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Ants, Spiders And Mosquitoes


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I retired and moved to Thailand 7 months ago. Since the rainy season started, hour house is being overrun with ants, mosquitoes and spiders. We have screens in every door and window. But, we both get bites from mosquitoes and spiders. Not to mention the ant problem. the little ants we got rid of by using the ant bait that they take back to the nests. However, those big black ants are still all over and won't take the ant bait. they make holes in plastic food containers we keep in the cupboards.

I am looking for one of those water activated bug bombs. we used them at our home in Florida and they worked great. Drop the container in a bit of water and a gas is generated that gets into every nook and cranny and leaves no residue like the aerosol ones leave.

My wife has tried to call exterminators but there are none close to us (Phetchabun province).

any help would be greatly appreciated.

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any idea of what the name of the stuff is? sounds like what we are looking for. Opening a box of cereal and pouring ants into a bowl kinda screws up my morning. the also gor into my brad new box of shortbread cookies. that's unforgivable.

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any idea of what the name of the stuff is? sounds like what we are looking for. Opening a box of cereal and pouring ants into a bowl kinda screws up my morning. the also gor into my brad new box of shortbread cookies. that's unforgivable.

One thing you soon learn here is never to keep food in cardboard boxes, always in sealed containers. You still don't always win, but usually.

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any idea of what the name of the stuff is? sounds like what we are looking for. Opening a box of cereal and pouring ants into a bowl kinda screws up my morning. the also gor into my brad new box of shortbread cookies. that's unforgivable.

i will look tonight when i get home and let you know.

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any idea of what the name of the stuff is? sounds like what we are looking for. Opening a box of cereal and pouring ants into a bowl kinda screws up my morning. the also gor into my brad new box of shortbread cookies. that's unforgivable.

i will look tonight when i get home and let you know.

cereal goes in the fridge, same with anything else those little bastards can get into.

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Its called terro pco. Really small bottle, always near the bottom of the shelf- now that I think of it, I got it at foodland, not villa.

Here some info about it:





Edited by chris26be
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got 100 gecko's in the house. at night, when I turn on the lights, they hang around the lights. got a bit lizard (wife calls a "too ghow"--the sound it makes) living outside the living room. it's about 12-15 inches long.

I have been camping and hiking most of my life. I know a spider bite. little or no itching, but a hell of a lot of swelling. the ones I see around the house are tiny, about the size of a BB. they jump if you get near them. when the rains started, I started seeing them all over the place.

I live near the mountains in norther Thailand. it's all farmland and rice paddies. used to be corn and tobacco, but, when the corn and tobacco was harvested, rice was planted. it;s my wife's home area. we have been together 10 years next month.

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got 100 gecko's in the house. at night, when I turn on the lights, they hang around the lights. got a bit lizard (wife calls a "too ghow"--the sound it makes) living outside the living room. it's about 12-15 inches long.

I have been camping and hiking most of my life. I know a spider bite. little or no itching, but a hell of a lot of swelling. the ones I see around the house are tiny, about the size of a BB. they jump if you get near them. when the rains started, I started seeing them all over the place.

I live near the mountains in norther Thailand. it's all farmland and rice paddies. used to be corn and tobacco, but, when the corn and tobacco was harvested, rice was planted. it;s my wife's home area. we have been together 10 years next month.

I have them around also. But they do not bite.

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really? they don't bite? hmmm, the reaction I am getting is exactly what I have experienced with spider bites before. lot's of swelling and minor discomfort and lasts a couple days, but, no itching like when a mosquito bites. a mosquito bite lasts only a short time too.

I assumed it was those little spiders cause they are all over.

