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Going Back To The Uk


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The price of houses is astoundingly low with REAL property that you own, the toughest part of returning is going to be having to make a decision on which cars and which houses to purchase as the glut of top choices is mind boggling. I won't mind blending in again neither and not feeling like a potential target all the time and looking out my front windows and NOT having bars on them..

Where are you going back to 'WS'? I don't know of anywhere in the developed world that is a great place to live but the property is astoundingly cheap.

Are you really going to be buying cars and houses (plural) when you go back? Are you saying you are going somewhere where the houses are cheaper than they are in Phuket?

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Yes thank you Kenny, you're a newbie here so not jaded yet but I agree if you came from England you're much better off here. No moaning no whinging just stating the realities and not even beginning a new thread about it.. Unlike many here my situation is different as I didn't come here for the usual sexpat, Tefl or retirement dreams so I've never been happy and never would be.. I have always accepted that but for the sake of my family have done the best I could with the circumstances dictated.. This move was a severe sacrifice and huge step down for me but an unavoidable one, until now that is, but returning is going to be more sacrifice initially as my boys mother will not be able to come with but in spite of the injustice of that you don't see me moaning or whining about it do you?..

The timing is ripe now though so soon it will be asta la vista baby!!

This post makes no sense. Firstly you say Kenny is only happy because he's a newbie. What about the people that have lived here happily for 10, 15, even 20+ years? Are you insinuating the progression from newbie to jaded, to wanting to leave is a formality for everybody?

To be honest your opinions are a moot point because you admitted you haven't been happy here since day one, so for you to tell us you want to leave is the biggest case of stating the obvious I've seen for a long time.

Finally, surely if you are not leaving until next year, that will be enough time to get the relevant visas for your wife to go with. I can't think of anything worse than seperating children from their mother.

Last year 3.5 million people came through Phuket airport. This year they estimate it will be about 4 million. The fact of the matter is, whether you unhappy souls can accept it or not, is that Phuket is a hugely popular destination loved by millions of people, that come back again and again. The vast majority of people that are lucky enough to live, or spend long periods of time here, are as happy as the proverbial pig. The people that aren't happy here normally have a very good reason not to be so. Either they didn't have enough money to enjoy it properly, they had failed relationships, or most commonly just couldn't adapt to what is a very different culture and way of life, and are much better suited to the familiar surroundings they grew up in.

If you are not happy some where you move on. If you are unhappy some where, and you constantly moan and slag the place off to strangers on the interweb, you are high lighting more cracks in your character than the place you are berating.

I am happy here because it is a much better place than the UK, I love the Thai people, I have never had a problem with any Thai people, I have never suffered road rage here or any problems with the police, this place is cheap compared to the UK, the weather is better than the UK, I am not treated like shit unlike the UK, Asian girls are amazing unlike the UK, as I have said before the only thing missing here is the great NHS.

Please don't tarnish us good decent people with the fat ugly perverts that come to this country only to abuse any thing that moves, these people should be hanged if caught...

Edited by kenny999
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I am happy here because it is a much better place than the UK, I love the Thai people, I have never had a problem with any Thai people, I have never suffered road rage here or any problems with the police, this place is cheap compared to the UK, the weather is better than the UK, I am not treated like shit unlike the UK, Asian girls are amazing unlike the UK, as I have said before the only thing missing here is the great NHS.

Please don't tarnish us good decent people with the fat ugly perverts that come to this country only to abuse any thing that moves, these people should be hanged if caught...

The vast majority of people would agree with you Kenny, they just don't come on Thai visa to say it. Sad really, this forum could be used for so much better things. When was the last interesting photo thread, or decent interesting post? The last one I remember was a nice post about Je T'aime with photos of the food. Other than that can't think of a single one. :(

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I am happy here because it is a much better place than the UK, I love the Thai people, I have never had a problem with any Thai people, I have never suffered road rage here or any problems with the police, this place is cheap compared to the UK, the weather is better than the UK, I am not treated like shit unlike the UK, Asian girls are amazing unlike the UK, as I have said before the only thing missing here is the great NHS.

Please don't tarnish us good decent people with the fat ugly perverts that come to this country only to abuse any thing that moves, these people should be hanged if caught...

The vast majority of people would agree with you Kenny, they just don't come on Thai visa to say it. Sad really, this forum could be used for so much better things. When was the last interesting photo thread, or decent interesting post? The last one I remember was a nice post about Je T'aime with photos of the food. Other than that can't think of a single one. :(

Simple answer here, how many threads have you seen on tv that have not been hi jacked by a complete and utter plankoid, I am thinking none!!! so who really wants to start an Interesting thread, not many!!

