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Ko Chang And An Internet Date


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Olaf...you must be a cracker on the first date.

Stardancer......the scenario could be not so different to your av.....just without the killer bod and silky shiny hair.

and to add one more 'does he know' to the list.....does he know she is a she ??

Yeah Dag, we are pretty sure that she is a she. I made him read the AV of my prifile, probably did not help the situation.. I assured him its a book and ment to be full on. But I convinced him to go last night as he was getting cold feet.

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Met my wife on the internet and flew her to Koh Kood 1 days after i met her. for the first time............. Married 5 years now.

Good to here Travelmann.

My friend is a quiet country man, good looking and fit but will never meet a woman in the town he lives in. I met my wife on the net and the same with a lot of our mutual friends. Nothing wrong with it. I hope he finds what his looking for.


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Never mind issues over reality or not, he's setting himself up for a massive letdown if the 'blind date' doesn't go well for whatever reason. I'd suggest at the very least that he get himself a good, convenient location not depending on her car and look at the trip as a fun sightseeing venture with or without the meeting.

As far as reality goes, internet meetings aren't the realest of things at the best of times, and internet meetings of foreign tourists with Thai strangers who happen to speak English on websites which only use English probably rank in the lowest margins of potential reality. Not saying that it is impossible for a lucky couple to be well-matched, but... really, really unlikely.

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Koh Chang is a fun island. They should have a great time. I have been there quite a few times with my GF. We always take the car. It is way easier to get around. Of course we rent a motorcycle for the quick runs to dinner or items needed. But to roll from one end to the other you need a car. The roads are very switch backed and have steep grades. Have them drop by the Dewa resort and have a drink on the beach and just up the hill check out Vista point. Awesome sunsets. Hopefully the weather will be favorable for them.

As for her taking him for a ride to scam him...Sheeeesh. Man people need to stop with all the crazy skepticism. Not every Thai woman is out to rip off,drug or kill people(internet dating or not). If he is 60 and she is 40+ I seriously doubt it is any issue. Sounds like a couple of people looking to meet, have fun and exploring opportunities.

Thanks for that, I had a chat with our friend last night and he was almost about to cancel his trip. I pretty much told him what you have said today. So he is heading of this weekend.

Excellent News.. I suspect they will have a GREAT time. Enjoy some quiet times, get to know each other. See if there is a connection. All GOOD THINGS with 2 single adults.

I still laugh when I read posts on this forum. Man it's just a date with 2 consenting adults its not not like a forced shotgun wedding where he knocked her up in the village...biggrin.gif

Please report back and let us know how it generally went. This will help with all the skeptical "Seasoned" forum posters.

Anything else they might want to know about Koh Chang, please PM me. I would be glad to offer other suggestions if they would like it, if not best wishes

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Never mind issues over reality or not, he's setting himself up for a massive letdown if the 'blind date' doesn't go well for whatever reason. I'd suggest at the very least that he get himself a good, convenient location not depending on her car and look at the trip as a fun sightseeing venture with or without the meeting.

As far as reality goes, internet meetings aren't the realest of things at the best of times, and internet meetings of foreign tourists with Thai strangers who happen to speak English on websites which only use English probably rank in the lowest margins of potential reality. Not saying that it is impossible for a lucky couple to be well-matched, but... really, really unlikely.

There is some real truth in what you say however I feel there are exceptions that I feel should be noted. As most know there are scammers. Young girls looking for a foreigner man for a host of reasons of which none are probably love(or love as the man may interpret it). You can't get away from it. Screening is imperative and even then still a lot of unknowns. However in this case we are talking about 2 older consenting adults. I mean if the OP posted their real ages then a 60 year old man and a 40 year old woman have been alive long enough to know the game. If the girl was 20 and he was 60 I would agree with you wholeheartedly that a local meet is safer and far more manageable and that one date would not be enough to prove much of anything. Dating takes time. You are not going to see anyone's true colors for at least 6 months to a year. But a date is a date and they are fun. I personally have never used the internet for dating. I prefer to meet people in day to day life. It is how I met my GF here. But for some living on the other side of the world it is the only way to get it started.

Look on the bright side, if they go, it does not work out, he had a great trip to a beautiful Thailand Island. Nice vacation in my books.

Edited by JAFO
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Tip for all foreigner

When meet Thai lady for first time, take photo of her ID card with mobile phone.

