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Well I had an interesting experience this past Sat...

Went to the ATM to make a withdrawal and after I put in the amount and pressed enter.. the normal message of "please take your money and your card" came up, but then an error message came up on the ATM and then the screen went blank...

After about 10 sec with me standing there in total disbelief, the ATM started to reboot. The card was then ejected but no funds and no receipt.

I went into the Bank and asked one of the attendants to come take a look at the ATM and they also saw that the ATM was rebooting.

I explained what happened and the teller was sympathetic and asked me to take a seat while he called the Bank HQ.

Once getting a hold of the correct pic at the Bank, he passed me the phone and after I explained what happened, she advised that since the ATM Card was for an overseas Bank there was nothing she could do and that I should just call my Bank and then if the funds were withdrawn from my account, to have my bank file a claim. I do not have problem with that, but I did ask her if she could check in the system to try and confirm that the funds were not withdrawn or to issue any type of written statement about what happened, so that I could keep in my records. She advised that she would check and call me back in a few minutes

About five minutes later, she called back and advised that she could not check the records until after the formal claim was received from my bank and that no statement could be issued by the Bank. She advised that I shouldn't worry and that once my bank filed a claim they would be able to refund the money "no problem"I asked her how she knew that my claim would be approved "no problem" if she could not look into the system to confirm that no money was received? I again asked her if it would be possible for the Bank to issue some sort of incident report or witness statement from the bank representative who saw the ATM malfunctioning and rebooting. She then said to hold on and that she would call back...

About 5 Min later, she called back again and advised that sorry, nothing she could do. I then advised her that if the bank could not issue any sort of incident report or witness statement, I would need to file a Police Report and would need to ask the attendant who was a witness to come with me, so that his statement would be included in the Police Report. She advised that it was not necessary to file a police report.

At this point, the branch manager came over to talk with me and I again explained that I really did need something in writing about what had happened to support my claim with my Bank. I mentioned again that if the bank could not provide anything in writing, then the only option I could see would be to file a police report. She at first seemed a bit confused, as she said, the police can not do anything about this. I told that I understand and was not looking for the Police to do anything, but that if a police report was filed, they would take my statement about what happened and they would also take the statement of the Bank teller that saw the ATM malfunctioning.

I said that both I and the Bank could keep a copy of these witness statements for our records, this way once the claim was made, the information would be available. I also advised the manager that it really was also in her best interest to also have some sort of written incident report for her records, this way when the HQ contacted her during the claims process she would also have it. I told her that in the case that the teller was willing to make a written statement of what happened, then it should not be necessary to file a Police Report.

She then thought about for a moment and agreed with me and then had the teller draft the statement.


I then called my Bank (Bank of America) and made the claim and to be honest was pleasantly surprised about how the claim process works. They advised that they will credit my account within 24hrs, but the entire claim process could take up to 45 days. They advised that there was no need to send anything or sign anything and that they would send a copy of the result of the claim once available. In the case that the claim was not approved, they would advise in writing the appeals process and that I could then submit the letter received from the Bank at that time.

This whole thing was a bit of a pain all the way around, but was pleasantly surprised to receive the letter from the teller with his witness statement clearly advising that the ATM malfunctioned and that I did not receive any money and that BOA will be refunding the money in full before the claim process is completed or approved.


This happened to me about a year ago with Aeon (there is a thread on here about it) the staff both in the branch and at ho were nice but dim. it was a nationwide card ,when i phoned them in the UK the money was back in my account in 24 hours ,i was told that as it was Thailand it could take up to 10 MONTHS to resolve ,never heard any more ,but it does seem to happen more often with Aeon than any other machines.


This is not so unusual, I commented on a thread about 2 years ago. It has happened to me twice, first time I just thought it was a glitch and would be OK, only when I got back to my parent overseas bank did I realise the loss, I had to put that down to experiance. The next time it happened I was in Ubon, I phoned my bank in Oman and they called back about 20 mins later, sure enough my account had been debited but no cash dispensed. They said this was all too common in Thailand and they (the Oman bank) would return the money to my account on the next day. So for the Oman bank, excellent service!