Have you noticed that when a good thread is running you always get the said Plankoid come on and pick you up for grammar i:e mis spelt word etc, who gives a flying <deleted> about a mis spelt word, said person is of course so <deleted> Intelligent it beggars belief, I use Wickipedia and spell check in my posts does that make me a thicko lol to all you plankoids(love this word, <deleted> off and get a life!! lol

Edited by kenny999
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I am happy here because it is a much better place than the UK, I love the Thai people, I have never had a problem with any Thai people, I have never suffered road rage here or any problems with the police, this place is cheap compared to the UK, the weather is better than the UK, I am not treated like shit unlike the UK, Asian girls are amazing unlike the UK, as I have said before the only thing missing here is the great NHS.

Please don't tarnish us good decent people with the fat ugly perverts that come to this country only to abuse any thing that moves, these people should be hanged if caught...

The vast majority of people would agree with you Kenny, they just don't come on Thai visa to say it. Sad really, this forum could be used for so much better things. When was the last interesting photo thread, or decent interesting post? The last one I remember was a nice post about Je T'aime with photos of the food. Other than that can't think of a single one. :(

Simple answer here, how many threads have you seen on tv that have not been hi jacked by a complete and utter plankoid, I am thinking none!!! so who really wants to start an Interesting thread, not many!!

That's exactly right mate. I don't that's for sure. Time and effort in to a post to be told by a load of grumpy old men that you're wearing rose tinted glasses, as that can be the only possible explanataion for someone being happy. :bah:

People enjoy using this forum to slag Phuket off, so I get pleasure out of saying how much I love the place. Works for me :) Makes for a pretty crappy forum though. :(

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I am happy here because it is a much better place than the UK, I love the Thai people, I have never had a problem with any Thai people, I have never suffered road rage here or any problems with the police, this place is cheap compared to the UK, the weather is better than the UK, I am not treated like shit unlike the UK, Asian girls are amazing unlike the UK, as I have said before the only thing missing here is the great NHS.

Please don't tarnish us good decent people with the fat ugly perverts that come to this country only to abuse any thing that moves, these people should be hanged if caught...

The vast majority of people would agree with you Kenny, they just don't come on Thai visa to say it. Sad really, this forum could be used for so much better things. When was the last interesting photo thread, or decent interesting post? The last one I remember was a nice post about Je T'aime with photos of the food. Other than that can't think of a single one. :(

Simple answer here, how many threads have you seen on tv that have not been hi jacked by a complete and utter plankoid, I am thinking none!!! so who really wants to start an Interesting thread, not many!!

That's exactly right mate. I don't that's for sure. Time and effort in to a post to be told by a load of grumpy old men that you're wearing rose tinted glasses, as that can be the only possible explanataion for someone being happy. :bah:

People enjoy using this forum to slag Phuket off, so I get pleasure out of saying how much I love the place. Works for me :) Makes for a pretty crappy forum though. :(

Crappy maybe, get in there and go fishing, there is nothing better than hooking and reeling in a couple of big ones!!!

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The price of houses is astoundingly low with REAL property that you own, the toughest part of returning is going to be having to make a decision on which cars and which houses to purchase as the glut of top choices is mind boggling. I won't mind blending in again neither and not feeling like a potential target all the time and looking out my front windows and NOT having bars on them..

Where are you going back to 'WS'? I don't know of anywhere in the developed world that is a great place to live but the property is astoundingly cheap.

Are you really going to be buying cars and houses (plural) when you go back? Are you saying you are going somewhere where the houses are cheaper than they are in Phuket?

most definitely, have several already picked out VIA the Internet. Cheaper then Phuket without a doubt relatively speaking and more over you actually OWN your house and property. If you can't make ANY worthwhile living here due to the repressive working laws without going over the invisible line of who happens to be determining your future from one day to the next.

Just try stepping over that boundary or even becoming too successful and see what hell comes down on you eventually..Especially in Mafia rich areas like Phuket..

Florida, most especially central Florida where all the fun family things to do are is astoundingly cheap right now and the real estate opportunities there are overwhelming for those who know the lay of the land like I do.. The houses are not quite Thailand cheap but definitely on par with Phuket and many even less with far more future growth potential then here.. The area is far cleaner as are the beaches and the infrastructure is 100 times better, the waters are cleaner, and again considering the quality of the houses and the surrounding area the houses work out to be much cheaper, previously valued houses in the $250,000 range going now for well under 100,000 with your choice fo area and package not just an occasional aberration..

The cool, clean fresh water springs and various lakes in that part of Florida are un-matched, Rainbow, Wekiva, Silver, you can flip a quarter in and with a mask at the surface tell if it's heads or tails in 20 feet of water.. Catching huge large mouth Bass is almost unsporting as you can see them watching and waiting and when they strike, almost unsporting.. Owning your own boat and driving it and using it anywhere!! Camping, fishing both salt and fresh, Disney, Bush Gardens, nice restaurants, Epcot, Universal studios, cape Kennedy (Canaveral), Race tracks, pro sports NFL, Baseball, NBA Basketball, MLS, NASL, NHL Hockey take your pick, nice athletic fields for my boys, sunshine and even nasty thunderstorms unlike anything here and hurricanes I miss them all, keeps life from being humdrum.. A frigging decent autoparts store is to be had too, numbers of them where it;s in and out here it's couple weeks just to track down a few simple parts but none from the same store or machine shop services go to ten different places to get a few things done and it's NEVER how you asked for it, these things always add up to more money when your time is money and so is the quality, it's foolish not to factor them into the decision.. Yes all of these factor into the overall price of living somewhere.