Very hard to play any game with you when you know where she live and who she is.

Always amazed foreigner happy to sleep with total stranger and trust her with all their stuff.

Get PHOTO of her ID CARD

I have friends live with Thai lady for year or more, only ever know her nickname, very stupid.


Get copy of her Tabian Ban book, very easy to do.

Tell lady "Teerak I think want buy you m/c, you give me Tabian Ban so I can register in your name"

No lady ever say no, you make excuse not to buy bike later.

Also the family tour.

Thai lady like to show foreigner boyfriend off to all family. Take satnav in pocket, mark every house you visit. She have nowhere to hide in future.

Eminently sensible suggestions Olaf. In fact may I be so bold as to go a bit further and suggest tying her to a chair, injecting her with Sodium Penthotal and getting some ex-KGB heavies to interrogate her? Or would you consider that too romantic? :D

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Eminently sensible suggestions Olaf. In fact may I be so bold as to go a bit further and suggest tying her to a chair, injecting her with Sodium Penthotal and getting some ex-KGB heavies to interrogate her? Or would you consider that too romantic? :D

Thailand not like the western world.

Everyone use alias, rarely real name.

Everyone rent temporary housing, move often, no forwarding address.

Hard to find person if not know real name, if not know family address.

How many post you read on Thai visa, wife disappear with my baby, etc.

I read many.

Why you want repeat other person mistake when no need?

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Tip for all foreigner

When meet Thai lady for first time, take photo of her ID card with mobile phone.

Very hard to play any game with you when you know where she live and who she is.

Always amazed foreigner happy to sleep with total stranger and trust her with all their stuff.

Get PHOTO of her ID CARD

I have friends live with Thai lady for year or more, only ever know her nickname, very stupid.


Get copy of her Tabian Ban book, very easy to do.

Tell lady "Teerak I think want buy you m/c, you give me Tabian Ban so I can register in your name"

No lady ever say no, you make excuse not to buy bike later.

Also the family tour.

Thai lady like to show foreigner boyfriend off to all family. Take satnav in pocket, mark every house you visit. She have nowhere to hide in future.

Eminently sensible suggestions Olaf. In fact may I be so bold as to go a bit further and suggest tying her to a chair, injecting her with Sodium Penthotal and getting some ex-KGB heavies to interrogate her? Or would you consider that too romantic? :D

If she likes the tying her to a chair part you got a real winner.

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Eminently sensible suggestions Olaf. In fact may I be so bold as to go a bit further and suggest tying her to a chair, injecting her with Sodium Penthotal and getting some ex-KGB heavies to interrogate her? Or would you consider that too romantic? :D

Thailand not like the western world.

Everyone use alias, rarely real name.

Everyone rent temporary housing, move often, no forwarding address.

Hard to find person if not know real name, if not know family address.

How many post you read on Thai visa, wife disappear with my baby, etc.

I read many.

Why you want repeat other person mistake when no need?

^ This stuff is hilarious. I have to believe Olaf must only internet date or has been scammed quite a few times. I would not consider any of what he is suggesting. Dating is dating. It is loaded with unknowns, part of the deal. If you cant see a scam then shame on you. Dating like he suggests sounds like a prisoner date or something. Imagine behaving like this being on the other foot for a second. You meet a gal and she wants to take a picture of your ID, know where you live, your Passport pic then say she will only meet you in the day time by the police station......Id laugh and say SEE YA.

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^ This stuff is hilarious. I have to believe Olaf must only internet date or has been scammed quite a few times. I would not consider any of what he is suggesting. Dating is dating. It is loaded with unknowns, part of the deal. If you cant see a scam then shame on you. Dating like he suggests sounds like a prisoner date or something. Imagine behaving like this being on the other foot for a second. You meet a gal and she wants to take a picture of your ID, know where you live, your Passport pic then say she will only meet you in the day time by the police station......Id laugh and say SEE YA.

Meet lady, take her back to your hotel/condo.

Immigration have record of your passport, hotel/condo pass copy to immigration. You easy to trace.

Confidence trick no good if trickster easy to spot. Everyone think they can spot, but nobody do.

You don't ask to take picture of her ID, you do it secretly.

Usual way, "oh sorry my condo/hotel insist on having your ID card if you come to room, I take it to them."

