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On-Line Application For Spouse To Go To Uk

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Hi all

Just about finished doing my future wife's application for a UK spouse Visa.

just need a little guidance on the final part.

1. Regarding Marriage, It asks when and where did you get married, If not married,Please state this and provide details of any plans that are in place for a civil Ceremony.

If we submit the application at this moment in time, I can only say that we do have plans on getting married but nothing official since the planning will be on a day to day basis once we arrive in Bangkok, Or i can say that we plan on getting Married at the MFA on the 25th Aug.

As anyone else had this issue and Any Advice!!

2. Have you lived with your spouse in a relationship like a Marriage at any time?

they are asking for dates and to be able to provide documentary evidence to support this.

Yes we have lived together on both my GF's Visitors Visa's and yes its felt like a Marriage, But i don't have any supporting evidence to support this apart from Food Bills from Thai supermarkets and of course her Visa in her passport. (This Question will be hard for anyone to Answer and to show proof)

3. Is your sponsor responsible for supporting anyone? Will this include My New wife?

4. How much of your sponsors money is given to Family Members? Again will this include my New wife?

Regarding the 2 Questions above, I don't support anyone in my family but i do support my wife to Be.

Finally on the List of on-line supporting country's , Thailand is not on the list and cannot accept appointments or payments through their on-line Visa application system.

The table also shows if those countries accept appointments and payments through our online

visa application system.


Once you go onto the VFS site , It tells me that i have to pay and apply for an Appointment Via UKBA Site!!! Has anyone paid and booked a on-line appointment

Thank you all for your Help and i hope to of some help to others in the future


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My GF is here in the UK until the 20th Aug and then we fly back together to Bangkok.

She has a A1 English test in Preston on the 10th Aug which she needs so that we can submit once we have done the TB Test and also the Marriage paper, but i believe that i just need to say what my Plans are and then submit the paperwork.


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you apply online, submit the application, make an appointment ( choosing a time from the next five days ). finsihed. you then go to the vfs building on the day. go to the bank there and get a cheque. bring the cash with you.

1. Regarding Marriage, It asks when and where did you get married, If not married,Please state this and provide details of any plans that are in place for a civil Ceremony.

you say you will marry on the 25th Aug. when do you hope to make the appointment for? can you not marry then submit the application? if you submit before you marry just put the expected date of marriage.

2. Have you lived with your spouse in a relationship like a Marriage at any time?

i put ''no'' to this. i married my gf then a few days later applied for settlement. in your sponsor letter you can go into more detail about the time your spent together, plus your supporting docs will show this.

3. Is your sponsor responsible for supporting anyone?

you can write your wife's name here. there is enough space here for you to make it clear who you support.

4. How much of your sponsors money is given to Family Members?

i put ''zero'' but you can put your wife name here and an amount

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Thank you Kunash for your reply

I think the best thing i should do, is to go On line at a Internet Cafe and Complete after the wedding, Print off 2 Copies and then submit the application and Book the appointment.

Reading Your reply, Am i right in saying that they will give you 5 days to take in your Paperwork and Pay?

The other points and I will Explain the best i can in my Sponsors Letter


Ps, Has anyone else applied over the last month on line?

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my wife applied on the 13th July. once you have submitted the application, you then have to make the appointment. you are given a choice from the next five working days. basically you dont submit, until you have finished getting everything together. so you then have five days to hand the application in and pay, yes.

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Q1. You don't get married at the MFA, you get married at an ampur.

As previously advised, try entering the date you intend to marry. If it wont let you do this because the date is in the future, then complete as much of the form as you can, save it and then complete this bit once you are married.

Q2. She has visited you, not lived with you; subtle but important difference. Answer 'No.'

Q3 & 4. Questions of this nature, whether about applicant or sponsor, refer to third parties; not applicant or sponsor.

I am not surprised the UKBA site is out of date; in Thailand you now have to apply online. However, you can't pay online and she will need to take a bankers draft for the fee with her when she attends the VAC. See How to apply and How to pay

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Thank you 7by7 for your reply

The application form is now ready for submitting apart from the details of the UK English test and Marriage details

Regarding question 2 and 3, They have disappeared from the application form, Maybe it's became i selected no to Have you lived together in a Relationship likes of Marriage.

Thank you all for your help.

Now to finish the sponsor letter ermm.gif


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