No earthquakes or tsunami's though plenty of warning for hurricanes and still seldom do they hit the location you're actually living in in spite of how it looks when you see it on a satellite.. My flexibility in the business environment back home hold very few limits for me in this economy, in economies such as this in the past I've made a killing due to my flexibility to fill the void in the skilled services fields and now that's going to include real estate.. This isn't a bad market for them it's a boon that's going to make many rich over the next few years, it's now a buyers market..

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Yes thank you Kenny, you're a newbie here so not jaded yet but I agree if you came from England you're much better off here. No moaning no whinging just stating the realities and not even beginning a new thread about it.. Unlike many here my situation is different as I didn't come here for the usual sexpat, Tefl or retirement dreams so I've never been happy and never would be.. I have always accepted that but for the sake of my family have done the best I could with the circumstances dictated.. This move was a severe sacrifice and huge step down for me but an unavoidable one, until now that is, but returning is going to be more sacrifice initially as my boys mother will not be able to come with but in spite of the injustice of that you don't see me moaning or whining about it do you?..

The timing is ripe now though so soon it will be asta la vista baby!!

This post makes no sense. Firstly you say Kenny is only happy because he's a newbie. What about the people that have lived here happily for 10, 15, even 20+ years? Are you insinuating the progression from newbie to jaded, to wanting to leave is a formality for everybody?

To be honest your opinions are a moot point because you admitted you haven't been happy here since day one, so for you to tell us you want to leave is the biggest case of stating the obvious I've seen for a long time.

Finally, surely if you are not leaving until next year, that will be enough time to get the relevant visas for your wife to go with. I can't think of anything worse than seperating children from their mother.

Last year 3.5 million people came through Phuket airport. This year they estimate it will be about 4 million. The fact of the matter is, whether you unhappy souls can accept it or not, is that Phuket is a hugely popular destination loved by millions of people, that come back again and again. The vast majority of people that are lucky enough to live, or spend long periods of time here, are as happy as the proverbial pig. The people that aren't happy here normally have a very good reason not to be so. Either they didn't have enough money to enjoy it properly, they had failed relationships, or most commonly just couldn't adapt to what is a very different culture and way of life, and are much better suited to the familiar surroundings they grew up in.

If you are not happy some where you move on. If you are unhappy some where, and you constantly moan and slag the place off to strangers on the interweb, you are high lighting more cracks in your character than the place you are berating.

It makes plenty of sense and how do you now what the visa requirements are for my wife? Do you know us? Or our situation here? Mighty presumptuous of you speaking out of turn you are..

Because I've never been happy here since it was not my original goal makes my point more valid, not less, I'm looking at the realistic view, not through, as some would say, rose colored glasses. I came from a place that is ten fold more beautiful in all aspects weather not being the least then here so unlike you I have a much more even perspective, the lovely ladies notwithstanding don't apply to this married family man.. Phuket has nice mountains in relation to the ocean over Florida but now I've seen them and it's no longer awe inspiring and other things become more important, their beauty was short lived and now I want out before me or my family get electrocuted or something by some fool laying down electric lines in a puddle or repairing a pool light by splicing a 240v line under water that shouldn't even be 240v in the first place. And yes that's a real life example I've seen it first hand and made some loud noise to the management when I was at pool side knowing it was incompetent.. Just like installing an electrical meter 4 feet of the ground on a light pole is.. My boy could reach them when he was only 4 if he was so inclined to as many young children with curiosity are.

JFYI the OP is not just leaving Phuket he's leaving Thailand as a whole so no need to be so region defensive, I see it the same way he does but of everywhere I've lived here, Phuket was my favorite because it was more like back home..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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Sound like you shouldn't have left in the first place mate. ;)

And the crime against tourists in popular places like Miami is very low of course. :whistling:

I wouldn't have if circumstances did not dictate the need where my family is concerned so lets leave it at the fact that I'm just a dedicated father and reliable husband. And while were at it why don't we just whittle down 65,555 square miles of the state of Florida to one city of "Miami" I wouldn't live in Miami anymore then I want to live here.. Last I checked Miami was no where near Central Florida :rolleyes: ... You must have read about Florida somewhere as you certainly don't seem to be speaking from personal experience.. Miami is closer to Cuba then it is to central Florida in more ways then one..

Actually it has dropped considerably and at least the government and police don't cover it up in denial trying to say there is none. They implement REAL solutions to avoid it as much as possible like rental car agencies warning against certain parts of town and bump and rob scenarios.. Here it never happens officially and even the US and British navies are subject to mafia strong arming..

