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Any recommendations for cheap but quality options for making calls to the US from Bangkok?

I make and receive lot of calls and have previously used my Global Skype account. However, I've been in the US a couple months and it seems the quality is not as good calling Thailand as it was calling to the US from Thailand.

I see a lot of people talking about different technology available but just wonder if the quality is any better than Skype. I also need to have a US phone number for incoming calls as well as for caller ID.

Also, is there any real increase in quality or reliability by getting a faster internet connection in BKK? There seems to be a real slow down once the data leaves the country but not sure if that is a cap or the slow down would be proportional to my internet speed.


Magic Jack -- you can have a Canadian phone number as well as US- free calls and they have call display . Their site looks trashy but the service is great. You need to purchase the gizmo a USB jack that plugs into a proper phone. There are many resellers in BKK.


If all you require is to call the U.S./Canada then yes, magicJack offers the best balance of price and performance. Since you are currently in the U.S. then maybe best to buy one there. They are available at a wide variety of retail stores: Radio Shack, WalMart, Walgreens, Best Buy, Frys, etc. List price is $39.95 and that gives you one year of free service (free calls to/within the U.S.A. and Canada), $19.95 per year thereafter (lower per year costs available with multi-year renewals). You can get a local number pretty much anywhere, this hardware device requires a PC with USB and uses a standard POTs telephone. You get CPID and Voicemail (with .WAV attachment sent to your email), which is handy. No SMS though; get a free Google Voice, sign up when in the U.S., account/number for this service.

Traditional VoIP service in the U.S. providers charge $ 8 ~ $30 per month, but you do get a lot more features/functionality.

You can also get VoIP service here in Thailand, a different application admittedly but useful if in another country for a long period and needing to call back to Thailand often. CAT, TOT and True all offer VoIP services.

There have been a gazillion threads on this subject so a search might reveal more alternatives/recommendations.

VoIP doesn't really consume that much bandwidth as a %, given a DSL line is used. Just make sure you turn off or limit all applications like BT, FTP which might use up any/all available bandwidth when using VoIP here.


If you are only gonna use 1 concurrent call there is no need really to upgrade your DSL connection. When talking VoIP the bandwidth consumption is as follows:

Codec BR NEB

G.711 64 Kbps 87.2 Kbps

G.729 8 Kbps 31.2 Kbps

G.723.1 6.4 Kbps 21.9 Kbps

G.723.1 5.3 Kbps 20.8 Kbps

G.726 32 Kbps 55.2 Kbps

G.726 24 Kbps 47.2 Kbps

G.728 16 Kbps 31.5 Kbps

iLBC 15 Kbps 27.7 Kbps

Now, most VoIP providers use G729 codec and in your case it would eat around 34 kbs both download and upload. I assume that this provider does not have a colocation in Thailand so this bandwidth will be International. Should not be a problem anyway as its only 34 kbs.

In case it's for real business use and you need to "look" big you might want to look into signing up with someone doing a hosted IP-PBX solution where you can get IVR, Waiting music, forwarding to your Thai mobile etc at a fair price. Many of these around. You would most likely get an ATA (analog telephone adaptor) where you enter information and use a standard POTS telephone to call using VoIP.

There are a couple of good VoIP providers in Thailand but obviously more focused on their own SIP Trunks in Thailand but oversea calling is possible as well. CAT, True and TOT's VoIP are not really reliable imo as they are not really focused on this area for now, but as I mentioned others are.

Hope this helps.


www.voipcheap.com as long as you have Credit you can call USA for Free.

Thailand also only costs 1c a minute (Euro prices)

I've used them for years better call quality than Skype in my experience. And you can get a US phone number which can be diverted to your Thai mobile or picked up at your computer

If you SMS America then get this

www.fishtext.com very reliable cost effective texting. If your on iCon, Android, Windows or Blackberry you can use the internet to send SMS's and they have your phones number.


If you are only gonna use 1 concurrent call there is no need really to upgrade your DSL connection. When talking VoIP the bandwidth consumption is as follows:

Codec BR NEB

G.711 64 Kbps 87.2 Kbps

G.729 8 Kbps 31.2 Kbps

G.723.1 6.4 Kbps 21.9 Kbps

G.723.1 5.3 Kbps 20.8 Kbps

G.726 32 Kbps 55.2 Kbps

G.726 24 Kbps 47.2 Kbps

G.728 16 Kbps 31.5 Kbps

iLBC 15 Kbps 27.7 Kbps

Now, most VoIP providers use G729 codec and in your case it would eat around 34 kbs both download and upload. I assume that this provider does not have a colocation in Thailand so this bandwidth will be International. Should not be a problem anyway as its only 34 kbs.