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'Tokays' are good around the house……but not in, there urine can be very strong smelling,(like a tom cats) you really only want geckos in the house. I also live in the sticks; I don't get to many problems with bugs in the house, sometimes ants, and mosquitos. You are never going to win the war with bugs in Thailand only the battles………You have to box clever! As an example if ants are raiding your food cupboards then put the feet of the cupboard in small bowls…….and put water in the bowls, and keep cupboards away from wall…..and so on. Mosquitos in the house…..Make sure all doors and window are shut, first and last light, you will reduce airborne assaults. There is so much you can do!

You will find it far less stressful when you have set up a bug defense system in your house. Just think defense as opposed to attack.

Edited by metisdead
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really? they don't bite? hmmm, the reaction I am getting is exactly what I have experienced with spider bites before. lot's of swelling and minor discomfort and lasts a couple days, but, no itching like when a mosquito bites. a mosquito bite lasts only a short time too.

I assumed it was those little spiders cause they are all over.

Well, in my house they don't bite. I have one in front of me right now, and if I move my hand toward him/her, it will disappear. No I don't think they will bite you.

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thanks for all the good advice. thanks for Tokay spelling too. I have been trying to look it up on line but my spelling has been way off. It lives under the eves of the house, outside the living room. I have seen it crawling on the screen a couple times but it runs off if I walk close to the window. the little geckos have then run of the house. one got into the TV and fried the main circuit board. He fried himself too.

I was just assuming it was those little spiders. I seem to only get bitten at night when sleeping. we have washed the bedclothes but, that seems to only be temporary..

speaking of insects, back in March/April, there were some kind of flies (kinda like mayflies) that numbered in the 1000's that woudl come out after a heavy rain. when the sun set, it was impossible to sit outdoors. they did not sting but get into everything. I am attaching a photo of them on the screen. what are these things? My step son put water into a tub and hung a light over it. the next morning, 1000's had drowned and he bu them in a bamboo basket and dried them in the sun. then took them and his casting net to the river and thew handfuls into the river and, when the fish started eating them, he cast his net and caught fish. was pretty cool.

Any idea what the name of these things are?


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any idea of what the name of the stuff is? sounds like what we are looking for. Opening a box of cereal and pouring ants into a bowl kinda screws up my morning. the also gor into my brad new box of shortbread cookies. that's unforgivable.

One thing you soon learn here is never to keep food in cardboard boxes, always in sealed containers. You still don't always win, but usually.

^ Absolutely, going on the offensive is the best defense.

For Ants sealed plastic containers for everything. Store sugar in the refrigerator. Absolutely no cardboard. The ants love the binder material that it is made of as do roaches. If you are not wanting to contend with nasty bug sprays, I recommend using Ammonia with water in a spray bottle. Ants release a trail and follow by scent. if you spray along their path they get confused. I would spray with that mixture around the doors and windows frequently. They will get deterred and head to easier hunting. The poisons they take back are a very short term fix unfortunately. The ant colony is millions and the amount they take back kills only a small fraction. The queen will never see it.

Mosquitoes simply put, are "Just hell". No way to combat other then constant oscillating fans, screens on windows and doors and bug zappers at the door areas. I personally would sleep with the net over the bed deal. Those work excellent.

Spiders are usually attracted to an easy food source, so by eliminating bugs and areas where they can hide is best.

Good Luck

Edited by JAFO
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Lights can be good and bad at the same time when it comes to attracting bugs. Night time brings all the airborne beasties out. This works for me; first I try to reduce the amount of light escaping from my house, (not easy) and the other thing I do is, (as I have a large pound) at sundown put a light over the water, (about 50cm above) on the end of a long pole, this helps keep the beasties away from the house and it feeds the fish.

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The secret is to buy your next door neighbour an electronic bug zapper, the one with an ultra violet light.

He hangs it up and all the bugs go next door,(works better if you dont particularly like your neighbour) :whistling:

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The secret is to buy your next door neighbour an electronic bug zapper, the one with an ultra violet light.

He hangs it up and all the bugs go next door,(works better if you dont particularly like your neighbour) :whistling:

That's nasty mate!

....And I really like it.

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