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It makes plenty of sense and how do you now what the visa requirements are for my wife? Do you know us? Or our situation here? Mighty presumptuous of you speaking out of turn you are..

Because I've never been happy here since it was not my original goal makes my point more valid, not less, I'm looking at the realistic view, not through, as some would say, rose colored glasses. I came from a place that is ten fold more beautiful in all aspects weather not being the least then here so unlike you I have a much more even perspective, the lovely ladies notwithstanding don't apply to this married family man.. Phuket has nice mountains in relation to the ocean over Florida but now I've seen them and it's no longer awe inspiring and other things become more important, their beauty was short lived and now I want out before me or my family get electrocuted or something by some fool laying down electric lines in a puddle or repairing a pool light by splicing a 240v line under water that shouldn't even be 240v in the first place. And yes that's a real life example I've seen it first hand and made some loud noise to the management when I was at pool side knowing it was incompetent.. Just like installing an electrical meter 4 feet of the ground on a light pole is.. My boy could reach them when he was only 4 if he was so inclined to as many young children with curiosity are.

JFYI the OP is not just leaving Phuket he's leaving Thailand as a whole so no need to be so region defensive, I see it the same way he does but of everywhere I've lived here, Phuket was my favorite because it was more like back home..

I'm not trying to wind you up, but if you didn't want to discuss your personal situation, you shouldn't have brought it up on a forum.

I don't agree that your point is more valid in the slightest. If you haven't liked the place from the first day you got here, and it was never part of your plan to be here, then how is you wanting to leave a not worthy event? The OP used to like it here and now doesn't, that isn't the case with you, you've never liked it, so I fail to see how your point is more valid.

You implied, which so many people do, that Kenny will undoubtedly become jaded at some point in the future, and his love of the place is a direct result of him being a newbie. You didn't answer my question as to what happened with the people who have been happy here for decades How do they fit in to your theory?

Isn't the truth of the matter (exactly what I mentioned in another thread recently) that you just simply aren't cut out for life in a developing country, and like the vast majority of people in the world, need to be in the familiar surroundings of your home town/country? Isn't that all there is to it?

P.S You lost any respect I may have had for your arguement when you mentioned spectacles of a certain colour. :(

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It makes plenty of sense and how do you now what the visa requirements are for my wife? Do you know us? Or our situation here? Mighty presumptuous of you speaking out of turn you are..

Because I've never been happy here since it was not my original goal makes my point more valid, not less, I'm looking at the realistic view, not through, as some would say, rose colored glasses. I came from a place that is ten fold more beautiful in all aspects weather not being the least then here so unlike you I have a much more even perspective, the lovely ladies notwithstanding don't apply to this married family man.. Phuket has nice mountains in relation to the ocean over Florida but now I've seen them and it's no longer awe inspiring and other things become more important, their beauty was short lived and now I want out before me or my family get electrocuted or something by some fool laying down electric lines in a puddle or repairing a pool light by splicing a 240v line under water that shouldn't even be 240v in the first place. And yes that's a real life example I've seen it first hand and made some loud noise to the management when I was at pool side knowing it was incompetent.. Just like installing an electrical meter 4 feet of the ground on a light pole is.. My boy could reach them when he was only 4 if he was so inclined to as many young children with curiosity are.

JFYI the OP is not just leaving Phuket he's leaving Thailand as a whole so no need to be so region defensive, I see it the same way he does but of everywhere I've lived here, Phuket was my favorite because it was more like back home..

I'm not trying to wind you up, but if you didn't want to discuss your personal situation, you shouldn't have brought it up on a forum.

I don't agree that your point is more valid in the slightest. If you haven't liked the place from the first day you got here, and it was never part of your plan to be here, then how is you wanting to leave a not worthy event? The OP used to like it here and now doesn't, that isn't the case with you, you've never liked it, so I fail to see how your point is more valid.

You implied, which so many people do, that Kenny will undoubtedly become jaded at some point in the future, and his love of the place is a direct result of him being a newbie. You didn't answer my question as to what happened with the people who have been happy here for decades How do they fit in to your theory?

Isn't the truth of the matter (exactly what I mentioned in another thread recently) that you just simply aren't cut out for life in a developing country, and like the vast majority of people in the world, need to be in the familiar surroundings of your home town/country? Isn't that all there is to it?

P.S You lost any respect I may have had for your arguement when you mentioned spectacles of a certain colour. :(

I didn't bring up my personal info on the forum, you did by meddling and making broad ASSumptions, I still haven't mentioned anything about it.... I'm not concerned in the least with WHAT you think.....

I make no apologies about NOT wanting to step back in time and live in a "developing country" just to repeat all the mistakes modern countries have already learned to avoid so that tone of offense has no bearing what-so-ever on me..

I could really give a toss whether or not you or anyone respects my point on the matter I've been here long enough to know from what I speak, it still remains valid and you have the choice of respecting it or not, won't affect my life in the least....

