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I Lost A Dog

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He's been gone over a week, no body. He wasn't one to miss meal times, no where to wander to apart from family. Nearest neighbours are about 0.5 km, and he wasn't exactly mobile. He only had 1 front leg, he's been like that since we got him.

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He's been gone over a week, no body. He wasn't one to miss meal times, no where to wander to apart from family. Nearest neighbours are about 0.5 km, and he wasn't exactly mobile. He only had 1 front leg, he's been like that since we got him.

i exspect thats how the ba-stards caught him poor sole.

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Like TinaKohChang, I am so sorry to hear this.

There are few things worse than a much-loved pet going missing and never knowing what happened.

It makes us all realise that are pets are always in danger of people who have no understanding (or empathy) whatsoever that a well-cared for dog is obviously loved by someone :(.

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today sat.on the front page of the thai rath has the most horrific photo of a lorry loaded with dogs bound for viatnam,there was a total of 4lorries full,the details are too uppsetting to describe,well done to the person that apprehended this shipment,but sadly some had already died so to try and not let your best freind end up like these.

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I didn't think Burmese ate dog? I thought it was a Lao/Vietnam thing.

Its also possible he could have eaten something poisonous. If a dog gets sick or injured it goes to hide somewhere. My dog Scruffy went off to die shortly after I returned from the US and we never did find his body, how he got so far as old and sick as he was I will never know, but we never could find him.

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I am so sorry, I know how you feel... same has happened to my buddy Blue in April, he was klilled and eaten by Cambodians :-(

thanks for the pm.bit late answering but i have been so eaten up over the incident regarding the discovery of 4lorries laden with 2000pet dogs bound for veitnam,from what i have been reading,although its no comfort to you your buddy didnt die like they would have.i feel for the owners that travelled to the quarentine station,calling out the names of their pets alas to no avail.

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I didn't think Burmese ate dog? I thought it was a Lao/Vietnam thing.

Its also possible he could have eaten something poisonous. If a dog gets sick or injured it goes to hide somewhere. My dog Scruffy went off to die shortly after I returned from the US and we never did find his body, how he got so far as old and sick as he was I will never know, but we never could find him.

Burmese are famous for it in Phuket. Poor people can not afford meat but eating my dog is too much.

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<br />
<br />I'm sorry for your loss.<br /><br />If it's any consolation, it could have been worse:<br /><a href='http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yVzX3gAxp58&t=1h25m0s' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Japanese family returns for the last time to feed their dog Panda left behind in contaminated home</a><br />
<br /><br /><br />Well that just broke my heart. <br /><br />JEARS is doing tremendous things to help pets and people in Japan:<br /><br /><a href='http://jears.org/' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://jears.org/</a><br /><br /><a href='http://www.facebook.com/AnimalRescueJapan' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>http://www.facebook....imalRescueJapan</a><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Yes, I am also  in tears and heartbroken. BUT this sadly is a horribly common thing, which is even legal with a licence, this is one way on how Thai Gov. gets rid of the over poplation of and all the homeless and street dogs! 

I have been told that there are trucks with licenses who regular cross borders with dogs caged as seen in the pic! 

Thanks to Buddha they have stopped at least one....they might have been able only to stop them cause these morons drove without a licence....

Feeling sad for that doesn ' t help the animals. Only action helps here and spreading the word!!!!!

I have twittered this, I have set into my Facebook, and I have it in my Google + stream. I have informed PETA about this since I am a membrr for many years! So, don' t just sit in front of your monitors and feel sad, do something.

Something has to be done that things like this are not going to happen any more. We live in a buddhist country. I am not only a dog lover, in fact I love all animals and everyone should show respect for every living creature, as buddhism says from the smalles insect to humans...

That  's been said, I want to ask you to inform me as soon as anyone of you is ready to take action, I am the first to join! It does no t help anyone to feel sad for the dogs or people who might be the owners!  it only helps to act against it! 

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Actually, I seriously doubt that the Thai govt is actively involved but rather more that a blind eye is turned, which is, of course bad enough.

However, back to poor Mosha's dog. It's not likely he was taken away to be sold and he may or may not have been eaten by Burmese laborers (unless of course there are witnesses to this, then I would go file a police report against them if it were me).

If a dog is poisoned (perhaps even a worse fate) or injured or sick they will go off into the woods/jungle to die. I've had more than one dog behave this way and we never did find their bodies (one died sick and old, one ate a poisoned rat that was outside a neighbors house- once they realized they'd killed my dog they never put poison out for rats again).