@ Jago

Maybe it take you 6 month to get girl in room, in which case your way best, you have plenty of time get to know.

I never bother to wait, first night good for me. If not I just laugh and say SEE YA.

Edited by OlafStapleton
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^ This stuff is hilarious. I have to believe Olaf must only internet date or has been scammed quite a few times. I would not consider any of what he is suggesting. Dating is dating. It is loaded with unknowns, part of the deal. If you cant see a scam then shame on you. Dating like he suggests sounds like a prisoner date or something. Imagine behaving like this being on the other foot for a second. You meet a gal and she wants to take a picture of your ID, know where you live, your Passport pic then say she will only meet you in the day time by the police station......Id laugh and say SEE YA.

Meet lady, take her back to your hotel/condo.

Immigration have record of your passport, hotel/condo pass copy to immigration. You easy to trace.

Confidence trick no good if trickster easy to spot. Everyone think they can spot, but nobody do.

You don't ask to take picture of her ID, you do it secretly.

Usual way, "oh sorry my condo/hotel insist on having your ID card if you come to room, I take it to them."

@ Jago

Maybe it take you 6 month to get girl in room, in which case your way best, you have plenty of time get to know.

I never bother to wait, first night good for me. If not I just laugh and say SEE YA.


Fair enough. I understand a bit better now. If you are a "meet a woman that night and take them back to the hotel or condo" type of man then I can clearly see why you might want to do what you do. Being you would have lots of woman in and out the chances of running across a gal that is looking for an easy mark are probably good. I agree in places where this type of activity is very prevalent you can read about scams and men getting things stolen or drugged and knocked out.

So one thing you might want to consider when posting Olaf is that there are more wonderful, respectful, responsible Thai woman then the few in the areas where you might get scammed. So it really boils down to the company you keep in my honest opinion.

As I said I would never ask a woman for her ID, Address, sneak a picture of her or play games with her. But then If I was meeting a woman it would be a normal date in hopes of maybe having a long term relationship.

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So one thing you might want to consider when posting Olaf is that there are more wonderful, respectful, responsible Thai woman then the few in the areas where you might get scammed. So it really boils down to the company you keep in my honest opinion.

Cross out responsible and we can agree.

Maybe insert impulsive, flighty, vindictive as better to describe Thai lady from any area.

Anyway OP talking about school-teacher lady expected to boom boom on first meeting which is more my style.

(Actually too old for me)

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So one thing you might want to consider when posting Olaf is that there are more wonderful, respectful, responsible Thai woman then the few in the areas where you might get scammed. So it really boils down to the company you keep in my honest opinion.

Cross out responsible and we can agree.

Maybe insert impulsive, flighty, vindictive as better to describe Thai lady from any area.

Anyway OP talking about school-teacher lady expected to boom boom on first meeting which is more my style.

(Actually too old for me)

i thought people had actually stopped saying boom boom.

oh well it gives us a pretty clear indication of where you meet your women.

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i thought people had actually stopped saying boom boom.

oh well it gives us a pretty clear indication of where you meet your women.

Sorry, my English not so good

Please let me know how to say without upset anyone 'boom boom' no good, so what to say?

Was told not to say 'fuc_k' as bad word

Edited by bonobo
removed ratehr demeaning and specious remarks
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Sorry, my English not so good

Please let me know how to say without upset anyone 'boom boom' no good, so what to say?

Was told not to say 'fuc_k' as bad word

Olaf ......... you are such an obvious troll.

You have now become nothing more than an insult to people's intelligence.

Please, grow up and go away.

Edited by bonobo
removed quoted text which ahs already been deleted
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So one thing you might want to consider when posting Olaf is that there are more wonderful, respectful, responsible Thai woman then the few in the areas where you might get scammed. So it really boils down to the company you keep in my honest opinion.

Cross out responsible and we can agree.

Maybe insert impulsive, flighty, vindictive as better to describe Thai lady from any area.

Anyway OP talking about school-teacher lady expected to boom boom on first meeting which is more my style.

(Actually too old for me)

i thought people had actually stopped saying boom boom.

oh well it gives us a pretty clear indication of where you meet your women.

So, what do you say when you want to have sex with a non bar lady? And when did they stop saying boom boom? Last year? Last month?

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Sorry, my English not so good

Please let me know how to say without upset anyone 'boom boom' no good, so what to say?

