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Where To Live In Thailand?


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A last point. ........a Thai woman can offer much, much more than a western woman can ever hope to offer her partner.

such as?.....care to elaborate?

Or are you giving your opinion based on just from your own direct experiences and within your own circle?

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simon43, on Today, 07:54 , said:

A last point. ........a Thai woman can offer much, much more than a western woman can ever hope to offer her partner.

such as?.....care to elaborate?

Or are you giving your opinion based on just from your own direct experiences and within your own circle?

Based upon my own, generally positive experiences with both Thai and 'farang' wives - and 10 years of living here and seeing what goes on.

This is very subjective of course. But most men keep their brains in their pants, and the OP is prewarned that her hubby may well find the apparent 'delights' of Thailand too tempting to refuse.

But I grant you that my English wife could cook Yorkshire Pudding much better than either of my Thai wives...


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My wife is Asian.

She insists I sit on my balcony and drink beer while she's cooking.

Then when we have finished eating, she will take my chair out to the balcony again, insist I sit down, get me another beer and then clean up the dishes.

Asian all the way for me.jap.gif

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My wife is Asian.

She insists I sit on my balcony and drink beer while she's cooking.

Then when we have finished eating, she will take my chair out to the balcony again, insist I sit down, get me another beer and then clean up the dishes.

Asian all the way for me.jap.gif

She just wants to watch the soaps without all the sighing and eye-rolling. :lol:

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A last point. ........a Thai woman can offer much, much more than a western woman can ever hope to offer her partner.

such as?.....care to elaborate?

Or are you giving your opinion based on just from your own direct experiences and within your own circle?

Simon43 forgot to add "for the same price" :whistling:

He is, of course, spot on - by any measure.

Correction - I arguably had more stimulating conversation with my Farang wives. An acceptable sacrifice of being in Thailand.

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:w00t:This isn't a troll! She's actually serious. No troll could write this well. :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

Here's your first lesson in Thai, it's an easy one as it's the same in English, er, Candian:

" Ding Dong".

No doubt they will still understand you if you say, "Ding Dong, eh."

thanks to those who gave constructive or sound advice, i appreaciate it

To those who state they get out of bed in the morning in order to come on this forum and laugh at others honest questions,,, well thats sad and I hope you dont call your self worldly because that very narrow minded and childish. But as I well know there are people like you everywhere and your lifes are very empty and trivial.

My life is not empty, it is filled with laughter at the moment. And we weren't laughing at your questions, we respect those. We were laughing at your responses that contradicted the advice you had requested.

As for the 200,000 bhat that seems a little steep, i have found very suitable housing for under $1,000 canadian which is pretty par with USD...

Canadian dollar...on par with the US dollar? No bahts about it, you've found suitable housing on the internet. Hmmmm, some of us take months to find it after we get here because of all the misleading ads.

i think i will go with a tutour seeing as i dont feel safe allowing him to bus.

A tutor for your son? Easy to find a multi-subject qualified, licensed private tutor with a work-permit for $500 a month. (I'll bet you can get one a lot cheaper though as your child has bond hair and blue eyes.)

And as for the heavy duty/stock trader comment... that actually did make my day that no one understands diversity diversity? and for anyone to think they understand both those area's at once.... my partner could fix the largest peice of farm equipment There are no "largest" pieces of farm equipment in Thailand (well, I once saw a really, really big water buffalo pulling a tiller) and if there were he'd make 500 baht a day. Ooops, forgot about that work visa, didn't we.

or repair your imported sports car to a dime, In four years I've seen exactly 3 "imported sports cars," all in Bangkok. They are parked permantly in a building lobby on Soi 20.

while explaining commodities and the planetary alignment to you at the same time... Commodities and planetary alignment? :cheesy: :cheesy: I'd pay for that. I'm thinking your head is aligned with Uranus. :whistling: Is that the way he decides when to buy and sell?

so im understanding that may go over some heads. Especially the ones aligned with Uranus...

And a self supporting visa is something my country will grant me , What planet country are you originally from?

as thailand will allow us to enter the country based on the fact we are not taking any jobs but bringing jobs to your economy as well as spending our money in the country and bringing them revenu.

Well, better let them know in advance so they can make the exception for your family and not keep you waiting at immigration too long. (Don't tell them your partner can repair water buffalo, you'll be taking jobs from farang who are all goo-gooed eyes for their bargirl girlfriend).

Hence we take nothing away from the economy but yet we manage to support ourselfs "self supporting visa" If you have a certain amount in your account you are allowed to be "self supporting" in almost any country, including the one im in :)La La Land?