My perspective from the people I've met (a wide cross section) he will eventually become jaded, the numbers who haven't are far fewer and far between then those who have.. Check out the thread full of admitted recluse's to see how many really feel. It's just that after a certain point for most there is no returning due to multiple factors so they just stick it out with no alternatives and make the best of it or knock themselves off....

P.S. I couldn't avoid mentioning the glasses of the offending color there was no other example I could think of that would get the point across and you all mentioned it first..

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I didn't bring up my personal info on the forum, you did by meddling and making broad ASSumptions, I still haven't mentioned anything about it.... I'm not concerned in the least with WHAT you think.....

I make no apologies about NOT wanting to step back in time and live in a "developing country" just to repeat all the mistakes modern countries have already learned to avoid so that tone of offense has no bearing what-so-ever on me..

I could really give a toss whether or not you or anyone respects my point on the matter I've been here long enough to know from what I speak, it still remains valid and you have the choice of respecting it or not, won't affect my life in the least....

My perspective from the people I've met (a wide cross section) he will eventually become jaded, the numbers who haven't are far fewer and far between then those who have.. Check out the thread full of admitted recluse's to see how many really feel. It's just that after a certain point for most there is no returning due to multiple factors so they just stick it out with no alternatives and make the best of it or knock themselves off....

P.S. I couldn't avoid mentioning the glasses of the offending color there was no other example I could think of that would get the point across and you all mentioned it first..

How did I know that your wife wasn't going with you and your sons, and that this was something that caused you concern, if you didn't tell me? You brought up personal information. If you wanted to have a chat with yourself, you should have gone and stood in front of the bathroom mirror with a hair brush, not come on a forum.

I haven't provoked you in any way, and I haven't suggested you should care about my opinion. If you can't handle discussing something, then don't bring it up on a forum.

I asked you about your people becoming jaded comment, and finally you have taken the time to answer it, and this is where we disagree. You think more people become jaded than don't, based on the people you've met and some internet forum threads. This is where I believe you and many others have it very very wrong, and I've simply been giving you that opinion. Do I expect you to care? No more than I care about yours I guess.

You made it quite clear that you've never liked living here, so your opinion will always be bias. You said Thailand is no good for you because of the limited work options. Well that's obvious. If you need to work, then moving to a country that doesn't have very good work options is going to cause a problem. It's a bit like wanting to skii and moving to a country that never has snow.

This island is full of people from top to bottom that have fantastic lives. People that live in million pound houses, people that own million pound boats, people that eat in fantastic restaurants every night of the week. People that spend their time sailing, riding motorbikes, diving, playing golf and everything else you can imagine. Why would these people become jaded? Why are they suddenly going to stop having the time of their lives, just because you don't like it here?

You're just another bloke on a forum that can't just say 'Phuket isn't for me' or 'I don't like it here' but you have to add that Kenny will become jaded soon too, and more people will become jaded than will continue to enjoy the place. It's a common thing on forums, make yourself feel better by trying to drag others down to you.

Whatever gets you through the day mate.

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I didn't bring up my personal info on the forum, you did by meddling and making broad ASSumptions, I still haven't mentioned anything about it.... I'm not concerned in the least with WHAT you think.....

I make no apologies about NOT wanting to step back in time and live in a "developing country" just to repeat all the mistakes modern countries have already learned to avoid so that tone of offense has no bearing what-so-ever on me..

I could really give a toss whether or not you or anyone respects my point on the matter I've been here long enough to know from what I speak, it still remains valid and you have the choice of respecting it or not, won't affect my life in the least....

My perspective from the people I've met (a wide cross section) he will eventually become jaded, the numbers who haven't are far fewer and far between then those who have.. Check out the thread full of admitted recluse's to see how many really feel. It's just that after a certain point for most there is no returning due to multiple factors so they just stick it out with no alternatives and make the best of it or knock themselves off....

P.S. I couldn't avoid mentioning the glasses of the offending color there was no other example I could think of that would get the point across and you all mentioned it first..

How did I know that your wife wasn't going with you and your sons, and that this was something that caused you concern, if you didn't tell me? You brought up personal information. If you wanted to have a chat with yourself, you should have gone and stood in front of the bathroom mirror with a hair brush, not come on a forum.

I haven't provoked you in any way, and I haven't suggested you should care about my opinion. If you can't handle discussing something, then don't bring it up on a forum.

I asked you about your people becoming jaded comment, and finally you have taken the time to answer it, and this is where we disagree. You think more people become jaded than don't, based on the people you've met and some internet forum threads. This is where I believe you and many others have it very very wrong, and I've simply been giving you that opinion. Do I expect you to care? No more than I care about yours I guess.

You made it quite clear that you've never liked living here, so your opinion will always be bias. You said Thailand is no good for you because of the limited work options. Well that's obvious. If you need to work, then moving to a country that doesn't have very good work options is going to cause a problem. It's a bit like wanting to skii and moving to a country that never has snow.