Was told not to say 'fuc_k' as bad word

Olaf ......... you are such an obvious troll.

You have now become nothing more than an insult to people's intelligence.

Please, grow up and go away.

Ahh yes the Troll vs the Flamer. You both need a lesson in posting etiquette. I agree Olaf is being insulting but you should clarify your criticism to the specific areas of his wrongdoing. When you simply state he is a troll you are being a flamer.

You really can't assume everyone shares your opinion of trolldom. However by a critique without reasons everyone can agree you are a flamer.

For example I think most people under 50 need to grow up but I would be specific in my reasons. In your case see above.

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Actually I think Nocturn should step up to the plate and tell us how to ask the little lady for a quickie after breakfast before we head to work. Or maybe a nooner? If you want to get a laugh tell a friend of the wife that she can't come to the phone because she is washing the chicken's face.

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So one thing you might want to consider when posting Olaf is that there are more wonderful, respectful, responsible Thai woman then the few in the areas where you might get scammed. So it really boils down to the company you keep in my honest opinion.

Cross out responsible and we can agree.

Maybe insert impulsive, flighty, vindictive as better to describe Thai lady from any area.

Anyway OP talking about school-teacher lady expected to boom boom on first meeting which is more my style.

(Actually too old for me)

i thought people had actually stopped saying boom boom.

oh well it gives us a pretty clear indication of where you meet your women.

So, what do you say when you want to have sex with a non bar lady? And when did they stop saying boom boom? Last year? Last month?

I rarely ask, i generally take. the terminology is irrelevant. Ironically I am Canadian.

I've been here a while, and boom boom doesn't come up in regular conversation. But, those of you who ask girls if they smoke and exchange witty repartee about helicopters, butterflies and skylab may still encounter it on a regular basis.

I reckon you are the same as those on tv still arguing the definition of gik.

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Here I was dissing Olaf and maybe he was right.

Sex comes up a lot in my conversation. About once a half hour tonight. Now she is asleep.

I asked my Thai lady and she said, “sleep” (nawn) is the polite word with the meaning assumed, then we got into a conversation about chicken and soup, double meaning words apparently in Thailand.

She ended up telling me people have never confided in her those kinds of things because she is too polite. So I am still left with my questions.

As for my opinion, boom is still used by all levels of Thai society but I could be wrong. Apparently it is not used by Nocturn's level but I would consider that an exception, however like I said that is only my opinion.

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As for my opinion, boom is still used by all levels of Thai society but I could be wrong. Apparently it is not used by Nocturn's level but I would consider that an exception, however like I said that is only my opinion.

But as a Canadian he unlikely to use any those word. :D

My lady and I just watch Lakorn Tv, Boom boom mentioned about 6x in 3 hours by us.

She boom boom him or not? Not yet but she want him. My Thai not good enough to follow all.

('Yet' also funny) Guess we just low class, but not everyone can be hi-so educated chinese.

Edited by OlafStapleton
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Did the OP say this lady is a teacher? It isn't easy, next to impossible for Thai teacher's to get time off work other than during the school holidays. During term time it would be a no go unless the teacher was ill in hospital/undergoing an operation etc. Just a thought!

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As for my opinion, boom is still used by all levels of Thai society but I could be wrong. Apparently it is not used by Nocturn's level but I would consider that an exception, however like I said that is only my opinion.

But as a Canadian he unlikely to use any those word. :D

My lady and I just watch Lakorn Tv, Boom boom mentioned about 6x in 3 hours by us.

She boom boom him or not? Not yet but she want him. My Thai not good enough to follow all.

('Yet' also funny) Guess we just low class, but not everyone can be hi-so educated chinese.

so you and your wife communicate using pidgin? hope you have a picture of her id.

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As for my opinion, boom is still used by all levels of Thai society but I could be wrong. Apparently it is not used by Nocturn's level but I would consider that an exception, however like I said that is only my opinion.

But as a Canadian he unlikely to use any those word. :D

My lady and I just watch Lakorn Tv, Boom boom mentioned about 6x in 3 hours by us.

She boom boom him or not? Not yet but she want him. My Thai not good enough to follow all.

('Yet' also funny) Guess we just low class, but not everyone can be hi-so educated chinese.

