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Where To Live In Thailand?


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Hi Everyone

I am planning on moving my family to thailand for at least a year starting in the summer of 2012 and I am looking for advice on the best place to move from people who have actually lived in the area.

From surfing this forum I can see you all require very detailed posts in order to give your opinions and if i dont give them they you may just tell me im asking a stupid question ... lol

So here it goes.. and thanks in advance for the good advice

Our family consists of 4 people, myself a 27yr old female who works online and must have internet access full time in my home.

My partner a 45 yr old male who is a heavy duty mechanic and a stock trader and must also have internet

My 2 children , both male , blond hair, blue eyes. At that time will be 7yrs and 1 1/2 years old.

We want to live in the south of thailand near the coast. We do not want to live in a busy city, but yet close to one so we can get the things we need. We like to live in peace and quiet and perferable in the country or away from busy highways or big shopping areas. We are private and love happy people and little places.

Our purpose for moving their is the ability to live at a lower exspense and enjoy the beauty of the beaches and scenery. We do not want to live in the most exspensive place there but would be willing to pay a little more than others places if the environment was nice.

As I have read in many threads in this forum, we are aware of the concerns with children and to be generally responsible, but we would like to live in a place where the prostitution is not high and their are less worries of taking your eyes away from your children for a second. I am a very cautious parent and the level of high sex industry there worries me "as it would anywhere"

I have been advised to live in a gated community, but dont know if that really necessary in all places?

I need to be near an international school or a english speaking school for my 7 years old, or at least have access to hire an english speaking in home tutor for the year we are there.

We all speak english as our first language and dont feel comfortable yet communicating in any other language so it would be great to be in an english speaking community where we can at least speak basic english to the majority of shop people and workers.

We will also be hiring many locals for nanny, tutor, cleaning, driving etc... so somewhere that people are available to us and are looking for work.

We would also like to live in an area that does not frown upon religion of any type and is open to different veiws of culture.

So these are the things we are looking for, if you could recomend a town or area that I can start research on so i can make sure i am finding the best place for our family and that we will feel comfortable and safe for the children that would be wounderful. I Know its hard to find everything we want but maybe someone can recomend an area with most of our requirements.

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but we would like to live in a place where the prostitution is not high

Hahaha...that's funny.

We all speak english as our first language and dont feel comfortable yet communicating in any other language so it would be great to be in an english speaking community where we can at least speak basic english to the majority of shop people and workers.

Surely you would want to try and learn some of the language while you are here......even if it is to get the smallest ounce of respect from the locals.

We would also like to live in an area that does not frown upon religion of any type and is open to different veiws of culture.


We will also be hiring many locals for nanny, tutor, cleaning, driving etc... so somewhere that people are available to us and are looking for work.

Have you thought of raising your kids by yourself since you work at home? How about buying a car and driving yourself...or using public transport? What about cleaning your home by yourself?

Look...if u wanna live in the south of Thailand, near international schools and where you communicate in English then go and live in Phuket. Beware of the Thai mafia, prostitutes and the Swedes.

Oh...and by the way... will you get a work permit? You'll need one.

Edited by nottocus
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this topic sounds a bit odd.

but if its real. perhaps karon or kata beach in phuket would suit you. its hard to find any where in south thailand where there is no nightlife and at the same time good internet. these two places would have decent internet and only limited nightlife and most of the bars close during low season.

plus they have great beaches and not far from some schools for your kids.

Edited by irishken
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Don't listen to the answer above (first answer), it does not represent Thailand. Many other member (often with 1000's of posts and long membership) will give you a better guide. The only thing member 'nottocus' wrote which is near true is regarding "We would also like to live in an area that does not frown upon religion of any type". It is only if you try to 'spread the word' that you may find a problem, if you don't then you will be fine.

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Don't listen to the answer above (first answer), it does not represent Thailand. Many other member (often with 1000's of posts and long membership) will give you a better guide. The only thing member 'nottocus' wrote which is near true is regarding "We would also like to live in an area that does not frown upon religion of any type". It is only if you try to 'spread the word' that you may find a problem, if you don't then you will be fine.

whats wrong with my answer

edit:ok,i see you didnt mean merolleyes.gif

Edited by irishken
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Don't listen to the answer above (first answer), it does not represent Thailand. Many other member (often with 1000's of posts and long membership) will give you a better guide. The only thing member 'nottocus' wrote which is near true is regarding "We would also like to live in an area that does not frown upon religion of any type". It is only if you try to 'spread the word' that you may find a problem, if you don't then you will be fine.