And i work in the daytime,... uhm, I have no idea how to respond to this one. Daytime is better for self-supporting visa?

anyways i came here to be educated, but i can see im actually having to educate others.... at that, you are. We are learnng much about the state of education in Canada.

thanks to the ones who tolk the seriuose time to share your valid possitive and negative points of thailand with me Yes, thanks.Without the two of them the OP would probably have disappeared and what would I be doing this morning with my empty life?

Please, please keep posting. So many others like you disappear from frustration and our lives become empty again. I'm serious, this thread could go on forever--record setting--and bring tears of joy to many a depressed ex-pat who is otherwise considering joining the Pattaya Flying Club and taking his first solo flight.

Even better, we'll make it a book. All your experiences pre and post-move. I'll fund the publishing of the book for 20%.

Please post again exaviar, keep them coming, dont know if your posts are based on arrogance or ignorance, however lets elaborate,

"As for the 200,000 bhat that seems a little steep", well I will bow down to your superior knowledge, it may come as a surprise to you but, there are some of us who posses skills that are in high demand, the demand is so high that some MNCs are willing to pay an allownace of 200,000 baht per month just for housing and schooling, this allowance doesnt include the all inclusive family insurance plan.

Anyway lets break down the 200k, rent of 50k, schooling at 50k, this figure doesnt include the compulsory extras, monthly bills for electric internet and satellite tv, another 10k, house car and personal insurance for a family of 4 say another 10k, slaaries for your serfs another 10k, thats us at 130k already, and you havent even put food on the table, but leaving 70k for food for a family of 4, you wont be living high on the hog.

"And as for the heavy duty/stock trader comment... that actually did make my day that no one understands diversity" There are farm girls in Issan that can strip down a diesel engine whilst juggling with the never ending family demands from, the alcholic father, the gambling addict father, yaba addicted husband and sick buffalo, dont know how thet do it, but there alaways seem to be food on the table, the poor girls are lucky if they have 200 baht per day coming in, tell the tractor driving husband to learn Thai, these girls could pass on a few tips.

"And a self supporting visa is something my country will grant me" please enlighten us as to where this elusive visa can be had, there are many on here would like to avail themselves of such a visa.

However so as not to be accused of being the harbinger of doom, cheap accomodation is readily available throughout Thailand, the cheapest house I personally know of is 1,000 baht per month in Chan province, no need for such farang extravagancies like a/c and insurance, forget the international schools, enrol the young ones at the local govt school, they will be swearing in fluent Khamen in no time, endear your self to the locals with your new found language skills.

The beauty of Thailand is the cancer that is western PC hasnt yet reached these shores, so if you are somewhat rotund, when the local refer to you a fatty, its not an insult but more a term of endearment, same if the stockbroker has a receeding hairline, walan is another term of affection.

Anyway, thanks for brightening up my narrow minded and childish existence, always willing to be educated by such well travelled people as your good self.

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I have to say that this has been one of the most intriguing threads I have come across in quite a few years. I really do not believe the OP is a troll persay but clearly has a ton more research to do. If it is a troll then God Bless you...It has been fun.biggrin.gif

I think the most sound advice posted was that the OP should come here for at least 4 weeks coordinating the trip with an English speaking agent to take them around to get an idea on housing, schools, locations etc. The list is huge and a daunting task. This is not something you just hop on a plane after an internet search, load up a cargo container with your stuff , land, set up shop and all is perfect. It is simply never going to happen. Just the cargo container through customs will be held up for sometime then the subsequent delivery to where you are going to live. And honestly using the internet to decide where you want to live without visiting is a huge mistake in the making. Seems odd that she would subject her 2 children on this journey. Also OP, please keep in mind, the internet is part of the media, they only post what they want you to see.

Most of the posters who spent the time to offer constructive advice are pretty much spot on OP. Sure there is some cynical posts but you have to respect the info they supplied in regards to realistic costs, housing, schools, Internet, live in care, tutors etc. Heed their advice.

The husbands skill diversity is interesting and I respect his abilities. I would however love to hear back about the first time he goes to a heavy equipment shop to see if he can land a job to supplement his income (even part time) at a Thai's salary. Then work in 95 degree heat from sun up to sun down and get paid once a month.

I wish her and the family the best.

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Firstly, you need to sort out your visas. As others have said, you are misinformed about what type of visa will be available for you. Neither of you are over 50 years of age, so no retirement visa is available. If you are not (legally) working, then no business visa either. Student visa? That would be a good option if you attended Thai language lessons, which would be a good way to learn more about the country and language.

