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Learning A Musical Instrument In Thailand/Bangkok


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Always liked the idea of learning to play something. Never knew what to choose. But now have the time.

Guitar, piano, even drums sounds good. Would consider something exotically local.

I live in Bangkok and reasonably priced tuition would also be a key point.

Any ideas?

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I speak from experience playing a variety of instruments.

Try Keyboard Instruments such as the Organ and Piano.

Have the same fingerings, just different techniques.

You can then entertain yourself and friends as well.

Keyboard players are very sought after to join in groups for jamming or making music.

Tons of Guitar players and Drummers.

Once you learn one instrument, you can experiment with others such as drums, guitar, etc.

Good Luck and Enjoy :D

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I have been learning to play the khaen...

It is exotically local and always goes down a storm with the Issan workers

My western friends think I have lost the plot somewhere

My wife only allows me to practice in our little stilted house in the rubber plantations


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Some might accuse me of being biased :D

What kind of music do you enjoy? Its important you enjoy the type of music you are trying to learn otherwise you will never enjoy practicing and soon get discouraged.

Once you decide the genre you want to follow pick the instrument from that genre, no point in learning the bagpipes if you want to play Mozart.

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Been playing to Acoustic guitar now for many years...can have a nice quite strum out in the garden ..and its good if you have a few friends around and you can get your guitar out and friends can sing along .. awesome....You dont get the same effect with the drums ..

Looking at getting me a Ukulele next rolleyes.gif

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