Mmmm...let me see....a place in Thailand with no prostitution. Open your eyes.

Trying to learn the local language is a good idea.

Thais don't exactly embrace other cultures.

I still don't see why the OP needs to hire all these workers when they themselves will be working at home and there kids will be at school.

Work permit = needed

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Don't listen to the answer above (first answer), it does not represent Thailand. Many other member (often with 1000's of posts and long membership) will give you a better guide. The only thing member 'nottocus' wrote which is near true is regarding "We would also like to live in an area that does not frown upon religion of any type". It is only if you try to 'spread the word' that you may find a problem, if you don't then you will be fine.

Mmmm...let me see....a place in Thailand with no prostitution. Open your eyes.

Trying to learn the local language is a good idea.

Thais don't exactly embrace other cultures.

I still don't see why the OP needs to hire all these workers when they themselves will be working at home and there kids will be at school.

Work permit = needed

My eyes have been open for 12 years in Thailand, you?

OP: "We all speak english as our first language and dont feel comfortable yet communicating in any other language so it would be great to be in an english speaking community where we can at least speak basic english to the majority of shop people and workers."

Would that suggest the OP is not willing to... "Trying to learn the local language is a good idea."

OP: open to different veiws of culture. You: Thais don't exactly embrace other cultures. First true and second true but not the same thing.

"I still don't see why the OP needs to hire all these workers when they themselves will be working at home and there kids will be at school." Wouldn't that be their choice?

Work permit required? Yes, I stand corrected until the point where the OP states they already knew that, which I suspect given the statement of reading much of what is TV.

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Speaking the Language does help obviously, but for a conversation that's more than Kiddy Speak, you find an English Speaking Thai is more worldly wise. Id stay near to a Town personally, i don't and its a pain once the novelty wares off.Hope you can understand the other above Waffle, i cant.:jap: .

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Based on what you're looking for, especially regarding your children, I don't think you will find the right place in Thailand. There are plenty of "cheap" places (it seems the money is an issue in your choice) nice and quiet near a beach in Europe or in the USA. In Asia, Malaysia will probably fit you better.

Prostitution is not a problem. If you don't look for the red districts, you can easily avoid it.The problems would mostly be "friends" who think prostitues make acceptable companion and will bring one in your home. We have a zero tolerance policy in this matter, so we have no problems.

The main problem IMO will be the education for the kids, good foreign school are definitively not cheap in Thailand

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OP, why for heavens sake do you want to live in the "South"??? of Thailand.

Have you ever been here and there?

Do you have the slightest idea how life is on the planet Thailand?

If you don't, don't.

Edited by tartempion
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OP, your main problem is you will need a work permit to legally work as you allude you will be.

However, there are thousands of people in just Bangkok that work online without bothering with a WP. You can too just be discrete and do not call attention to yourself. It is sort of like there are a lot of farangs working at farming in the countryside without a WP. They are similarly discrete.

Broadband internet access is fairly widespread in cities now in Thailand but not so much in a lot of the countryside. Also; 3G is not that common although GPSR is available albeit at low speeds; ditto for USB modem connections outside of cities.

Good luck. Come on over and just be discrete if you are going to work online.

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I suggest that you plan a trip to Thailand first and survey for yourselves what would be best suitable.

Every Beach / Tourist area has what you need and has nightlife.

However if you go to Phuket you will need to be maybe in Rawai as not too far from Phuket Town where most of the inter schools are.

Hua Hin is nice but I am not aware of any inter schools there.

Phuket would be the best bet for eveng you need and the nightlife is only in certain areas.

But definitely come see or yourself first.

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Hi All

Thanks for the great answers “in most cases” lol Much appreciated

nottocus I sense either a bit of jealousy or a total lack of knowledge on parenting (as you cannot stick your children in a closet while working 12 hour days on the phone and website related work, this is not a possibility nor is it responsible).. We do drive but are from Canada and would be a bit nervous about the traffic there and motor bikes and I also believe you drive on the other side of the road there which would not be very respectable of us to jump in a vehicle and pretend we know what we’re doing. Wouldn't show much respect to the locals now would it? And we would like to bring jobs to the community as well as enjoy our year there, and if we work and hard and make the money to pay someone to clean our house, then why not? Thanks for your total lack of input on this matter though.. 