I therefore decided that it was time to Telegraphically Transfer cash to my Thai account and just use the SCB ATM card for which I have never had a problem. The other point is that should you be in anyway concerned about an ATM transaction, call the parent bank SOONEST, dont bother with the ATM sponsored bank, they will do nothing.

Good luck in the future


Yeap, the key with a foreign card is to immediately contact the bank that "issued the card" and let them handle it, bank-to-bank, unless that bank-to-bank electronic interchange reveals cash was indeed issued based on a tally of all the transactions for that particular ATM, money still in the ATM, etc. The process works.

And to tell you the truth when you look at how some Thai ATMs are plugged-in electrically (like in a power strip/UPS setting next to the machine which anybody can mess with), it's a wonder we don't see more ATMs acting up, completely powered down due to someone just unplugging it as a prank, etc. Take a look the next time you see an ATM that is not built into the wall.


Yeap, the key with a foreign card is to immediately contact the bank that "issued the card" and let them handle it, bank-to-bank, unless that bank-to-bank electronic interchange reveals cash was indeed issued based on a tally of all the transactions for that particular ATM, money still in the ATM, etc. The process works.

And to tell you the truth when you look at how some Thai ATMs are plugged-in electrically (like in a power strip/UPS setting next to the machine which anybody can mess with), it's a wonder we don't see more ATMs acting up, completely powered down due to someone just unplugging it as a prank, etc. Take a look the next time you see an ATM that is not built into the wall.

I agree about seeing the terminal strips, power supplies, routers, etc. sitting on (or near) ATMs.

Here's my Aeon story: About two weeks ago I tried to withdraw 23,000 baht at an Aeon ATM (from my bank in the US.) It spun and churned a bit, then kicked out a slip with no cash. The slip said "Amount Requested: 23,000 baht. Amount dispensed: 0.00 baht." I didn't think much about it, so the next day I tried again and noted from my bank balance that something was wrong. I checked my account online and my bank account had been debited (the equivalent of) 23,000 baht from that failed transaction the day before. I went into the Aeon office, they put me on the phone to a call center (that spoke English) and they kept telling me to contact my bank. My bank (apparently under a misconception about international transactions) told me to check with Aeon. According to my bank, ATMs are normally "balanced" daily and for a situation like this, Aeon should have been able to quickly determine that the books did not balance. However, in spite of that, the established procedure is for your bank to initiate a claim with the ATM operator. I scanned the receipt and emailed it to my bank to give them as much info about the transaction that failed. My money was tied up about 4 days before it was credited back to my account. Moral of the story: Keep those ATM receipts! Amazing how many people just toss them (before verifying their accounts were debited properly.)

What amazes me the most about this story is how the Aeon machine could know that it did not dispense cash (and documented that fact on the receipt), yet it debited my bank account? Is this bad software coding that would allow that to happen?


Yeap, the key with a foreign card is to immediately contact the bank that "issued the card" and let them handle it, bank-to-bank, unless that bank-to-bank electronic interchange reveals cash was indeed issued based on a tally of all the transactions for that particular ATM, money still in the ATM, etc. The process works.

And to tell you the truth when you look at how some Thai ATMs are plugged-in electrically (like in a power strip/UPS setting next to the machine which anybody can mess with), it's a wonder we don't see more ATMs acting up, completely powered down due to someone just unplugging it as a prank, etc. Take a look the next time you see an ATM that is not built into the wall.

I agree about seeing the terminal strips, power supplies, routers, etc. sitting on (or near) ATMs.

