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Thai Private Eye


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Only one word for it. Disgraceful. :o

You are going to have a great relationship arent you? I thought a relationship was built on trust. Or maybe i am wrong.

I cant believe that you paid someone to sneak around and gather information on your girlfriend. Have you ever done this before with a western girlfriend? Are you that bad a judge of character that you dont trust your own instincts?

You say in your origanl post about wanting to know if she was really divorced, and you werent sure you got the message across, is the language barrier that bad? If it is how can you possibly have a solid relationsip if you cant even discuss simple matters like are you still married.

I am sorry but you should be ashamed of yourself for doing this, i know if my wife did the same thing to me and i found out, her feet wouldnt touch the floor and she would be on the next flight back to Thailand, let hope your g/f doesnt find out :D

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Hmmm, I had been under the impression that mostly the Thai girls playing the deceitful games as described above in this thread were from go-go bars or other houses of ill-repute.

But someone has mentioned girls who "work in tourist areas". Is that just a euphemism for what I mentioned or does that truly mean regular girls who happen to work in tourist areas (hotels, travel agencies, banks, shops, etc.)? I mean without overgeneralizing, of course.


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Divorce in Thailand is often one party walks out for whatever reason and in the norm no more probs - or it can mean a visit to the Amphur rip up marriage papers (remember there are two copies - or it can be a lawyer processed divorced. A lot depends upon how the couple were "married" in the first place.

Youn lady in question with all good intentions considers original relationship ended - finito and the ex may never appear and she has all good intentions. New man buys a house in young ladies name of course (remember young lady has all good intentions) - out of the woodwork appears the ex laying claim to "house" TiT.

Please correct me if I'm wrong:

It is my understanding that when a full marriage takes place in Thailand (as opposed to the minor "Thai marriage") marriage papers are issued and all details are placed on a Government computer data base. This, I imagine, would be similar to the offices of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Western society.

Should the marriage fail for whatever reason, the couple seek a divorce and papers need to be submitted in order to officially annul the marriage.

If they don't follow this procedure, and if one of them wants to marry somebody else, they are stopped by the Thai Government as they are still officially married.

(bigamy ?)

In the scenario as indicated by mijan, how could this legally occur?

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If having bad feelings about a long-distance relationship just finish it.

That´s the only way to stop worries and headaches.If someone feels that the other part might not be trusted why waste money or time or emotions.Listen to your intuition and if one feels bad about a situation what perspective does the relationship have.Even staying together you can´t control someone 24/7.

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Where you work has very little to do with your level of trustworthyness. In my experience, some of the least trustworthy girls work for reputable companies and some of the most trustworthy work the worst jobs imaginable.

Edited by OxfordWill
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This thread has gone on a bit longer than we might have expected and there are some points that seem to need some clarification.

Honey traps? :D

I hope you'll understand that we cannot share any information about this or any other specific case.

Good job TPE, you are a much needed commodity around here; I don't care what any detractors say

Thank you. But there have always been people who are doubtful or skeptical about private investigators and we recongnize this. This is as old as the profession itself and there's probably nothing that can be done about it.

I think if I was in a new relationship I would be using TPI service for sure after looking at what goes on in our village I would suggest that many of you use this service as there is good chance that there is a Thai guy driving your car sleeping in you bed and spending your hard earned money. This may seem harsh but it is true with about 50% of the girls in our village that are married to a falang  :o

You get my vote Thaiprivateeye

Thank you. Unfortunately what you describe does happen but it does vary by village. One thing we see from time to time is very humble villages full of what can only be described as mansions but completely devoid of women 18 to 25 years of age. Except of course at Songkran and other holidays when sunglasses are mandatory so as not to be blinded by the gold on display.

True; if you're crazy you might need a TPI to sort you out but most of us who are not crazy take care of things ourselves.

Nobody is looking for a confrontation with you, but it doesn't seem fair to imply that all consumers of investigative services are mentally ill. Most of our clients are of sound mind; they simply require something that they cannot do for themselves. This can be due to distance or a lack of time or resources among other things.

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With no intent to cast aspersions on TPI, Stickman or other Farang who advertise “Investigate your Thai Girlfriend” type services in Thailand I seriously doubt that they can ever obtain a reliable result.