And to the rest thanks a lot.. I was thinking Phuket as well but heard a lot about muggings and assaults and didn't think that sounded like the best place to raise children. Mind you that happens everywhere and I may just be hearing the bad, so I’m glad other expats find it nice there.

As for religion we are not a particular religion at all , I was raised Christian and my partner catholic, but are views are varied and diverse and me have many Muslim, Sikh, Jewish, Buddhist, atheist friends and we enjoy hearing all their views and would not want to live in an area where people frowned upon such matters.

Thanks for bringing to my attention that international schools cost money, I was not aware of this issue and I will look into it, maybe better to hire a tutor and have my kids under my roof so I know they are safe.

As for the work permit issue, thanks for the advice and we checked and we don't need one for our plan at this time. We will be staying under a self supporting visa.

As for the language: we would love to learn it, I already have every Thai iphone app I could get my hands on “ I make Iphone apps for a living by the way” lol

Its just way farfetched to think a 7 year old and an almost 2 year old, let alone a 27 year old and a 45 year old would walk into a country and know how to communicate in another language. I wouldn't want my children to face that barrier either.. not fair to them to not be able to communicate. Also not very much fun for a mom trying to find that one thing your children “must have” you know how that goes.. I can barley find these items in an all English speaking wal-mart in Canada, let alone a busy market in Thailand! Lol

And no we have never been to Thailand, hence the reason we have these questions ;)

The requirement to live close to a city is more so for the children, so we can take them to events and get clothing a decent prices and go for dinners and by our household items and such. We want to live about half an hour away from a city if that helps any ?

I hear Hua Hin Is nice and the least in crime at the moment due to the king living there.. So far our biggest advice from expats have been hua hin or phuket, it sounds like there are a lot of surrounding towns that may be of some intrest to us.

JurgenG : hi thanks for that advice, we would never consider the USA so that's a no.. but where in Europe do you suggest that may match Thailand prices? I don't know of any at this point, but I do love Europe. And Malaysia seems very expensive compared to Thailand. We have family in Indonesia and we love Bali but think Thailand sounds very diverse in the options you have there, so that's why we would like Thailand to be the place we stay for a year. This is why research is important though. Thanks for the tips…

tartempion: no I don't and I don't know, why wouldn't I want to? Beaches, Open Ocean, sea food, happy people? Am I missing something?

Gumbo: thanks for all the good advice 

I stated my children are blonde and blue eyes because in North America and South America that is a big travel concern, wonders if you have been here? lol

Thanks for the internet advice, I wonder what you’re all using for connection right now if you are in Thailand? We mainly use DSL and cable here in Canada and I’m familure with satellite as well… I would definitely have to base my move on the internet connections there, which sounds silly but that it out livelihood.

Leo: thanks we plan to visit for a month first for sure  and yes schools are important. I will research Rawai for sure … thank you

Thanks you all very much, if you have any more advice we welcome it, gives us a good start.

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You stated you will come for at least a year. So that can be only one year or more than one year right.

As far as school for your children I think it will take longer than a year to process the application and be accepted to a quality school. So you are looking at government schools or smaller and perhaps lower quality private schools while here.

I cannot see you shipping all your household here for one year either. So you require a furnished home am I correct? This also narrows down your access to where you will live and costs. Fairly difficult to get off the plane with a family ,not being able to speak the language and find a furnished in home even in a neighbourhood or city you have already qaulified by onlne forums.

I donot want to sound cynical but I feel what you are pursueing and the headaches you will have it is just not worth it.

If you are set on doing it. Go to Phuket rent a home in a gated community,before you come. Buy a car as soon as you get here. Hire workers recommended by others in the gated community. Send you children to the same school if possible as your neighbours. To try do get all this done in one year fresh off a plane,would be very, very difficult.

Edited by lovelomsak
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As for the work permit issue, thanks for the advice and we checked and we don't need one for our plan at this time. We will be staying under a self supporting visa.

First thing you should look in to is what visa you can get, there is nothing called "self supporting visa".

For getting a year visa you must be working for a Thai company, retired(over 50) or married to a Thai national (the most common qualifications).

Seems you only qualify for tourist visas that will give you 60 days at entry that can be extended by 30 days for 1900 baht at immigrations.

You probably can get a double entry tourist visa that will give you a total of 180 days (must leave and re-enter Thailand after 90 days).

Any kind of work in Thailand without a work permit is illegal.

Be sure to not get caught.

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Your posting lots of info so we can offer good, solid advice has paid off.

