove go to bangkokchat and ask some cuties to send you their pictures, then meet them for a friendly drink and oyu will understand what I mean lol.

Illustrator, and vector based graphics seems to be under employed here.

Maybe you should try to contact advertising agencies, I bet they use vectors based graphic.

But btw us, I do not think you will find EASILY a job, plenty of thais can do it and they will be cheaper than you (not 60 000/month for a visa), they will speak thai fluently (do you? fluently is a keyword) ....

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I am not specifically looking for a job, thats not what I said. I am just interested to see if there are any other places in LOS that do my type of work.

I know Thai people are preffered, it's obvious. Anyone can say they are skilled in Photoshop, Illustrator ect.. I certainly don't think a 15 year old kid would know how to retouch a scan for flexo printing though, unless they started when they was about 11, (4 year apprenticeship in the industry)

Thanks for your help anyway


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There is one factory (printer) in the Bowin industrial estate which is a (or was a) branch from a Belgian company.

Forgot the name, know only because my father was doing the same job before he retired.

I did some holiday jobs in his company when I was young, back then it was all done manually by hand with films of the color separated pictures, text films, and the omnipresent red waterpaint and small brushes.

Stick everything together, make sure all the crosshairs are aligned,...

Was more a job of art then a job of technicians...

Something the bkk post still doesnt manage, with every so often one color out of alignment, giving these blurred pictures :o

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There is one factory (printer) in the Bowin industrial estate which is a (or was a)  branch from a Belgian company.

Forgot the name, know only because my father was doing the same job before he retired.

I did some holiday jobs in his company when I was young, back then it was all done manually by hand with films of the color separated pictures, text films, and the omnipresent red waterpaint and small brushes.

Stick everything together, make sure all the crosshairs are aligned,...

Was more a job of art then a job of technicians...

Something the bkk post still doesnt manage, with every so often one color out of alignment, giving these blurred pictures :D

Hey somebody know's what I'm talking about, at last :o Yeah when I started the days of manual planning where just coming to an end. You can do now in 1 hour what it used to take 2 days to do.

Thanks for the info, Borwin industrial Est, is that in Bangkok? I'll try and research it.


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