The main attraction to their Farang customer is that he, the customer, is dealing with a fellow Farang, but let’s face it, if some clumping, long nosed Bukseeda arrives in Nakorn Nowhere asking (in bad Central Thai or bad Issarn accent) “is Jai married already / fooling around / still working bar in Bangkok” he’s going to stand out like the proverbial sore thumb and the answers he gets will inevitably be suspect to say the least.

Even if he uses a Thai investigator he would be equally noticeable as an outsider in the relatively insular village life so replies to his questioning would be equally suspect. Finally, not to be overly cynical about it, if the subject of the investigation feels she is onto a good thing and does not want the Farang boyfriend to discover the truth a judicious payment to the Thai “Investigator” would easily induce him to provide his Farang Boss with any report she wishes; which also negates any perceived advantage of using an expensive Farang PI of course.


It may or may not surprise you to know that our services go a bit beyond spying on Thai girlfriends. But you do correctly illustrate some of the risks in employing an investigator working from a one-man shop, particularly a farang.

Obviously we seek to carefully match the agent to the assignment. And there are techniques and credible pretexts that can be used to make it easier to insert an agent into a strange location and get more cooperation from the locals. Direct questioning is often not the preferred method and you'd be surprised how much quality information you can get from what might be dismissed as mere gossip.

It should also be pointed out that we do have ways to cross-check on agent's performance to prevent them commiting fraud against us or our clients.

I just think it could save some guys a lot of trouble and money if they new what there little darlings where up too.

This is particularly important to many clients who are sponsoring a girl or boy they met through the commercial sex trade. In most cases they are replacing the lost income and want to make sure they are not being deceived. A typical investigation costs about one month's support and many clients view it as an insurance poilicy.

There are hundreds of thousands of trustworthy, honest etc Thai women - don't paint them all with the same brush based on narrow-minded limited experience.

Well said and quite true. There is also the phenomenon of the foreign man who meets and marries a perfectly decent and wholly loyal Thai woman, yet can never be completely sure about her. Time after time we hear them cite the supposed "reputation" of Thai women which they learned about through internet forums.

We would just note that this sort is typically the least accepting when we report that the wife or girlfriend is not misbehaving; they insist that there is something wrong when there is not. In many cases they just can't rein in their paranoia no matter how much evidence they are presented with.

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A relationship without trust isn't a very good one at all. Obviously you had no trust in her words so you hired some detective to double check if your girlfriend was right or wrong. The detective can only do so much and find evidence that she is divorced but in the meantime they carn't hand you a side order of trust can they?

So picture the scene; your girlfriend tells you she wants to go out with some friends and have a few drinks, sounds reasonable but what are you going to do? Make a dive for the nearest telephone and call another detective each time you are not sure to trust her? Most relationships don't need these services and survive better without it earning trust through a time period which in my eyes is more solid than a few facts from some detective.

It was our pleasure to help you get some peace of mind. I hope you will let us know if we may assist you again in the future.

Honey traps? :D

These unfortunatley are becoming more and more common with such services as private detectives which is really a shame.

Take a male with an unhealthy obsession with a woman then add some detective. They create "coincidences" such as bumping into her in the street and the latter. Also they research likes and dislikes of that particular woman. And vice versa women also request these services. I carn't believe being a detective can even be labeled a profession. Aiding crazed people to find their target man/woman and snooping around peoples private lives :o

Todays world is getting more crazier as I type :D

Whatever happened to the whole girl meets guy or guy meets girl and things like trust and communication people without are giving these detectives more business and creating risks :D

Ice Maiden,

Your points are so very well taken and thank you so much for sharing them. In 99% of cases worldwide they would apply in a very very large way. Sadly though, this is thailand and one can toss out this commonality alltogether. New rules apply here. It is very very bizarre the happenings here that occur on a continuing basis. They are very very unique. Thanks again, mono

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Well said TPI.

I didn't need a PI..... after living with a TG for a year, some things and events didn't (eventually) ring true.

To cut a long story short, the finale was catching TG filling her bag with my gems @ 11 30 at night, thinking I was asleep...

She was kicked out with the clothes she stood up in.

It transpired later that she had 2 children from previous Thai BFs and was hoping to get pregnant by me to take care of them and the rest of the family up in Kanch.

