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2000 Dogs Saved In Nakhon Phanom From Dinner Tables


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I would hope 4000 or 8000 soi dogs could be sent over to Vietnam for their dinner plates; the stray dogs in Thailand are a nuisance, carry diseases, and totally neglected. The Thais think having a "neighborhood dog" requires only to put a collar on him/her...not to feed the dog properly, give shots, or keep it leashed.

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Who are we to say that one should be able to eat cows, pigs, lambs, chickens, goats, buffalo, deer, etc. but not dogs? Indians don't like to see you eating cows, either, but they aren't on here raising h*ll about it every time someone asks about the best steaks in Bangkok.

Yes, the dogs should be kept in more humanitarian conditions, but I don't see anyone here complaining about the way their other meat is raised.

Vegetarians can feel free to talk it up; the rest of you are hypocrites.

Ha ha ha I like the way veggies can drive somewhere and i n the process kill a million insects on their windscreen............oh thats different isnt it :whistling:

Each person also has millions of bacteria and yeast cells and viruses dying within their gut each minute. Yet, there's still something different about a yeast cell, a rabbit and a mangy worm-infested stray dog (sounds like the prelude to a badly-scripted nursery rhyme). I'll let you sort it out to your satisfaction.

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Can I have fries with my McWoff burger.

I find the idea of eating pets very disturbing. Couldn't even eat the chicken I had for a few years; it gave me many eggs but it had to go. But then again I am not in need of protein that I need to eat Fluffy or Rover?

I remember watching the Hairy Bikers in Vietnam. They didn't know what they were eating until one of them found out and then turned to the other and said "I think you have a piece of Rover stuck between your teeth".

As much as my opinion carries wait in this discussion, its a matter for the country it is happening in to do what they need to do. A practice western culture does not agree with may take many years to resolve.

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What a delightful impression Thailand creates to the civilised world. Amazing Thailand! a blazing dog bar-b-cue!

Really quite charming. A 101 dalmations beneath a fluffy pastry crust. A hot-dog anyone?

Such compassion for dogs [which I agree with] but the human trafficking, the enslavement, the prostitution, the desperate realities of desperate people living in desperate conditions continues unchecked, un-cared for. Don't expect 1000 girls to be liberated any time soon.

Thailand. the Land of Smiles. And Pattaya. That wonderful City where flesh is traded to those wonderful vest wearing, bar-stool bums who breakfast on beer and trade in sexual exploitation of the young and preferably too young. Pattaya a palace to pedophilia. A place of pimps. A posnet of prostitution.

The dogs ................................. in my part of Thailand the Nakhom Pathon pick-up tours the back roads collecting dogs. No one does anything about it.

Whatever your views consider the damage it does to the International standing of Thailand.

When the Football World Cup visited Korea there was hell on about the dog reatuarants.

The thought of what happened was enough to cause an international incident. Photos were something the locals sought to prevent.

But Thailand, with all the competency of a drunk walking a tightrope, manages to put a picture of hundreds of starved, emaciated family pets caged on their way to slaughter.

Odd. Thailand displays the truth only to hurt itself.

Not so odd then that the truth so rarely ever emerges. And Thailand needs no international assistance when it comes to self-destruction.

The truth then. Well not all of it. The bit they left out was that they traded the dogs for 2000 cats.

The meat should be a bit more chewy but no one will notice the difference. They'll pass it off as Spring Chicken.

Oh, and lets not forget while thinking it's the bad Vietnamese that eat the stuff, that the Bkk Post has featured the old girl in Chiang Mai who sells dog meat. When asked if any anyone enquired what it was, she tells them it's chicken. At least it's not just foreigners who get lied to.

Apparently, black dog is the best as it 'keeps you warm'. More local wisdom there then. I suppose it explains fire-eaters.

The best advice for Thailand and in particular Pattaya would be to lock up your daughters.

Add to that, lock up your Labra-daughters.

You must be one of those "absolutely magnificent" house husbands. Do they dress you up in special robes and tell you how much you are helping the family? Sounds like they meant to neuter the dog , but they got you instead(psychologically)

I believe that we have some special sections of Pattaya where you would fit right in, with your wife's permission - of course. :lol:

"Odd. Thailand displays the truth only to hurt itself." No, not odd, but commendable to tell the truth in this case. Even if not the full story, it's enough to bring it out in the open.The fact remains that the concept animal husbandry has not become common in this part of the world. You can see how much work there is to be done, especially when they speak of releasing hundreds of dogs into the forest.

