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Mysterious theft


A man from Holland leaves his girlfriend and 3.500 Euros behind in his room but upon his return only the girl is still there who doesn't know where the money has gone

A Dutch national, Mr. Johannes Cornerls (55), left his apartment located at CK Mansions, Soi 4, Beach Road just before noon on October 24 to go out for a drink with some friends, leaving behind his newly acquired girlfriend, Ms Runggan Pungnam (29) to sleep.

Upon his return some time later, he noticed that a suitcase that he had locked before leaving the apartment containing 3.500 Euro, was now unlocked and the cash was absent. He questioned the girl if she had interfered with his luggage to which she replied she hadn't.

They both went to Pattaya Police Station to file a report, and the woman was interrogated further by Police, but she maintained her innocence.

At this stage, and based on her willingness to accompany the farang to the Police Station, they have not laid any charges against her, but have filed a report.

Pattaya People would like to gently advise all visitors to Pattaya, to be very discrete with large sums of money, and in Thailand 3.500 Euros is a very tempting amount of cash; about 175.000 Baht.

There's no reason to leaving that amount of money in your room, when you can safely deposit cash at the reception of your hotel with a signed receipt from the management, or you can rent a safety deposit box from any of the local banks.

-Pattaya People

25 October 2005

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I wonder if the girl walked out of his room bow legged or looking like she had been riding wild bucking broncos all of her life.

That li'l patch down there is a great hiding place.



You read about this all the time. Why are these stupid frarang packing large quantities of cash around. Do they not know of the ATM system?? They all deserve to get ripped off. :o

A man from Holland leaves his girlfriend and 3.500 Euros behind in his room but upon his return only the girl is still there who doesn't know where the money has gone


to be continued.....


Where did she hide the cash? If she called in a friend and it is not in her possession now she has got to wrestle with them for it.

He questioned the girl if she had interfered with his luggage to which she replied she hadn't.

They both went to Pattaya Police Station to file a report, and the woman was interrogated further by Police, but she maintained her innocence.

Pull the other one, it has bells on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


maybe said in Thai to the boys in brown fancy a share of the profits :o

I think we might be getting somewhere near the truth here Connor :D

P.S. How's it feeling to be 500 years old :D

"I am Connor Mc Cloud of the clan Mc Cloud and I am immortal."

Just ask my mate Kurgen :D  :o

Ah yes, that was the good looking dude with the safety pins in his neck, wasn't it :D


If the girl took it, she is a pretty cool customer to be confident enough to hang around. She would have known he would take her to the police station and that it would be likely she would be accused. There must be a possibility that the guy set this up as an insurance scam. He probably thought the girl would have left by the time he got back, which would have left him free to run to the police, shouting about the girl who stole his money and how he can't remember what she looked like cos he had been drunk the night before. Would be interesting to know if he has insurance cover for the theft of cash.

"I am Connor Mc Cloud of the clan Mc Cloud and I am immortal."

Just ask my mate Kurgen :D  :o

Would that be same as Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod ?????

And I am quite sure the guy is trying it on.

My theory: After lad leaves - girl rings up mates and she gives dosh to them. She can deny and well frankly is telling the truth that she didnt take it. :o

But if she's smart enough to do that, she should also be smart (and experienced) enough to realize that this guy is probably broke now, and she won't be getting anything more out of him. So why stick around ?

Probably a scam by the guy. The girl didn't know anything about it, which is why she stuck around and went to the police station with him. Too elaborate to be an excuse to get out of paying her for her time, but when he files his claim, her testimony will be on the police report. That may make the claim look more legitimate to some office stooge back home.

Or he's just a loser, who misplaced the money and can't remember where it is.

But if she's smart enough to do that, she should also be smart (and experienced) enough to realize that this guy is probably broke now, and she won't be getting anything more out of him. So why stick around ?

She would have to stick around or she would be immediately suspected. The cops would then track her down, probably at the bar he picked her up. This way, she's convinced everyone she's innocent and can go back to the bar and find a new BF, without fear of BIB turning up. Switched on lady, me thinks :o

Or he's just a loser,

He is now, to the tune of 3,500 Euro's :D

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