She always insisted that she had no children.

I only found this out from a GF of hers she owed money to, 3 months later.

If in doubt do your own thing, if still in doubt use a good PI.

Trust in LOS is not the same as in trust Farangland.

To those of you who have a good, trusting relationship, good luck to you, but not all of us have had good experiences with trusting TGs. :o

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I have used the services of TPE on a personal family problem not related to my wife and found him honest, forthright and very efficient in getting the job done. He used reliable Thai individuals with the proper backgrounds to do the job. They blended in well with the community and did not stand out, as another poster seemed to think they would. I have been very satisfied with the work done and will continue to use TPE should the need arise again.

As far as divorces are concerned. When you marry, the Amphur provides two laminated originals of your marriage certificate. When you divorce, you must surrender both laminated originals (or provide a police report if lost) at the time of divorce. You are then provided two laminated divorce decrees which are proof and evidence of your divorce.

If, however, the divorce decree is lost, it is very difficult to obtain information without going to the Amphur where the divorce was granted. This isn't the Western world here, folks. Government offices aren't always linked to each other in order for you to obtain information.

As far as trust is concerned. Some of the comments make me think many of you have never graced the shores of Thailand. A wise man once said...trust, but verify. :o

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As far as trust is concerned. Some of the comments make me think many of you have never graced the shores of Thailand. A wise man once said...trust, but verify. wink.gif
This may be true if you meet your GF on the Pattaya shores and she is over 30 and good-looking and says she has never been married, especially if she comes from Isaan.

Pattaya gets the worst of the bunch, but there are, of course a few exceptions.

I have used the services of TPE on a personal family problem not related to my wife and found him honest, forthright and very efficient in getting the job done. He used reliable Thai individuals with the proper backgrounds to do the job. They blended in well with the community and did not stand out, as another poster seemed to think they would. I have been very satisfied with the work done and will continue to use TPE should the need arise again.

Remarkably similar writing style to TPE!

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As far as trust is concerned. Some of the comments make me think many of you have never graced the shores of Thailand. A wise man once said...trust, but verify. wink.gif

This may be true if you meet your GF on the Pattaya shores and she is over 30 and good-looking and says she has never been married, especially if she comes from Isaan.

Pattaya gets the worst of the bunch, but there are, of course a few exceptions.

I have used the services of TPE on a personal family problem not related to my wife and found him honest, forthright and very efficient in getting the job done. He used reliable Thai individuals with the proper backgrounds to do the job. They blended in well with the community and did not stand out, as another poster seemed to think they would. I have been very satisfied with the work done and will continue to use TPE should the need arise again.
Remarkably similar writing style to TPE!


I use English, TPE uses English.

I have $10,000 laying around that says I am not TPE. You want to call that bet?

Put up or shut up.

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I think if I was in a new relationship I would be using TPI service for sure after looking at what goes on in our village I would suggest that many of you use this service as there is good chance that there is a Thai guy driving your car sleeping in you bed and spending your hard earned money. This may seem harsh but it is true with about 50% of the girls in our village that are married to a falang  :o

You get my vote Thaiprivateeye

Sad but true, Rigger. Some farangs may even feel reassurance that their girl is waiting for them back in her village instead of carrying on working in the bar scene. But what the farangs don't think about is where and to whom his girl originally lost her virginity or where her first boyfriends where from. Namely the very village where she's waiting for his return. :D

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Divorce in Thailand is often one party walks out for whatever reason and in the norm no more probs - or it can mean a visit to the Amphur rip up marriage papers (remember there are two copies - or it can be a lawyer processed divorced. A lot depends upon how the couple were "married" in the first place.

Youn lady in question with all good intentions considers original relationship ended - finito and the ex may never appear and she has all good intentions. New man buys a house in young ladies name of course (remember young lady has all good intentions) - out of the woodwork appears the ex laying claim to "house" TiT.

Please correct me if I'm wrong:

It is my understanding that when a full marriage takes place in Thailand (as opposed to the minor "Thai marriage") marriage papers are issued and all details are placed on a Government computer data base. This, I imagine, would be similar to the offices of Births, Deaths and Marriages in Western society.