The Russian lady who lives next door sends her 6 year old daughter to an international school and gets her visa because of it. Rather than a perent working in Thailand which allows the family (child) to also stay, it's the other way around.

That is nonsense. She is probably telling you a lot of other porkers, please share as the board is a little slow today.

Or I missunderstood? I'll check when I get back because I for one would like to know how she manages to go on trips outside of Thailand during some school holidays, doesn't work or go to school herself.

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Firstly, you need to sort out your visas. As others have said, you are misinformed about what type of visa will be available for you. Neither of you are over 50 years of age, so no retirement visa is available. If you are not (legally) working, then no business visa either. Student visa? That would be a good option if you attended Thai language lessons, which would be a good way to learn more about the country and language.

The Russian lady who lives next door sends her 6 year old daughter to an international school and gets her visa because of it. Rather than a perent working in Thailand which allows the family (child) to also stay, it's the other way around.

That is nonsense. She is probably telling you a lot of other porkers, please share as the board is a little slow today.

Or I missunderstood? I'll check when I get back because I for one would like to know how she manages to go on trips outside of Thailand during some school holidays, doesn't work or go to school herself.

Maybe she works at night. Sounds like she is renewing her tourist visa on the trips in/out.

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If I was a betting man I would say we will never hear from the OP again. Basically because she was 100% wrong about the visa information and to add insult to injury all of the information was available on Thai Visa the premier visa authority on the entire world wide web. She could have gotten all the information she needed by a simple search of Thai Visa, instead she chose to lecture the experts in the home of the experts about the subject that the experts were expert at, namely Thai Visa's. She strikes me as a bit too pompous and proud to admit error. Actually unlike Canadians in my experience. Of course most of the Canadians I know would have done a bit of research before they started to lecture.

Edited by kerryk
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I wonder how the hubby did on the markets today......hopefully he had a chance to cancel all those buy orders before the market tanked...otherwise they may have to cross Thailand off list and head over to the Bangladesh thread.....and they are not nearly as nice as the TV experts :jap:

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Or I missunderstood? I'll check when I get back because I for one would like to know how she manages to go on trips outside of Thailand during some school holidays, doesn't work or go to school herself.

Maybe she works at night. Sounds like she is renewing her tourist visa on the trips in/out.

Thought I might reply and add a typical thaivisa response to it.

Maybe she works at night.

Most nights I am up until between 4 and 7 am. The place is so quiet at night that you can hear a buffolo fart. If people come or go, I hear.

Rubbish..... She obviously has a tunnel..... You are a troll.... I'm an expert and you know nothing..... Some form of personal attack.

Sounds like she is renewing her tourist visa on the trips in/out

When at times it is 5 months between them?

Rubbish.... You are a troll.... You are mistaken.... Some form of personal attack.... 55555

Obviously none of the responses offer anything to backup the assertion.

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So Gumbo, has the Russian escort ... I mean woman told you any more porkies you can share or not?

No one gets a visa by sending a kid to international school. That was good for a laugh though.

She might also have an "educational visa" for example attempting to learn Thai. They tend to cost about 25,000 or so Baht from the schools that run this scam ... I mean service. Plenty of people do that without attending many classes. Maybe the language comes in handy during the night work.

Are you taking this in OP? Take up Thai lessons yourself. If the diesel dude or is that astrophysicist and part time stock broker hubby has some spare time he could do so too. It will come in handy for conversing with his new mates at the auto shop.

But please come back to the thread OP. It is by far the most amusing one on TV for quite a while. Maybe it can be pinned for posterity.

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So Gumbo, has the Russian escort ... I mean woman told you any more porkies you can share or not?

No one gets a visa by sending a kid to international school. That was good for a laugh though.

She might also have an "educational visa" for example attempting to learn Thai. They tend to cost about 25,000 or so Baht from the schools that run this scam ... I mean service. Plenty of people do that without attending many classes. Maybe the language comes in handy during the night work.

Are you taking this in OP? Take up Thai lessons yourself. If the diesel dude or is that astrophysicist and part time stock broker hubby has some spare time he could do so too. It will come in handy for conversing with his new mates at the auto shop.

But please come back to the thread OP. It is by far the most amusing one on TV for quite a while. Maybe it can be pinned for posterity.

She is not reading this topic anymore. As for the "diesel dude" remark. :lol:

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So Gumbo, has the Russian escort ... I mean woman told you any more porkies you can share or not?