In case it's for real business use and you need to "look" big you might want to look into signing up with someone doing a hosted IP-PBX solution where you can get IVR, Waiting music, forwarding to your Thai mobile etc at a fair price. Many of these around. You would most likely get an ATA (analog telephone adaptor) where you enter information and use a standard POTS telephone to call using VoIP.

There are a couple of good VoIP providers in Thailand but obviously more focused on their own SIP Trunks in Thailand but oversea calling is possible as well. CAT, True and TOT's VoIP are not really reliable imo as they are not really focused on this area for now, but as I mentioned others are.

Hope this helps.

It sounds like Skype is still my best bet UNLESS for some reason you believe another option has better quality. For approx. $15 a month I have pretty much unlimited calling to the US and have voicemail, call forwarding and a number of other features including a US phone number and being able to show that US number on those I call caller ID.

Also, when a VOIP connection does drop or has a bad connection, what is the usual reason? And would signing up for a faster speed help make VOIP more stable?

FYI, Skype worked fairly well for me in Thailand but now in the US it does't seem to be as consistent when calling Thailand. HOWEVER, this could be because I am calling cell phones and the cells may actually be the problem.


Do any of you guys actually use Magic Jack? I've seen the advertisements but always assumed it was a little bit too good to be true. Their commercials are kind of like infomercials selling the latest new product to loose weight or have a bigger penis.


moving to internet forum


Sorry for the ignorance but what is the best way to find a list of topics? I still have not figured that out. I always search for a forum with a like subject and create a topic there. I've never found a way to search for topics or find a list of topics.


Do any of you guys actually use Magic Jack? I've seen the advertisements but always assumed it was a little bit too good to be true. Their commercials are kind of like infomercials selling the latest new product to loose weight or have a bigger penis.

I have used the Magic Jack in Thailand for the last three years. After the first year I extended my account for an additional 5 years via their web site

Just remember that in order for it to work you must have your computer on 24/7 BUT if someone calls you and the computer is not on, you will automatically get an email with a voice mail attachment (handy if the calling party forgets about the time difference)

The calls have always been crystal clear on both ends and once you pay there are no hidden charges. I have SKYPE but find that the convenience of having a US number, caller ID, and the use of a real telephone versus Skype headphones makes the MJ an all around better deal


I use VOIP Discount. It allows me to call USA or Thailand landlines & mobiles for free. I buy about 10 Euro credit and that gives me 120 free days then costs about 1c per minute.

I have been with them for many years so got an incoming phone nmber for free. Don't know if they charge now. But using the web control panel I can either set that number to ring my computer, take a voice mail or divert it for free to either my landline or mobile in the UK, USA or Thailand for free.

Great Service



There have been quite a few magicJack threads over the years and the reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. I have used magicjack for 3+ years and am very satisfied with the price/performance. My application is primarily calling Thailand to the U.S.A., and for people in the U.S.A. calling me in Thailand on a local 10 digit U.S. number based in my home town. I also go to the U.S. often, so bring my MJ and use it for intra-U.S.calls (I always have internet access.). MJ provides many, but not all, of the VoIP services you require. For $40 you should give it a try, if you don't like it you can probably sell it for that amount or more, to someone here in Thailand. Maybe have a read through some of those previous threads?

There have also been many, many VoIP threads here. They've range from simple applications to small call-center type apps. A ton of useful information. There have also been some interesting "VoIP in Thailand" threads.

A basic understanding of VoIP might explain the OP's issues. when making a VoIP call to a telephone (mobile, fixed-line) your call starts off on the internet (perhaps via an ATA device like MJ or a Cisco PAP2T) and at the far end must exit via a VoIP gateway which connects the call to the telephone network. When calling from Thailand to the U.S. you would use a VoIP gateway, perhaps one of Skype's own, in the U.S., where the VoIP gateway and associated infrastructure may be more robust. With a call from the U.S. to Thailand you would be using a VoIP gateway in Thailand, where there are fewer gateways which are overloaded with incoming calling card calls (being terminated from VoIP as well), and less robust infrastructure. The incoming VoIP calls to mobiles also have to transition from the fixed-line network here (after exiting the VoIP gateway) to the mobile network which utilizes more, older, over-used equipment.