Should the marriage fail for whatever reason, the couple seek a divorce and papers need to be submitted in order to officially annul the marriage.

If they don't follow this procedure, and if one of them wants to marry somebody else, they are stopped by the Thai Government as they are still officially married.

(bigamy ?)

In the scenario as indicated by mijan, how could this legally occur?

Mighty Mouse - please go back and read my post "A lot depends upon how the couple were "married" in the first place".????? Then reread the OP this point (type of marriage) is not clarified.

You will also notice I have ensured in my post not to discredit the young lady only to point out that due to TiT sometimes it can be wise to ensure all the i's have been dotted and the t's are also crossed.

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Well said TPI.

I didn't need a PI..... after living with a TG for a year, some things and events didn't (eventually) ring true.

I didn't need a PI either although it took a couple of years before she told me that she was married. Not to a thai but to another falang.

It turned out to be one of those visa marriages enabling her to work horizontal abroad which is where I met her. It didn't really bother me so we just continued our relation. I believe she was actually happy when she told me cause she was a bit worried I would take hike. :o

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I don't usually read or recommend the Kiwi's Crap, but a friend pointed me to a story he ran on October 16.

Take a look.

If that relationship lasts 3 months, I'd be very surprised after lover boy got hit in the face with insulting behaviour by the girl's parents in the co. of the Kiwi & wifey. :o

Remember, the guy with more $$$'s than brains has only known the girl for 2 months. :D

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**Watch the language please(mod edit)**

Jeez I know girls who are on the fourth or fith ATM there in three years.

One I know is grossing 100k a mth from on Aussie ,One Swede and one English.

he should know better.

Must be the climate....dulls brain cells.

I don't usually read or recommend the Kiwi's Crap, but a friend pointed me to a story he ran on October 16.

Take a look.

If that relationship lasts 3 months, I'd be very surprised after lover boy got hit in the face with insulting behaviour by the girl's parents in the co. of the Kiwi & wifey. :o

Remember, the guy with more $$$'s than brains has only known the girl for 2 months. :D

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Sadly though, this is thailand and one can toss out this commonality alltogether. New rules apply here. It is very very bizarre the happenings here that occur on a continuing basis. They are very very unique. Thanks again, mono

and another....

"Trust in LOS is not the same as in trust Farangland.

To those of you who have a good, trusting relationship, good luck to you, but not all of us have had good experiences with trusting TGs".

weird! humans are the same the world over, so why these statements. Maybe many farang do not consort with prostitutes back home and find their behaviour different? I don't know.

I do know that PIs exist in many other countries and do the same sort of "work" as in Thailand. So the same sort of behaviour and lack of trust exists there too.

Edited by SiamOne
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Mighty Mouse - please go back and read my post "A lot depends upon how the couple were "married" in the first place".????? Then reread the OP this point (type of marriage) is not clarified.

You will also notice I have ensured in my post not to discredit the young lady only to point out that due to TiT sometimes it can be wise to ensure all the i's have been dotted and the t's are also crossed.

With all due respect, I think that you are trying to legitimize a sleazy service that uses scare tactics to drum up business.

I also think that this whole thread is thinly disguised spam.

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As they say

"Whats yours is mine and whats mine is mine".

I have experienced some curious rationales from people who have Borrowed things in Thailand.

And I agree re the face thing....it what makes life to the newbie so wonderfuly confusing and frustrating.....but who are we to whinge and moan and cast judgement,we are visitors and often uninvited.

Siam one Quote
weird! humans are the same the world over, so why these statements. Maybe many farang do not consort with prostitutes back home and find their behaviour different? I don't know.

I do know that PIs exist in many other countries and do the same sort of "work" as in Thailand. So the same sort of behaviour and lack of trust exists there too.

*deleted by mod*

What a sheltered life you must lead..... you should get out more. :o

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To the anonymous mod who deleted the ref to cm2 and the word "whorehouse..... in Snoopy's post...does that also mean we can't use that word when describing a whorehouse like Thermae?

Please explain what is wrong with that word "whorehouse" it isn't even a swear word, or is English not your first language?

PS. if editing someone's post, pls have the manners to list your name when editing.

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Sheeesh! A guy comes on the board claiming he's got ripped off by girlfriend, or, wife and posters get stuck into him about being too trusting etc. etc.