No one gets a visa by sending a kid to international school. That was good for a laugh though.

She might also have an "educational visa" for example attempting to learn Thai. They tend to cost about 25,000 or so Baht from the schools that run this scam ... I mean service. Plenty of people do that without attending many classes. Maybe the language comes in handy during the night work.

Are you taking this in OP? Take up Thai lessons yourself. If the diesel dude or is that astrophysicist and part time stock broker hubby has some spare time he could do so too. It will come in handy for conversing with his new mates at the auto shop.

But please come back to the thread OP. It is by far the most amusing one on TV for quite a while. Maybe it can be pinned for posterity.

She is not reading this topic anymore. As for the "diesel dude" remark. :lol:

dam_n, guess I am going to the movies tonight after all.

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So Gumbo, has the Russian escort ... I mean woman

Why would you say that? What information is available to you yet unavailable to me which would allow you to make such a statement?

told you any more porkies you can share or not?

Please feel free to completly ignore a comment I made in a previous post.

Or I missunderstood?

This is a prime example of many members propensity to disregard answers so as to perpetuate their own fallacious argument. I leave it to others to imagine how this is viewed by both non vocal members and guests of the thaivisa site. I have said I may have missunderstood yet you continue to attack the character of a person unknown to you. If I have indeed missunderstood, would not that person be entirely innocent of making a false claim?

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So Gumbo, has the Russian escort ... I mean woman told you any more porkies you can share or not?

No one gets a visa by sending a kid to international school. That was good for a laugh though.

She might also have an "educational visa" for example attempting to learn Thai. They tend to cost about 25,000 or so Baht from the schools that run this scam ... I mean service. Plenty of people do that without attending many classes. Maybe the language comes in handy during the night work.

Are you taking this in OP? Take up Thai lessons yourself. If the diesel dude or is that astrophysicist and part time stock broker hubby has some spare time he could do so too. It will come in handy for conversing with his new mates at the auto shop.

But please come back to the thread OP. It is by far the most amusing one on TV for quite a while. Maybe it can be pinned for posterity.

She is not reading this topic anymore. As for the "diesel dude" remark. :lol:

dam_n, guess I am going to the movies tonight after all.

Yeah please come back, we miss your musings.

Cant wait to hear how the spanner monkey managed with his online trading today.

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I cannot believe you guys in this forum. It is one thing to point out where someone is way off course with their thinking bit it really another thing to start attacking a new member. Some of you people should learn to show a little more respect for others. She is young misinformed but that doesnot make her subject to abuse. I think earlier in this thread people where trying to let her know her plan needed a lot more work an planning and effort than she realised. This isnot good cause to attack someone.Bullying is for kids in playgrounds, so please leave it there not in a forum.

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So Gumbo, has the Russian escort ... I mean woman

Why would you say that? What information is available to you yet unavailable to me which would allow you to make such a statement?

told you any more porkies you can share or not?

Please feel free to completly ignore a comment I made in a previous post.

Or I missunderstood?

This is a prime example of many members propensity to disregard answers so as to perpetuate their own fallacious argument. I leave it to others to imagine how this is viewed by both non vocal members and guests of the thaivisa site. I have said I may have missunderstood yet you continue to attack the character of a person unknown to you. If I have indeed missunderstood, would not that person be entirely innocent of making a false claim?

Ok, you are as naive as the OP is. You seem a little gullible overall if you believe the crap your Russian/Ukrainian/Uzbek/Khazak neighbor is spouting ... about as gullible as believing everything you read on the internet, especially TV.

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I cannot believe you guys in this forum. It is one thing to point out where someone is way off course with their thinking bit it really another thing to start attacking a new member. Some of you people should learn to show a little more respect for others. She is young misinformed but that doesnot make her subject to abuse. I think earlier in this thread people where trying to let her know her plan needed a lot more work an planning and effort than she realised. This isnot good cause to attack someone.Bullying is for kids in playgrounds, so please leave it there not in a forum.

She may have crossed a line when she mentioned she was lecturing us in one of her posts. But it was an interesting thread. I certainly wish it could have been carried out with a bit more politeness to stretch it out a bit. It was better than the DJ with the work permit. It would be nice if she came back and told us what her new plans are.

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I cannot believe you guys in this forum. It is one thing to point out where someone is way off course with their thinking bit it really another thing to start attacking a new member. Some of you people should learn to show a little more respect for others. She is young misinformed but that doesnot make her subject to abuse. I think earlier in this thread people where trying to let her know her plan needed a lot more work an planning and effort than she realised. This isnot good cause to attack someone.Bullying is for kids in playgrounds, so please leave it there not in a forum.