The 1000 mile journey begins with the first step. I have actually brought a couple of people around to the idea of caring for some of the dogs in my village. It is possible. It can be done, it is being done, and I will continue with it. No doubt the smart-arse, armchair critics here such as hyku1147 will make negative remarks about what I am doing. So be it.

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

I don't know .

I like to have my dogs sleeping at the side of my bed.

I'm not so sure I will enjoy a cow so much

I was married for many years and yes the dog is better

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

Yep no solution only more problems at least they were being used for a worthwhile purpose instead of suffering around the streets. Some dead or seriously injured? Of course they were have a look around and that's how all the soi dogs live daily probably how they caught them in the first place, near death.. There is a lot of starving people right now in Somalia and other similar places in Africa it's time we looked closer to resources we have in abundance, these are NOT peoples pets and our western sensitivities tend to get in the way of logic and reason as a worthwhile solution would be to use them for this exact purpose....

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Aren't people forgetting the one reason why we identify with dogs more than 'traditional' farmed meat? Which really explains why most societies don't eat them (but of course this is based on the societal 'view' of that animal).

Dogs are one of the only other animals (as well as Primates, cats to an extent but that's purely out of self interest) that express similar emotions to people. Fear, sadness, joy, loyalty etc. That's why we can easily identify with them and most people find eating them abhorent. Because it's not a huge removal from considering eating primates and then other people, based on how they interact with us on a personal level. I could never eat a dog, as it's always been a pet to me, even if I was hungry. I would find another way.

Can a cow, pig (although I think some pigs can), chicken etc show the same loyalty to you, express joy etc? Not that I have ever seen. Hence the huge difference between them and dogs as food.

Yes the soi dog problem is an issue. But if this was allowed, it wouldn't FIX the problem, only relocate it to somewhere else, while it still continued to be an issue here. It's not a fix, only an intervention.

These soi dogs (and some of them stolen pets) are likely to have disease which could cause serious health implications. Remember mad cow disease anyone? Similar things can happen eating diseased canine meat. Not a good thought, so hardly a solution.

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I like cats, I have 9 of my own, but my village was over run with stray cats and kittens. So I rounded up all the toms I could get hold of and had them all neutered (I got a bulk discount from the vet). The villagers were happy with this, even the ones who owned some of the cats, they just thought I was mad to spend several thousand Baht doing this.

Neutering males is a very simple and cheap operation, within a generation, a dog generation, the problem would be solved.

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Why is it that people find the content of this thread funny and do not take the OP seriously. To repeat for those that are just having fun . . .

I think that those who are finding humor in the OP will feel somewhat different if/when they see the news coverage of the event. It is not a story about the consumption of canine meat but it is a glimpse of the savagery we humans are capable of.

Yes it is my quote and I stand by it. Any one who can approve the methods of what the OP is about is one sad individual.

If you have not seen the news coverage I suggest you wait with your jovial comments until you can at least see the details. Try a little harder to find out what this thread is all about.

In full agreement with you .. 100% .. for which I receive ridicule.

Tragic is the original story. Shameful is indifference of so many here.

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---------------------------"words simply fail me" now i no why i eat farrang food_______ we have a saying here in england. "dogs are for life not just for christmas".

We never had dogs for Christmas we usually had turkey but I like the idea :lol:

Rover with chesnut stuffing :bah:

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Aren't people forgetting the one reason why we identify with dogs more than 'traditional' farmed meat? Which really explains why most societies don't eat them (but of course this is based on the societal 'view' of that animal).

Dogs are one of the only other animals (as well as Primates, cats to an extent but that's purely out of self interest) that express similar emotions to people. Fear, sadness, joy, loyalty etc. That's why we can easily identify with them and most people find eating them abhorent. Because it's not a huge removal from considering eating primates and then other people, based on how they interact with us on a personal level. I could never eat a dog, as it's always been a pet to me, even if I was hungry. I would find another way.