This island is full of people from top to bottom that have fantastic lives. People that live in million pound houses, people that own million pound boats, people that eat in fantastic restaurants every night of the week. People that spend their time sailing, riding motorbikes, diving, playing golf and everything else you can imagine. Why would these people become jaded? Why are they suddenly going to stop having the time of their lives, just because you don't like it here?

You're just another bloke on a forum that can't just say 'Phuket isn't for me' or 'I don't like it here' but you have to add that Kenny will become jaded soon too, and more people will become jaded than will continue to enjoy the place. It's a common thing on forums, make yourself feel better by trying to drag others down to you.

Whatever gets you through the day mate.

But posting that did not indicate I wanted meddling people to make ASSumptions about what they have no understanding of, I limited my response to what I FELT was necessary to make my point beyond that any further ASSumptions on your part where out of order..

This being a forum I can discuss anything I wish to and avoid anything I wish to as well, I'm not obligated to do anymore then that but it doesn't limit me from presenting my point of view.....

You continue to make baseless ASSumptions in the entire context of your post so this will be the end of the discussion, you may go back to your beer now.. Besides True Internet is <deleted> tonight, another valid reason to hate it here..

Edited by WarpSpeed
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You can say as much or as little as you like mate, that's obviouse. You made a bold statement that you think considerably more people that live in phuket will end up jaded than will continue to be happy here. I question that theory especially seeing as it comes from someone who's never been happy here, ever, and put it down to the typical bitterness of people who aren't able to live in a developing country and in a different country of their birth, and try to validate this by convincing themselves that they are in the majority that feel this way.

The fact that you want to say these things but then brush over them when questioned, confirms my theory.

After you've left, the vast majority of people will continue to enjoy phuket. I'm sorry that troubles you so.

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I am happy here because it is a much better place than the UK, I love the Thai people, I have never had a problem with any Thai people, I have never suffered road rage here or any problems with the police, this place is cheap compared to the UK, the weather is better than the UK, I am not treated like shit unlike the UK, Asian girls are amazing unlike the UK, as I have said before the only thing missing here is the great NHS.

Please don't tarnish us good decent people with the fat ugly perverts that come to this country only to abuse any thing that moves, these people should be hanged if caught...

The vast majority of people would agree with you Kenny, they just don't come on Thai visa to say it. Sad really, this forum could be used for so much better things. When was the last interesting photo thread, or decent interesting post? The last one I remember was a nice post about Je T'aime with photos of the food. Other than that can't think of a single one. :(

You are both living in cloud cuckcoo land.

Why would anyone be interested in photos of where they live?

Either we enjoy the beauty or, find other aspects of living here bad enough to move away.

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"My perspective from the people I've met (a wide cross section) he will eventually become jaded, the numbers who haven't are far fewer and far between then those who have."

That's absolutely right.

Some of us get past the disillusionment - others don't.

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Yes thank you Kenny, you're a newbie here so not jaded yet but I agree if you came from England you're much better off here. No moaning no whinging just stating the realities and not even beginning a new thread about it.. Unlike many here my situation is different as I didn't come here for the usual sexpat, Tefl or retirement dreams so I've never been happy and never would be.. I have always accepted that but for the sake of my family have done the best I could with the circumstances dictated.. This move was a severe sacrifice and huge step down for me but an unavoidable one, until now that is, but returning is going to be more sacrifice initially as my boys mother will not be able to come with but in spite of the injustice of that you don't see me moaning or whining about it do you?..

The timing is ripe now though so soon it will be asta la vista baby!!

This post makes no sense. Firstly you say Kenny is only happy because he's a newbie. What about the people that have lived here happily for 10, 15, even 20+ years? Are you insinuating the progression from newbie to jaded, to wanting to leave is a formality for everybody?

To be honest your opinions are a moot point because you admitted you haven't been happy here since day one, so for you to tell us you want to leave is the biggest case of stating the obvious I've seen for a long time.

Finally, surely if you are not leaving until next year, that will be enough time to get the relevant visas for your wife to go with. I can't think of anything worse than seperating children from their mother.

Last year 3.5 million people came through Phuket airport. This year they estimate it will be about 4 million. The fact of the matter is, whether you unhappy souls can accept it or not, is that Phuket is a hugely popular destination loved by millions of people, that come back again and again. The vast majority of people that are lucky enough to live, or spend long periods of time here, are as happy as the proverbial pig. The people that aren't happy here normally have a very good reason not to be so. Either they didn't have enough money to enjoy it properly, they had failed relationships, or most commonly just couldn't adapt to what is a very different culture and way of life, and are much better suited to the familiar surroundings they grew up in.

If you are not happy some where you move on. If you are unhappy some where, and you constantly moan and slag the place off to strangers on the interweb, you are high lighting more cracks in your character than the place you are berating.