She may have crossed a line when she mentioned she was lecturing us in one of her posts. But it was an interesting thread. I certainly wish it could have been carried out with a bit more politeness to stretch it out a bit. It was better than the DJ with the work permit. It would be nice if she came back and told us what her new plans are.

There are people who seek advice sincerely, then listen politely to what others offer. They hang on to the good and ignore the bad, and thus learn something. These people, regardless of intelligence, are worthy of respect and patience and the assurance that the advice offered is solid.

Then there are those who, without an iota of prior research, ask questions believing they already know the answers and immediately correct those of whom they inquire. Indeed, she stated she came to be educated but felt it necessary to educate us about everything from visas andwork permits to housing and schooling in a place in which she's never been.

No mercy.

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I cannot believe you guys in this forum. It is one thing to point out where someone is way off course with their thinking bit it really another thing to start attacking a new member. Some of you people should learn to show a little more respect for others. She is young misinformed but that doesnot make her subject to abuse. I think earlier in this thread people where trying to let her know her plan needed a lot more work an planning and effort than she realised. This isnot good cause to attack someone.Bullying is for kids in playgrounds, so please leave it there not in a forum.

She may have crossed a line when she mentioned she was lecturing us in one of her posts. But it was an interesting thread. I certainly wish it could have been carried out with a bit more politeness to stretch it out a bit. It was better than the DJ with the work permit. It would be nice if she came back and told us what her new plans are.

There are people who seek advice sincerely, then listen politely to what others offer. They hang on to the good and ignore the bad, and thus learn something. These people, regardless of intelligence, are worthy of respect and patience and the assurance that the advice offered is solid.

Then there are those who, without an iota of prior research, ask questions believing they already know the answers and immediately correct those of whom they inquire. Indeed, she stated she came to be educated but felt it necessary to educate us about everything from visas andwork permits to housing and schooling in a place in which she's never been.

No mercy.

I understand your point I feel the same as you about her approach but being a Canadian man and so used to women with this attitude (it is common there if not rabid) from Canadian women., I still was holding out for the slightest little chance she was maybe able to learn. Now we are seeing the other side of her sorry to say. Now that people have shown her she is way off base, she is unwilling to really take advice. This is common also with Canadian women. When proven wrong they just refuse to accept .

But I feel bullying just reinforces their stance to castrate us males. I believe as men we should take the higher ground.

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I cannot believe you guys in this forum. It is one thing to point out where someone is way off course with their thinking bit it really another thing to start attacking a new member. Some of you people should learn to show a little more respect for others. She is young misinformed but that doesnot make her subject to abuse. I think earlier in this thread people where trying to let her know her plan needed a lot more work an planning and effort than she realised. This isnot good cause to attack someone.Bullying is for kids in playgrounds, so please leave it there not in a forum.

She may have crossed a line when she mentioned she was lecturing us in one of her posts. But it was an interesting thread. I certainly wish it could have been carried out with a bit more politeness to stretch it out a bit. It was better than the DJ with the work permit. It would be nice if she came back and told us what her new plans are.

There are people who seek advice sincerely, then listen politely to what others offer. They hang on to the good and ignore the bad, and thus learn something. These people, regardless of intelligence, are worthy of respect and patience and the assurance that the advice offered is solid.

Then there are those who, without an iota of prior research, ask questions believing they already know the answers and immediately correct those of whom they inquire. Indeed, she stated she came to be educated but felt it necessary to educate us about everything from visas andwork permits to housing and schooling in a place in which she's never been.

No mercy.

I understand your point I feel the same as you about her approach but being a Canadian man and so used to women with this attitude (it is common there if not rabid) from Canadian women., I still was holding out for the slightest little chance she was maybe able to learn. Now we are seeing the other side of her sorry to say. Now that people have shown her she is way off base, she is unwilling to really take advice. This is common also with Canadian women. When proven wrong they just refuse to accept .

But I feel bullying just reinforces their stance to castrate us males. I believe as men we should take the higher ground.

^Take the higher ground? Are you kidding me? That is why men get married. They surrender and are forever saying YES DEAR or I AM SORRY........laugh.gif Sorry could not resist.