Can a cow, pig (although I think some pigs can), chicken etc show the same loyalty to you, express joy etc? Not that I have ever seen. Hence the huge difference between them and dogs as food.

Yes the soi dog problem is an issue. But if this was allowed, it wouldn't FIX the problem, only relocate it to somewhere else, while it still continued to be an issue here. It's not a fix, only an intervention.

These soi dogs (and some of them stolen pets) are likely to have disease which could cause serious health implications. Remember mad cow disease anyone? Similar things can happen eating diseased canine meat. Not a good thought, so hardly a solution.

Pigs are considered far more intelligent then dogs but that's irrelevant and doesn't address the problem nor does setting them loose again in a forest this is a practical solution for an overpopulation of what is becoming a pest here, these are NOT peoples pets as a rule (except maybe in rare cases) but wild soi dogs not so diffrent from any related canine pest be it over population of nuisance wolves, foxes or any other such canine.. The numbers need to be culled and rather then euthanize and burying or cremating their bodies why not provide them for food for those who wish to eat them? That's not me mind you but I also don't eat deep fried crickets, scorpions, Tokays or spiders either nor do I have any desire to try them...

Edited by WarpSpeed
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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

I have owned both cows and dogs and have no problem in seeing the difference. But I guess it is a personal thing.

Cows don't eat french fries but rather are eaten with them and cows don't eat dogs either.

Poor dogs, but where can you let 2000 dogs run free?

The Sudan? No - wouldn't last long.

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I like cats, I have 9 of my own, but my village was over run with stray cats and kittens. So I rounded up all the toms I could get hold of and had them all neutered (I got a bulk discount from the vet). The villagers were happy with this, even the ones who owned some of the cats, they just thought I was mad to spend several thousand Baht doing this.

Neutering males is a very simple and cheap operation, within a generation, a dog generation, the problem would be solved.

I had my only male dog snipped the bitches then did not need doing. the dog fires blanks,

My old uncle had a pig, it used to sit up and beg for food, he had a collar and lead for it and he would take it for a walk. Collecting his pension, the pig new the way to the post office, my uncle was blind. We always joked about it. So it's up to the people what the animal turns out like. but ALL animals have fear, and all know when they are going to die. these poor animals crated up like that makes me sick, on the other hand for some it will be a blessing to be put down, but the real animals are the people who deal with them in this fashion. Eat animals but show some heart , even if you would not own one.

Just to add I was a butcher by trade :)

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So what's the real difference between a dog and a cow - apart from the endearing expression? and that's a real question...

No amount of cows in your backyard will protect you from thieving scum, a dog is a faithful friend who will protect you to the death! he's also a faithful companion who will love and amuse you unconditionally.

Poor dogs in Thailand, if it's not the stoneage southerners poisoning and shooting them, it's the uncivilised rat munchers up north eating them!

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For 13 years I have resided 5 Km from a medium sized Thai town. If I happen to be driving home in the evening, I see between one and six abandoned dogs around the corner of the turn-off to my village. My town has about 100 roads like this. If an average of just one dog were abandoned per road each evening, that would be 100 dogs per night, or 36500 per year. In Thailand, there are approx 2,000 similar sized towns, so using the same estimates, that would come to about 73,000,000 dogs per year abandoned in Thailand. Can anyone say whether that number is too low or too high? I would venture the real number is higher than that, as many families have several dogs and many of those dogs have litters of around 6 pups, each year.

I frequent rural properties, that one would assume would be relatively quiet. They're not. Each property (some are properties I've secured) has at least one nearby group of barking dogs. No exceptions. Thais do not know how to discipline their dogs. Even when they try to do so (which is rare indeed), the owners are ineffective. As far as I know, there are no real animal shelters in Thailand - though I did find one north of C.Mai run by a farang woman. Maybe there are others. If Thai authorities wanted to try and fix the despicable overpopulation of dogs here, they should start first with building well-run animal shelters - an average of every square mile. Neuter surgery should be available free for any dogs brought in. There's much more that needs to be done, but that would be a start. I personally know of dozens of farang who considered coming to visit Thailand, but went elsewhere because of the endemic dog problem.