I am happy here because it is a much better place than the UK, I love the Thai people, I have never had a problem with any Thai people, I have never suffered road rage here or any problems with the police, this place is cheap compared to the UK, the weather is better than the UK, I am not treated like shit unlike the UK, Asian girls are amazing unlike the UK, as I have said before the only thing missing here is the great NHS.

Please don't tarnish us good decent people with the fat ugly perverts that come to this country only to abuse any thing that moves, these people should be hanged if caught...

Excuse my language, but you are now talking complete <deleted> - unless you are living way up North where there are few people on the road.

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The price of houses is astoundingly low with REAL property that you own, the toughest part of returning is going to be having to make a decision on which cars and which houses to purchase as the glut of top choices is mind boggling. I won't mind blending in again neither and not feeling like a potential target all the time and looking out my front windows and NOT having bars on them..

Where are you going back to 'WS'? I don't know of anywhere in the developed world that is a great place to live but the property is astoundingly cheap.

Are you really going to be buying cars and houses (plural) when you go back? Are you saying you are going somewhere where the houses are cheaper than they are in Phuket?

most definitely, have several already picked out VIA the Internet. Cheaper then Phuket without a doubt relatively speaking and more over you actually OWN your house and property. If you can't make ANY worthwhile living here due to the repressive working laws without going over the invisible line of who happens to be determining your future from one day to the next.

Just try stepping over that boundary or even becoming too successful and see what hell comes down on you eventually..Especially in Mafia rich areas like Phuket..

Florida, most especially central Florida where all the fun family things to do are is astoundingly cheap right now and the real estate opportunities there are overwhelming for those who know the lay of the land like I do.. The houses are not quite Thailand cheap but definitely on par with Phuket and many even less with far more future growth potential then here.. The area is far cleaner as are the beaches and the infrastructure is 100 times better, the waters are cleaner, and again considering the quality of the houses and the surrounding area the houses work out to be much cheaper, previously valued houses in the $250,000 range going now for well under 100,000 with your choice fo area and package not just an occasional aberration..

The cool, clean fresh water springs and various lakes in that part of Florida are un-matched, Rainbow, Wekiva, Silver, you can flip a quarter in and with a mask at the surface tell if it's heads or tails in 20 feet of water.. Catching huge large mouth Bass is almost unsporting as you can see them watching and waiting and when they strike, almost unsporting.. Owning your own boat and driving it and using it anywhere!! Camping, fishing both salt and fresh, Disney, Bush Gardens, nice restaurants, Epcot, Universal studios, cape Kennedy (Canaveral), Race tracks, pro sports NFL, Baseball, NBA Basketball, MLS, NASL, NHL Hockey take your pick, nice athletic fields for my boys, sunshine and even nasty thunderstorms unlike anything here and hurricanes I miss them all, keeps life from being humdrum.. A frigging decent autoparts store is to be had too, numbers of them where it;s in and out here it's couple weeks just to track down a few simple parts but none from the same store or machine shop services go to ten different places to get a few things done and it's NEVER how you asked for it, these things always add up to more money when your time is money and so is the quality, it's foolish not to factor them into the decision.. Yes all of these factor into the overall price of living somewhere.

No earthquakes or tsunami's though plenty of warning for hurricanes and still seldom do they hit the location you're actually living in in spite of how it looks when you see it on a satellite.. My flexibility in the business environment back home hold very few limits for me in this economy, in economies such as this in the past I've made a killing due to my flexibility to fill the void in the skilled services fields and now that's going to include real estate.. This isn't a bad market for them it's a boon that's going to make many rich over the next few years, it's now a buyers market..

I lived in St Augustine for an extended period and it wasn't exactly like you make out. Every time a hurricane hit, which was at least once a year it would pretty much blow the house away. They would then rebuilt it out of new sticks and the same thing would happen again the next year. We had to evacuate everytime. No local bars in pretty much any of the neighborhoods and Taxis far more expensive than here (but people didn't moan about the prices) and no decent nightclubs unless travelling to Jacksonville or Orlando.

Sport was good, loved the NFL, College football, Ice hockey etc. Not sure i would emigrate/migrate for an autoparts store, If i was you in that regard i would pay someone to do the running around for you, especially if time is money.

Anyhow, I feel its far more laid back here, better night life, more of a community feel and cheaper in pretty much every regard. If people don't have an income from abroad, aren't good at what they do or have no skills then its best not to stay or even to have come here in the first place in my opinion. If you are good at what you do or are a specialist then you can get a work permit no problem, I think the law works well here. Everyone I know that fall into the categories I have mentioned are all happy and successful in Phuket.

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I am happy here because it is a much better place than the UK, I love the Thai people, I have never had a problem with any Thai people, I have never suffered road rage here or any problems with the police, this place is cheap compared to the UK, the weather is better than the UK, I am not treated like shit unlike the UK, Asian girls are amazing unlike the UK, as I have said before the only thing missing here is the great NHS.