Heavy-duty mechanic and stock trader: :blink:

Live close to city to get cheap prices: :blink:

Move half-way around the world for a year and hire staff to "save expenses": :blink:

"I am a very cautious parent and the level of high sex industry there worries me "as it would anywhere"" --- prostitution is legal in Canada. Is that another reason you wish to move your family here? :lol:

"...an english speaking community where we can at least speak basic english to the majority of shop people and workers..." :huh: All Thai children are taught English in grade school by their Thai teachers. The majority of shop owners and fresh market vendors and staff will speak excellent English. :cheesy:

"We would also like to live in an area that does not frown upon religion of any type and is open to different veiws of culture." Amazing! This is actually the motto of the Thai Tourism Bureau :lol: and the South, as you mentioned, is where you want to be. :ph34r:

"As for the work permit issue, thanks for the advice and we checked and we don't need one for our plan at this time. We will be staying under a self supporting visa." "Self-supporting visa" for under 50's working on the internet. Wish I'd thought of that! B)

Postings ave been a bit dry lately, so thanks for the laugh! But, in the very off-chance that this is not a Troll, then please take more than a few months to research this move, or you're screwed.

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nottocus I sense either a bit of jealousy or a total lack of knowledge on parenting (as you cannot stick your children in a closet while working 12 hour days on the phone and website related work, this is not a possibility nor is it responsible).

But wouldn't they be at school? And if you work at night then won't your kids be asleep?

if we work and hard and make the money to pay someone to clean our house, then why not?

Fair point

Thanks for bringing to my attention that international schools cost money, I was not aware of this issue

The best schools cost a lot. Come on...u didn't know that?

As for the work permit issue, thanks for the advice and we checked and we don't need one for our plan at this time. We will be staying under a self supporting visa.

Yes you do. A self supporting visa.....<deleted>? Good luck with that one.

I can barley find these items in an all English speaking wal-mart in Canada

So how exactly do you plan to survive here?

I stated my children are blonde and blue eyes because in North America and South America that is a big travel concern

Why would that be a problem in North America?

Heavy-duty mechanic and stock trader: :blink:

Live close to city to get cheap prices: :blink:

Move half-way around the world for a year and hire staff to "save expenses": :blink:

Yes Happy Robert...I know.

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Your posting lots of info so we can offer good, solid advice has paid off.

Heavy-duty mechanic and stock trader: :blink:

Live close to city to get cheap prices: :blink:

Move half-way around the world for a year and hire staff to "save expenses": :blink:

"I am a very cautious parent and the level of high sex industry there worries me "as it would anywhere"" --- prostitution is legal in Canada. Is that another reason you wish to move your family here? :lol:

"...an english speaking community where we can at least speak basic english to the majority of shop people and workers..." :huh: All Thai children are taught English in grade school by their Thai teachers. The majority of shop owners and fresh market vendors and staff will speak excellent English. :cheesy:

"We would also like to live in an area that does not frown upon religion of any type and is open to different veiws of culture." Amazing! This is actually the motto of the Thai Tourism Bureau :lol: and the South, as you mentioned, is where you want to be. :ph34r:

"As for the work permit issue, thanks for the advice and we checked and we don't need one for our plan at this time. We will be staying under a self supporting visa." "Self-supporting visa" for under 50's working on the internet. Wish I'd thought of that! B)

Postings ave been a bit dry lately, so thanks for the laugh! But, in the very off-chance that this is not a Troll, then please take more than a few months to research this move, or you're screwed.

Cheers mate saved me typing the same, havent laughed so much in ages.

The beauty of TV is, amid all the dross posted on a daily basis, every so often one like this comes along, makes getting out of bed in the morning so worthwhile.

<deleted> is a heavy duty mechanic and stock trader?

Renting a house and sending 2 kids to an international school, buying insurance etc etc, theres 200,000 baht gone before you get out of bed, best get trading on them stocks.

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Your posting lots of info so we can offer good, solid advice has paid off.