In case anyone is wondering: dogs in Burma are much less prone to barking and chasing. I've had that proven to me dozens of times, while bicycling around Burma. Thais should go and learn from the Burmese how to keep their horrible Thai dogs from being such mega nuisance. If nothing else, tourism revenues would double in Thailand if the dogs weren't so problematic.

''If nothing else, tourism revenues would double in Thailand if the dogs weren't so problematic''

You crack me up! So it's not the wests economic problems, or Thailands political problems, or the scams, it's the dogs!

all that cycling around Burma in direct contravention of the wishes of the democratically elected leader has somewhat addled your brain.


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Aye -- I'm with the people here who think those dogs ought to have gone. I mean <deleted>?? These people ARE doing Bangkok a giant favor by getting rid of all the stray dogs and putting them out of their misery! Mind the people at the end of the food chain who might be buying a diseased, rotting carcass -- woe to them if they ordered something labelled "beef" and got canine instead. But that's another story.

I'm a dog lover -- I love dogs, loath cats. But STRAY dogs are another matter. I believe people who have the inhumanity to buy puppies that are "so cute" only to later dump them at a temple or on the streets because they grow up to be "so big and un-cute" should be arrested and shot. They are MUCH worse than these people selling dog meat. In fact it should be a crime to dump a dog in the streets in the first place -- not a crime to pick up obviously dangerously unhealthy strays (still, I hope the hell they aren't ending up in a noodle shop near me!).

Dog meat, by the way, is an Asian cuisine in many Asian countries. So it ~is~ just like beef or pork. If you don't like it -- don't eat it! Go ahead and show your "support" -- the world will continue to revolve, and people will still be buying cute puppies and heartlessly dumping them on the streets later.

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I had my only male dog snipped the bitches then did not need doing. the dog fires blanks,

My old uncle had a pig, it used to sit up and beg for food, he had a collar and lead for it and he would take it for a walk. Collecting his pension, the pig new the way to the post office, my uncle was blind. We always joked about it. So it's up to the people what the animal turns out like. but ALL animals have fear, and all know when they are going to die. these poor animals crated up like that makes me sick, on the other hand for some it will be a blessing to be put down, but the real animals are the people who deal with them in this fashion. Eat animals but show some heart , even if you would not own one.

Just to add I was a butcher by trade :)

A pig with a pension! you sure wouldn't want to eat that one.

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People are a very subjective species, plus we're fickle and individuals change their outlook on things constantly. Google the "Donner Party" and see what people will eat when in a tight spot. Dogs are carnivores. Few groups of people eat carnivores. Dogs are cute when they're young, and easily trained (except by Thais), and loyal (though all animals can be loyal, even moths, bats and inchworms). So, that's part of the reason dogs are generally not eaten by humans. Plus dogs can get eye contact, and people can't help but project people emotions on dogs, similar to seeing human faces on Mars or Jesus' face in a grilled cheese sandwich. Other meat-providing animals can get eye contact also, but they're perhaps not quite as easy for humans to emotionally bond with (pigs, cows, chickens goats) - though all those animals have, at times, been pets for some of us. Let's face it, 90% of humans will gladly eat meat, but they won't eat the flesh of an animals that they've emotionally bonded with, either individually or (as with dogs) in a categorical way. To me, any untended dog in Asia is fair game for putting on the rotisserie, as they've become such a scourge. I don't see much difference between the 50 million or so abandoned dogs in Thailand (my estimate #) or 50 million rats skittering around meat counters at Thai markets. If the dogs can add some nutrition to some folks, so be it.

released 600 dogs into a forest.


You're right to be concerned. Such dogs dumped in a forest usually die a slow painful death.

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Why is it that in some countries, beef is worshiped, either on a plate, spit or grill and in others it is revered? Why are Americans especially, so appalled when they hear about horse meat being a delicacy in Europe? If you are an omnivore, which encompasses eating meat, then what is the problem? Preference only? I have a dog and I really care about it, but the dog problem exists hugely here. If there is a culture of those that consider it a cuisine, then all the better. By the way, I am a member of PETA...people eating tasty animals. There is a reason we share the top of the food chain with bears!

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This breaks ones heart. I wish I thought they were saved in the nick of time but for some reason I don't think they are out of the woods yet. The practice is still common in the Northeast and many are never shipped out of country. So Sad.

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