Please don't tarnish us good decent people with the fat ugly perverts that come to this country only to abuse any thing that moves, these people should be hanged if caught...

The vast majority of people would agree with you Kenny, they just don't come on Thai visa to say it. Sad really, this forum could be used for so much better things. When was the last interesting photo thread, or decent interesting post? The last one I remember was a nice post about Je T'aime with photos of the food. Other than that can't think of a single one. :(

You are both living in cloud cuckcoo land.

Why would anyone be interested in photos of where they live?

Either we enjoy the beauty or, find other aspects of living here bad enough to move away.

That's just it, people who get pleasure from moaning about every tiny thing won't. People who live enjoyable, interesting lives probably would. People use forums 100% for their own benefit, instead of putting a little bit of thought about others in to it. The vast majority of people that will visit this site know very little about Phuket, and they would enjoy seeing photos of somebodies day trip to Raya, or recent road trip to Krabi etc, and I myself would find it much more enjoyable than reading the constant old man moaning on here. But instead people use the forum as a form of therapy, to share their pain and missery. :bah:

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"My perspective from the people I've met (a wide cross section) he will eventually become jaded, the numbers who haven't are far fewer and far between then those who have."

That's absolutely right.

Some of us get past the disillusionment - others don't.

Yet another self centered, ego centric,I have disillusionment so every body must post. :bah:

Why haven't you mentioned the people that don't have any. Oh that's right, that can't possibly exist can they, because that would mean they are different to you, and that can't be possible can it?

Edited by BangTaoBoy
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Excuse my language, but you are now talking complete <deleted> - unless you are living way up North where there are few people on the road.

You're refusing point blank, to accept that he hasn't had any problems with road rage? :o Wow!!

So you think everyone o the island has the same life and experiences as you?

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Excuse my language, but you are now talking complete <deleted> - unless you are living way up North where there are few people on the road.

You're refusing point blank, to accept that he hasn't had any problems with road rage? :o Wow!!

So you think everyone o the island has the same life and experiences as you?

Never had a problem here in Phuket on the roads or other wise, people who refuse to believe this obviously have had many problems and are jealous!!! also they have a bad attitude and enjoy constant moaning ha ha

Forgot to mention 2 yrs and nearly 30,000kms and never a cross word to-wards any one only smiles and polite waves from other road users and of course my self

14 pages now what a great thread!!

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I lived in St Augustine for an extended period and it wasn't exactly like you make out. Every time a hurricane hit, which was at least once a year it would pretty much blow the house away. They would then rebuilt it out of new sticks and the same thing would happen again the next year. We had to evacuate everytime. No local bars in pretty much any of the neighborhoods and Taxis far more expensive than here (but people didn't moan about the prices) and no decent nightclubs unless travelling to Jacksonville or Orlando.

Sport was good, loved the NFL, College football, Ice hockey etc. Not sure i would emigrate/migrate for an autoparts store, If i was you in that regard i would pay someone to do the running around for you, especially if time is money.

Anyhow, I feel its far more laid back here, better night life, more of a community feel and cheaper in pretty much every regard. If people don't have an income from abroad, aren't good at what they do or have no skills then its best not to stay or even to have come here in the first place in my opinion. If you are good at what you do or are a specialist then you can get a work permit no problem, I think the law works well here. Everyone I know that fall into the categories I have mentioned are all happy and successful in Phuket.

Good post. Phuket isn't suitable for a lot of people, and people who need to work for a living fall in to that category. As do people who will never be able to adapt to living in a developing country and the vastly different way things are done in one.

It's up to people to find somewhere to live that suits them and makes them happy. It's not down to the place to change and adapt to the kind of place you want it to be. If you don't understand that you are destined to be unhappy and a forum moaner and groaner.

Most people stay very close to where they grew up for their entire lives, and there is a good reason for that. Most people aren't wired to adapt and accept a different way of life to the one they are used to it. It's down to those people to realise this and stay at home.

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Excuse my language, but you are now talking complete <deleted> - unless you are living way up North where there are few people on the road.

You're refusing point blank, to accept that he hasn't had any problems with road rage? :o Wow!!

So you think everyone o the island has the same life and experiences as you?

Never had a problem here in Phuket on the roads or other wise, people who refuse to believe this obviously have had many problems and are jealous!!! also they have a bad attitude and enjoy constant moaning ha ha

Forgot to mention 2 yrs and nearly 30,000kms and never a cross word to-wards any one only smiles and polite waves from other road users and of course my self

14 pages now what a great thread!!

True, the only people I had problems with down there were foreigners on 2 occasions... Oh! One Thai lady who obviously had a foreign husband her English was too good, but she felt entitled to a parking space by going against the traffic to go around those of us who were patiently waiting for several minutes traveling in the right direction to get spaces and the guy pulling out saw her coming and blocked her while he was pulling out so I could get the space instead :cheesy: ... That was a good day in Phuket for me :lol: ..

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