Thanks for the info. I may end up staying with Skype, especially since I call a lot of business numbers I am looking at in a database, and Skype allows you to click on a phone number in application to have it auto dial.

However, for $40 I am definitely going to be checking out Magic Jack. I really had no idea it was for real. They should change their marketing to appear more business friendly and credible. I've only seen their ads on late night TV and the way they sell it is similar to those late night ads for getting rich quick through some product.


Google Talk is free now for calls from Thailand to the US.


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FYI, Skype worked fairly well for me in Thailand but now in the US it does't seem to be as consistent when calling Thailand. HOWEVER, this could be because I am calling cell phones and the cells may actually be the problem.

Just weighing in here, as a long-time (5 years?) Skype (which is, of course, VoIP) user, from the US to here and from here to the US, usually the service is really good either way, don't see a difference, and it's gotten better over the years. If there's a problem one way or the other, and we're calling computer to computer, I just have the other party call back.

For calls within Thailand, I use my cell phone here. For calls to the US, I have an "online number" with US Area Code 510, which means that when I call telephones in the US I get free calls within that area, regular rates for the rest of the US, and anyone in the US can call that number and reach me here just for the price of a US call. This also gives my number to anyone I'm calling with caller ID, so they can see who's calling. That cost me $24/year this year, or $2/mo, though I believe I got a discount of some kind. If I'm not online, I have call forwarding to my cell here, which does get me charged at an international rate, but I can always keep it short and call back online. All this for the package "Skype Pro"--I think that particular package name is not available anymore, not sure--for only $3/month plus whatever phone charges I incur, local to phones in the States, international if the call is to me here in Thailand or from me to anywhere outside the US. I end up paying maybe about $10/month, maybe less, for everything, a deal I still find pretty amazing. Long and short, I recommend Skype.

All this for the package "Skype Pro"--I think that particular package name is not available anymore, not sure--for only $3/month plus whatever phone charges I incur, local to phones in the States, international if the call is to me here in Thailand or from me to anywhere outside the US. I end up paying maybe about $10/month, maybe less, for everything, a deal I still find pretty amazing. Long and short, I recommend Skype.

From Skype's page...

As of April 21st, 2008, we no longer offer Skype Pro™. But, our monthly subscriptions offer great ways to save more, do more and get more.

I can't view the U.S. monthly plans, perhaps because I have a Thai IP address currently. I have to say that Skype has easily one of the most confusing websites, and pricing/packaging, I have seen. Perhaps they do this on purpose or maybe it's just incompetence?

I have to say that Skype has easily one of the most confusing websites, and pricing/packaging, I have seen. Perhaps they do this on purpose or maybe it's just incompetence?

This I agree with. It is maddening trying to figure out exactly what is going on. When I open Skype, and it shows who's online, at the top it shows me as having "no subscription." But if I go into my account details, it lists the Skype Pro subscription. I'm just glad I got it when things were still simple . . . they still dock me just $3/mo through Paypal, and nothing has changed that I can see. When I went to their web page and tried to figure things out, though, it was a maze.

I think it's incompetence. Bad design. Maybe managers who are engineers instead of administrators. Who knows, but I think if you get through the maze you can still get a really good deal.

  • 3 weeks later...


I have used Vonage for years, it works great no issues. I have used skype while traveling but also like line2 it works for iphone and Android devices. I am calling the US a lot less lately since my mother past way last Dec so I was thinking about cheaper options but with all the fees Vonage is sitll only $34 per month so not a bad deal. the thai VOIP services do not give you an incoming number so that would be useless to most. I do not want to be tied to a computer. I did that back in 2001 tell I got vonage. some of these mobile apps are very good. Line2 is only $10 per month and it works very well if you have wifi or 3g, I even used it on Edge. Skype is ok but by the tiem you ad the yearly fee for a phone number, then a plan if you pick one, well then it is not so cheap any more. for home Vonage, on your mobile Line2. $10 unlimited calling and texting to the US. on skype you can not get a text only send, that is the last I heard any how. hope this helps

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