Here's my Aeon story: About two weeks ago I tried to withdraw 23,000 baht at an Aeon ATM (from my bank in the US.) It spun and churned a bit, then kicked out a slip with no cash. The slip said "Amount Requested: 23,000 baht. Amount dispensed: 0.00 baht." I didn't think much about it, so the next day I tried again and noted from my bank balance that something was wrong. I checked my account online and my bank account had been debited (the equivalent of) 23,000 baht from that failed transaction the day before. I went into the Aeon office, they put me on the phone to a call center (that spoke English) and they kept telling me to contact my bank. My bank (apparently under a misconception about international transactions) told me to check with Aeon. According to my bank, ATMs are normally "balanced" daily and for a situation like this, Aeon should have been able to quickly determine that the books did not balance. However, in spite of that, the established procedure is for your bank to initiate a claim with the ATM operator. I scanned the receipt and emailed it to my bank to give them as much info about the transaction that failed. My money was tied up about 4 days before it was credited back to my account. Moral of the story: Keep those ATM receipts! Amazing how many people just toss them (before verifying their accounts were debited properly.)

What amazes me the most about this story is how the Aeon machine could know that it did not dispense cash (and documented that fact on the receipt), yet it debited my bank account? Is this bad software coding that would allow that to happen?

Another reason why none of my ATM cards will never nestle inside an AEON again...


Nothing like the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing that the ATM machine you're using -- is attached to your local bank, in which sit several clerks and managers you're on a first-name basis with. And that I'm getting the same deal I'd get with Aeon -- 'cause Schwab refunds the fee -- without the time and expense of driving across town to an alien Aeon.

  • 6 months later...

This happened to me tonight at an AEON atm. Tried to withdraw 40,000 baht, my receipt says amount dispensed: 0. Then upon checking with internet banking I see that the amount has actually been deducted.

I've sent a message to my bank but will have to wait until tomorrow to speak to someone on the phone.

  • 1 month later...

Recently, I used the Aeon ATM. Two withdrawals, using a different card each withdrawal.

First transaction, okay. Second transaction, 0 baht dispensed. And, the machine then gave a notice on the screen that it was shutting down. And, did. "Out of order."

But, no harm done. I checked later. No money deducted for the second transaction.

I did make mention of this to the tellers at the Aeon Bank. But, didn't talk more than a couple of minutes with them. Because, I think they don't have any real control over the ATM. Calling the card issuing bank and initiating a ATM claim is best. Usually, does the trick. And, hard to live here long without having to call a home country bank about something.

Seems, the reasons for 0 baht dispensed can be that the ATM is out of money, software error (continued rebooting), or just electrical failure (surge), to name a few. Probably, whether the card gets deducted, or not, is dependent on the cause of the ATM machine failure.



Available credit is back to what it was and not showing up on my online statement yet so I think I am ok, I guess if you get a slip saying 0 baht dispensed you usually don't have much to worry about.


I posted my experience on February 18th and am still waiting for my bank in Australia to resolve the issue. I've got the receipt that says 0 dispensed but the bank wants to do it's own internal investigation. Pretty annoying.


I posted my experience on February 18th and am still waiting for my bank in Australia to resolve the issue. I've got the receipt that says 0 dispensed but the bank wants to do it's own internal investigation. Pretty annoying.

They haven't credited you back yet? In my case it was a cash advance from my visa card so those fees would add up if I didn't pay it and they didn't credit me.


They haven't sort me out yet. Call center wasn't able to help at all except to refer me to the email support and so far all I've received from them are copy and paste responses. In this case the Thai bank has actually been of more help than the Australian one so far. The Thai bank gave me the names and number of people who can verify and send the relevant information to my Australian bank but my Australian bank wants to do it the slow way which keeps my money in the ether.

  • 6 years later...

Just going through same circumstances with bank in Thailand and bank in Australia ,last Thursday 10 th Jan 19 was doing withdrawal from ATM in remote Thailand when there was a power outage at same time my card was dispensed by ATM but no cash came out ,checked my account money has been taken out of it ,so I drove 120 km to closest owner of ATM who investigated my claim and they verified verbally that I didn’t receive any money,told me I now need to contact my bank in Aust as money has been sent back to them,contacted my bank on the phone in Aust they passing buck told me I need to contact bank in Thailand which I already had done,since sent numerous emails to bank in Australia including dispute forms requested if they can acknowledge my emails 6 days later haven’t heard a thing and no money been returned to my account,in the mean time it is causing me severe financial hardship.any body have any ideas I could follow

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