Another guy comes on the board and actually initiates an action that will protect himself and posters get stuck into him about showing more trust blah, blah, blah.

Seems you just can't win sometimes!

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Please explain what is wrong with that word "whorehouse" it isn't even a swear word, or is English not your first language?
Are you saying that all the guys that go there are "whore-mongers"? maybe that is what is upsetting someone. Of course, normal decent guys go to CM2, but the girls there are whores :o

weird! humans are the same the world over, so why these statements. Maybe many farang do not consort with prostitutes back home and find their behaviour different? I don't know.

I do know that PIs exist in many other countries and do the same sort of "work" as in Thailand. So the same sort of behaviour and lack of trust exists there too.

Very true Siamone.

Most farang I have known in thailand, especially the older ones have never hung out or used prostitutes in their own country. They seem to think the Thai ones are different, and then brush all Thai women with the same brush. Also they can talk to fellow farang whore-mongers who reassure them that it is normal and not really prostitution.

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I don't usually read or recommend the Kiwi's Crap, but a friend pointed me to a story he ran on October 16.

Take a look.

If that relationship lasts 3 months, I'd be very surprised after lover boy got hit in the face with insulting behaviour by the girl's parents in the co. of the Kiwi & wifey. :o

Remember, the guy with more $$$'s than brains has only known the girl for 2 months. :D

Udon, please don't use the word kiwi to describe Stickman.With any luck the bugger will go and live in Australia and become one of your lot. :D

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Sheeesh! A guy comes on the board claiming he's got ripped off by girlfriend, or, wife and posters get stuck into him about being too trusting etc. etc.

Another guy comes on the board and actually initiates an action that will protect himself and posters get stuck into him about showing more trust blah, blah, blah.

Seems you just can't win sometimes!

Too true Burr.

I reckon ChuckD got it right "trust, but verify".

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Siam one Quote
weird! humans are the same the world over, so why these statements. Maybe many farang do not consort with prostitutes back home and find their behaviour different? I don't know.

I do know that PIs exist in many other countries and do the same sort of "work" as in Thailand. So the same sort of behaviour and lack of trust exists there too.

Madam, the sooner you get it thru your thick head that your fellow Thais love to lie and steal, the better, and mostly because of FACE.

What a sheltered life you must lead..... you should get out more. :o

You are a very rude person. Just because I don't agree with your pathetic views, you think you can call me thick headed!

If personal attacks are the only way you can make your point, obviously it has no merit.

Yes, Thais do lie and steal, but strangely enough so do farangs. You seem to think it is our national sport. Well, maybe in the company you mix with, it may be normal, but for me it is not.

If you consider that farangs are rich and obvious in Thailand, then they make excellent targets to steal from, by dishonest people. Your problem is you tar everyone with the same brush...really racist and stupid

get a real life yourself, get out more to normal society

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Sheeesh! A guy comes on the board claiming he's got ripped off by girlfriend, or, wife and posters get stuck into him about being too trusting etc. etc.

Another guy comes on the board and actually initiates an action that will protect himself and posters get stuck into him about showing more trust blah, blah, blah.

Seems you just can't win sometimes!

Too true Burr.

I reckon ChuckD got it right "trust, but verify".

Contradictions: "Trust but verify."

Believe her but interrogate her.

Love her but butterfly her.

Accept her faults but try and change her anyway.

How immature and insecure are some of you people? Do you also get insanely jealous for no good reason other than what is going through your tiny warped minds?

You don't need a girlfriend, you need a dog. You can beat the dog, tie it up, throw it bones and it will still lick your hand. Is that what you expect from your teeruk?

If you really need to hire the services of a third party to snoop into the girls private affairs, you aren't yet ready to start any meaningful relationship. You are still at the one night stand level.

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All you posters going on about lack of trust should go back and read the original post. It is not about trust, but, communication.

The lady says she is divorced. She may well consider herself divorced, just because she no longer lives with her ex-husband, but, officially they may still be married.

I have been with my Thai missus for eight years now. If she, or, I are asked if we are married, both of us will say yes, even though we are not "officially" married.

Not being "officially" divorced can cause a lot of beauracratic problems later on.

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