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The missus and I have been back in LOS for a week or so visiting family, one of whom is in a bad way just now, which I could do with some advice for.

Bas is 14. He was paralysed in a motorbike accident when he was about 3, his dad was killed.

His mum isn't much good, and he lives in Bangkok, visitng her in Surin every so often.

He did attend a special school in Bangkok, one that was affiliated with the Queen Mum, but since her passing the school has allegedly gone downhill in their health care of the students/children.

This has affected Bas quite badly. Due to not being taken care of properly he developed a huge bed sore on his bum. I was told that it was the size of my fist, and he is going to hospital once a week to have it cleaned at Sirirat Hospital, a taxi driver kindly takes him and brings him back.

I didn't realise how severe the sore was until today when I saw it myself. It is the size of my fist, about 2" deep and appears to go to the front of his body as well. His Aunt does a good a job as she can keeping it clean, especially as the lad has to wear nappies.

He's 14 years old, stuck in the front room of my wife's townhouse in Bangkok, being cared for. He has a wheelchair to get about in (donated by a company, has lovely carbon fiber wheels), but is pretty knackered with the bedsore.

The hospitals advice to him was to keep it clean and eat lots of eggs.

What I want to know is: Is there any of the international hospitals that do pro-bono work? Or any charities that can help him out. Or any good advice just to help him out.

It was suggested trying to setup a donation thing for him, but I don't know if that is the right thing to do, but again advice would be gratefully received.

We aren't in a position to pay huge medical bills, but the missus does what she can to help him out, even just little things like giving him her laptop so he can do other things than watch TV.

It's a crap life, and he's a genuinely nice kid. I'm normally a selfish sod, but after seeing how bad the sore is, I thought I had better at least try and do something about it.

I'm in LOS for another ten days.

Number here is 0890628705 email aitchisondATATgmail.com - you can also PM on here if you want, I'll update my details to a current email account.


Saint Louis Hospital, a private not-for-profit, has a charitable foundation which helps Thais in need of care they can't afford. I suggest you go by and meet with them (bring your wife along, they probably don't speak English). The foundation office is on the ground floor as you walk towards the elevators and clearly marked.

http://www.saintlouis.or.th/main_page.php (main hospital website - English)

http://www.saintlouis.or.th/slf2009/index.htm ( this is the foundation website but english language function seems not to work)

It would be best for him to be admitted to hospital to get the bedsore healed, but government hospital are as you can imagine over-stretched/over-crowded and therefore try to do as much as they can on an outpatient basis. You should discuss with the Saint Louis Foundation whether there is a way for him to be admitted at St. Louis for proper care of the bedsore, and also see if they can provide any sort of ongoing home health care. The current problem could have been averted if a trained nurse had been coming in assess his condition even once or twice a week - -they'd have spotted the first signs of the pressure sore early enough to prevent it from becoming severe.

It is essential that he have a special mattress (air or water filled, or connected to a machine that provides for rotating pressure) and also an air or water filled cushion for his wheelchair, to reduce the risk of future bed sores. He probably has something of this sort but maybe not sufficient. check out the mattress and cushion situation and then see about getting something better.

Other foundations/charities which may be able to give assistance are:

Christian Care Foundation for children with Disabilities (do not need to be Christian, they help regardless) http://www.ccdthailand.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=33

Thai Disabled Development Foundation



Just a guess but suspect the store in Bumrungrad Hospital that sells patient items might be able to source (or those around Victory Monument near the government hospitals). Not sure if a sporting goods store might have (know there is one on Latpaho Road somewhere between soi 79-99).


If not able to find you might send after your return to home country or order on Ebay as without air they are not that large for shipping and if use normal mail service will likely not draw duties.


Sport store chains and several sport departments of departments stores like Central and Robinson sell air matrasses, cost around 1,000 baht if I recall correctly. Look where they sell camping goods.


Hi,I may have a second hand one that should still be very useable.It has been used by someone paralyzed from the chest down.Sorry but i cant check until tomorrow.I am in Pattaya,but if it turns out to be what you need i can send it to BKK for free.And give it you for free also.


Very kind of you, Puuchai, I hope it works out.

The type of air mattress needed is not the same as found in camping supply shops....need something larger, much more durable and specifically designed for constant use by people at risk of pressure sores.

You'd get it at a medical supply store. the best ones are electric and rotate the air in such a way that as to continually shift pressure.


I have checked the mattress this morning,and unfortunately it is not an air one,but is a (Pressure relief overlay mattress).Having checked several websites about this product,it can only claim to make a patient more comfortable.but not actually resolve getting bed sores,so as Sheryl says it may be better to look into getting the right Air mattress for him especially for long term use.

This one is not by any means perfect but i can send it if it would be of any use. You may want to try Fascino Pharmacies in Bangkok to see if they have the correct product.I would expect such a thing will not be cheap to buy here if they actually can be found here.I am willing to donate 1000 baht towards buying one if you can locate one.


A quick check on Ebay UK finds they sell for about 1,000 pounds for real medical grade. As I recall a simple water filled seat cushion cost an astronautical amount in US, even 30 years ago, suspect sticker shock here as most limited imports are not cheap.


puuchai299 - that is a really kind offer for the mattress, thank you.

I will get into central Bangkok this week and check out the pharmacies before heading home. I've had a look online as well and they do seem to be really really expensive in the UK, so I imagine that they will be hit with a massive import tax here.

I've been told he is heading back to school in two weeks because he has exams coming up. The hospital has arranged for a nurse to visit twice a week and apparently one of the carers there will make sure he is cleaned every day. He will come back to the house at weekends to visit.

Fingers crossed that works out for him , anything has to be better than lying in a front room for weeks on end.


Sounds reasonable to me but have no medical knowledge so can only go by the weight range and suspect it would be fine for patient (surly better than nothing). Sounds as if it would be about 7kg shipping cost and any customs; but may give you a good indication of value if you can find a unit here.

Minimum weight limit 32Kg (5 Stone)

» Maximum weight limit 114Kgs (18 stone)


Cheers for that.

I will be emailing the UK company in a minute to find out if they can do anything with the price of that one or the 250 one. I'm pretty sure if it's shipped directly out of the UK I shouldn't have to pay VAT on it.


I will be getting the missus to call that bedsore company, but it looks fairly promising from what I've seen so far. However seeing 120 items still to load on the page on a reasonable 3G connection, I would rather just get them called.

I found out today that the bedsores are from the bed itself and not the wheelchair. He has a fancy cushion that the foreign company that provided his wheelchair also supplied. I've looked over the wheelchair and can't work out who the supplier is though.

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