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i started to watch the clip from japan but turned it off when they started to feed the dog and cats.why i am so passionate about dogs i leaned from an early age,back in the fifties my uncle came to live with us and had a buitifull red setter called red,i loved that dog and he loved me she tought me a lot,she gave back more than i gave her,after 2years my uncle got married and sold red my mother was poor so she couldnt afford to buy her it broke my heart she was my best friend always waiting for me to come home,2years past and i was 17yrs old and playing football big time,one day i was playing 20miles away when half time came,you would stand on the touch line have a drink and a pc.of orange when i noticed this red setter running loose it looked in a right mess as the dog came close i called out here boy,it came to me and yes it was red she reconised me but did not make too much of a fuss,just then this short fat bloke shouted at the dog and she cowed away,playing the second half of the match i watched the dog more than doing my job i could see him being ill treated, at the final wistle i went up to the owner and gave him a piece of my mind only for him to tell me p-ss off.in those days i was a teddy boy so the head went in first then the boot down he went,i got one more boot in before i was restrained.the policeman came and i went to court,i explained the them about red but they still fined me 20quid which was a lot of money in them days but it was worth it.i thought about going to look for red but never did i still think about her after50years.this passion for dogs has not gone away i see things happening most days but still i cant keep my mouth shut,a am always under the oppinion what you dont see doesnt hurt.[true] a.d. og luvr.

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i started to watch the clip from japan but turned it off when they started to feed the dog and cats.

I understand, but you've missed a very powerful scene in the next minute that followed...

thanks for that i will watch it all in time,but after all that has gone on over the weekend i am trying to whined down

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i started to watch the clip from japan but turned it off when they started to feed the dog and cats.

I understand, but you've missed a very powerful scene in the next minute that followed...

thanks for that i will watch it all in time,but after all that has gone on over the weekend i am trying to whined down

You're braver than me - I wouldn't dare watch as I know it would give me nightmares :(.

Anyway, I realised a long time ago that 'preaching' to the converted is a waste of time and emotional energy.

TlinaKohChang - whilst I understand your feelings (and read your similar post on the 'News' thread), at the end of the day this is not our country and have little chance of changing anything.

Unless you can come up with a better (legal) idea, as far as I can see the best thing we can do is a) financially support Soi Dogs charity and B) help (as far as we can) the local soi dogs.

Edited by F1fanatic
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i started to watch the clip from japan but turned it off when they started to feed the dog and cats.

I understand, but you've missed a very powerful scene in the next minute that followed...

thanks for that i will watch it all in time,but after all that has gone on over the weekend i am trying to whined down

You're braver than me - I wouldn't dare watch as I know it would give me nightmares :(.

Anyway, I realised a long time ago that 'preaching' to the converted is a waste of time and emotional energy.

TlinaKohChang - whilst I understand your feelings (and read your similar post on the 'News' thread), at the end of the day this is not our country and have little chance of changing anything.

Unless you can come up with a better (legal) idea, as far as I can see the best thing we can do is a) financially support Soi Dogs charity and B) help (as far as we can) the local soi dogs.

@ F1fanatic:

Absolutely agree with uyou and besides having 2 former Soi dogs with me, I donate actually and for a long time already for 2 animal charity organisations here in Thailand. I have recently donated for the poor souls for healthcare and food, but this is not more then a drop in trhe ocean!

I' ve posted earlier that I would love to take one of the rescued puppies to give a new home and for another 2 or 3 rescued adult dogs, I would be more than happy to make food and healthcare donations for life if any one could tell me whom I can contact!

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We just got an update, we found his in head trapped in the base of some bamboo. :(

i thought about your dog last night,although youve lost him if it is any comfort he didnt end up suffering the death if in the hands of the meat-hunters.

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We are pretty certain he was eaten, the head was cut off and we have a suspect, but no other proof. :( I'm still feeling sick to the pit of my stomach.

sorry i misread the outcome,just bide your time,do the bloke who sharpens the choppers come down your way,try and get him set up.

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That is horrible. I am so sorry to hear that, with no evidence you can't go to the police and frankly, it wouldn't do anything anyway. Perhaps court of public opinion is your next option?

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sorry for your loss..

we had one of our dogs "disappear" for a few days...thought the worst but she reappeared later with a circular raw ragged cut on one leg to the bone..looked like she been in a snare..she either got out on her own or some "hunter" was compassionate enough to release her...guess no Burmese around here...

Last month we found our ridge-back at his " guard post" on the edge of our farm..dead with what looked like fang marks in his hind quarter..suspect a cobra as we have seen many big buggers around..

...we had two young dogs "donated" by rellies a couple of weeks back ...so here we go again....

one never gets hardened to losing pets though....


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