On a serious note, She started out OK then reacted to the rebuttals, it can be tough to filter. She then started digging herself a hole. Now I will say her OP was way over the top. It would have been better off asking specific questions not stating facts. Wait for answers, respond with appropriate info or data. I have found offering to much info up front only leads to people spending time to tear it apart. As we all know forums are left to 100% interpretation being you are not seeing the persons face or body english.

I think she needs to regroup and rethink her plan a bit. Moving anywhere abroad is tough, Thailand is no different. There are a alot of us folks that can offer good info being we have been down a few hard roads. I know I learned a ton from people who have been here.

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I cannot believe you guys in this forum. It is one thing to point out where someone is way off course with their thinking bit it really another thing to start attacking a new member. Some of you people should learn to show a little more respect for others. She is young misinformed but that doesnot make her subject to abuse. I think earlier in this thread people where trying to let her know her plan needed a lot more work an planning and effort than she realised. This isnot good cause to attack someone.Bullying is for kids in playgrounds, so please leave it there not in a forum.

She may have crossed a line when she mentioned she was lecturing us in one of her posts. But it was an interesting thread. I certainly wish it could have been carried out with a bit more politeness to stretch it out a bit. It was better than the DJ with the work permit. It would be nice if she came back and told us what her new plans are.

There are people who seek advice sincerely, then listen politely to what others offer. They hang on to the good and ignore the bad, and thus learn something. These people, regardless of intelligence, are worthy of respect and patience and the assurance that the advice offered is solid.

Then there are those who, without an iota of prior research, ask questions believing they already know the answers and immediately correct those of whom they inquire. Indeed, she stated she came to be educated but felt it necessary to educate us about everything from visas andwork permits to housing and schooling in a place in which she's never been.

No mercy.

I understand your point I feel the same as you about her approach but being a Canadian man and so used to women with this attitude (it is common there if not rabid) from Canadian women., I still was holding out for the slightest little chance she was maybe able to learn. Now we are seeing the other side of her sorry to say. Now that people have shown her she is way off base, she is unwilling to really take advice. This is common also with Canadian women. When proven wrong they just refuse to accept .

But I feel bullying just reinforces their stance to castrate us males. I believe as men we should take the higher ground.

Is it a Canadian face thing? It would be news to me. I was kind of hoping she would come back and apologize and then carry on with her questions. I make lots of mistakes. That's what I would have done. But I guess this being Thai Visa changes things. One poster a while back made an awful language mistake that had someone used the word they may have been seriously hurt but he never came back to the thread to admit his error. Oh well.

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She may have crossed a line when she mentioned she was lecturing us in one of her posts. But it was an interesting thread. I certainly wish it could have been carried out with a bit more politeness to stretch it out a bit. It was better than the DJ with the work permit. It would be nice if she came back and told us what her new plans are.

There are people who seek advice sincerely, then listen politely to what others offer. They hang on to the good and ignore the bad, and thus learn something. These people, regardless of intelligence, are worthy of respect and patience and the assurance that the advice offered is solid.

Then there are those who, without an iota of prior research, ask questions believing they already know the answers and immediately correct those of whom they inquire. Indeed, she stated she came to be educated but felt it necessary to educate us about everything from visas andwork permits to housing and schooling in a place in which she's never been.

No mercy.

I understand your point I feel the same as you about her approach but being a Canadian man and so used to women with this attitude (it is common there if not rabid) from Canadian women., I still was holding out for the slightest little chance she was maybe able to learn. Now we are seeing the other side of her sorry to say. Now that people have shown her she is way off base, she is unwilling to really take advice. This is common also with Canadian women. When proven wrong they just refuse to accept .

But I feel bullying just reinforces their stance to castrate us males. I believe as men we should take the higher ground.

Is it a Canadian face thing? It would be news to me. I was kind of hoping she would come back and apologize and then carry on with her questions. I make lots of mistakes. That's what I would have done. But I guess this being Thai Visa changes things. One poster a while back made an awful language mistake that had someone used the word they may have been seriously hurt but he never came back to the thread to admit his error. Oh well.

Well, I too, try to admit when I'm wrong. Last night, when quite tired, I made a post and spelled bottom with one t. :o It was not a spelling error, rather a typo. Then some spelling-steroided supercilious stinkweed called me a "septic tank" and said I was teaching non-English speakers poor grammar...blah, blah, blah...not worth repeating.

I still came back and posted again because I can handle a tool just fine. But others are intimidated by them and head for the hills.

Either way, I was not willing to be castrated by either of them. (But I'd love to have her come back with a bit of contriteness and allow us to assist her accordingly, but she was so far off base, it would be like a doctor trying to save a decapitated patient.)

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