I have to believe the term "Boom Boom" is used as neither of the individuals speak enough of the others language to communicate in a respectful manner. Boom Boom appears to be like the term Same Same which I hear all the time between foreigner men and Thai women. Must be universal. My GF has never used the term "Boom Boom" or "Same Same"

I think couples do not take enough time to assist the others with languages. My GF and I go out of our way to correct each other so we speak properly. In fact I like watching Lakorn's for the simple reason I learn the language and can ask specific questions about terminology. I could not imagine introducing my friends to a gal who says "Boom"Boom", "Same Same" or "Mak Mak" all the time. But that's me.

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As for my opinion, boom is still used by all levels of Thai society but I could be wrong. Apparently it is not used by Nocturn's level but I would consider that an exception, however like I said that is only my opinion.

But as a Canadian he unlikely to use any those word. :D

My lady and I just watch Lakorn Tv, Boom boom mentioned about 6x in 3 hours by us.

She boom boom him or not? Not yet but she want him. My Thai not good enough to follow all.

('Yet' also funny) Guess we just low class, but not everyone can be hi-so educated chinese.

I have to believe the term "Boom Boom" is used as neither of the individuals speak enough of the others language to communicate in a respectful manner. Boom Boom appears to be like the term Same Same which I hear all the time between foreigner men and Thai women. Must be universal. My GF has never used the term "Boom Boom" or "Same Same"

I think couples do not take enough time to assist the others with languages. My GF and I go out of our way to correct each other so we speak properly. In fact I like watching Lakorn's for the simple reason I learn the language and can ask specific questions about terminology. I could not imagine introducing my friends to a gal who says "Boom"Boom", "Same Same" or "Mak Mak" all the time. But that's me.

Besides the term "go to sleep" (by nawn) how do you ask a polite women to have sex. See I told you. JAFO does not have the answer either. Boom is the only word used. I am of course waiting to be corrected. And don't give me some semantic stuff about politeness and reading the others mind. I want a word. There are lots of polite ways of asking a woman do you want to have sex in most languages except Thai. In Thai they say boom not make love or any other romantic word. Don't get me wrong I would love to be corrected. But until I am boom stands out as the only word understood by Thai women. Why is there a word for a female to make love with herself "dok bet" and not a word for make love with another person?

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As for my opinion, boom is still used by all levels of Thai society but I could be wrong. Apparently it is not used by Nocturn's level but I would consider that an exception, however like I said that is only my opinion.

But as a Canadian he unlikely to use any those word. :D

My lady and I just watch Lakorn Tv, Boom boom mentioned about 6x in 3 hours by us.

She boom boom him or not? Not yet but she want him. My Thai not good enough to follow all.

('Yet' also funny) Guess we just low class, but not everyone can be hi-so educated chinese.

I have to believe the term "Boom Boom" is used as neither of the individuals speak enough of the others language to communicate in a respectful manner. Boom Boom appears to be like the term Same Same which I hear all the time between foreigner men and Thai women. Must be universal. My GF has never used the term "Boom Boom" or "Same Same"

I think couples do not take enough time to assist the others with languages. My GF and I go out of our way to correct each other so we speak properly. In fact I like watching Lakorn's for the simple reason I learn the language and can ask specific questions about terminology. I could not imagine introducing my friends to a gal who says "Boom"Boom", "Same Same" or "Mak Mak" all the time. But that's me.

Besides the term "go to sleep" (by nawn) how do you ask a polite women to have sex. See I told you. JAFO does not have the answer either. Boom is the only word used. I am of course waiting to be corrected. And don't give me some semantic stuff about politeness and reading the others mind. I want a word. There are lots of polite ways of asking a woman do you want to have sex in most languages except Thai. In Thai they say boom not make love or any other romantic word. Don't get me wrong I would love to be corrected. But until I am boom stands out as the only word understood by Thai women. Why is there a word for a female to make love with herself "dok bet" and not a word for make love with another person?

Why on earth would you ask a woman you want sex with to go to sleep?

I imagine you are one of those guys who have learn one thai word a month.

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how do you ask a polite women to have sex.

You don't ask. You act like a man and you just do it.

If you ask, she'll say no out of modesty.

But if you grab her like a caveman, she will melt in your arms.

The tricky part is getting her to come back to your house.

I usually invite them back here to sample my Thai cooking. That sometimes works quite well.

Someone ought to start a thread on "the best ways to get women to come back to your house".

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