Heavy-duty mechanic and stock trader: :blink:

Live close to city to get cheap prices: :blink:

Move half-way around the world for a year and hire staff to "save expenses": :blink:

"I am a very cautious parent and the level of high sex industry there worries me "as it would anywhere"" --- prostitution is legal in Canada. Is that another reason you wish to move your family here? :lol:

"...an english speaking community where we can at least speak basic english to the majority of shop people and workers..." :huh: All Thai children are taught English in grade school by their Thai teachers. The majority of shop owners and fresh market vendors and staff will speak excellent English. :cheesy:

"We would also like to live in an area that does not frown upon religion of any type and is open to different veiws of culture." Amazing! This is actually the motto of the Thai Tourism Bureau :lol: and the South, as you mentioned, is where you want to be. :ph34r:

"As for the work permit issue, thanks for the advice and we checked and we don't need one for our plan at this time. We will be staying under a self supporting visa." "Self-supporting visa" for under 50's working on the internet. Wish I'd thought of that! B)

Postings ave been a bit dry lately, so thanks for the laugh! But, in the very off-chance that this is not a Troll, then please take more than a few months to research this move, or you're screwed.

Cheers mate saved me typing the same, havent laughed so much in ages.

The beauty of TV is, amid all the dross posted on a daily basis, every so often one like this comes along, makes getting out of bed in the morning so worthwhile.

<deleted> is a heavy duty mechanic and stock trader?

Renting a house and sending 2 kids to an international school, buying insurance etc etc, theres 200,000 baht gone before you get out of bed, best get trading on them stocks.

Maybe he repairs "cattle cars" for he railroad.

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I am also having trouble understanding the "blue eyes" thing unless you think they may be mobbed by Frank Sinatra fans...best buy some sun glasses, or coloured conntact lenses

the whole OP post sounds like a bit of a troll..if not, the world is in worse shape than I thought

nottocus I sense either a bit of jealousy or a total lack of knowledge on parenting (as you cannot stick your children in a closet while working 12 hour days on the phone and website related work, this is not a possibility nor is it responsible).

But wouldn't they be at school? And if you work at night then won't your kids be asleep?

if we work and hard and make the money to pay someone to clean our house, then why not?

Fair point

Thanks for bringing to my attention that international schools cost money, I was not aware of this issue

The best schools cost a lot. Come on...u didn't know that?

As for the work permit issue, thanks for the advice and we checked and we don't need one for our plan at this time. We will be staying under a self supporting visa.

Yes you do. A self supporting visa.....<deleted>? Good luck with that one.

I can barley find these items in an all English speaking wal-mart in Canada

So how exactly do you plan to survive here?

I stated my children are blonde and blue eyes because in North America and South America that is a big travel concern

Why would that be a problem in North America?

Heavy-duty mechanic and stock trader: :blink:

Live close to city to get cheap prices: :blink:

Move half-way around the world for a year and hire staff to "save expenses": :blink:

Yes Happy Robert...I know.

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"And no we have never been to Thailand, hence the reason we have these questions ;)"

I find it amazing that someone would want to relocate his or her family to a country that they have never been to. I guess the OP has asked the same question on many different forums in many countries and is weighing up the advice. Hopefully.

Living in Thailand is difficult as a new-comer. The culture will confuse you. The language will confuse you. Your children will be confused.

Life is not a beach.

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The problems would mostly be "friends" who think prostitues make acceptable companion and will bring one in your home. We have a zero tolerance policy in this matter, so we have no problems.

Good grief.

Do you have a notice on your door banning gays, blacks, jews and the disabled also?

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gotta agree here....wonder what criteria they use to weed out "suspicious" characters.....sounds like his wife is using this an excuse to prevent all hot chicks from entering the premises

The problems would mostly be "friends" who think prostitues make acceptable companion and will bring one in your home. We have a zero tolerance policy in this matter, so we have no problems.

Good grief.

Do you have a notice on your door banning gays, blacks, jews and the disabled also?

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tartempion: no I don't and I don't know, why wouldn't I want to? Beaches, Open Ocean, sea food, happy people? Am I missing something?

Her comes your answer from Geekfreaklover:

"And no we have never been to Thailand, hence the reason we have these questions ;)"

I find it amazing that someone would want to relocate his or her family to a country that they have never been to. I guess the OP has asked the same question on many different forums in many countries and is weighing up the advice. Hopefully.

Living in Thailand is difficult as a new-comer. The culture will confuse you. The language will confuse you. Your children will be confused.

Life is not a beach.

It's not Canada here, you'll be on an other planet, nothing will be what you think it might be, jeez.

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The problems would mostly be "friends" who think prostitues make acceptable companion and will bring one in your home. We have a zero tolerance policy in this matter, so we have no problems.

Good grief.

Do you have a notice on your door banning gays, blacks, jews and the disabled also?

You place gays, blacks, jews and the disabled in the same group as prostitutes, do you?

Good grief.

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